Select Publications

Journal articles

Green C; Carey G; Malbon E, 2024, 'Do Service Providers Play a Market Stewardship Role in Social Care Quasi-Markets, and Should They?', Administration and Society, 56, pp. 707 - 737,

Green C; Carey G; Malbon E, 2024, 'Advocacy as market stewardship in social care quasi-markets', Public Management Review, 26, pp. 357 - 378,

Joyce A; Risely E; Green C; Carey G; Buick F, 2024, 'What Can Public Health Administration Learn from the Decision-Making Processes during COVID-19?', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21,

Smith-Merry J; Darcy S; Dew A; Hemsley B; Imms C; O’Donovan MA; Gallego G; McVilly K; Gilroy J; Carey G; Ellem K, 2024, 'Who Funds Published Disability Research in Australia?', Journal of Disability Policy Studies,

Green C; Joyce A; Hutton RWA; Dembek K; Carey G, 2023, 'A systems science leverage point analysis of climate change advocacy', Health Promotion International, 38,

Green C; Malbon E; Carey G, 2023, 'Information provision by non-government actors in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme: A key market stewardship function in social care quasi-markets', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 82, pp. 507 - 528,

Malbon E; Meltzer A; Carey G, 2023, 'Comment on 'The NDIS at ten years: designing an equitable scheme for the next decade'', Medical Journal of Australia,

Alexander D; Carey G; Malbon E; Dickinson H; Gilchrist D; Duff G; Chand S; Kavanagh A, 2023, 'Can network analysis identify market problems in quasi-markets? A proof-of-concept study on the National Disability Insurance Scheme', Australian Journal of Public Administration,

Barraket J; McNeill J; Campbell P; Carey G, 2023, 'Navigating network governance: the role of social enterprise in local employment services', Public Management Review, 25, pp. 1082 - 1103,

Green C; Carey G; Joyce A, 2022, 'Application of theories of the policy process in research on consumption of sustainable diets: a systematic review', BMC Public Health, 22,

Malbon E; Weier M; Carey G; Writer T, 2022, 'How personalisation programs can exacerbate socio-economic inequities: findings from budget utilisation in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme', BMC Public Health, 22,

Green C; Carey G; Malbon E, 2022, 'Market shaping: Understanding the role of non-government actors in social care quasi-market stewardship', Social Policy and Administration, 56, pp. 1138 - 1155,

Joyce A; Moussa B; Elmes A; Campbell P; Suchowerska R; Buick F; Barraket J; Carey G, 2022, 'Organisational structures and processes for health and well-being: insights from work integration social enterprise', BMC Public Health, 22, pp. 1624,

O’mara B; Monani D; Carey G, 2022, 'Telehealth, COVID-19 and Refugees and Migrants in Australia: Policy and Related Barriers and Opportunities for More Inclusive Health and Technology Systems', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11, pp. 2368 - 2372,

Yates S; Carey G; Malbon E; Hargrave J, 2022, '‘Faceless monster, secret society’: Women's experiences navigating the administrative burden of Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e2308 - e2317,

Dickinson H; Smith C; Carey N; Carey G, 2022, '“We’re Still Struggling a Bit to Actually Figure Out What That Means for Government”: An Exploration of the Policy Capacity Required to Oversee Robot Technologies in Australia and New Zealand Care Services', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,

Brown JT; Carey G; Malbon E, 2022, 'What is in a form? Examining the complexity of application forms and administrative burden', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, 80, pp. 933 - 964,

Smith-Merry J; O'Donovan MA; Dew A; Hemsley B; Imms C; Carey G; Darcy S; Ellem K; Gallego G; Gilroy J; Guastella A; Marella M; McVilly K; Plumb J, 2022, 'The Future of Disability Research in Australia: Protocol for a Multiphase Research Agenda Setting Study', JMIR Research Protocols, 11,

Carey G; Malbon E; Blackwell J, 2021, 'Administering inequality? The National Disability Insurance Scheme and administrative burdens on individuals', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80, pp. 854 - 872,

Carey G; Moynihan D; Cook K; Malbon E, 2021, 'Administrative Burden Symposium: Introduction – Are we ‘administering inequality’ through our welfare systems?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80, pp. 849 - 853,

Carey G; Malbon E; Weier M; Duff G, 2021, 'Balancing stability and change: Lessons on policy responsiveness', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. 1307 - 1314,

Andrew J; Aurora E; Campbell P; Moussa B; Suchowerska R; Barraket J; Carey G, 2021, 'The health and well-being impacts of a work integration social enterprise from a systems perspective', Health Promotion International, 37, pp. daab052,

Meltzer A; Dickinson H; Malbon E; Carey G, 2021, 'Why is lived experience important for market stewardship? A proposed framework for why and how lived experience should be included in stewarding disability markets', Evidence and Policy, 17, pp. 335 - 347,

Dickinson H; Carey G; Malbon E; Gilchrist D; Chand S; Kavanagh A; Alexander D, 2021, 'Should we change the way we think about market performance when it comes to quasi-markets? A new framework for evaluating public service markets', Public Administration Review, 82, pp. 897 - 901,

Kavanagh A; Dickinson H; Carey G; Llewellyn G; Emerson E; Disney G; Hatton C, 2021, 'Improving health care for disabled people in COVID-19 and beyond: Lessons from Australia and England', Disability and Health Journal, 14, pp. 101050,

Malbon E; Weier M; Carey G; Writer T, 2021, 'How personalisation programs are exacerbating socio-economic inequities: findings from budget utilisation in the NDIS', ,

Dickinson H; Smith C; Carey N; Carey G, 2021, 'Exploring governance tensions of disruptive technologies: the case of care robots in Australia and New Zealand', Policy and Society, 40, pp. 232 - 249,

Malbon E; Carey G, 2021, 'Market stewardship of quasi-markets by street level bureaucrats: The role of local area coordinators in the Australian personalisation system', Social Policy and Administration, 55, pp. 18 - 33,

Mason C; Moran M; Carey G, 2021, 'Never Mind the Buzzwords: Comparing Social Enterprise Policy-Making in the United Kingdom and Australia', Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 12, pp. 28 - 49,

Yates S; Carey G; Hargrave J; Malbon E; Green C, 2021, 'Women’s experiences of accessing individualized disability supports: gender inequality and Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme', International Journal for Equity in Health, 20, pp. 243,

Green C; Carey G; Malbon E, 2020, 'Investigating the production and communication of evidence by the Productivity Commission: Apolitical, political or somewhere in between?', Australian Journal of Public Administration

Green C; Dickinson H; Carey G; Joyce A, 2020, '. Barriers to policy action on the social determinants of health for people with disability.', Disability and Society, 37, pp. 206 - 230,

O'Mara B; Carey G; Weier M, 2020, 'Community-based health promotion about alcohol and other drugs in a multicultural Australia – what works? A review of evidence.', Health Education Research, 35, pp. 437 - 449,

Dickinson H; Carey G; Kavanagh AM, 2020, 'Personalisation and pandemic: an unforeseen collision course?', Disability and Society, 35, pp. 1012 - 1017,

Carey G, 2020, 'The National Disability Insurance Scheme and COVID-19: a collision course', Medical Journal of Australia, PrePint, pp. 141 - 141.e1,

Carey G; Dickinson H; Malbon E; Weier M; Duff G, 2020, 'Burdensome Administration and Its Risks: Competing Logics in Policy Implementation', Administration and Society,

Carey G, 2020, 'From the frontlines: Public health and a suffocating city', Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals, 31, pp. 5 - 6,

Carey G; Malbon E; Green C; Reeders D; Marjolin A, 2020, 'Quasi-market shaping, stewarding and steering in personalization: the need for practice-orientated empirical evidence', Policy Design and Practice, 3, pp. 30 - 44,

Carey G; Crammond B; Malbon E, 2019, 'Personalisation schemes in social care and inequality: review of the evidence and early theorising', International Journal for Equity in Health, 18, pp. 170,

Roksolana S; Carey G; Barraket J; Mason C; Farmer J, 2019, 'An Organizational Approach to Understanding How Social Enterprises Address Health Inequities: A Scoping Review', Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 11, pp. 257 - 281,

O'Mara B; Carey G, 2019, 'Do multilingual androids dream of a better life in Australia? Effectiveness of information technology for government translation to support refugees and migrants in Australia', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 78, pp. 449 - 471,

Mason C; Roy MJ; Carey G, 2019, 'Social enterprises in quasi-markets: exploring the critical knowledge gaps', Social Enterprise Journal, 15, pp. 358 - 375,

Carey G; Ann N; Adrian K; Malbon E, 2019, 'Managing staged policy implementation: Balancing short-term needs and long-term goals', Social Policy and Administration, 54, pp. 148 - 162,

Malbon E; Carey G; Meltzer A, 2019, 'Personalisation schemes in social care: Are they growing social and health inequalities?', BMC Public Health, 19, pp. 805,

Carey G; Weier M; Malbon E; Dickinson H; Duff G, 2019, 'Making markets work for disability services: The question of price setting', Health and Social Care in the Community, 27, pp. e716 - e723,

Salignac F; Marjolin A; Noone J; Carey G, 2019, 'Measuring dynamic collaborations: Collaborative health assessment tool', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 78, pp. 227 - 249,

Ben O; Carey G, 2019, 'Do multilingual androids dream better jobs in Australia?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 78, pp. 449 - 471,

Nevile A; Malbon E; Kay A; Carey G, 2019, 'The implementation of complex social policy: Institutional layering and unintended consequences in the National Disability Insurance Scheme', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 78, pp. 562 - 576,

Malbon E; Carey G; Marjolin A, 2019, 'Interventions for addressing market problems in the NDIS: an evidence review', Evidence Base, 2019

Mason C; Roy M; Carey G, 2019, 'Social enterprises in quasi-markets', Journal of Social Entrepreneurship

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