Select Publications

Journal articles

Arnold B; Bateman H; Ferguson A; Raftery A, 2017, 'Partner-scale economies, service bundling, and auditor independence in the australian self-managed superannuation (Pension) fund industry', Auditing, 36, pp. 161 - 180,

Bateman H; Eckert C; Iskhakov F; Louviere J; Satchell S; Thorp S, 2017, 'Default and naive diversification heuristics in annuity choice', Australian Journal of Management, 42, pp. 32 - 57,

Bateman H; Eckert C; Geweke J; Louviere J; Satchell S; Thorp S, 2016, 'Risk Presentation and Portfolio Choice', Review of Finance, 20, pp. 201 - 229,

Bateman H; Dobrescu LI; Newell BR; Ortmann A; Thorp S, 2016, 'As easy as pie: How retirement savers use prescribed investment disclosures', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 121, pp. 60 - 76,

Bateman H; Ortmann A; Newell BR; Dobrescu ; Thorp S, 2016, 'As easy as pie: How retirement savers use prescribed investment disclosures', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 121, pp. 60 - 76,

Donald S; Bateman H; Buckley R; Liu K; Nicholls R, 2016, 'Too Connected to Fail: The Regulation of Systemic Risk within Australia's Superannuation System', Journal of Financial Regulation, 2, pp. 56 - 78,

Bateman H; Stevens R, 2015, 'Risk Information and Retirement Investment Choice Mistakes Under Prospect Theory', Journal of Behavioral Finance, 16, pp. 279 - 296,

Iskhakov F; Thorp S; Bateman H, 2015, 'Optimal Annuity Purchases for Australian Retirees', Economic Record, 91, pp. 139 - 154,

Bateman H; Deetlefs J; Dobrescu LI; Newell BR; Ortmann A; Thorp S, 2014, 'Just Interested or Getting Involved? An Analysis of Superannuation Attitudes and Actions (vol 90, pg 160, 2014)', ECONOMIC RECORD, 90, pp. 564 - 564,

Bateman H; Eckert C; Geweke J; Louviere J; Satchell S; Thorp S, 2014, 'Financial competence, risk presentation and retirement portfolio preferences', Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 13, pp. 27 - 61,

Bateman H; Deetlefs J; Dobrescu LI; Newell BR; Ortmann A; Thorp S, 2014, 'Just interested or getting involved? An analysis of superannuation attitudes and actions', Economic Record, 90, pp. 160 - 178,

Bateman H; Kingston G, 2014, 'Regulating Financial advice: Lessons from the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada', JASSA, 2014, pp. 7 - 13,;dn=000209093099571;res=IELAPA

Bateman H; Agnew JR; Thorp S, 2013, 'Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in Australia', Numeracy: Advancing Education in Quantitative Literacy, 6,

Bateman H, 2013, 'Restoring a level playing field for defined benefits superannuation', JASSA, 2013, pp. 36 - 41,;dn=866081692601609;res=IELAPA

Bateman H; Agnew JR; Thorp S, 2013, 'Superannuation knowledge and plan behaviour', JASSA, 2013, pp. 45 - 50,;dn=285049750322819;res=IELAPA

Bateman H; Agnew JR; Thorp S, 2013, 'Work, Money, Lifestyle: Plans of Australian Retirees', JASSA, 2013, pp. 40 - 44,;dn=285031117351561;res=IELAPA

Bateman HJ; Louviere J; Thorp S; Satchell S; Geweke J; Eckert C, 2012, 'Financial Competence and Expectations Formation: Evidence from Australia', Economic Record, 88, pp. 39 - 63,

Bateman HJ; Kingston G, 2012, 'The Future of Financial Advice and MySuper', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, 2012, pp. 43 - 49,;dn=841249628104562;res=IELAPA

Bateman HJ, 2011, 'Australia's tax and transfer system under review: Evaluating Harmer and Henry', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22, pp. 1 - 6,;dn=593548594853847;res=IELBUS

Bateman HJ; Thorp S; Louviere J; Islam T; Satchell S, 2011, 'Retirement investor risk tolerance in tranquil and crisis periods', Journal of Behavioral Finance, 12, pp. 201208

Bateman HJ; Thorp S; Louviere J; Islam T; Satchell S, 2010, 'An Experimental Survey of Investment Decisions for Retirement Savings', Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44, pp. 463 - 481,

Bateman HJ; Kingston GH, 2010, 'Tax and Super - Unfinished Business', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, 2010, pp. 49 - 54,;dn=829783090189780;res=IELAPA

Bateman HJ; Kingston GH, 2010, 'The Henry Review on Super and Savings', Australian Economic Review, 43, pp. 437 - 448

Bateman HJ; Thorp SJ, 2008, 'Choices and constraints over retirement income streams: Comparing rules and regulations', The Economic Record, 84, pp. 17 - 31

Bateman HJ; Thorp SJ, 2007, 'Decentralized investment management: An analysis of non-profit pension funds', Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 6, pp. 21 - 44,

Kingston GH; Bateman HJ, 2007, 'superannuation and personal income tax reform', Australian Tax Forum Journal, 22, pp. 135 - 159,

Bateman HJ; Thorp SJ, 2006, 'Evaluating the returns to delegated investment management: Australian accumulation funds', Journal of Investment Strategy, 1, pp. 61 - 67

Bateman HJ, 2006, 'Population Ageing: Can We Afford to Grow Old?', ACS Update, December 2006, pp. 4 - 5

Bateman HJ, 2006, 'Recent Superannuation Reforms: Choice and Flexibility in Retirement', Australian Accounting Review, 16, pp. 2 - 6

Bateman HJ, 2006, 'Saving the Future: Can the Under 40s Afford to Grow Old?', Finsia, 2, pp. 22 - 23,

Bateman HJ, 2005, 'Alternative Responses to Population Ageing: Introduction', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 15, pp. 212 - 216,;dn=463943332971942;res=IELAPA

Bateman HJ, 2005, 'Retirement incomes for an ageing Australia', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 15, pp. 284 - 308

Bateman H, 2005, 'Symposium Introduction', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 15, pp. 212 - 216,

Bateman HJ; Mitchell O, 2004, 'New Evidence on pension plan design and administrative expenses: the Australian experience', Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 3, pp. 63 - 76

Bateman HJ, 2003, 'Regulation of Australian superannuation', Australian Economic Review, 36, pp. 118 - 127

Bateman HJ, 2002, 'Retirement income strategy in Australia', Economic Analysis and Policy, 32, pp. 49 - 70

Bateman HJ; Ablett JR, 2000, 'Compulory Superannuation and Australian Generational Accounts: Some preliminary results', Economic Analysis and Policy, pp. 33 - 48

Bateman HJ; Piggott JR, 1999, 'Mandating Retirement Provision: The Australian Experience', Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, pp. 95 - 113

Bateman HJ, 1999, 'Perspectives on Australian retirement Income policy', Australian Social Policy, 1, pp. 31 - 59

Bateman HJ; Piggott JR, 1998, 'Mandatory Retirement Saving in Australia', Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, pp. 547 - 569

Bateman HJ, 1997, 'Risk management issues for mandatory private retirement provision: roles for options', Australian Journal of Management, 22, pp. 175 - 198,

BATEMAN H; KINGSTON G; PIGGOTT J, 1993, 'Taxes, Retirement Transfers, and Annuities', Economic Record, 69, pp. 274 - 284,

Bateman H; Piggott , 1992, 'Australian Retirement Income Policy', Australian Tax Forum

Conference Papers

Bateman H; Hartmann M; Orani R, 2014, 'Does Business Model Reconfiguration Lead to Better Performance in Incumbents?An Empirical Analysis', in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2014(1):12838, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelpha, PA, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelpha, PA, 01 August 2014 - 05 August 2014,

Kudrna GJ; Bateman H, 2014, 'Assessing Private Pension Tax Regimes: An Australian Perspective', Sydney, presented at CEPAR CESifo workshop on Pension Taxation, Population Ageing and Globalization, Sydney, -

Bateman H; Hartmann M; Orani R, 2013, 'Exploring the Antecedents to Business Model Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of Pension Funds', in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2013(1): 10986, Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida, presented at 2013 Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, Florida, 09 August 2013 - 13 August 2013,

Bateman HJ, 1999, 'The Role of Specialised Financial Institutions in Pension Fund Administration', in Policy Issues in Pension Reform, Policy Issues in Pension Reform, Chile, presented at Policy Issues in Pension Reform, Chile

Bateman HJ, 1998, 'A Framework for Pension Reform in the APEC Economies', in Asian Development Bank (ed.), APEC Regional Forum on Pension Reform, APEC Regional Forum on Pension Reform, Cucun, pp. 85 - 105, presented at APEC Regional Forum on Pension Reform, Cucun, 04 February 1998 - 06 February 1998

Bateman HJ, 1998, 'The Relative Roles of the Private and Public Sectors in Pension Funds Management', in Asian Development Bank (ed.), APEC Regional Forum on Pension Reform, APEC Regional Forum on Pension Reform, Cucun, pp. 1 - 42, presented at APEC Regional Forum on Pension Reform, Cucun, 04 February 1998 - 06 February 1998

Conference Presentations

Bateman HJ; Thorp S; Louviere J; Islam T; Satchell S, 2011, 'Retirement investor risk tolerance when risk is range: experimental evidence from tranquil and crisis periods', presented at 19th Australian Colloquium of Superannuation Researchers, UNSW, Sydney, 14 July 2011 - 15 July 2011

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