Select Publications


Jones AR; Eastman C; Katz I, 2014, Evaluation of the Assertive Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Pilot in New South Wales, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 33/16,,

Bray JR; Gray M; Hand K; Katz I, 2014, Evaluating New Income Management in the Northern Territory: Final Evaluation Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 25/14,,

Katz I; Bates S, 2014, Voluntary Income Management in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 13/14,,

Griffiths A; Nethery D; Bullen ; Katz I, 2014, Review of the Student Support Officer Initiative, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,

Spears B; Keeley M; Bates S; Katz I, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part A: Literature review on the estimated prevalence of cyberbullying involving Australian minors, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 09/14,,

Keeley M; Katz I; Bates S; Wong M, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part B: Cyberbullying incidents involving Australian minors, the nature of the incidents and how they are currently being dealt with, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 10/14,,

Spears B; Taddeo C; Swirski T; Keeley M; Katz I; Collin P; Daly T; Bates S, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part C: An evidence-based assessment of deterrents to youth cyberbullying, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 11/14,,

Spears B; Taddeo C; Swirski T; Keeley M; Katz I; Collin P; Daly T; Bates S, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part C: An evidence-based assessment of deterrents to youth cyberbullying - Appendix A, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 12/14,,

Spears B; Taddeo C; Swirski T; Keeley M; Katz I; Collin P; Daly T; Bates S, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part C: An evidence-based assessment of deterrents to youth cyberbullying - Appendix B: Findings of research with adult stakeholders, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 13/14,,

Spears B; Taddeo C; Swirski T; Keeley M; Katz I; Collin P; Daly T; Bates S, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part C: An evidence-based assessment of deterrents to youth cyberbullying - Appendix C: Findings of research with youth, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 14/14,,

Spears B; Taddeo C; Swirski T; Keeley M; Katz I; Collin P; Daly T; Bates S, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia Part C: An evidence-based assessment of deterrents to youth cyberbullying - Appendix D: Supplementary data and analysis, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 15/14,,

Katz I; Keeley M; Spears B; Taddeo C; Swirski T; Bates S, 2014, Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia: Synthesis report, Social Policy Research Centre: UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 16/14,,

Redmond G; Wong M; Bradbury B; Katz I, 2014, Intergenerational mobility: new evidence from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, NCVER, Adelaide,

Hilferty F; Muir K; Katz I; Christensen D; Mitrou F, 2014, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Stage 2 Progress Report 1, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Cassells R; Cortis N; Duncan A; Eastman C; Gao G; Giuntoli G; Katz I; Keegan M; Macvean M; Mavisakalyan A; Shlonsky A; Skattebol J; Smyth C; valentine K, 2014, Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: Final Report, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Sydney

Hilferty F; Muir K; Katz I; Wong M; Eastman C; Gendera S; Griffiths A, 2013, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Stage 1 Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Muir K; Hilferty F; Katz I; Mitrou F; Christensen D; Smyth C; Zubrick S; Lawrence D, 2013, Independent evaluation of the headspace program: Evaluation Framework, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Katz I; Doney G; Mitchell E, 2013, Evaluation of the expansion of the community detention program: client and service provider perspectives, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Canberra,,

Katz I; Powell A; Gendera S; Deasy T; Okerstrom E, 2013, The experiences of Irregular Maritime Arrivals detained in immigration detention facilities: Final report for the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,,

Hilferty F; Newton BJ; Katz I, 2012, Preventing child abuse and neglect through a common approach to assessment, referral and support: Evaluating the trial (stage 2), Social Policy Research Centre UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 07/13,,

Hilferty F; Katz I; Griffiths A; Nethery D, 2012, The Family Support Program: Partner Organisation Findings, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney

Hilferty F; Katz I, 2012, Best practice in placement of jobseekers with mental health problems, SPRC

Bray JR; Gray M; Hand ; Bradbury ; Eastman C; Katz , 2012, Evaluating New Income Management in the Northern Territory (first evaluation report), 11/2012,,

valentine K; Adamson E; Bromfield L; Edwards B; Hilferty F; Katz I; McHugh MH; Gray M; Mcdonald M, 2011, Keep Them Safe evaluation framework: Final report. Report for: the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Social Policy Research Centre and Australian Institute of Family Studies, Sydney and Melbourne,

McDermott SC; Edwards RE; Abello D; Katz I, 2010, Ageing and Australian Disability Enterprises, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper 27,

Hilferty F; Mullan K; Eastman C; Griffiths MJ; Chan SE; Heese K; Katz I, 2010, Brighter Futures Early Intervention Evaluation - Interim Report 4, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, Report 3/10,

valentine K; Katz I, 2010, Linking Schools and Early Years Project evaluation Evaluation framework (2010-13), Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 4/10,

Pe-Pua R; Gendera S; Katz I; O'Connor A, 2010, Meeting the Needs of Australian Muslim Families: Exploring Marginalisation, Family Issues and ‘Best Practice’ in Service Provision, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, Report 9, 2010,

Hilferty F; Eastman C; Chan SE; Katz I; Cortis N, 2010, Profiling non-government community service organisations in New South Wales: Final Report, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 12/10,

Cashmore J; Parkinson P; Weston R; Patulny RV; Redmond G; Qu L; Baxter J; Katz I, 2010, Shared Care Parenting Arrangements since the 2006 Family Law Reforms: Report to the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW,,

Hilferty F; Mullan K; Van gool K; Chan SE; Eastman C; Reeve R; Heese K; Haas M; Newton B; Griffiths MJ; Katz I, 2010, The evaluation of Brighter Futures, NSW Community Services' Early Intervention program: final report, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, SPRC Report 13/10,

Hilferty F; katz I; Redmond G, 2009, The implications of poverty on children's readiness to learn: Focusing paper prepared for the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth,'s_readiness_to_learn.pdf

Muir K; Powell A; Patulny RV; Flaxman S; McDermott SC; Gendera S; Abello D; Katz I, 2009, Headspace Evaluation Report Independent Evaluation of headspace: the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 19/09,

Katz I; valentine K, 2009, Lessons from the UK Sure Start Programme, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, Report 2/10,

Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson CM; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, 2009, National Evaluation (2004-2008) of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2004-2009, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper 24,

Katz I; Bruce J, 2009, Neighbourhood and Community Centres: results for children, families and communities, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 16/09,

Tannous KW; Katz I, 2008, DoCS Brighter Futures Evaluation Program, Social Policy Research Centre/NSW Department of Community Services, Interim Report 1,

Sawrikar P; Katz I, 2008, Enhancing family and relationship service accessibility and delivery, Australian Institute of Family Studies, AFRC Issues No. 3, 2008,

Muir K; McDermott SC; Katz I; Patulny RV; Flaxman S; Gendera S, 2008, Independent evaluation of headspace: evaluation plan, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, SPRC Report 20/08,

Abello D; Chan SE; Cortis N; Flaxman S; Longden TA; Purcal C; Spooner CJ; Thomson CM; Katz I, 2008, Stronger Families and Communities Strategy National Evaluation Baseline Report on Communities for Children Process Evaluation, SPRC, UNSW, Sydney, Report 1/08,

Katz I; La placa V; Corlyon J, 2007, Barriers to Inclusion and Engagement of Parents in Mainstream Services, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York, United Kingdom

valentine K; Katz I, 2007, Cost Effectiveness of Early Intervention Services, Queensland Council of Social Services, Brisbane

Katz I; valentine K, 2007, Early childhood services: Models of integration and collaboration, Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth

Katz I; La placa V, 2007, The Relationship Between Parenting and Poverty, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, London

Katz I; Redmond G, 2007, Wealth as a Protective Factor for Child Outcomes, Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Final Report

Katz I; Took G; Cortis N; Thompson DA, 2006, Better Futures: Literature Review and Outcomes Framework, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Katz I; Valentine K, 2006, Framework for the Evaluation of the DoCS Early Intervention Program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Dadich A; Katz I; Spooner CJ, 2006, Framework for the National Evaluation of Playgroups, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Katz I; Everingham S, 2006, Measuring Change in Community Strength, Australian Department of Family and Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Katz I; Spooner CJ; valentine K, 2006, What interventions are effective in improving outcomes for children of families with multiple and complex problems?, Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth

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