Select Publications
Journal articles
2025, 'Development of a new social prescribing intervention for families of children with cerebral palsy', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 67, pp. 223 - 234,
,2024, 'In response to “Health and healthcare of people with learning disabilities in the United Kingdom through the COVID-19 pandemic” (Chris Hatton and colleagues)', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, pp. 500 - 511,
,2024, '“I Thought It Was Better to Be Safe Than Sorry”: Factors Influencing Parental Decisions on HPV and Other Adolescent Vaccinations for Students with Intellectual Disability and/or Autism in New South Wales, Australia', Vaccines, 12,
,2024, 'How Do Bangladeshi Secondary School Students Conceptualise Well-Being in School', Child Indicators Research, 17, pp. 1523 - 1545,
,2024, 'EPIC-CP pilot trial study protocol: A multicentre, randomised controlled trial investigating the feasibility and acceptability of social prescribing for Australian children with cerebral palsy', BMJ Open, 14,
,2024, 'Developing the self-determination of children and young people with intellectual disabilities in schools: A systematic review of the literature', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37,
,2024, 'Equitable and accessible informed healthcare consent process for people with intellectual disability: a systematic literature review', BMJ Quality and Safety, 33, pp. 328 - 339,
,2024, '‘Is There Anything Else You’d Like to Tell Us About Your Experience?’ Orientations Towards Listening to Open-Ended Survey Responses', Sociological Research Online,
,2024, '“Sometimes it feels like we are puppets, here to listen to but not speak”: listening to the voices of young Bangladeshi students about barriers to well-being at school', Cambridge Journal of Education, 54, pp. 475 - 493,
,2024, 'A qualitative study investigating the experiences of unmet social needs for children with cerebral palsy and their families: perspectives of parents and clinicians', Disability and Rehabilitation,
,2024, 'Cervical screening participation and access facilitators and barriers for people with intellectual disability: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15,
,2024, 'Exploring the external development assets of student well-being at secondary schools in Bangladesh', Current Psychology,
,2024, 'Researching belonging in the context of research with people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review of inclusive approaches', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37,
,2024, 'Social determinants of health for children with cerebral palsy and their families', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 66, pp. 32 - 40,
,2024, 'Sociodemographic and clinical indicators of children and young people with cerebral palsy and reported unmet social needs', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,
,2024, 'Supporting students with disability to improve academic, social and emotional, and self-determination and life-skills outcomes: umbrella review of evidence-based practices', International Journal of Inclusive Education, 28, pp. 3606 - 3622,
,2024, 'The need for co-educators to drive a new model of inclusive, person-centred and respectful co-healthcare with people with intellectual disability', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, pp. 1346423,
,2024, 'Working together with people with intellectual disability to make a difference: a protocol for a mixed-method co-production study to address inequities in cervical screening participation', Frontiers in Public Health, 12,
,2023, 'Supporting students with complex needs living in rural and regional New South Wales: is wraparound the answer?', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 1551 - 1570,
,2023, '“I am not a number!” Opinions and preferences of people with intellectual disability about genetic healthcare', European Journal of Human Genetics, 31, pp. 1057 - 1065,
,2023, 'Scoping review on communication systems used by adults with severe/profound intellectual disability for functional communication', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 36, pp. 951 - 965,
,2023, 'Peer Interactions of School-Aged Girls on the Autism Spectrum: A Scoping Review', Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 47, pp. 40 - 62,
,2023, '‘It will open your world up’: The role of mobile technology in promoting social inclusion among adults with intellectual disabilities', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, pp. 135 - 147,
,2023, 'Digital inclusion and people with learning disabilities', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, pp. 119 - 124,
,2023, 'Codesigning a social prescribing pathway to address the social determinant of health concerns of children with cerebral palsy and their families in Australia: A protocol for a mixed-methods formative research study', BMJ Open, 13,
,2023, 'Leading schools for specific purposes: a relational analysis of provision', Journal of Educational Administration and History, 55, pp. 146 - 164,
,2023, 'Policy Context for Transitions to Adulthood Experienced by Young People with Complex Support Needs: Australian Federal and State Perspectives', Child and Youth Services, 44, pp. 393 - 412,
,2023, 'Primary to high school transition planning for students with disability: A systematic review', International Journal of Educational Research, 120,
,2023, 'Taking Part while being apart: conducting participatory research with children during the COVID-19 pandemic', International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 46, pp. 374 - 389,
,2022, 'Emerging from the shadows: Digital stories of self-advocates with intellectual disabilities', Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 19, pp. 360 - 369,
,2022, 'Digital inclusion and participation of people with intellectual disabilities during COVID-19: A rapid review and international bricolage', Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 19, pp. 242 - 256,
,2022, 'Education-Centred Formal Wraparound Services in Support of School-Aged Students With Complex Support Needs: A Systematic Review', Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 46, pp. 47 - 60,
,2022, 'Sex Education for Students with an Intellectual Disability: Teachers’ Experiences and Perspectives', Social Sciences, 11,
,2022, 'The Education of Students With Disabilities in Remote or Rural Areas of China', Intervention in School and Clinic, 57, pp. 268 - 273,
,2022, 'The opinions and experiences of people with intellectual disability regarding genetic testing and genetic medicine: A systematic review', Genetics in Medicine, 24, pp. 535 - 548,
,2022, 'The Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People with Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19, pp. 372 - 390,
,2022, 'Scoping review on sex education for high school-aged students with intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum: parents’, teachers’ and students’ perspectives, attitudes and experiences', Sex Education, 22, pp. 361 - 378,
,2022, 'What Constitutes Student Well-Being: A Scoping Review Of Students’ Perspectives', Child Indicators Research, 16, pp. 447 - 483,
,2021, 'Supporting people with intellectual disabilities in preparation for partnership and family life: Preparedness of sexual confidants', Fórum sociální politiky, 15, pp. 16 - 21,
,2021, 'Codesigning patient experience measures for and with children and young people with intellectual disability: A study protocol', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e050973,
,2021, '(How) Will it end? A qualitative analysis of free-text survey data on informal care endings', International Journal of Care and Caring, pp. 1 - 17,
,2021, 'A Review of the Grey Literature on Education-Centred Wraparound Services to Support Students with Complex Support Needs in Australia', Educational Practice and Theory, 43, pp. 69 - 93,
,2021, 'Co-design of a neurodevelopment assessment scale: A study protocol', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 12837,
,2021, 'Importance of sex education for a successful transition to life after school: Experiences of high school girls with intellectual disability', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49, pp. 303 - 315,
,2021, 'Transitions in lives of people with intellectual disability', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49, pp. 263 - 270,
,2021, 'The role of mobile technology in promoting social inclusion among adults with intellectual disabilities', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34, pp. 840 - 851,
,2021, '‘Working together is like a partnership of entangled knowledge’: exploring the sensitivities of doing participatory data analysis with people with learning disabilities', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24, pp. 567 - 579,
,2021, 'Teacher beliefs about evidence-based practice: A systematic review', International Journal of Educational Research, 106,
,2020, '“I Was Taught That My Being Was Inherently Wrong”: Is Applied Behavioural Analysis A Socially Valid Practice?', International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5, pp. 72 - 72,
,2020, 'A Conceptual Framework for Creating Transition Plans for Incarcerated Youth', Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services, pp. 131 - 155,