Select Publications

Journal articles

Strnadová I; Cumming TM, 2014, 'The importance of quality transition processes for students with disabilities across settings: Learning from the current situation in New South Wales', Australian Journal of Education, 58, pp. 318 - 336,

Cumming TM; Strnadová I; Singh S, 2014, 'The use of iPad hand held mobile devices to enhance learning opportunities for students with disabilities: An action research project.', Action Research, 12, pp. 151 - 176,

Cumming TM; Strnadova I; Knox M; Parmenter T, 2014, 'Mobile technology in inclusive research: tools of empowerment', Disability and Society, 29, pp. 999 - 1012,


Strnadová I; Cumming TM; Knox M; Parmenter T, 2014, 'Building an inclusive research team: The importance of team building and skills training', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27, pp. 13 - 22,

Strnadová I; Cumming TM, 2014, 'People with intellectual disabilities conducting research: New directions for inclusive research', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27, pp. 1 - 2,

Cumming TM; Draper Rodriguez C; Strnadova I, 2014, 'Using iPads With Students With Disabilities: Lessons Learned From Students, Teachers, and Parents', Intervention in School and Clinic, 49, pp. 244 - 250,

Strnadova I; Hajkova V, 2013, 'Denotace inkluzívního vzdělávání s odkazem pro vzdělávací praxi v České republice. (in English: Denotation of inclusive education with a reference to educational practice in the Czech Republic.)', Pedagogika, 63, pp. 252 - 258

Reid G; Strnadová I; Cumming T, 2013, 'Expanding horizons for students with dyslexia in the 21st century: Universal design and mobile technology', Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 13, pp. 175 - 181,

Strnadová I; Cumming TM, 2013, 'People with Intellectual Disabilities Conducting Research: New Directions for Inclusive Research', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities,

Strnadova I; Evans D, 2013, 'Schooling transitions within the lifespan of people with an intellectual disability: Perceptions and recommendations of ageing mothers', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 37, pp. 1 - 15,

Strnadova I; Muir, K , 2013, 'Whose responsibility? Resilience in families of children with developmental disabilities', Disability & Society,

Carter M; Strnadova I; Stephenson J, 2012, 'Reported prevalence of evidence-based instructional practices by special educators in the Czech Republic', European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27, pp. 319 - 335,

Strnadova I; Hajkova V, 2012, 'Striving for inclusive education in the Czech Republic', Intervention in School and Clinic, 47, pp. 307 - 311,

Strnadova I; Evans D, 2012, 'Subjective quality of life of women with intellectual disabilities: The role of perceived control over own life in self-determined behaviour', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 25, pp. 71 - 79,

Cumming TM; Strnadova I, 2012, 'The iPad as a pedagogical tool in special education: Promises and possibilities', Special Education Perspectives, 21, pp. 35 - 47

Carter M; Stephenson J; Strnadova I, 2011, 'Agreeing to agree: A response to dempsey’s commentary on the reported prevalence by Australian special educators of evidence-based instructional practices', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 35, pp. 226 - 229,;dn=775052367414312;res=IELHSS

Carter M; Stephenson J; Strnadova I, 2011, 'Reported prevalence by Australian special educators of evidence-based instructional practices', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 35, pp. 47 - 60,

Strnadova I; Muzakova M, 2010, 'Parenthood of people with intellectual disabilities', Speciální Pedagogika, 20, pp. 205 - 216

Strnadova I; Hajkova V, 2010, 'Teachers preparation for inclusive education', Methodical Portal of Research Educational Institute, pp. 1 - 3,

Strnadova I, 2009, 'And what will happen next? Planning for the future in families of people with intellectual disabilities', Speciální Pedagogika, 19, pp. 185 - 195

Vagnerova MM; Strnadova I; Krejcova L, 2009, 'Attitudes of mothers and their assessment of children with cerebral palsy', Psychológia A patopsychológia Dieaa, 40, pp. 22 - 38

Evans D; Strnadova I, 2008, 'Adults with intellectual disability and their ageing parents: Needs of family members in different life stages', Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52, pp. 647

Evans D; Strnadova I, 2008, 'Impact of ID on mothers of school-aged children: Different perceptions in New South Wales and the Czech Republic', Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52, pp. 718

Strnadova I; VÁGNEROVÁ M, 2008, 'Parenthood and school-aged children with Down Syndrome: Perceptions of the parents', Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52, pp. 720

Strnadova I, 2008, 'Parents of children with down syndrome. The perception of own child in the context of parents lives', Psychológia A patopsychológia Dieaa, 43

Strnadová I; Evans D, 2007, 'Coping Strategies in Mothers of School-Aged Children with Intellectual Disabilities', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 31, pp. 159 - 170,

Strnadova I; Evans D, 2007, 'Coping strategies in mothers of school-aged children with intellectual disabilities', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 31, pp. 159 - 170

Strnadova I, 2007, 'Resilience in families of children with autism', Speciální Pedagogika, 19, pp. 203 - 212

Strnadova I, 2007, 'Stress and resilience factors in the context of quality of life in families of children with intellectual disabilities', Psychológia A patopsychológia Dieaa, 42, pp. 191 - 213

Strnadova I, 2006, 'Collaboration between schools and families of children with additional learning needs in literacy', Informace Èeské spoleènosti „Dyslexie, pp. 17 - 19

Strnadova I, 2006, 'Parents of children with additional learning needs in literacy that perceive the school not only as a support but also as a threat', Rodina a škola, LIII

Strnadova I, 2006, 'Stress and resilience in families of children with specific learning disabilities.', Revista Complutense de Educación, 17

Strnadova I, 2006, 'The influence of social factors on children with additional learning needs in literacy', Speciální Pedagogika, pp. 115 - 127

Strnadova I, 2006, 'The sources of stress in families of children with dyslexia and coping with these', Psychológia A patopsychológia Dieaa, 40, pp. 309 - 324

Hajkova V; Strnadova I, 2005, 'Post-gradual preparation of professionals in the area of educational inclusion from European perspective – studies of EUMIE', Forum 2005

Carter M; Stephenson J; Strnadova I, 2005, 'Reported prevalence by Australian special educators of evidence-based instructional practices', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 35, pp. 47 - 60,;dn=249658477312508;res=IELHSS

Strnadova-Lednicka I, 2005, 'Stress and resilience factors in families of children with additional learning needs in literacy', Speciální Pedagogika, 3, pp. 200 - 215

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