Select Publications
Conference Presentations
2004, 'Whose experience is it?: translating Central Desert Aboriginal paintings', presented at Sydney Society for Language and Culture, University of Sydney, -
,2003, '[Human Sciences Distinguished Lecture] The Imperative to feel: contemporary Aboriginal art from the Central Desert of Australia', presented at Institute for Ethnographic Research, George Washington University, USA, -
,2003, '[Plenary Address] Country, Skin, Canvas: the intercorporeal work of Kathleen Petyarre', presented at Mountain Devil Lizard Dreaming: Feminist Aesthetics meets Indigenous Art, University of Tasmania, Hobart, -
,2003, 'On Breasted embodiment and other ways of experiencing Central Desert Painting', presented at Bod/mod Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, -
,2003, 'The imperative to feel: Central Desert Aboriginal art and the politics of the aesthetic encounter', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, New York University, NY, USA, -
,2003, 'Why no more story?: the intercultural translation of Central Desert Paintings', presented at Humanities Research Institute, Stoney Brook, New York, USA, -
,2001, 'Impossible Identifications and Other Ethnographic Wounds', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, -
,2001, 'Inscribing Identity: Skin as Country in Central Desert Aboriginal Art', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, New York University, NY, USA, -
,2000, 'Inscribing Identity: Skin as Country in the Central Desert', presented at Australian Continental Philosophy Association, University of New South Wales, Sydney, -
,1999, '’Free Timber’’: an exhibition of paintings by John von Sturmer', presented at Free Timber, Casula Power House, Sydney, -
,1999, 'Shame about the Difference', presented at Millennium World Conference in Critical Psychology, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, -
,1998, 'On Loss, Lies and License', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University, Sydney, -
,1998, 'The Trauma of Fieldwork and the Limits of Difference', presented at Trauma and Memory: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, Sydney, -
,1998, 'Who are You?: the name, the person and the imperative of the sign', presented at Encore Le Corps, Women’s College, Sydney University, Sydney, -
,1997, 'Beyond Gender? Feminist Theory engages Reconciliation', presented at Papers Thrown up by the Present, Department of Women's Studies, University of Sydney, Sydney, -
,1997, 'Country, body, canvas: Meaning and Identity in Central Desert Aboriginal Women's Paintings', presented at Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, -
,1997, 'Shame', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University, Sydney, -
,1996, 'Loss and the Letter: Warlpiri Figurations of the Proper Name', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University, Sydney, -
,1996, 'Shame', presented at Bold, Philosophy and Women's Studies, Australian National University, Canberra., -
,1996, 'Shame', presented at The Politics of Erotics, Philosophy and Women's Studies, Macquarie University, University of New South Wales and University of Western Sydney, -
,1996, 'The Warlpiri Alphabet: on mimesis, writing and difference', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, University of Sydney, Sydney, -
,1995, 'The Anthropologist's Body or What it Means to Break your Neck in the Field', presented at Colloquium: Department of Anthropology, University of Sydney, Sydney, -
,1995, 'The Anthropologist's Body or What it Means to Break your Neck in the Field', presented at Colloquium: Department of Philosophy, Macquarie University, Sydney, -
,1988, 'On Translation: Jacques Derrida and Roman Jacobson', presented at Derrida and the Politics of Writing (Gayatri Spivak, Convener), International Summer Institute for Semiotics and Structural Studies (ISISSS), Vancouver, CANADA, -
,Curatorial Outputs
2015, We are in Wonder LAND: New Experimental Art from Central Australia, exhibited at: UNSW Galleries, 15 May 2015 - 15 August 2015,
,2013, Desert Animations, exhibited at: 4 April, 2013: COFA UNSW; Oct 16, 2013: University of Queensland Anthropology Museum, Brisbane; 9 Dec 2015: American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Washington, DC, 04 April 2013 - 09 December 2015,
,2008, Lamparnu Kala!, interventions: Experiments between Art and Ethnography, exhibited at: Macquarie University Art Gallery, Sydney, 09 December 2008 - 03 February 2009
,Creative Written Works
2023, Performing Country,
,2020, Less * Notes from the Field: Black Summer Sydney 2019-2020, Sensory Orders (print, online, exhibition), curated by Chris Salter and ErikAdigard, Chryzanowska E; Ladycka D; Wojceszak M; Salter C, (eds.), Art + Science Meeting, Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art,
,2009, Wurra Wiyi or Why I Love Speaking Warlpiri, The Voice of our Land, Federation for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages
,2008, Sentiment and Absence: the “Stolen Generation” Apology, Sorry, Busby C, (ed.), St Mary’s University Art Gallery
,2008, The Imperative to Feel: New Intercultural Australian Cinema, Unimaginable: Australian Chapter
2020, Indigenous Research Methodologies: Theory, Practice, Action, UNSW Art & Design