Select Publications

Journal articles

Apte M; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2015, 'Pancreatic stellate cell: Physiologic role, role in fibrosis and cancer', Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, 31, pp. 416 - 423,

Apte MV; Xu Z; Pothula S; Goldstein D; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2015, 'Pancreatic cancer: The microenvironment needs attention too!', Pancreatology, 15, pp. S32 - S38,

Ali S; Suresh R; Banerjee S; Bao B; Xu Z; Wilson J; Philip PA; Apte M; Sarkar FH, 2015, 'Contribution of microRNAs in understanding the pancreatic tumor microenvironment involving cancer associated stellate and fibroblast cells.', American Journal of Cancer Research, 5, pp. 1251 - 1264

Sherman MH; Yu RT; Engle DD; Ding N; Atkins AR; Tiriac H; Collisson EA; Connor F; Van Dyke T; Kozlov S; Martin P; Tseng TW; Dawson DW; Donahue TR; Masamune A; Shimosegawa T; Apte MV; Wilson JS; Ng B; Lau SL; Gunton JE; Wahl GM; Hunter T; Drebin JA; O'Dwyer PJ; Liddle C; Tuveson DA; Downes M; Evans RM, 2014, 'Vitamin D receptor-mediated stromal reprogramming suppresses pancreatitis and enhances pancreatic cancer therapy', Cell, 159, pp. 80 - 93,

Xu Z; Pothula SP; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2014, 'Pancreatic cancer and its stroma: A conspiracy theory', World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20, pp. 11216 - 11229,

Maraví-Poma E; Patchen Dellinger E; Forsmark CE; Layer P; Lévy P; Shimosegawa T; Siriwardena AK; Uomo G; Whitcomb DC; Windsor JA; Petrov MS; Abu Hilal M; Ammori BJ; Bharwani N; Carter CR; James FE; Johnson CD; Mofidi R; Mole DJ; Morris-Stiff G; O’Reilly DA; Parks RW; Rahman SH; Shankar-Hari M; Singer MV; Skipworth JR; Abu-Zidan FM; Acosta JM; Ocampo C; Oria A; Pellegrini D; Ainsworth AP; Lund H; Nojgaard C; Aizcorbe Garralda M; Albeniz Arbizu E; Bernal Monterde V; De Casasola GG; de-Madaria E; Farre Viladrich A; Laplaza Santos C; Lopez A; Lopez Camps V; Macaya Redin L; Macias Rodriguez MA; Perez-Mateo M; Poves Prim I; Regidor Sanz E; Repiso A; Rodrigo L; Sánchez-Izquierdo Riera JA; Serrablo A; Tellado JM; Velasco Guardado A; Zubia Olazcoaga F; Alagozlu H; Aygencel G; Basaranoglu M; Col C; Kantarcioglu M; Karakan T; Kaya E; Muftuoglu M; Sezgin O; Tireli M; Al’aref SJ; Alhajeri A; Ashley SW; Ayoub WA; Baillie J; Banks PA; Baron TH; Chari ST; Conwell DL; Dellinger EP; Fagenholz PJ; Fernandez-del Castillo C; Forsmark CE; Gardner TB; Gluk M; Gumbs AA; Horvath KD; Howard TJ; Munsell MA; Papachristou GI; Parekh D; Pitchumoni CS; Savides TJ; Tarnasky PR; Tenner S; Vege SS; Warshaw AL; Wu BU; Zyromski NJ; Almeida JL; Ardengh JC; Correia MI, 2014, 'International Multidisciplinary Classification of Acute Pancreatitis Severity: The 2013 Spanish Edition', Medicina Intensiva, 38, pp. 211 - 217,

Sze KCP; Pirola RC; Apte MV; Wilson JS, 2014, 'Current options for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis', Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 14, pp. 199 - 215,

Wilson JS; Pirola RC; Apte MV, 2014, 'Stars and stripes in pancreatic cancer: Role of stellate cells and stroma in cancer progression', Frontiers in Physiology, 5 FEB,

Patel MB; Pothula SP; Xu Z; Lee AK; Goldstein D; Pirola RC; Apte MV; Wilson JS, 2014, 'The role of the hepatocyte growth factor/c-MET pathway in pancreatic stellate cell-endothelial cell interactions: Anti-angiogenic implications in pancreatic cancer', Carcinogenesis, 35,

Apte MV; Wilson JS, 2014, 'In memoriam: Max G. Bachem, MD, PhD, Dr.hc Professor for Clinical Chemistry, 1952–2014', Pancreatology, 14, pp. 231 - 232,

Dellinger EP; Forsmark CE; Layer P; Levy P; Maraví-Poma E; Petrov MS; Shimosegawa T; Siriwardena AK; Uomo G; Whitcomb DC; Windsor JA; Abu Hilal M; Abu-Zidan FM; Acosta JM; Ainsworth AP; Aizcorbe Garralda M; Alagozlu H; Al'aref SJ; Albeniz Arbizu E; Alhajeri A; Almeida IC; Almeida JL; Amano H; Ammori BJ; Andersson R; Andrén-Sandberg A; Ardengh JC; Arroyo-Sanchez AS; Arvanitakis M; Ashley SW; Aygencel G; Ayoub WA; Baillie J; Bala M; Ball CG; Baron TH; Barreto SG; Basaranoglu M; Beger HG; Bernal Monterde V; Bharwani N; Bhasin DK; Bong JJ; Botoi G; Bruennler T; Cairoli E; Carter CR; Cernea D; Chari ST; Charnley RM; Chooklin S; Cochior D; Col C; Conwell DL; Correia MI; Dambrauskas Z; Darvas K; De Campos T; De Casasola GG; De Waele JJ; Del Chiaro M; Delle Fave G; Dellinger EP; De-Madaria E; Di Sebastiano P; Diuzheva TG; Duarte-Rojo A; Fagenholz PJ; Farkas G; Farre Viladrich A; Fernandezdel Castillo C; Forsmark CE; Friess H; Frossard JL; Gandhi V; Gardner TB; Gloor B; Gluk M; Goltsov VR; Guevara-Campos J; Gumbs AA; Hackert T; Hauser G; Horvath KD; Howard TJ; Igarashi H; Ioannidis O; Jaber S; James FE; Jha RK; Juneja D; Kamisawa T; Kandasami P; Kantarcioglu M; Kapoor VK; Karakan T; Kaya E; Khaliq A; Kiriyama S; Kochhar R, 2013, 'Determinant-based classification of acute pancreatitis severity: International multidisciplinary classification of acute pancreatitis severity: The 2013 German Edition', Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie, 51, pp. 544 - 550,

Apte MV; Wilson JS; Lugea A; Pandol SJ, 2013, 'A starring role for stellate cells in the pancreatic cancer microenvironment', Gastroenterology, 144, pp. 1210 - 1219,

Wilson JS; Pavey DA; Pirola RM; Apte MV, 2013, 'Current approaches to acute and chronic pancreatitis', Medicine Today, 14, pp. 34 - 40,

Apte MV; Yang L; Phillips PA; Xu ZH; Kaplan W; Cowley MJ; Pirola R; Wilson JS, 2013, 'Extracellular Matrix Composition significantly influences pancreatic stellate cell (PSC) gene expression pattern: role of transgelin in PSC function', American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology,

Xu Z; Shah S; Pirola RC; Wilson J; Apte MV, 2013, 'Su1788 Pancreatic Fibrosis in Alcohol-Fed LPS Challenged Mice Is Regulated by the TLR4 Receptor', Gastroenterology, 144, pp. S - 477,

Shafiei M; Depczynski B; Russell HD; Apte MV; Wilson JS; Descallar J, 2013, 'The impact of diabetes on acute pancreatitis', Pancreatology, 13, pp. e73 - e73,

Dellinger EP; Forsmark CE; Layer P; Lévy P; Maraví-Poma E; Petrov MS; Shimosegawa T; Siriwardena AK; Uomo G; Whitcomb DC; Windsor JA; Abu Hilal M; Abu-Zidan FM; Acosta JM; Ainsworth AP; Aizcorbe Garralda M; Alagozlu H; Al’aref SJ; Albeniz Arbizu E; Alhajeri A; Almeida IC; Almeida JL; Amano H; Ammori BJ; Andersson B; Andersson R; Andrén-Sandberg A; Ardengh JC; Arroyo-Sanchez AS; Arvanitakis M; Ashley SW; Aygencel G; Ayoub WA; Baillie J; Bala M; Ball CG; Baron TH; Barreto SG; Basaranoglu M; Beger HG; Bernal Monterde V; Bharwani N; Bhasin DK; Bong JJ; Botoi G; Bruennler T; Cairoli E; Carter CR; Cernea D; Chari ST; Charnley RM; Chooklin S; Cochior D; Col C; Conwell DL; Correia MI; Dambrauskas Z; Darvas K; De Campos T; De Casasola GG; De Waele JJ; Del Chiaro M; Delle Fave G; De-Madaria E; Di Sebastiano P; Diuzheva TG; Duarte-Rojo A; Fagenholz PJ; Farkas G; Farre Viladrich A; Fernandez-Del Castillo C; Friess H; Frossard JL; Gandhi V; Gardner TB; Gloor B; Gluk M; Goltsov VR; Guevara-Campos J; Gumbs AA; Hackert T; Hauser G; Horvath KD; Howard TJ; Igarashi H; Ioannidis O; Jaber S; James FE; Jha RK; Juneja D; Kamisawa T; Kandasami P; Kantarcioglu M; Kapoor VK; Karakan T; Kaya E; Khaliq A; Kiriyama S; Kochhar R; Konstantinou GN, 2012, 'Determinant-based classification of acute pancreatitis severity: An international multidisciplinary consultation', Annals of Surgery, 256, pp. 875 - 880,

Apte M; Xu Z; Wilson J, 2012, 'Battle-scarred pancreas: Role of pancreatic stellate cells', Pancreatology, 12, pp. e4 - e4,

Apte MV; Wilson JS, 2012, 'Dangerous liaisons: Pancreatic stellate cells and pancreatic cancer cells', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (JGH), 27, pp. 69 - 74,

Apte MV; Pirola R; Wilson JS, 2012, 'Pancreatic stellate cells: A starring role in normal and diseased pancreas', Frontiers in Physiology, 3, pp. Art. No. 344,

Erkan M; Adler G; Apte MV; Bachem MG; Buchholz M; Detlefsen S; Esposito I; Friess H; Gress TM; Habisch HJ; Hwang RN; Jaster R; Kleeff JH; Kloppel G; Kordes C; Logsdon CD; Masamune A; Michalski CW; Oh J; Pinzani M; Reiser-erkan C; Tsukamoto H; Wilson JS, 2012, 'StellaTUM: current consensus and discussion on pancreatic stellate cell research', Gut, 61, pp. 172 - 178,

Pandol SJ; Apte MV; Wilson JS; Gukovskaya A; Edderkaoui M, 2012, 'The burning question: Why is smoking a risk factor for pancreatic cancer?', Pancreatology, 12, pp. 344 - 349,

Arun SJ; Xu Z; Fiala-Beer E; Phillips P; Goldstein D; Biankin A; Pirola R; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2011, 'Hepatocyte growth factor: a potential therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer', CANCER RESEARCH, 71,

Apte MV; Pirola R; Wilson JS, 2011, 'The fibrosis of chronic pancreatitis: New insights into the role of pancreatic stellate cells', Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 15, pp. 2711 - 2722,

Vonlaufen A; Phillips PA; Xu ; Zhang X; Yang L; Pirola R; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2011, 'Withdrawal of alcohol promotes regression while continued alcohol intake promotes persistence of LPS-induced pancreatic injury in alcohol-fed rats', Gut, 60, pp. 238 - 246,

Seth D; D'Souza el-Guindy NB; Apte MV; Mari M; Dooley S; Neumann M; Haber P; Kundu S; Darwanto A; De villiers WJ; Vonlaufen A; Xu Z; Phillips P; Yang S; Goldstein D; Pirola RM; Wilson JS; Moles A; Fernandez A; Colell A; Garcia-ruiz C; Fernandez-checa JC; Meyer C; Meindl-beinker N, 2010, 'Alcohol, signaling, and ECM turnover', Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research, 34, pp. 4 - 18,

Vonlaufen A; Phillips PA; Yang L; Xu Z; Fiala-Beer E; Zhang X; Pirola R; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2010, 'Isolation of Quiescent Human Pancreatic Stellate Cells: A Promising in vitro Tool for Studies of Human Pancreatic Stellate Cell Biology', Pancreatology, 10, pp. 434 - 443,

Toouli J; Biankin AV; Oliver MR; Pearce C; Wilson JS; Wray N, 2010, 'Management of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: Australasian Pancreatic Club recommendations', Medical Journal of Australia, 193, pp. 461 - 467

Apte MV; Pirola R; Wilson JS, 2010, 'Mechanisms of alcoholic pancreatitis', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 25, pp. 1816 - 1826,

Phillips PA; Yang L; Shulkes A; Vonlaufen A; Poljak A; Bustamante S; Warren A; Xu ; Guilhaus M; Pirola R; Apte MV; Wilson JS, 2010, 'Pancreatic stellate cells produce acetylcholine and may play a role in pancreatic exocrine secretion', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, pp. 17397 - 17402,

Xu ZH; Vonlaufen A; Phillips PA; Fiala-Beer E; Zhang X; Yang L; Biankin AV; Goldstein D; Pirola R; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2010, 'Role of pancreatic stellate cells in pancreatic cancer metastasis', American Journal of Pathology, 177, pp. 2585 - 2596,

Haber PS; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2009, 'Charles S. Lieber, 1931-2009 Obituary', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24, pp. 941 - 942

Apte MV; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2009, 'New insights into alcoholic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24, pp. S51 - S56

Apte MV; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2009, 'Pancreas: Alcoholic pancreatitis - It's the alcohol, stupid', Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6, pp. 321 - 322

Phillips P; Yang L; Vonlaufen A; Xu Z; Biankin AV; Goldstein D; Pirola R; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2009, 'S1820 Heat Shock Proteins Are Induced During Pancreatic Stellate Cell Activation in Pancreatic Cancer', Gastroenterology, 136, pp. A - 277,

Vonlaufen A; Phillips P; Xu Z; Zhang X; Yang L; Pirola R; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2009, 'T1835 Alcohol Withdrawal Promotes Regression of Pancreatic Fibrosis via Induction of Pancreatic Stellate Cell (PSC) Apoptosis', Gastroenterology, 136,

Tattersall S; Apte MV; Wilson JS, 2008, 'A fire inside: current concepts in chronic pancreatitis', Internal Medicine Journal, 38, pp. 592 - 598

Tattersall S; Apte MV; Wilson JS, 2008, 'Acute and chronic pancreatitis', Journal of the Australian Defence Health Services, 9, pp. 24 - 33

Apte MV; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2008, 'Individual susceptibility to alcoholic pancreatitis', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 23, pp. S63 - S68,

Vonlaufen A; Phillips PA; Xu ZH; Goldstein D; Pirola RC; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2008, 'Lending a helping hand: Role of pancreatic stellate in pancreatic cancer', Cancer Research, 68, pp. 7707 - 7710

Apte MV; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2008, 'Malnutrition as a cause of chronic pancreatitis: Myth dispelled?', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 23, pp. 1312 - 1314

Vonlaufen A; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2008, 'Molecular mechanisms of Pancreatitis: Current opinion', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 23, pp. 1339 - 1348

Vonlaufen A; Phillips PA; Xu ZH; Goldstein D; Pirola RC; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2008, 'Pancreatic stellate cells and pancreatic cancer cells: An unholy alliance', Cancer research, 68, pp. 7707 - 7710

Vonlaufen A; Joshi SB; Qu CF; Phillips PA; Xu ZH; Parker N; Toi C; Pirola RC; Wilson JS; Goldstein D; Apte MV, 2008, 'Pancreatic stellate cells: Partners in crime with pancreatic cancer cells', Cancer Research, 68, pp. 2085 - 2093,

Vonlaufen A; Xu Z; Yang L; Phillips P; Zhang X; Pirola R; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2008, 'T1894 Abstinence Promotes Regression While Continued Alcohol Intake Promotes Persistence of LPS-Induced Pancreatic Injury in Alcohol-Fed Rats', Gastroenterology, 134, pp. A - 585,

Apte M; McCarroll J; Pirola R; Wilson J, 2007, 'Pancreatic MAP kinase pathways and acetaldehyde', Novartis Foundation Symposium, 285, pp. 200 - 211

Vonlaufen A; Xu ZH; Daniel B; Kumar RK; Pirola RC; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2007, 'Bacterial endotoxin: A trigger factor for alcoholic pancreatitis? Evidence from a novel, physiologically relevant animal model', Gastroenterology, 133, pp. 1293 - 1303,

Witt H; Apte MV; Keim V; Wilson JS, 2007, 'Chronic pancreatitis: Challenges and advances in pathogenesis, genetics, diagnosis, and therapy', Gastroenterology, 132, pp. 1557 - 1573

Vonlaufen A; Xu ZH; Biankin AV; Yang L; Parker N; Pirola RC; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2007, 'Isolation of quiescent (normal) human pancreatic stellate cells (hPSCs): A useful in vitro tool for studies of HPSc biology', Pancreas, 35, pp. 433 - 434

Vonlaufen A; Wilson JS; Pirola RC; Apte MV, 2007, 'Role of alcohol metabolism in chronic pancreatitis', Alcohol Research and Health, 30, pp. 48 - 54

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