Select Publications

Journal articles

Koppel S; Kaviani F; Albanese B; Mansfield J; Baker GH; Connell R; Sartin EB; Arbogast KB; Shannon B; Ehsani JP; Zonfrillo MR; Brown J, 2025, 'Are child and teenage occupants appropriately restrained while travelling in rideshare vehicles?', Journal of Transport and Health, 41,

Nguyen H; Brown J; Keay L; Coxon K, 2025, 'Behind the wheel: Examining the long-term effects of a safe transport education program on driving patterns in older adults', Journal of Transport and Health, 41,

Malekpour MR; Rezaei N; Azadnajafabad S; Khanali J; Azangou-Khyavy M; Moghaddam SS; Heidari-Foroozan M; Rezazadeh-Khadem S; Ghamari SH; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abady GG; Abdulkader RS; Abebe AM; Abu-Gharbieh E; Acharya D; Addo IY; Adeagbo OA; Adegboye OA; Adeyinka DA; Sakilah Adnani QE; Afolabi AA; Afzal S; Afzal MS; Ahmad S; Ahmad A; Ahmadi A; Ahmadieh H; Ahmed H; Ahmed MS; Ajami M; Akbarialiabad H; Akunna CJ; Alahdab F; Alanezi FM; Alanzi TM; Alhassan RK; Ali L; Samakkhah SA; Alimohamadi Y; Aljunid SM; Almustanyir S; Al-Sabah SK; Altirkawi KA; Amare H; Ameyaw EK; Amin TT; Amiri S; Andrei T; Andrei CL; Anvari D; Anwar SL; Aqeel M; Arab-Zozani M; Arumugam A; Aryal UR; Asaad M; Asgary S; Ashraf T; Astell-Burt T; Athari SS; Atreya A; Aujayeb A; Awedew AFF; Quintanilla BPA; Aychiluhm SB; Ayele AD; Azizi H; Azzam AY; Bakkannavar SM; Bardhan M; Barker-Collo SL; Barqawi HJ; Barrow A; Bashiri A; Baskaran P; Basu S; Bedi N; Bekele A; Belo L; Bennett DA; Bensenor IM; Berhie AY; Bhagavathula AS; Bhaumik S; Bhutta ZA; Bitaraf S; Boloor A; Borges G; Borschmann R; Boufous S; Brauer M; Briggs AM; Brown J; Bryazka D; Cámera LA; Cárdenas R; Carvalho M; Catalá-López F; Cerin E; Charan J, 2024, 'Global, regional, and national burden of injuries, and burden attributable to injuries risk factors, 1990 to 2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease study 2019', Public Health, 237, pp. 212 - 231,

Nguyen H; Coxon K; Brown J; di Tanna GL; Angell B; Keay L, 2024, 'Purchasing choices of older drivers on advanced vehicle technologies: A discrete choice experiment', Journal of Safety Research, 91, pp. 210 - 216,

Booth L; Farrar V; Thompson J; Vidanaarachchi R; Godic B; Brown J; Karl C; Pettigrew S, 2024, 'How will physical activity change in an autonomous future?', Journal of Transport and Health, 39,

Hansen A; Eramudugolla R; Kiely KM; Delbaere K; Bédard M; Brown J; Clare L; Lung T; Wood JM; Anstey KJ, 2024, 'Evaluation of the effectiveness of three different interventions on older driver safety over a 12-month period: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e087137,

Naghavi M; Ong KL; Aali A; Ababneh HS; Abate YH; Abbafati C; Abbasgholizadeh R; Abbasian M; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abbastabar H; Abd ElHafeez S; Abdelmasseh M; Abd-Elsalam S; Abdelwahab A; Abdollahi M; Abdollahifar MA; Abdoun M; Abdulah DM; Abdullahi A; Abebe M; Abebe SS; Abedi A; Abegaz KH; Abhilash ES; Abidi H; Abiodun O; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Abolmaali M; Abouzid M; Aboye GB; Abreu LG; Abrha WA; Abtahi D; Abu Rumeileh S; Abualruz H; Abubakar B; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abu-Rmeileh NM; Aburuz S; Abu-Zaid A; Accrombessi MMK; Adal TG; Adamu AA; Addo IY; Addolorato G; Adebiyi AO; Adekanmbi V; Adepoju AV; Adetunji CO; Adetunji JB; Adeyeoluwa TE; Adeyinka DA; Adeyomoye OI; Admass BA; Adnani QES; Adra S; Afolabi AA; Afzal MS; Afzal S; Agampodi SB; Agasthi P; Aggarwal M; Aghamiri S; Agide FD; Agodi A; Agrawal A; Agyemang-Duah W; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad F; Ahmad MM; Ahmad S; Ahmad S; Ahmad T; Ahmadi K; Ahmadzade AM; Ahmed A; Ahmed A; Ahmed H; Ahmed LA; Ahmed MS; Ahmed MS; Ahmed MB; Ahmed SA; Ajami M; Aji B; Akara EM; Akbarialiabad H; Akinosoglou K; Akinyemiju T; Akkaif MA; Akyirem S; Al Hamad H; Al Hasan SM; Alahdab F; Alalalmeh SO; Alalwan TA; Al-Aly Z; Sharma S; Mitchell P; Cullen P; Xu L; Peprah P; Degenhardt L; Sitas F; Schutte A; Pesudovs K; Maulik PK; Godinho M; Okeke S; Hunter J; Sachdev P; Dai-Keller Z, 2024, 'Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 2100 - 2132,

Ferrari AJ; Santomauro DF; Aali A; Abate YH; Abbafati C; Abbastabar H; Abd ElHafeez S; Abdelmasseh M; Abd-Elsalam S; Abdollahi A; Abdullahi A; Abegaz KH; Zuñiga RAA; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Abreu LG; Abualruz H; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abu-Rmeileh NME; Ackerman IN; Addo IY; Addolorato G; Adebiyi AO; Adepoju AV; Adewuyi HO; Afyouni S; Afzal S; Afzal S; Agodi A; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad F; Ahmad S; Ahmed A; Ahmed LA; Ahmed MB; Ajami M; Akinosoglou K; Akkaif MA; Al Hasan SM; Alalalmeh SO; Al-Aly Z; Albashtawy M; Aldridge RW; Alemu MD; Alemu YM; Alene KA; Ali Saeed A; Al-Gheethi ; Alharrasi M; Alhassan RK; Ali MU; Ali R; Ali SSS; Alif SM; Aljunid SM; Al-Marwani S; Almazan JU; Alomari MA; Al-Omari B; Altaany Z; Alvis-Guzman N; Alvis-Zakzuk NJ; Alwafi H; Al-Wardat MS; Al-Worafi YM; Aly S; Alzoubi KH; Amare AT; Amegbor PM; Ameyaw EK; Amin TT; Amindarolzarbi A; Amiri S; Amugsi DA; Ancuceanu R; Anderlini D; Anderson DB; Andrade PP; Andrei CL; Ansari H; Antony CM; Anwar S; Anwar SL; Anwer R; Anyanwu PE; Arab JP; Arabloo J; Arafat M; Araki DT; Aravkin AY; Arkew M; Armocida B; Arndt MB; Arooj M; Artamonov AA; Aruleba RT; Arumugam A; Ashbaugh C; Ashemo MY; Onie S; Godinho M; Okeke S; Dai-Keller Z; Sharma S; Xu L; Peprah P; Degenhardt L; Pesudovs K; Peden A; Hunter J; Sachdev P; Mitchell P; Leung J, 2024, 'Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 2133 - 2161,

Jin Y; Ye P; Tian M; Peden M; Ivers R; Zhang L; Xiong S; Cai W; Duan L; Brown J, 2024, 'A scoping review of national policies for child road injury in China', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 46,

Pettigrew S; Booth L; Farrar V; Brown PJ; Godic B; Thompson J, 2024, 'An emerging food policy domain: The effects of autonomous transport technologies on food access and consumption', Food Policy, 125,

Steinmetz JD; Seeher KM; Schiess N; Nichols E; Cao B; Servili C; Cavallera V; Cousin E; Hagins H; Moberg ME; Mehlman ML; Abate YH; Abbas J; Abbasi MA; Abbasian M; Abbastabar H; Abdelmasseh M; Abdollahi M; Abdollahi M; Abdollahifar MA; Abd-Rabu R; Abdulah DM; Abdullahi A; Abedi A; Abedi V; Abeldaño Zuñiga RA; Abidi H; Abiodun O; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Aboyans V; Abrha WA; Abualhasan A; Abu-Gharbieh E; Aburuz S; Adamu LH; Addo IY; Adebayo OM; Adekanmbi V; Adekiya TA; Adikusuma W; Adnani QES; Adra S; Afework T; Afolabi AA; Afraz A; Afzal S; Aghamiri S; Agodi A; Agyemang-Duah W; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad S; Ahmadzade AM; Ahmed A; Ahmed A; Ahmed H; Ahmed JQ; Ahmed LA; Ahmed MB; Ahmed SA; Ajami M; Aji B; Ajumobi O; Akade SEI; Akbari M; Akbarialiabad H; Akhlaghi S; Akinosoglou K; Akinyemi RO; Akonde M; Al Hasan SM; Alahdab F; Al-Ahdal TMA; Al-Amer RM; Albashtawy M; AlBataineh MT; Aldawsari KA; Alemi H; Alemi S; Algammal AM; Al-Gheethi AAS; Alhalaiqa FAN; Alhassan RK; Ali A; Ali EA; Ali L; Ali MU; Ali MM; Ali R; Ali S; Shujait Ali SS; Ali Z; Alif SM; Alimohamadi Y; Aliyi AA; Aljofan M; Aljunid SM; Alladi S; Xu L; Maulik PK; Okeke S; Huda MN; Moeller H; Hunter J; Dai-Keller Z, 2024, 'Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet Neurology, 23, pp. 344 - 381,

Pettigrew S; Booth L; Farrar V; Brown J; Karl C; Godic B; Vidanaarachchi R; Thompson J, 2024, 'Public support for proposed government policies to optimise the social benefits of autonomous vehicles', Transport Policy, 149, pp. 264 - 270,

Cooray N; Ho C; Dai W; Szabo R; Tailor K; Maling M; Chambers J; Koppel S; Bilston L; Keay L; Schwebel D; Brown J, 2024, 'Acceptability of virtual restraint fitting to extend the reach of child restraint fitting services: A pilot randomized controlled trial', Traffic Injury Prevention,

Powell S; Dai W; Ho C; Albanese B; Keay L; Whyte T; Bilston LE; Brown J, 2024, 'Australian parental decisions about transitioning children from booster seats in a randomised trial: greater support may be needed', Injury Prevention,

Pettigrew S; Booth L; Farrar V; Brown J; Godic B; Vidanaarachchi R; Karl C; Thompson J, 2024, 'Australians’ perceptions of the potential effects of increased access to alcohol via autonomous delivery services: A multi-method study', Addictive Behaviors, 148,

Cai W; Peng K; Jin Y; Lei L; Tian M; Peden M; Ivers RQ; Peng J; Brown J, 2024, 'Changes in child restraint practices in Shenzhen, China three years after the enactment of local legislation: two population-based cross-sectional surveys', Injury Prevention,

Cooray N; Ho C; Bestman A; Adams S; Nassar N; Keay L; Brown J, 2024, 'Exploring the Potential of a Behavior Theory-Informed Digital Intervention for Infant Fall Prevention: Mixed Methods Longitudinal Study', JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 7,

Cook L; Brown J; Kent N; Whyte T; Bilston LE, 2024, 'The effects of postural support padding modifications to child restraints for children with disability on crash protection', Traffic Injury Prevention, 25, pp. 741 - 749,

Brown J; Keay L; Elkington J; Dai W; Ho C; Charlton J; Koppel S; McCaffery K; Hayen A; Bilston LE, 2024, 'User-driven instructions reduce errors in child restraint use: A randomised controlled trial in Sydney, Australia', Injury Prevention,

Brown J; Albanese B; Ho C; Elkington J; Koppel S; Charlton JL; Olivier J; Keay L; Bilston LE, 2023, 'Updated population-level estimates of child restraint practices among children aged 0-12 years in Australia, 10 years after introduction of age-appropriate restraint use legislation', Injury Prevention, 30, pp. 100 - 107,

Safdarian M; Trinka E; Rahimi-Movaghar V; Thomschewski A; Aali A; Abady GG; Abate SM; Abd-Allah F; Abedi A; Adane DE; Afzal S; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad S; Ahmed H; Amanat N; Angappan D; Arabloo J; Aryannejad A; Athari SS; Atreya A; Azadnajafabad S; Azzam AY; Babamohamadi H; Banik PC; Bardhan M; Bashiri A; Berhie AY; Bhat AN; Brown J; Champs AP; Charalampous P; Chukwu IS; Coberly K; Dadras O; Yada DY; Dai X; Dandona L; Dandona R; Dessalegn FN; Desta AA; Dhingra S; Diao N; Diaz D; Dibas M; Dongarwar D; Dsouza HL; Ekholuenetale M; Nahas NE; Elhadi M; Eskandarieh S; Fagbamigbe AF; Fares J; Fatehizadeh A; Fereshtehnejad SM; Fischer F; Franklin RC; Garg T; Getachew M; Ghaffarpasand F; Gholamrezanezhad A; Mesgarha MG; Ghozy S; Golechha M; Goleij P; Graham SM; Gupta VK; Haagsma JA; Hamidi S; Harlianto NI; Harorani M; Hasanian M; Hassan A; Hassen MB; Hoveidaei AH; Iravanpour F; Irilouzadian R; Iwu CCD; Jacob L; Jaja CJ; Joseph N; Joshua CE; Jozwiak JJ; Kadashetti V; Kandel A; Kantar RS; Karaye IM; Karkhah S; Khader YS; Khan EA; Khan J; Kashani HRK; Khonji MS; Khormali M; Kim G; Krishnamoorthy V; Kumaran SD; Malekpour MR; Meretoja TJ; Mesregah MK; Mestrovic T, 2023, 'Global, regional, and national burden of spinal cord injury, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet Neurology, 22, pp. 1026 - 1047,

Nguyen H; Di Tanna GL; Coxon K; Brown J; Ren K; Ramke J; Burton MJ; Gordon I; Zhang JH; Furtado J; Mdala S; Kitema GF; Keay L, 2023, 'Associations between vision impairment and vision-related interventions on crash risk and driving cessation: Systematic review and meta-analysis', BMJ Open, 13,

Pettigrew S; Farrar V; Booth L; Karl C; Godic B; Brown J; Thompson J, 2023, 'The inexorable rise of automated food deliveries and potential anticipatory policy actions', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47,

Booth L; Farrar V; Thompson J; Vidanaarachchi R; Godic B; Brown J; Karl C; Pettigrew S, 2023, 'Anticipated Transport Choices in a World Featuring Autonomous Transport Options', Sustainability (Switzerland), 15,

Pettigrew S; Booth L; Farrar V; Godic B; Karl C; Brown J; Thompson J, 2023, 'Expert stakeholders' views on the potential nature and impacts of autonomous alcohol home delivery', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 996 - 1003,

Nguyen H; Coxon K; Brown J; Neville N; Di Tanna GL; Hsieh YW; Keay L, 2023, 'Older drivers in Australia and advanced vehicle technologies: What are their opinions? A qualitative study', Journal of Transport and Health, 31,

Curtis K; Brown J; Sharwood LN; Risi D; Eager D; Holland AJA; Beck B; Erskine C; Lockhart K; Cooke K; Adams S; Teague WJ; Mitchell R, 2023, 'Playground injury prevention: the need for consistent and national implementation of Australian safety standards', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47, pp. 100023,

Hamdard K; Harris IA; Sarrami P; Shu CC; Brown J; Singh H; Levesque JF; Dinh M, 2023, 'Falls from ladders in New South Wales: A data-linkage study', Injury, 54, pp. 442 - 447,

Nguyen H; Luca Di Tanna G; Coxon K; Brown J; Ren K; Ramke J; Burton MJ; Gordon I; Zhang JH; Furtado JM; Mdala S; Fiston Kitema G; Keay L, 2023, 'Associations between vision impairment and driving performance and the effectiveness of vision-related interventions: A systematic review', Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 17,

Brown J; Albanese B; Ho C; Elkington J; Koppel S; Charlton JL; Olivier J; Keay L; Bilston LE, 2023, 'Differences in participant characteristics and observed child restraint use between population-based and restraint fitting service samples', Traffic Injury Prevention, 24, pp. 693 - 699,

Shu CC; Dinh M; Mitchell R; Balogh ZJ; Curtis K; Sarrami P; Singh H; Levesque JF; Brown J, 2022, 'Impact of comorbidities on survival following major injury across different types of road users', Injury, 53, pp. 3178 - 3185,

Pettigrew S; Booth L; Farrar V; Godic B; Brown J; Karl C; Thompson J, 2022, 'Walking in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles', Sustainability (Switzerland), 14,

Peden AE; Cullen P; Francis KL; Moeller H; Peden MM; Ye P; Tian M; Zou Z; Sawyer SM; Aali A; Abbasi-Kangevari Z; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abdelmasseh M; Abdoun M; Abd-Rabu R; Abdulah DM; Abdurehman AM; Abebe G; Abebe AM; Abedi A; Abidi H; Aboagye RG; Ali HA; Gharbieh EA; Adane DE; Adane TD; Addo IY; Adewole OG; Adhikari S; Adnan M; Adnani QES; Afolabi AAB; Afzal S; Afzal MS; Aghdam ZB; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad AR; Ahmad T; Ahmad S; Ahmadi A; Ahmed H; Ahmed MB; Ahmed A; Ahmed A; Ahmed JQ; Rashid TA; Aithala JP; Aji B; Akhlaghdoust M; Alahdab F; Alanezi FM; Alemayehu A; Hamad HA; Ali SS; Ali L; Alimohamadi Y; Alipour V; Aljunid SM; Almidani L; Almustanyir S; Altirkawi KA; Alvis-Zakzuk NJ; Ameyaw EK; Amin TT; Amir-Behghadami M; Amiri S; Amiri H; Anagaw TF; Andrei T; Andrei CL; Anvari D; Anwar SL; Anyasodor AE; Arabloo J; Arab-Zozani M; Arja A; Arulappan J; Arumugam A; Aryannejad A; Asgary S; Ashraf T; Athari SS; Atreya A; Attia S; Aujayeb A; Awedew AF; Azadnajafabad S; Azangou-Khyavy M; Azari S; Jafari AA; Azizi H; Azzam AY; Badiye AD; Baghcheghi N; Bagherieh S; Baig AA; Bakkannavar SM; Balta AB; Banach M; Banik PC; Hunter J; Ivers R; Saddik B; Bhaskar S, 2022, 'Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet Public Health, 7, pp. e657 - e669,

Mulligan CS; Adams S; Moeller H; Whyte T; Soundappan SSV; Brown J, 2022, 'Comparative analysis of off-road vehicle crashes in children: motorcycles versus quad bikes', Injury Prevention, 28, pp. 526 - 532,

Mitchell RJ; Harris IA; Balogh ZJ; Curtis K; Burns B; Seppelt I; Brown J; Sarrami P; Singh H; Levesque JF; Dinh M, 2022, 'Determinants of long-term unplanned readmission and mortality following self-inflicted and non-self-inflicted major injury: a retrospective cohort study', European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 48, pp. 2145 - 2156,

Whyte T; Lind E; Richards A; Eager D; Bilston LE; Brown J, 2022, 'Neck Loads During Head-First Entries into Trampoline Dismount Foam Pits: Considerations for Trampoline Park Safety', Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 50, pp. 691 - 702,

Bofill Rodriguez M; Dias S; Jordan V; Lethaby A; Lensen SF; Wise MR; Wilkinson J; Brown J; Farquhar C, 2022, 'Interventions for heavy menstrual bleeding; overview of Cochrane reviews and network meta-analysis.', Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 5, pp. CD013180,

Cooray N; Sun SL; Adams S; Keay L; Nassar N; Brown J, 2022, 'Exploring Infant Fall Events Using Online Parenting Discussion Forums: Infodemiology Study', JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 5,

Parab A; Whyte T; Albanese B; Bilston L; Koppel S; Charlton JL; Olivier J; Keay L; Brown J, 2022, 'Can Age or Height Define Appropriate Thresholds for Transition to Adult Seat Belts? An Analysis of Observed Seat Belt Fit in Children Aged 7–12 Years', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 1524,

Albanese B; Cross SL; Brown J; Bilston LE; Koppel S; Bohman K; Arbogast KB; Olivier J; Charlton JL, 2022, 'Child restraint headrest and belt routing design features and their association with child passenger behavior and restraint misuse', Traffic Injury Prevention, 23, pp. 446 - 451,

Whyte T; Kent N; Bilston LE; Brown J, 2022, 'Comparative performance of rearward and forward-facing child restraint systems with common use errors: Effect on crash injury risk for a 1-year-old occupant', Traffic Injury Prevention, 23, pp. 91 - 96,

Bilston LE; Mills E; Kent N; Brown J; Whyte T, 2022, 'Head excursion in frontal impacts is lower in high back booster seats than in forward facing child seats with internal harnesses designed for children up to 8 years of age', Traffic Injury Prevention, 23, pp. 244 - 249,

Fagerlind H; Harvey L; Humburg P; Davidsson J; Brown J, 2022, 'Identifying individual-based injury patterns in multi-trauma road users by using an association rule mining method', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 164,

Whyte T; Kent N; Cernicchi A; Brown J, 2022, 'Mitigating fuel tank syndrome pelvic injuries–is there potential for rider worn protectors?', Traffic Injury Prevention, 23, pp. S50 - S55,

Sran R; Keay L; Coxon K; McAuley J; Whyte T; Brown J, 2021, 'Population-Level Incidence and Use-Related Factors of Comfort and Orthopedic Accessories Among Older Vehicle Occupants in NSW, Australia', Journal of Applied Gerontology, 40, pp. 1305 - 1313,

Cooray N; Sun SL; Ho C; Adams S; Keay L; Nassar N; Brown J, 2021, 'Toward a Behavior Theory–Informed and User-Centered Mobile App for Parents to Prevent Infant Falls: Development and Usability Study', JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 4,

Cullen P; Möller H; Woodward M; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Rogers K; Brown J; Ivers R; Moeller H, 2021, 'Are there sex differences in crash and crash-related injury between men and women? A 13-year cohort study of young drivers in Australia', SSM - Population Health, 14, pp. 100816,

Mulligan CS; Adams S; Soundappan SSV; Albanese B; Brown J, 2021, 'Paediatric off-road vehicle injury in rural and regional Australia', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29, pp. 417 - 428,

Cooray N; Sun SL; Ho C; Adams S; Keay L; Nassar N; Brown J, 2021, 'Toward a Behavior Theory–Informed and User-Centered Mobile App for Parents to Prevent Infant Falls: Development and Usability Study (Preprint)', ,

Ma T; Peden AE; Peden M; Hyder AA; Jagnoor J; Duan L; Brown J; Passmore J; Clapham K; Tian M; Rahman AKMF; Ivers RQ, 2021, 'Out of the silos: Embedding injury prevention into the sustainable development goals', Injury Prevention, 27, pp. 166 - 171,

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