Select Publications
Book Chapters
2024, 'Where do I Belong? Feminism, Social Work, and Women with Intellectual Disabilities', in Noble C; Rasool S; Harms-Smith L; Muñoz-Arce G; Baines D (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Feminisms in Social Work, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), London, pp. 203 - 214,
,2023, 'Engaged advocacy: A framework for inclusion of people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds in disability policy', in Research Handbook on Disability Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 305 - 321,
,2023, 'Education and Learning', in Rights in Practice for People with a Learning Disability: Stories of Citizenship, pp. 13 - 44,
,2020, 'Conclusion', in Recognising Human Rights in Different Cultural Contexts: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), pp. 377 - 385,
,2020, 'Doing it our way: Disability, activism and advocacy Introduction', in Soldatic K; Johnson K (ed.), GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON DISABILITY ACTIVISM AND ADVOCACY: OUR WAY, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 1 - 11,
,2020, 'Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy Our Way Conclusion', in Soldatic K; Johnson K (ed.), GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON DISABILITY ACTIVISM AND ADVOCACY: OUR WAY, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 328 - 334,
,2020, 'Recognising cultural diversity: Implications for persons with disabilities', in Recognising Human Rights in Different Cultural Contexts: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), pp. 63 - 78,
,2019, 'Conclusion', in Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy: Our Way, pp. 328 - 334,
,2019, 'Introduction: Doing it our way: Disability, activism and advocacy', in Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy: Our Way, pp. 1 - 11,
,2019, 'Research, advocacy and activism: A necessary interaction?', in Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy: Our Way, pp. 114 - 125,
,2018, 'Throwing away the key: People with intellectual disability and involuntary detention', in Involuntary Detention and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: International Perspectives on Civil Commitment, pp. 505 - 527,
,2017, 'Disability and Rurality Identity, Gender and Belonging Conclusion', in Soldatic K; Soldatic K (ed.), DISABILITY AND RURALITY: IDENTITY, GENDER AND BELONGING, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 244 - 249,
,2017, 'Disability and rurality: identity, gender and belonging Introduction', in Soldatic K; Soldatic K (ed.), DISABILITY AND RURALITY: IDENTITY, GENDER AND BELONGING, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 1 - 11,
,2013, 'Implementation of Article 33 CRPD in the United Kingdom: the need to consolidate civil society engagement', in de Beco G (ed.), Article 33 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: National structures for the implementation and monitoring of the Convention, Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, pp. 97 - 118,
,2007, 'Research with people with intellectual disabilities', in Researching the Margins: Strategies for Ethical and Rigorous Research With Marginalised Communities, pp. 84 - 95,