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Select Publications
Paudel G; Shrestha K, 2018, 'Rethinking subsistence livelihoods in the Himalaya: Lessons from community forestry enterprise in Chaubas in Nepal', presented at In Area Studies and Beyond, 22nd Biennial Conference of the Asia Studies Association of Australia (ASAA), University of Sydney, Australia, 03 July 2018 - 05 July 2018
Shrestha K, 2016, 'Justice (re)considered: Situating Nepal’s disaster recovery practice in the theories of justice', presented at In 18 Months after the Nepal’s Earthquakes: Practical Disaster Justice in the Recovery Work, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 06 December 2016
Shrestha K, 2016, 'Disaster Justice or Disaster of Justice? Redistribution and Recognition of Disaster Injustices in South Asia', presented at In Disaster Justice in Anthropogenic Asia and the Pacific, Asia research Institute, National University of Singapore, 17 November 2016 - 18 November 2016
Nur I; Shrestha K, 2016, 'An integrative perspective on community vulnerability to flooding in cities of developing countries', presented at In Proceeding of the Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016, Shanghai, China, 05 September 2016 - 09 September 2016
Shrestha K; Gautam M; Ojha H, 2016, 'Climate change adaptation in ASEAN countries: Lessons from South Asia', presented at In Climate change in Asia: Lessons for the Philippines, 01 July 2016
Shrestha K, 2016, 'Rethinking Remittance Economy in Developing Counties: Insights from Nepal', presented at In Monthly Seminar of Asia Research Institute, Singapore National University, 17 May 2016
Tamang S; Shrestha K, 2016, 'Feminisation of agriculture in Nepal: a burden or an opportunity for women?', presented at In 2nd World Conference on Women’s Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 05 May 2016 - 06 May 2016
Shrestha K; Ojha H, 2016, 'Land Underutilisatoon pathways: drivers, and policy solutions', presented at National Workshop on Land Management and Food Security: Addressing Underutilised Agricutural Land Issues in Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, 28 April 2016 - 29 April 2016
Shrestha K, 2016, 'Persistence and change in Nepal', presented at In Political Ecology Group Seminar Series, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, 09 February 2016
Shrestha K, 2015, 'Future Himalaya Dialogue', presented at In British Academy International Partnership and Mobility Initiative, The University of Edinburgh Centre for South Asian Studies and Global Development Academy, Edinburgh, 14 July 2015 - 15 July 2015
Yoo D; Shrestha K, 2014, 'Green Growth for Whom? An Analysis of Inclusion in Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Practices in Seoul City Government, South Korea', presented at In Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil, 12 May 2014 - 16 May 2014
Tamang S; Paudel G; Shrestha K, 2014, 'Agricultural (in) justices: Feminization of agriculture and its implications to food security in Nepal', presented at In Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impact of Agroforestry, World Congress on Agroforestry, New Delhi, India, 10 February 2014 - 14 February 2014
Pandit B; Shrestha K; Bhattarai S, 2014, 'Conservation and livelihood impacts of agroforestry system: A case study of Kavrepalanchok district of Nepal', presented at In Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impact of Agroforestry, World Congress on Agroforestry, New Delhi, India, 10 February 2014 - 14 February 2014
Nuberg I; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Cedemon E, 2014, 'Enhancing Livelihoods and Food Security from Agroforestry and Community Forestry through Action Research in Nepal', presented at In Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impact of Agroforestry, World Congress on Agroforestry, New Delhi, India, 10 February 2014 - 14 February 2014
Paudel K; Tamang S; Shrestha K; Shah R, 2014, 'Transforming land and livelihoods: Analysis of agriculture land abandonment in the mid hills of Nepal', presented at In Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impact of Agroforestry, World Congress on Agroforestry, New Delhi, India, 10 February 2014 - 14 February 2014
Khatri D; Ojha H; Shrestha K; Paudel N, 2014, 'Why has community forestry made limited contribution to food security in Nepal?', presented at In Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impact of Agroforestry, World Congress on Agroforestry, New Delhi, India, 10 February 2014 - 14 February 2014
Shrestha K, 2014, 'Writing for Change: pursuing social science in times of transition in Nepal', presented at In British Academy International Partnership and Mobility Seminar, Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies and Nepal Policy research Network (NPRN), Kathmandu, 30 January 2014
Pradhan A; Shrestha K, 2013, 'Climate change, local institutions and inclusion: Understanding inclusion issues of communities institutions in Nepal', presented at Multi Speed Planet: Multi Speed Geographies? Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, 01 July 2013 - 04 July 2013, https://www.iag.org.au/uploads/2013/07/iag-abstract_index_-book.pdf
Yoo D; Shrestha K, 2013, 'Green Growth and Climate Change Adaptation: South Korea¿s Green Growth Strategy and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)', presented at Multi Speed Planet: Multi Speed Geographies? Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, 01 July 2013 - 04 July 2013, https://www.iag.org.au/uploads/2013/07/iag-abstract_index_-book.pdf
Shrestha K; Ojha H; Timilsina T, 2013, 'Philosophy of social sciences and Epistemological Paradigm: Insights for Research Methodology', presented at In Seminar Series for Emerging Scholars in Nepal, The PhD Centre, 04 April 2013 - 09 April 2013
Shrestha K, 2012, 'Community and climate change adaptation: Insights from Nepalese Community Forestry', presented at 8th Global Conference on Human Development: Working together unleasing and promoting human capacity for sustainable development, Kathmandu, Nepal, 29 October 2012 - 02 November 2012, http://www.conference.ica-nepal.org/
Shrestha K; Ojha H; Khatri D; Sharma Paudel N, 2012, 'Equity in climate change adaptation: Insights from REDD+ initiatives in Nepalese community forestry', presented at Symposium on Vulnerability, Adaptation and Climate Justice, Sydney Network on Climate Change and Society, University of Sydney, Australia, 20 August 2012 - 21 August 2012, http://sydney.edu.au/snccs/pdfs/vacjsymposium/shrestha.pdf
Shrestha K; Mcmanus P; Hughson J; Johnston V, 2012, 'Fairness in climate change adaptation: Knowledge and capacity of communities in Lake Macquarie, NSW', presented at Inspiring Connections: Institute of Australian Geography Conference, Macquarie university, 02 July 2012 - 04 July 2012, http://www.iag2012.com.au/
Shrestha K; Pradhananga N, 2012, 'Social impacts of world heritage listing of the Kathmandu Valley world heritage site', presented at Inspiring Connections: Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, Macquarie University, Australia, 02 July 2012 - 04 July 2012, http://www.iag2012.com.au/
Pradhananga N; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Dubey S; Jimenez J, 2012, 'Urban Planning towards a slum free city: Some International insights for India', presented at International Workshop on Slum Free Urban India - Policy and Practice: Lessons from international experiences, Visakhapatnam, Andra Pradesh, India, 14 May 2012 - 15 May 2012, http://www.sias-southasia.org/new/2013/09/23/towards-a-slum-free-city-some-international-insights-for-india/
Pradhan A; Shrestha K, 2011, 'Climate change and institutions:The role of local institutions to climate adaptation in Lake Macquarie, NSW', presented at International Conference on Sustainable Development 2011, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 05 December 2011 - 07 December 2011
Shrestha K, 2011, 'Fairness in climate change adaptation: Lessons from Kathmandu City, Nepal', presented at Smart City Expo World Congress: Smart Society for Innovation and Sustainable Cities, Barcelona, Spain, 29 November 2011 - 02 December 2011, http://media.firabcn.es/content/S078012/docs/doc_programa_ponents_2011.pdf
Mahjabeen Z; Shrestha K, 2011, 'Towards inclusive urban governance: Access to opportunity for community participation in Sydney Metropolitan Strategy', presented at World Planning Schools Congress 2011, Perth, Australia, 04 July 2011 - 08 July 2011
Shrestha K, 2011, 'The equity-equality paradox in Nepalese community forestry', presented at Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Seattle, Washington, 12 April 2011 - 16 April 2011, http://meridian.aag.org/callforpapers/program/AbstractDetail.cfm?AbstractID=36798
Neupane S; Shrestha K, 2010, 'Climate Justice: Equity in Climate Change Adaptation Policies in Nepal & Australia', presented at International Graduate Conference on Climate Change and People, Kathmandu, Nepal, 15 November 2010 - 19 November 2010
Shrestha K; Pradhananga N, 2010, 'Sustaining indigenous heritage: Learning from the Guthi System in Nepal', presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference with IAG, Christchurch, New Zealand, 05 July 2010 - 08 July 2010, https://www.iag.org.au/uploads/2010/08/iag_nzgs2010_abstracts.pdf
Shrestha K, 2010, 'The politics of collective action regional natural resource management in Australia', presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference with IAG, Christchurch, New Zealand, 05 July 2010 - 08 July 2010, https://www.iag.org.au/uploads/2010/08/iag_nzgs2010_abstracts.pdf
Shrestha K; Dee J, 2008, 'Community participation in decentralised natural resource management: who wins, who loses?', presented at Coming Out of the Cold at 50: Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 29 June 2008 - 03 July 2008, https://www.iag.org.au/uploads/2008/08/iag-conference-2008-abstracts.pdf
Dee J; Shrestha K, 2008, 'The policy-implementation gaps in decentralised natural resource management in Australia', presented at Coming Out of the Cold at 50: Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 29 June 2008 - 03 July 2008, https://www.iag.org.au/uploads/2008/08/iag-conference-2008-abstracts.pdf
Shrestha K; Cramb R, 2007, 'The politics of urban environmental management in Malabar Headland, Sydney', presented at Contemporary Geography for Australia, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 02 July 2007 - 06 July 2007, https://www.iag.org.au/uploads/2008/08/iag-conference-2007-abstracts.pdf
Sarker A; Shrestha K, 2006, 'Commons in catchments: Opportunities and challenges for collaborative natural resource management', presented at Regional Responses fo Global Changes: A view from the Antipodes, Brisbane, Australia, 03 July 2006 - 07 July 2006
Shrestha K, 2006, 'Fairness in decentralised natural resource management', presented at Regional Responses fo Global Changes: A view from the Antipodes, Brisbane, Australia, 03 July 2006 - 07 July 2006
Shrestha K, 2001, 'Community forestry and sustainable livelihoods in Nepal: who wins, who loses?', presented at Annual Conference of Institute of Australian Geographers, ANU, Canberra, Australia, 09 July 2001
Tiwari S; Dahal K; Bashyal M; Shrestha K; Timsina S; Karki S; Baral S; Karki R; Paudel N; Pandit B; Banjade M; Dangal S; Cedamon E; Nuberg I; Ojha H, 2022, Cluster level forest assessment report, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal,, EnLift, Forest Action, Nepal, Vol 2022-02, https://enliftnepal.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Volume-2022_02_Cluster-Level-Forest-Assessment-Report-Bhumlu.pdf
Shrestha K; Banjade M; Paudel N; Nuberg I; Ojha H; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2022, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal: Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Submitted to Australian, Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra.
Banjade M; Paudel N; Jha B; Paudel M; Shrestha K; Ojha H, 2021, Developing a partnership framework between community forestry and local governments under federalism in Nepal, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, EnLift, Forest Action, Nepal, 2021-04, https://enliftnepal.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2021-04-Developing-a-Partnership-Framework-between-Community-Forestry-and-Local-Governments-under-Federalism-in-Nepal.pdf
Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Paudel N; Cedamnon E; Ojha H; Banjade M; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2021, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal 2021 - Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Neapl
Banjade M; Paudel N; Shrestha K, 2021, Theories and practices of community - based planning and management of natural resources,, EnLift and Forest Action, Nepal, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, 2021-01, https://enliftnepal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2021-01-Theories-and-practices-of-community-based-planning-and-management-of-natural-resources.pdf
Bhandari S; Tiwari S; Banjade M; Shrestha K; Timsina S, 2021, Sansaridanda CFUG Chautara Sangachokgadhi- 8, Sindhupalchok, Case study report, EnLift project.
Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Paudel N; Cedamnon E; Ojha H; Banjade M; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2020, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal - Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Nepal
Shrestha K; Tamang S; Karki R; Paudel NS; Timsina S; Banjade MR, 2020, Gender Equity in Forest Management: Literature Review for Identifying Research Priorities in Nepal’s Changing Context, Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, Nepal
Shrestha K; Tamang S; Karki R; Banjade M; Paudel NS, 2020, Interim Report on Gender Empowerment, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, Nepal
Shrestha K, 2020, Towards collaborative assessment: Teachers and students working together in the design and delivery assessment within the Discipline of Development Studies, Independent
Shrestha K; Numberg I; Paudel N; Cedamnon E; Ojha H; Banjade M; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2019, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal - Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Nepal
Adhikari A; Ojha H; Paudel N; Paudel G; Shrestha K; Nuberg I, 2019, Community Forestry and Local Level Planning for Food Security and Livelihoods, EnLift project, Nepal