Select Publications

Journal articles

Higgs P; Maher L, 2010, 'Older injectors: An emerging and under-recognised public health issue', Drug and Alcohol Review, 29, pp. 233 - 234,

Nathani J; Iversen J; Shying K; Byrne J; Maher L, 2010, 'Qualitative accounts of needle and syringe cleaning techniques among people who inject drugs in Sydney, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 29, pp. 413 - 419,

Wodak A; Maher L, 2010, 'The effectiveness of harm reduction in preventing HIV among injecting drug users', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 21, pp. 69 - 73

Salmon A; Van Beek I; Amin J; Kaldor JM; Maher L, 2010, 'The impact of a supervised injecting facility on ambulance call-outs in Sydney, Australia', Addiction, 105, pp. 676 - 683,

Maher L; White B; Donald A; Bates A; Pham S; Liao LZ; Enriquez J, 2010, 'Using ethnographic fieldwork to inform hepatitis C vaccine preparedness studies with people who inject drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 21, pp. 194 - 201


Rosenthal S; Holmes WH; Maher L, 2009, 'Australian men`s experiences during a microbicide male tolerance study', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 21, pp. 125 - 130

Doab A; Topp L; Day C; Dore G; Maher L, 2009, 'Clinical trial literacy among injecting drug users in Sydney, Australia: A pilot study', Contemporary Clinical Trials, 30, pp. 431 - 435

Iversen J; Shying K; Maher L, 2009, 'Drug injection trends among participants in the Australian Needle and Syringe Program Survey, 2004-2008', Drug Trends Bulletin, July, pp. 1 - 4,$file/IDRS+Bulletin+July09.pdf

Mooney-Somers J; Erick W; Scott R; Akee A; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2009, 'Enhancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people’s resilience to blood borne and sexually transmitted infections: Findings from a community-based participatory research project', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 20, pp. 195 - 201

Wand H; Spiegelman D; Law M; Jalaludin B; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2009, 'Estimating population attributable risk for hepatitis C seroconversion in injecting drug users in Australia: implications for prevention policy and planning', Addiction, 104, pp. 2049 - 2056,

Moore D; Dray A; Green R; Hudson S; Jenkinson R; Siokou C; Perez P; Bammer G; Maher L; Dietze P, 2009, 'Extending drug ethno-epidemiology using agent-based modelling', Addiction, 104, pp. 1991 - 1997,

Higgs P; Yohannes K; Hellard M; Maher L, 2009, 'Factors influencing a self-limiting HIV outbreak among ethnic Vietnamese injecting drug users in Melbourne, Australia', Qualitative Health Research, 19, pp. 1690 - 1701,

Higgs P; Yohannes K; Hellard M; Maher L, 2009, 'Factors influencing a self-limiting HIV outbreak among ethnic Vietnamese injecting drug users in Melbourne, Australia', Qualitative Health Research, 19, pp. 1690 - 1701,

Falster K; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2009, 'Hepatitis C virus acquisition among injecting drug users: A cohort analysis of a national repeated cross-sectional survey of needle and syringe program attendees in Australia, 1995-2004', Journal of Urban Health - Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 86, pp. 106 - 118

Higgs P; Dwyer R; Duong D; Thach M; Hellard M; Power R; Maher L, 2009, 'Heroin-gel capsule cocktails and groin injecting practices among ethnic Vietnamese in Melbourne, Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 20, pp. 340 - 346,

Higgs P; Dwyer R; Duong D; Thach M; Hellard M; Power R; Maher L, 2009, 'Heroin-gel capsule cocktails and groin injecting practices among ethnic Vietnamese in Melbourne, Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 20, pp. 340 - 346,

Salmon A; Van Beek I; Amin J; Grulich A; Maher L, 2009, 'High HIV testing and low HIV prevalence among injecting drug users attending the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 33, pp. 280 - 283,

Salmon A; Dwyer R; Jauncey M; Van Beek I; Topp L; Maher L, 2009, 'Injecting-related injury and disease among clients of a supervised injecting facility', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 101, pp. 132 - 136,

Razali K; Amin J; Dore GJ; Law MG, 2009, 'Modelling and calibration of the hepatitis C epidemic in Australia', Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 18, pp. 253 - 270

Maher L; Ho H, 2009, 'Overdose beliefs and management practices among ethnic Vietnamese heroin users in Sydney, Australia', Harm Reduction Journal, 6, pp. on-line,

Topp L; Day C; Dore G; Maher L, 2009, 'Poor criterion validity of self-reported hepatitis B infection and vaccination status among injecting drug users: A review', Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, pp. 669 - 675,

Dwyer R; Topp L; Maher L; Power R; Hellard M; Walsh N; Jauncey M; Conroy A; Lewis J; Aitken C, 2009, 'Prevalences and correlates of non-viral injecting-related injuries and diseases in a convenience sample of Australian injecting drug users', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 100, pp. 9 - 16,

Coupland H; Day C; Levy M; Maher L, 2009, 'Promoting equitable access to hepatitis C treatment for Indo-Chinese injecting drug users', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 20, pp. 234 - 240

Maher L; Iversen J, 2009, 'Syringe exchange in the United States: Doing the simple things better?', Addiction, 104, pp. 1448 - 1450

Gidding H; Topp L; Middleton M; Robinson K; Hellard M; McCaughan G; Maher L; Kaldor J; Dore G; Law M, 2009, 'The epidemiology of hepatitis C in Australia: Notifications, treatment uptake and liver transplantations, 1997-2006', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24, pp. 1648 - 1654,

Kwon J; Iversen J; Maher L; Law M; Wilson D, 2009, 'The impact of needle and syringe programs on HIV and HCV transmissions in injecting drug users in Australia: A model-based analysis', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 51, pp. 462 - 469,

Mooney-Somers J; Maher L, 2009, 'The Indigenous Resiliency Project: a worked example of community-based participatory research', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 20, pp. 112 - 118

Higgs P; Jordens J; Maher L; Dunlop AJ, 2009, 'Vietnamese-Australian heroin users' perspectives on the role of the family in treatment', Drugs - Education Prevention and Policy, 16, pp. 409 - 421,

Higgs P; Jordens J; Maher L; Dunlop A, 2009, 'Vietnamese-Australian heroin users’ perspectives on the role of the family in treatment', Drugs - Education Prevention and Policy, 16, pp. 409 - 421,

White B; Day C; Thein H; Doab A; Bates A; Holden J; Van Beek I; Maher L, 2008, 'Acceptability of hepatitis C virus testing methods among injecting drug users', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 666 - 670,

Holmes W; Maher L; Rosenthal S, 2008, 'Attitudes of men in an Australian male tolerance study towards microbicide use', Sexual Health, 5, pp. 273 - 278

Day C; Topp L; Iversen J; Maher L, 2008, 'Blood-borne virus prevalence and risk among steroid injectors: Results from the Australian Needle and Syringe Program Survey', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 559 - 561,

Ho H; Maher L, 2008, 'Co vay co tra (What goes around comes around): culture, risk and vulnerability to blood-borne viruses among ethnic Vietnamese injecting drug users', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 420 - 428,

Day C; White B; Thein H; Doab A; Dore G; Bates A; Holden J; Maher L, 2008, 'Experience of hepatitis C testing among injecting drug users in Sydney, Australia', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 20, pp. 116 - 123,

Higgs P; Owada K; Hellard M; Power R; Maher L, 2008, 'Gender, culture and harm: an exploratory study of female heroin users in Vietnamese ethnicity', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 10, pp. 681 - 696

Higgs P; Owada K; Hellard M; Power R; Maher L, 2008, 'Gender, culture and harm: an exploratory study of female heroin users of Vietnamese ethnicity', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 10, pp. 681 - 695

Maher L, 2008, 'Hepatitis B vaccination and injecting drug use: Narrowing the efficacy-effectiveness gap', International Journal of Drug Policy, 19, pp. 425 - 428,

Degenhardt J; Baker A; Maher L, 2008, 'Methamphetamine: geographic areas and populations at risk, and emerging evidence for effective interventions', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 217 - 219,

Topp L; Iversen J; Conroy A; Salmon A; Maher L, 2008, 'Prevalence and predictors of injecting-related injury and disease among clients of Australia`s needle and syringe programs', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32, pp. 34 - 37,

Topp L; Iversen J; Wand H; Day C; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2008, 'Representativeness of injecting drug users who participate in HIV surveillance: Results from Australia`s needle and syringe program survey', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 47, pp. 632 - 638

Fry C; Treloar C; Maher L, 2007, 'Applied communitarian ethics for harm reduction: Promoting a dialogue within the field.', Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, pp. 553 - 555,

Salmon A; Thein H; Kimber J; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2007, 'Five years on: What are the community perceptions of drug-related public amenity following the establishment of the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre?', International Journal of Drug Policy, 18, pp. 46 - 53

Maher L; Li J; Jalaludin B; Chant K; Kaldor J, 2007, 'High hepatitis C incidence in new injecting drug users: a policy failure?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31, pp. 30 - 35

Mateu-Gelabert P; Treloar C; Calatayud V; Sandoval M; Zurian J; Maher L; Rhodes T; Friedman S, 2007, 'How can Hepatitis C be prevented in the long term?', International Journal of Drug Policy, 18, pp. 338 - 340

Maher L; Li J; Jalaludin B; Wand H; Jayasuriya R; Dixon D; Kaldor J, 2007, 'Impact of a reduction in heroin availability on patterns of drug use, risk behaviour and incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in injecting drug users in New South Wales, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 89, pp. 244 - 250,

Razali K; Thein H; Bell J; Cooper-Stanbury M; Dolan K; Dore G; George J; Kaldor J; Karvelas M; Li J; Maher L; McGregor S; Hellard M; Poeder F; Quaine J; Stewart K; Tyrrell H; Weltman M; Westcott O; Wodak A; Law M, 2007, 'Modelling the hepatitis C virus epidemic in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 91, pp. 228 - 235,

Maher L; Coupland H; Musson R, 2007, 'Scaling up HIV treatment, care and support for injecting drug users in Vietnam', International Journal of Drug Policy, 18, pp. 296 - 305

White B; Day C; Maher L, 2007, 'Self reported risk behaviour among injecting drug users: Self versus assisted questionnaire completion', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio - Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 19, pp. 441 - 447,

Maher L; Salmon A, 2007, 'Supervised injecting facilities: how much evidence is enough?', Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, pp. 351 - 353,

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