Select Publications

Journal articles

Maher L; Hudson S, 2007, 'Women in the Drug Economy: A Metasynthesis of the Qualitative Literature', Journal of Drug Issues, 37, pp. 805 - 826

Maher L; Jalaludin B; Chant K; Jayasuriya R; Sladden T; Kaldor J; Sargent P, 2006, 'Incidence and risk factors for hepatitis C seroconversion in injecting drug users in Australia', Addiction, 101, pp. 1499 - 1508,

Maher L; Iversen J; Kaldor JM, 2006, 'Measuring effectiveness of needle and syringe exchange programs for prevention of HIV among injecting drug users: Response to Amundsen.', Addiction, 101, pp. 1834 - 1836,

Coomber R; Maher L, 2006, 'Street-level drug market activity in Sydney`s primary heroin markets: Organization, adulteration practices, pricing, marketing and violence', Journal of Drug Issues, 36, pp. 719 - 753

Maher L; Jalaludin B; Chant K; Kaldor J; Hagan H; Des Jarlais DC; Thiede H, 2005, 'Hepatitis C among intravenous drug users [6] (multiple letters)', Epidemiology, 16, pp. 423 - 424,

Coupland H; Maher L; Le K; Pacheco V; Pham A; Carroll C; Cheguelman G; Freeman D; Robinson D; Smith K; Enriquez J, 2005, 'Clients or colleagues? Reflections on the process of participatory action research with young injecting drug users', International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, pp. 191 - 198

Fry C; Treloar C; Maher L, 2005, 'Ethical challenges and responses in harm reduction research: promoting applied communitarian ethics', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 449 - 459,

Maher L; Jalaludin B; Chant K; Kaldor J, 2005, 'Hepatitis C among Intravenous Drug Users', Epidemiology, 16, pp. 423 - 423

Dixon D; Maher L, 2005, 'Policing, crime and public health: lessons for Australia from the `New York miracle`', Criminology & Criminal Justice, 5, pp. 115 - 143

Thein H; Kimber J; Maher L; MacDonald M; Kaldor J, 2005, 'Public opinion towards supervised injecting centres and the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre', International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, pp. 275 - 280,

Maher L, 2004, 'Drugs, public health and policing in Indigenous communities (editorial)', Drug and Alcohol Review, 23, pp. 249 - 251,

Maher L, 2004, 'Entwined epidemics: HIV and injecting drug use in Vietnam', International Journal of Drug Policy, 15, pp. 169 - 170,

Maher L, 2004, 'Hooked on heroin: Drugs and drifters in a globalized world', Addiction, 99, pp. 929 - 930

Day C; Collins L; Degenhardt L; Thetford C; Maher L, 2004, 'Reliability of heroin users` reports of drug use behaviour using a 24 month timeline follow-back technique to assess the impact of the Australian heroin shortage', Addiction Research and Theory, 12, pp. 433 - 443,

Maher L; Chant K; Jalaludin B; Sargent P, 2004, 'Risk behaviors and antibody hepatitis B and C prevalence among injecting drug users in South-Western Sydney, Australia', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 19, pp. 1114 - 1120,

Dixon D; Maher L, 2002, 'Anh Hai: Policing, culture and social exclusion in a street heroin market', Policing and Society, 12, pp. 93 - 110

Maher L, 2002, 'Don`t leave us this way: ethnography and injecting drug use in the age of AIDS', International Journal of Drug Policy, 13, pp. 311 - 325

Moore D; Maher L, 2002, 'Ethnography and multidisciplinary in the drug field.', International Journal of Drug Policy, 13, pp. 245 - 247

Maher L; Dixon D; Hall W; Lynskey M, 2002, 'Property crime and income generation by heroin users', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 35, pp. 187 - 202

Maher L; Sargent P, 2002, 'Risk behaviours and Hepatitis C infection among Indo-Chinese initiates to injecting drug use in Sydney, Australia', Addiction Research and Theory, 10, pp. 535 - 544

Dunlop A; Higgs P; Jordens J; Ritter A; Bammer G; Whelan G; Maher L; Higgs P, 2002, 'Vietnamese-Australian heroin users; Ambulatory withdrawal and 24-month follow-up', Addiction Biology, 7, pp. 335 - 335

Maher L; Higgs P; Jordens J; Dunlop A; Sargent P; Higgs P, 2001, 'Harm reduction and drug users of Vietnamese ethnicity', Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, pp. 239 - 245,

HIGGS P; MAHER L; JORDENS J; DUNLOP A; SARGENT P, 2001, 'HARM REDUCTION DIGEST 13*. Harm reduction and drug users of Vietnamese ethnicity', Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, pp. 239 - 245,

Maher L; Swift W; Dawson M, 2001, 'Heroin purity and composition in Sydney,Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, pp. 439 - 448,

Sargent P; Maher L; Higgs P; Crofts N; Higgs P, 2001, 'Initiation to injecting drug use among Indo-Chinese young people', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 12, pp. 242 - 247

Maher L; Sargent P; Higgs P; Crofts N; Le T; Kelsall J; Higgs P, 2001, 'Risk behaviours of young Indo-chinese injecting drug users in Sydney and Melbourne', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 25, pp. 50 - 54

Maher L; Dixon D, 2001, 'The cost of crackdowns: Policing Cabramatta`s heroin market', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 13, pp. 5 - 22

Johnson B; Maher L; Friedman S, 2001, 'What public policies affect heroin users?', Journal of Applied Sociology, 18, pp. 14 - 49

Maher L, 1999, 'Crime control and women: Feminist implications of criminal justice policy.', Contemporary Sociology, 28, pp. 105 - 106

Maher L, 1999, 'Heroin, HIV and harm in New York and Sydney', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 163 - 165

Dixon D; Maher L, 1999, 'Policing and public health :Law enforcement and harm minimization in a street level drug market', British Journal of Criminology, 39, pp. 488 - 512

Swift W; Maher L; Sunjic S, 1999, 'Transitions between routes of heroin administration: a study of Caucasian and Indochinese heroin users in south-western Sydney, Australia', Addiction, 94, pp. 71 - 82

Maher L, 1999, 'Women, drug use and HIV infection', Addiction, 94, pp. 1587 - 1588

Hando J; Darke S; O'Brien S; Maher L; Hall W, 1998, 'The development of an early warning system to detect trends in illicit drug use in Australia: The illicit drug reporting system', Addiction Research and Theory, 6, pp. 97 - 113,

Johnson BD; Dunlap E; Maher L, 1998, 'Nurturing for careers in drug use and crime: Conduct norms for children and juveniles in crack-using households', Substance Use and Misuse, 33, pp. 1511 - 1546

Hando J; Darke S; O Brien S; Maher L; Hall W, 1998, 'The development of an early warning system to detect trends in illicit drug use in Australia: The Illicit Drug Reporting System', Addiction Research, pp. 97 - 113

Dunlap E; Johnson BD; Maher L, 1997, 'Female crack sellers in New York City: Who they are and what they do?', Women and Criminal Justice, 8, pp. 25 - 55

Maher L, 1996, 'Street addicts in the political economy - Waterston,A', DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 15, pp. 317 - 320,

Maher L; Dunlap E; Johnson BD; Hamid A, 1996, 'Gender, power and alternative living arrangements in the inner-city crack culture', Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 33, pp. 181 - 205

Maher L, 1996, 'Hidden in the light: Occupational norms among crack-using street-level sex workers', Journal of Drug Issues, 26, pp. 143 - 173

Dolan K; Rutter S; Wodak AD; Hall W; Maher L; Dixon D, 1996, 'Is syringe exchange feasible in a prison setting?', Medical Journal of Australia, 164, pp. 508

Maher L; Daly K, 1996, 'Women in the street-level drug economy: Continuity or Change?', Criminology, 34, pp. 465 - 491

Maher L, 1992, 'Punishment and Welfare: Crack cocaine and the regulation of mothering.', Women & Criminal Justice, 3, pp. 35 - 70,

Von Hirsch A; Maher L, 1992, 'Should Penal Rehabilitationism be Revived?', Criminal Justice Ethics, 11, pp. 25 - 30,

von Hirsch A; Maher L, 1992, 'Can penal rehabilitationism be revived?', Criminal Justice Ethics, 11, pp. 25 - 30

Maher L, 1992, 'Punishment and welfare: Crack cocaine and the regulation of mothering.', Women and Criminal Justice, 3, pp. 35 - 70

Maher L, 1992, 'Reconstructing the female criminal: Women and crack cocaine', University of Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies, 2, pp. 134 - 154

Maher L; Curtis R, 1992, 'Women on the edge of crime: Crack cocaine and the changing contexts of street-level sex work in New York City', Crime Law and Social Change, 18, pp. 221 - 258

Maher L; Waring E, 1990, 'Beyond simple differences: White collar crime, gender and workforce position', Phoebe : an interdisciplinary journal of feminist scholarship, theory, and aesthetics, 2, pp. 44 - 54

Maher L, 1990, 'Criminalizing pregnancy: The downside of a kinder gentler nation.', Social Justice, 17, pp. 111 - 135

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