Select Publications
2004, Within Reach: a Participatory Needs Assessment of Young Injecting Drug Users in South Western Sydney, University of New South Wales, UNSW, Sydney
,2002, Sexed work: Gender, race and resistance in a Brooklyn drug market, Oxford University Press, Oxford
,2001, Sexed work: Gender, race and resistance in a Brooklyn drug market., Oxford University Press, Oxford
,2000, Sharing knowledge to protect our community, Centre for International and Multicultural Health University of New South Wales Sydney, Sydney, NSW
,1999, Heroin purity and composition: An analysis of street-level samples in Cabramatta, NSW, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre. University of NSW, Sydney, NSW
,1998, Criminology at the crossroads: Feminist readings of crime and justice, Oxford University Press, New York
,1998, Running the risks: Heroin, health and harm in South West Sydney, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW
,1997, Anh Hai: Young Asian Background People`s Perception and Experiences of Policing, UNSW Faculty of Law Research Monograph Series, Sydney
,1997, Heroin use in Sydney Indo-chinese communities: a review of NDARC research, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW
,1997, Sexed work: Gender, race and resistance in a Brooklyn drug market, Oxford University Press, Oxford
,1997, The illicit drug reporting system (IDRS) trial: Final Report, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW
,Book Chapters
2021, 'Patterns and epidemiology of illicit drug use among sex workers globally: A systematic review', in Sex Work, Health, and Human Rights: Global Inequities, Challenges, and Opportunities for Action, Springer Nature, pp. 95 - 118,
,2020, 'Young Indigenous People Responding to a Sexually Transmitted Infection Diagnosis: Accounts of Resilience', in Relational Concepts in Medicine, pp. 215 - 226,
,2014, 'Street-level drug market activity in Sydney’s primary heroin markets: Organization, adulteration practices, pricing, marketing and violence.', in Tadajewski M; Cluley R (ed.), International Perspectives of Marketing Theory – Volume 4: Transforming Marketing, Consumer and Society Dynamics., Sage, London, pp. 205 - 234,
,2011, 'Hepatitis C knowledge and beliefs among culturally and linguistically diverse drug users', in Lê Q (ed.), Health and wellbeing: A social and cultural perspective, Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 185 - 198
,2011, 'Learning from the Past: Young Indigenous People's Accounts of Blood-borne Viral and Sexually Transmitted Infections as Resilience Narratives.', in Deng M; Raia F; Vaccarella M (ed.), Relational Concepts in Medicine., Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford
,2011, 'Women in the street-level drug economy: Continuity or change?', in Chesney Lind M; Morash M (ed.), Feminist Theories of Crime, Ashgate, London, pp. 69 - 90
,2010, 'Street-level drug market activity in Sydney's primary heroin markets', in Drugs and Crime: Volume II, Ashgate Publishing, London
,2008, 'We are family: ICON, a model for effective peer-based outreach targeting marginalised injecting drug users', in Moore D; Deitze P (ed.), Drugs and Public Health: Australian Perspectives on Policy and Practice, Oxford University Press, Melbourne
,2004, 'Containment, quality of life and crime reduction: policy transfers in the policing of a street heroin market', in Newburn T; Sparks R (ed.), Criminal Justice and Political Cultures, Willan Publishing, Cullompton, UK, pp. 234 - 266
,2004, 'Gender, power and alternative living arrangements in the inner-city crack culture', in Chesney-Lind M; Pasko L (ed.), Girls, women and crime, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
,2003, 'A reserve army: Women and the drug market', in Raffel Price B; Sokoloff NJ (ed.), The Criminal justice system and women: Offenders, victims and workers, McGraw-Hill, New York
,2003, 'Black women's pathways to involvement in illicit drug distribution and sales: An ethnographic analysis', in Drugs and Crime: Deviant Pathways, Ashgate, Michigan, pp. 167 - 193
,2002, 'Black women`s pathways to involvement in illicit drug distribution and sales: an exploratory ethnographic analysis', in Brochu S; Agra CD; Cousineau M-M (ed.), Drugs and Crime Deviant Pathways, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire, pp. 167 - 193
,2002, 'Policing and public health: law enforcement and harm minimization in a street-level drug market', in Stephanie Taylor (ed.), Ethnographic Research: A Reader, Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 36 - 64
,2002, 'Women in the street-level drug economy: Continuity or Change', in Inciardi J; McElrath K (ed.), The American Drug Scene, Roxbury Publishing, California, USA
,2001, 'Can penal rehabilitationism be revived?', in Kadish SJ (ed.), Criminal Law and its Processes, Aspen Law and Business Publishers, Aspen, USA
,2001, 'How do you translate hepatitis C? There’s no word for it: A rapid assessment of hepatitis C prevention in NESB communities.', in How do you translate hepatitis C? There’s no word for it: A rapid assessment of hepatitis C prevention in NESB communities., Multicultural HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Service, Sydney
,2001, 'Women in the Street-Level Drug Economy:Continuity or Change?', in Alpert GP; MacDonald JM (ed.), Understanding Social Science Research, Waveland Press,Inc, Illinois, pp. 109 - 134
,2000, 'Black women's pathways to involvement in illicit drug distribution and sales: An ethnographic analysis', in Johnson BD; Dunlap E; Williams T (ed.), Drugs and Family Life in the Center City, Sage, New York
,2000, 'Gangs: Cabra girls (Australia)', in Encyclopedia of women and crime, oryx press, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 86 - 88
,1999, 'Walls of Silence', in Hage G; Couch R (ed.), The Future of Australian Multiculturalism, Research Institute for Humanities and Social Science, Sydney, NSW, pp. 89 - 101
,1999, 'Walls of silence: Stories of Cabramatta street youth', in Australian youth subcultures: On the margins and in the mainstream, Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, Hobart, pp. 138 - 147
,1998, 'Crossroads and intersections: Building from feminist critique', in Criminology at the Crossroads: Feminists Readings in Crime and Justice, Oxford University Press, New York, USA, pp. 1 - 17
,1998, 'Women on the edge of crime: Crack cocaine and the changing contexts of street-level sex work in New York City', in Criminology at the Crossroads: Feminists Readings in Crime and Justice, Oxford University Press, New York, USA, pp. 110 - 134
,1995, 'In the name of love: Women and initiation to illicit drugs', in Dobash RE; Dobash RP; Noaks L (ed.), Gender and Crime, University of Wales Press, Cardiff
,1993, 'In search of the female urban gangsta: Change, culture and crack cocaine', in Raffel Price B; Sokoloff NJ (ed.), The Criminal Justice System and Women: Offenders, Victims and Workers, McGraw-Hill,, New York
,1992, 'Can penal rehabilitationism be revived?', in Ashworth A; von Hirsch A (ed.), Can penal rehabilitationism be revived?, Northeastern University Press, Boston
,1992, 'Contrasting crime general and crime specific theory: The case of hot spots of crime', in Adler F; Laufer W (ed.), Advances in Criminological Theory, Transaction Press
,1992, 'Punishment and welfare: Crack cocaine and the regulation of mothering', in Feinman C (ed.), The Criminalization of a Woman's Body, The Haworth Press, New York
,Journal articles
2024, 'Characteristics of attrition within the SuperMIX cohort of people who inject drugs: a multiple event discrete-time survival analysis', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24,
,2024, 'Utilising integrated bio-behavioural surveillance (IBBS) to investigate declining hepatitis C antibody prevalence among people who inject drugs in the Australian Needle and Syringe Program Survey.', Int J Drug Policy, pp. 104576,
,2024, 'B-cell characteristics define HCV reinfection outcome', Journal of Hepatology, 81, pp. 415 - 428,
,2024, 'Utilising Integrated Bio-behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) to investigate declining hepatitis C antibody prevalence among people who inject drugs in the Australian Needle and Syringe Program Survey', International Journal of Drug Policy, 131,
,2024, 'Clinical effectiveness and analytical quality of a national point-of-care testing network for sexually transmitted infections integrated into rural and remote primary care clinics in Australia, 2016–2022: an observational program evaluation', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 48,
,2024, 'The gendered violence of injecting-related stigma among relatively affluent, suburban women who inject drugs', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1062 - 1070,
,2024, 'High COVID-19 vaccine uptake following initial hesitancy among people in Australia who inject drugs', Vaccine, 42, pp. 2877 - 2885,
,2024, 'Parents who inject drugs: Demographics, care arrangements and correlates for child placement in out-of-home care', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 775 - 786,
,2024, 'Characterization of antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis in patients infected with hepatitis C virus with different clinical outcomes', Journal of Medical Virology, 96,
,2024, 'Using Ethno-Epidemiology in a Prospective Observational Study to Increase the Rigour of Nested Qualitative Research', International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23,