Select Publications

Book Chapters

Lixinski L, 2022, 'Regional Indigenous rights and the (dis)contents of translation: a view from Latin America', in Research Handbook on the International Law of Indigenous Rights, pp. 10 - 24,

Lixinski L, 2021, 'Global Public Goods and Private International Legal Governance: Lessons from International Cultural Heritage Law', in Zyberi G (ed.), Protecting Community Interests through International Law, Intersentia, pp. 31 - 58,

Lixinski L, 2020, 'Central and South America', in Francioni F; Vrdoljak AF (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of International Cultural Heritage Law, Oxford University Press, pp. 878 - 907,

Lixinski L, 2020, 'Heritage law in Pacific Island states: the legacies of colonialism and the elusive possibilities of cultural emancipation', in Wewerinke-Singh M; Hamman E (ed.), Environmental Law and Governance in the Pacific: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Communities, pp. 215 - 236,

Lixinski L; Tzevelekos V, 2020, 'The World Heritage Convention and the Law of State Responsibility: Promises and Pitfalls', in Carstens A-M; Varner E (ed.), Intersections in International Cultural Heritage Law, Oxford University Press, pp. 247 - 266,

Lixinski L, 2020, 'Article 3(a): Relationship to Other International Heritage Instruments', in Blake J; Lixinski L (ed.), The 2003 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Convention: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, pp. 100 - 116,

Blake J; Lixinski L, 2020, 'Article 3(b): Relationship to Intellectual Property and Environmental Instruments', in Blake J; Lixinski L (ed.), The 2003 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Convention: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, pp. 117 - 133,

Blake J; Lixinski L, 2020, 'Conclusions: Tightropes of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention', in Blake J; Lixinski L (ed.), The 2003 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Convention: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, pp. 494 - 503,

Lixinski L, 2020, 'The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Human Rights: Relativism and Collectivism 2.0?', in Blake J; Lixinski L (ed.), The 2003 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Convention: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, pp. 463 - 477,

Lixinski L, 2019, 'International Human Rights Law and Municipal Law', in Grote R; Lachenmann F; Wolfrum R (ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law,

Lixinski L, 2019, 'Culture, in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law [MPECCoL]', in Grote R; Lachenmann F; Wolfrum R (ed.), Oxford Constitutional Law, Max Planck Institute,

Lixinski L, 2019, 'Axum Stele', in International Law’s Objects, pp. 130 - 140,

Lixinski L, 2019, 'Balancing Test: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR)', in Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law, Oxford University Press,

Lixinski L; Franca Filho MT; Olmos Giupponi B, 2019, 'Courts of Regional Economic Communities in Latin America and Human Rights Law', in Kadelbach S; Rensmann T; Rieter E (ed.), Judging International Human Rights, Springer, pp. 201 - 221,

Lixinski L, 2019, 'Indigenous (Intangible) Cultural Heritage and the Unfulfilled Promises of Rights Declarations', in Sargent S; Samanta J (ed.), Indigenous Rights: Changes and Challenges for the 2st Century, Buckingham University Press, Buckingham, pp. 41 - 58

Lixinski L, 2019, 'The Inter-American Court of Human Rights' Tentative Search for Latin American Consensus', in Kapotas P; Tzevelekos V (ed.), Building Consensus on European Consensus Judicial Interpretation of Human Rights in Europe and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, pp. 337 - 363,

Lixinski L, 2018, 'Regional and international treaties on intangible cultural heritage: between tradition and contemporary culture', in Waelde C; Cummings C; Pavis M; Enright H (ed.), Research Handbook on Contemporary Intangible Cultural Heritage: Law and Heritage, Edward Elgar, pp. 15 - 34,

Lixinski L, 2018, 'Intangible heritage economics and the law: listing, commodification and market alienation', in Akagawa N; Laurajane S (ed.), Safeguarding Intangible Heritage Practices and Politics, Routledge, London, pp. 54 - 67,

Lixinski L, 2018, 'General Principles of Contracts about the Exploitation of Intangible Cultural Heritage', in Di Costanzo L (ed.), The Ownership of Cultural Heritage: Public-Private Partnership, Satura Editrice, pp. 53 - 87,

Lixinski L, 2018, 'Religious cultural heritage: The law and politics of conservation, iconoclasm, and identity', in Hooper G (ed.), Heritage at the Interface: Interpretation and Identity, pp. 121 - 135,

Lixinski L, 2018, 'Axum Stele', in Hohmann J; Joyce D (ed.), International Law's Objects, Oxford University Press, USA, pp. 130 - 140,

Lixinski L, 2018, 'Instrumentos Regionais e Internacionais Sobre Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial: Multiculturalismo Entre Tradição e Modernidade, Cultura Alta e Baixa', in Soares IVP; Pragmácio M (ed.), Tutela Jurídica e Política de Preservação do Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial, pp. 47 - 70

Ingulstad M; Lixinski L, 2018, 'Pan-American exceptionalism: Regional international law as a challenge to international institutions', in Jackson S; O'Malley A (ed.), The Institution of International Order: From the League of Nations to the United Nations, Routledge, pp. 65 - 89,

Lixinski L, 2017, 'Falling Short: the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Regime, Indigenous heritage and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples', in Indigenous Rights: Changes and Challenges in the 21st Century, The University of Buckingham Press, pp. 37 - 54,

Lixinski L, 2017, 'A critical mapping of transitional justice in Latin America', in Comparative Constitutional Law in Latin America, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 87 - 107,

Lixinski L, 2017, 'Heritage Listing as Self-determination', in Durbach A; Lixinski L (ed.), Heritage, Culture and Rights: Challenging legal discourses, HART PUBL, pp. 227 - 249

Francioni F; Lixinski L, 2017, 'Opening the Toolbox of International Human Rights Law in the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage', in Durbach A; Lixinski L (ed.), Heritage, Culture and Rights: Challenging legal discourses, HART PUBL, pp. 11 - 34

Lima Marques C; Lixinski L; Baquero PM, 2017, 'Brazil', in Basedow J; Rühl G; Ferrari F; Asensio PDM (ed.), Encyclopedia of Private International Law, Edward Elgar, pp. 81 - 91

Durbach A; Lixinski L, 2017, 'Introduction', in Heritage, Culture and Rights: Challenging Legal Discourses, Hart Publishing, pp. 1 - 7

Lixinski L; Tzevelekos V, 2017, 'The Strained, Elusive and Wide-Ranging Relationship between International Cultural Heritage Law and the Law of State Responsibility: From Collective Enforcement to Concurrent Responsibility', in Chechi A; Renold M-A (ed.), Cultural Heritage Law and Ethics: Mapping Recent Developments, pp. 7 - 43

Lixinski L; Marques CL, 2016, 'Family and Succession Law', in Deffenti F; Barral W (ed.), Introduction to Brazilian Law - 2nd Edition, pp. 51 - 72

Lixinski L, 2016, 'Commentary: The Responsibility to Protect and Non-State (Corporate) Actors - More of the Same?', in Barnes R; Tzevelekos V (ed.), Beyond Responsibility to Protect: Generating Change in International Law, Intersentia, pp. 241 - 248

Lixinski L; Tzevelekos V, 2016, 'From the internationalisation of national constitutions to the "constitutionalisation" of international law: the role of human rights', in Jakubowski A; Wierczynska K (ed.), Fragmentation vs the Constitutionalisation of International Law: A Practical Inquiry, Routledge, pp. 32 - 52

Lixinski L, 2016, 'Intangible Cultural Heritage', in Wiesand A; Chainoglou K; Sledzinska-Simon A; Donders Y (ed.), Culture and Human Rights – The Wroclaw Commentaries, De Gruyter, pp. 189 - 191,

Lixinski L; Buckingham L, 2015, 'Propertization, safeguarding and the cultural commons The turf wars of intangible cultural heritage and traditional cultural expressions', in Vadi V; DeWitte B (ed.), Culture and International Economic Law, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 160 - 174

Lixinski L, 2015, 'Direito Internacional da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural: Estratégias de Exclusão e Inclusão [International Art and Cultural Heritage Law: Strategies of Exclusion and Inclusion]', in Mamede G; Franca Filho M; Rodrigues Junior OL (ed.), Direito da Arte [Art Law], Atlas, pp. 209 - 240

Lixinski L, 2015, 'Procedural Fairness in Human Rights Systems', in Sarvarian A; Fontanelli F; Baker R; Tzevelekos V (ed.), Procedural Fairness in International Courts, BIICL, UK, pp. 325 - 342

Lixinski L, 2014, 'Human Dignity in South American Law', in Düwell M; Braarvig J; Brownsword R; Mieth D (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, pp. 394 - 400,

Lixinski L, 2014, 'Environment and War: Lessons from International Cultural Heritage Law', in Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library, pp. 157 - 177,

Lixinski L, 2014, 'Det immaterielle Røros [The Intangible in Røros]', in Gjelsvik E (ed.), Røros: Refleksjoner etter 30 år som vendersarv [Røros: Reflections of a 30 year anniversary], Pax Forlag, pp. 207 - 221

Lixinski L, 2014, 'Environment and War: Lessons from Cultural Heritage Law', in Rayfuse R (ed.), War and the Environment: New Approaches to Protecting the Environment in relation to Armed Conflict, Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, pp. 157 - 177,

Lixinski L, 2014, 'Heritage for Whom? Individuals' and Communities' Roles in International Cultural Heritage Law', in Lenzerini F; Vrdoljak F (ed.), International Law for Common Goods - Normative Perspectives on Human Rights, Culture and Nature, Hart Publishing Ltd., pp. 193 - 213,

Lixinski L, 2014, 'Taming the Fragmentation Monster through Human Rights? International Constitutionalism, 'Pluralism Lite' and the Common Territory of the two European Legal Orders', in Kosta V; Skoutaris N; Tzevelekos VP (ed.), The EU Accession to the ECHR, Hart Pub Limited, pp. 219 - 233,

Lixinski L, 2013, 'Legal Implications of the Privatization of Cyber Warfare', in Viola de Azevedo Cunha M; Nuno Gomes de Andrade N; Lixinski L; Tome Feteira L (ed.), New Technologies and Human Rights: Challenges to Regulation, Ashgate, England, pp. 255 - 271,

Lixinski ; Marques CL; Bordin FL, 2011, 'Artigos 11-16 [Articles 11-16]', in Saliba AT (ed.), Direito dos Tratados – Comentários à Convenção de Viena sobre o Direito dos Tratados (1969), Arraes Editores, pp. 55 - 98

Lixinski ; Marques CL, 2011, 'Family and Succession Law', in Deffenti F; Barral W (ed.), Introduction to Brazilian Law, Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, pp. 49 - 69,

Lixinski L; Correa FA, 2010, 'The Legal Future of MERCOSUR', in Lixinski ; Franca Filho MT; Olmos Giupponi MB (ed.), The Law of MERCOSUR, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 413 - 423

Franca Filho MT; Lixinski L; Olmos Giupponi MB, 2010, 'Introduction to the Law of MERCOSUR', in The Law of MERCOSUR, pp. 1 - 6

Lixinski L; Marques CL; Miragem B, 2010, 'Desenvolvimento e Consumo: bases para uma análise da proteção do consumidor como direito humano [Consumption and Development: Bases for analyzing consumer protection as a human right]', in Piovesan F; Soares IVP (ed.), Direito ao Desenvolvimento [The Right to Development], Forum, pp. 201 - 230

Lixinski L, 2010, 'Human Rights Law in MERCOSUR', in Lixinski L; Franca Filho MT; Olmos Giupponi MB (ed.), The Law of MERCOSUR, Hart, pp. 351 - 364

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