Select Publications

Conference Abstracts

Roddam L; Pagnon JC; Page S; Ali N; Ambrose M; Cooley MA; Griffin PE; Corley SM; Wilkins MR, 2024, 'Human cells treated extracellularly with rhpon2 are protected from detrimental 3oc12-hsl-mediated effects', in Respirology, Wiley, Vol. 29, pp. 41 - 42, presented at 15th Australasian Cystic Fibrosis Conference,

Katelaris A; Canagasingham A; Ni J; Deshpande N; Malouf D; Bucci J; Thompson J; Bai X; Pang B; Zhu Y; Wilkins M; Graham P; Li Y, 2022, 'Isolation of exosomal microRNA to serve as a diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer: A provisional analysis of 12 patients', in BJU INTERNATIONAL, WILEY, AUSTRALIA, Gold Coast, Vol. 129, pp. 140 - 140, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Urological-Society-of-Australia-and-New Zealand, AUSTRALIA, Gold Coast, 25 June 2022 - 28 June 2022,

Paramsothy S; Kamm M; Nielsen S; Deshpande N; Faith J; Clemente J; Paramsothy R; Walsh A; van den Bogaerde J; Samuel D; Leong R; Connor S; Ng W; Lin E; Wilkins M; Colombel J-F; Borody T; Mitchell H; Kaakoush N, 2018, 'In faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for ulcerative colitis, fusobacterium is associated with lack of remission, while metabolic shifts to starch degradation and short-chain fatty acid production are associated with remission (FOCUS study)', in JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, Vol. 12, pp. S13 - S14

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