Select Publications
Toombs M (ed.), 2014, Toombs, 2016 Invited: Public Lecture, Australian National University, 16th September, 2014.
Toombs M (ed.), 2013, Health Workforce Australia National Conference, Improving health services and access for Indigenous Australians living in rural and remote QLD; Adelaide 18th-20th November, 2013
Toombs M (ed.), 2013, Invited Speaker: Australian Medical Student Association annual national Conference; Gold Coast 8th-12th July 2013. Crossing Cultures, a hidden history.
Toombs M (ed.), 2012, Data from cohort study of medical graduates 2012 (UQMediCoS_For_pone0180394).,
Toombs M (ed.), 2012, International Global Health Conference, The many roots of resilience; improving Indigenous health work force’. Halifax, Novia Scotia, Canada. May 2012.
Toombs M (ed.), 2012, Invitation to Queens University, Canada 2012- Keynote Speaker and to provide assistance with curriculum design.
Toombs M (ed.), 2012, Invited Speaker- NAIDOC Dinner, July 2012 Toowoomba
Toombs M (ed.), 2012, Keynote Speaker- Address to the Graduation ceremony of Aboriginal students at the University of Southern Queensland.
Toombs M (ed.), 2012, Keynote Speaker- Close the Gap Day, Toowoomba 20th March 2012, University Southern Queensland.
Toombs M (ed.), 2012, Keynote Speaker- Global health Conference 2012, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Toombs M (ed.), 2011, Bartle, E., Toombs,M., Lawrie, G., Corporal, S. Increasing the scaffolding: Development and implementation of an innovative chemistry preparatory program for Indigenous students entering UQ's MBBS program. Auckland, New Zealand. 1st December 2011