Select Publications
2020, Management A Practical Introduction
,2006, Chapter 9 A conceptual model of the effects of emotional labor strategies on customer outcomes,
,Book Chapters
2015, 'Not All Smiles are Created Equal: How Employee-Customer Emotional Contagion Impacts Service Relationships', in Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, pp. 254,
,2013, 'The customer experience of emotional labor', in Emotional Labor in the 21st Century: Diverse Perspectives on Emotion Regulation at Work, pp. 127 - 152,
,2011, 'Customer service.', in APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization., American Psychological Association, pp. 329 - 357,
,2006, 'A conceptual model of the effects of emotional labor strategies on customer outcomes', in Zerbe WJ; Hartel C; Ashkanasy N (ed.), Research on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 2: Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Emotion Management and Display, edn. Original, Elsevier JAI, Oxford, UK, pp. 219 - 236,
,2005, 'Customers as good soldiers: Extending organizational citizenship behavior research to the customer domain', in Turnipseed DL (ed.), Handbook of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review of `Good Soldier` Activity in Organizations, edn. Original, Nova Science Publications, New York, USA, pp. 415 - 433
,1999, 'Gender and service delivery', in Bøllingtoft A; Håkonsson DD; Nielsen JF; Snow CC; Ulhøi J (ed.), New Approaches to Organization Design, Springer, pp. 47 - 68
,Journal articles
2024, 'How Display Rules Influence Turnover in Healthcare Teams and the Moderating Role of Team Negative Affective Tone', Journal of Service Research, 27, pp. 397 - 413,
,2024, 'How social roles shape interpersonal affect regulation at work', Organizational Psychology Review, 14, pp. 25 - 88,
,2024, 'Rethinking Customer Mistreatment at the Service Frontlines', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024,
,2023, 'A meta-analysis of the impact of customer mistreatment on service employees' affective, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes', Journal of Service Management, 34, pp. 896 - 940,
,2023, 'Frontline service employee research: integration of systematic literature reviews and recommendations for future scholarship', Journal of Service Management, 34, pp. 829 - 842,
,2023, 'The impact of emotional labor strategy order effects on customer satisfaction within service episodes', European Journal of Marketing, 57, pp. 3041 - 3071,
,2023, 'Holding Back or Letting Go? The Effect of Emotion Suppression on Relationship Viability in New Venture Teams', Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 47, pp. 1460 - 1495,
,2023, 'The influence of technology on the future of work: Bibliometric review and directions for management scholarship', Group and Organization Management,
,2022, 'A motivational approach to emotional labor: Examining the link between goal orientation and emotional labor strategies', Journal of Management and Organization, 28, pp. 1280 - 1300,
,2022, 'It Went Downhill From There: The Spillover Effect from Previous Customer Mistreatment on Frontline Employees’ Service Delivery', Journal of Service Research, 25, pp. 478 - 493,
,2021, 'Caught out! The role of customer emotional intelligence and dual thinking processes in perceptions of frontline service employees' inauthentic positive displays', Psychology and Marketing, 38, pp. 2191 - 2208,
,2021, 'When Heroes and Villains Are Victims: How Different Withdrawal Strategies Moderate the Depleting Effects of Customer Incivility on Frontline Employees', Journal of Service Research, 24, pp. 435 - 454,
,2021, 'Enacting Service Work in a Changing World: Time for a Dialogue', Journal of Service Research, 24, pp. 226 - 229,
,2021, 'Four Decades of Frontline Service Employee Research: An Integrative Bibliometric Review', Journal of Service Research, 24, pp. 230 - 248,
,2020, 'A review and agenda for examining how technology-driven changes at work will impact workplace mental health and employee well-being', Australian Journal of Management, 45, pp. 402 - 424,
,2020, 'The Changing Value of Skill Utilisation: Interactions with Job Demands on Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism', Applied Psychology, 69, pp. 30 - 58,
,2019, 'Aggression in Service Interactions: New Directions in Customer Mistreatment', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019, pp. 12388 - 12388,
,2019, 'Finding dignity in dirty work: Influence of perceived social worth & impact on job performance', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019, pp. 14935 - 14935,
,2019, 'The Moment of Truth: A Review, Synthesis, and Research Agenda for the Customer Service Experience', Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6,
,2019, 'Why emotions matter to the practice of management: Lessons learned from the service research literature', Organizational Dynamics,
,2018, 'Service work in 2050: toward a work ecosystems perspective', Journal of Service Management, 29, pp. 956 - 974,
,2018, 'Workplace aggression and organisational effectiveness: The mediating role of employee engagement', Australian Journal of Management, 43, pp. 614 - 631,
,2018, 'Reaping the Rewards of Functional Diversity in Healthcare Teams: Why Team Processes Improve Performance', Group and Organization Management, 43, pp. 440 - 474,
,2018, 'The Spillover Effect of Customer Mistreatment on Frontline Employees’ Subsequent Performance', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018, pp. 10650 - 10650,
,2017, 'Feeling bad and doing good: The effect of customer mistreatment on service employee's daily display of helping behaviors', Personnel Psychology, 70, pp. 769 - 808,
,2017, 'Accelerating employee-related scholarship in service management: Research streams, propositions, and commentaries', Journal of Service Management, 28, pp. 837 - 865,
,2017, 'A framework to create more mentally healthy workplaces: A viewpoint.', Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 52, pp. 15 - 23,
,2017, '“That was a good shift”: Interprofessional collaboration and junior doctors’ learning and development on overtime shifts', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31, pp. 471 - 486,
,2017, 'Service with a fake smile: Detecting inauthentic emotions in service settings.', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 13117 - 13117,
,2016, 'Time to change: a review of organisational culture change in health care organisations', Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, 3, pp. 265 - 288,
,2016, 'The impact of surface acting on coworker-directed voluntary workplace behaviours', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25, pp. 447 - 458,
,2016, 'When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Keep Working: Impact of Emotional Labor on Absenteeism', Journal of Management, 42, pp. 615 - 643,
,2016, '“That Was a Good Shift”: Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Junior Doctors’ Experience on Overtime.', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, pp. 13489 - 13489,
,2015, 'Tightening or loosening the "iron cage"? The impact of formal and informal display controls on service customers', Journal of Business Research, 68, pp. 1062 - 1073,
,2015, 'A dyadic model of customer orientation: Mediation and moderation effects', British Journal of Management, 26, pp. 292 - 309,
,2015, 'Reaping the Rewards of Cross-functional Teams: Why Processes make a difference to Team Performance', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, pp. 15584 - 15584,
,2014, 'The Impact of Service Scripts on Customer Citizenship Behavior and the Moderating Role of Employee Customer Orientation', Psychology and Marketing, 31, pp. 1096 - 1109,
,2014, 'Buffering the negative effects of employee surface acting: The moderating role of employee-customer relationship strength and personalized services', Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, pp. 341 - 350,
,2013, 'Effect of Violence in Organizations on Organizational Effectiveness: The Role of Engagement', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013, pp. 12117 - 12117,
,2012, 'An Investigation of the Effects of Individual- and Unit-level Display Rules on Work Outcomes', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012, pp. 13457 - 13457,
,2012, 'Moderating the effect of emotional labor: The role of relationship strength & personalized service', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012, pp. 11808 - 11808,
,2011, 'Learning and development: Promoting nurses' performance and work attitudes', Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67, pp. 609 - 620,