Select Publications

Journal articles

Walgenbach P; Drori G; Höllerer M, 2017, 'Between local mooring and global orientation: A neo-institutional theory perspective on the contemporary multinational corporation', Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 49,

Jancsary D; Meyer R; Höllerer M; Boxenbaum E, 2017, 'Institutions as multimodal accomplishments: Towards the analysis of visual registers', Research in the Sociology of Organizations

Höllerer M; Daudigeous T; Jancsary D, 2017, 'Multimodality, meaning, and institutions: Editorial', Research in the Sociology of Organizations

Meyer R; Jancsary D; Höllerer M; Boxenbaum E, 2017, 'THE ROLE OF VERBAL AND VISUAL TEXT IN THE PROCESS OF INSTITUTIONALIZATION', Academy of Management Review, pp. amr.2014.0301 - amr.2014.0301,

Jancsary D; Meyer R; Höllerer M; Barberio M, 2017, 'Toward a structural model of organizational-level institutional pluralism and logic interconnectedness', Organization Science,

Kornberger M; Leixnering S; Meyer R; Höllerer M, 2017, 'Rethinking the sharing economy: The nature and organization of sharing in the 2015 refugee crisis', Academy of Management Discoveries,

Meyer RE; Höllerer MA, 2016, 'Laying a smoke screen: Ambiguity and neutralization as strategic responses to intra-institutional complexity', Strategic Organization, 14, pp. 373 - 406,

Meyer RE; Höllerer MA; Leixnering S, 2016, 'A question of value(s): Political connectedness and executive compensation in public sector organizations', International Public Management Journal, Published online: 29 Oct 2015,

Brandtner C; Höllerer MA; Kornberger M; Meyer RE, 2016, 'Enacting governance through strategy: A comparative study on governance configurations in Sydney and Vienna', Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies

Polzer T; Meyer RE; Höllerer MA; Seiwald J, 2016, 'Institutional hybridity in public sector reform: Replacement, blending, or layering of administrative paradigms', Research in the Sociology of Organizations,

Kornberger M; Meyer RE; Brandtner C; Höllerer MA, 2016, 'When bureaucracy meets the crowd: Studying ‘open government’ in the Vienna City Administration', Organization Studies, 38, pp. 179 - 200,

Meyer RE; Hoellerer MA, 2014, 'Does institutional theory need redirecting?', Journal of Management Studies, 51, pp. 1221 - 1233,

Meyer RE; Höllerer MA, 2014, 'Does institutional theory need redirecting?', Journal of Management Studies, 51, pp. 1221 - 1233,

Meyer RE; Egger-Peitler I; Höllerer MA; Hammerschmid G, 2014, 'Of bureaucrats and passionate public managers: Institutional logics, executive identities, and public service motivation', Public Administration: an international quarterly covering public administration throughout the world, 92, pp. 861 - 885,

Drori GS; Höllerer MA; Walgenbach P, 2014, 'Unpacking the glocalization of organisation: From term, to theory, to analysis', European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 1, pp. 85 - 99,

Höllerer MA, 2013, 'From taken-for-granted to explicit commitment: The rise of CSR in a corporatist country', Journal of Management Studies, 50, pp. 573 - 606,

Höllerer MA; Jancsary D; Meyer RE; Vettori O, 2013, 'Imageries of corporate social responsibility: Visual recontextualization and field-level meaning', Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 39, pp. 139 - 174,

Meyer RE; Höllerer MA; Jancsary D; Van Leeuwen T, 2013, 'The visual dimension in organizing, organization, and organization research: Core ideas, current developments, and promising avenues', The Academy of Management Annals, 7, pp. 487 - 553,

Meyer RE; Höllerer MA, 2010, 'Meaning structures in a contested issue field: A topographic map of shareholder value in Austria', Academy of Management Journal, 53, pp. 1241 - 1262,


Hoellerer M; Dwyer G; Fourie J; Spee P, 2022, In a year of endless floods, why isn’t disaster governance front and centre in the election campaign?, ,

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