Select Publications

Journal articles

Cowling MG; Ottazzi A, 2015, 'Conformal maps of carnot groups', Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 40, pp. 203 - 213,

Cowling MG; Ottazzi A, 2015, 'Global contact and quasiconformal mappings of carnot groups', Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, 19, pp. 221 - 239,

Cowling MG; Leinert M, 2011, 'Pointwise convergence and semigroups acting on vector-valued functions', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 84, pp. 44 - 48,

Cowling MG; Klima O; Sikora A, 2011, 'Spectral multipliers for the kohn sublaplacian on the sphere in C n', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 363, pp. 611 - 631,

Cowling MG; Meda S; Setti AG, 2010, 'A weak type (1,1) estimate for a maximal operator on a group of isometries of a homogeneous tree', Colloquium Mathematicum, 118, pp. 223 - 232,

Cowling MG; Escauriaza L; Kenig CE; Ponce G; Vega L, 2010, 'The Hardy uncertainty principle revisited', Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 59, pp. 2007 - 2025

Cowling MG; Demange B; Sundari M, 2010, 'Vector-valued distributions and Hardy’s uncertainty principle for operators', Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 26, pp. 133 - 146

Capogna L; Cowling MG, 2006, 'Conformality and Q-harmonicity in Carnot groups', Duke Mathematical Journal, 135, pp. 455 - 479

Cowling MG; Meda S, 2006, 'Estimates for kernels of intertwining operators on SL(n,R)', Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 81, pp. 105 - 120

Cowling MG, 2006, 'Measure theory and automorphic representations', Bulletin of Kerala Mathematics Association, pp. 137 - 151

Cowling MG; Dorofaeff B; Seeger A; Wright J, 2005, 'A family of singular oscillatory integral operators and failure of weak amenability', Duke Mathematical Journal, 127, pp. 429 - 486

Cowling MG; De Mari F; Koranyi A; Reimann HM, 2005, 'Contact and conformal maps in parabolic geometry. I', Geometriae Dedicata, 111, pp. 65 - 86

Cherix P; Cowling MG; Straub BP, 2004, 'Filter products of C0-semigroups and ultraproduct representations for Lie groups', Journal of Functional Analysis, 208, pp. 31 - 63

Astengo F; Cowling MG; Di Blasio B, 2004, 'The Cayley transform and uniformly bounded representations', Journal of Functional Analysis, 213, pp. 241 - 269

Cowling MG; Reimann HM, 2003, 'Quasiconformal mappings on Carnot groups: three examples', Contemporary Mathematics, 320, pp. 111 - 118

Cowling MG, 2002, 'Analysis on the sphere', Jurnal Matematika atau Pembelajarannya, VIII, pp. 179 - 183

Cowling M; De Mari F; Koranyi A; Reimann HM, 2002, 'Contact and conformal maps on Iwasawa N groups', Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Serie IX. Matematica e Applicazioni, 13, pp. 219 - 232

Cowling MG; Giulini S; Meda S, 2002, 'Oscillatory multipliers related to the wave equation on noncompact symmetric spaces', Journal of the London Mathematical Society - Second Series, 66, pp. 691 - 709

Bekka ME; Cowling MG, 2002, 'Some irreducible unitary representations of G(K) for a simple algebraic group G over an algebraic number field K', Mathematische Zeitschrift, 241, pp. 731 - 741

Cowling MG; Garcia-Cuerva J; Gunawan H, 2002, 'Weighted estimates for fractional maximal functions related to spherical means', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 66, pp. 75 - 90

Cowling M; Giulini S; Meda S, 2001, 'L-p-L-q estimates for functions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on noncompact symmetric spaces. III', Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 51, pp. 1047 - 1069

Cowling MG; Sikora A, 2001, 'A spectral multiplier theorem for a sublaplacian on SU(2)', Mathematische Zeitschrift, pp. 1 - 36

Cowling MG; Tao T, 2001, 'Some light on Littlewood-Paley theory', Mathematische Annalen, pp. 885 - 888

Cowling MG; Nevo A, 2001, 'Uniform estimates for spherical functions on complex semisimple Lie groups', Geometric and functional analysis, 11, pp. 900 - 932

Cowling MG; Meda S; Setti AG, 2000, 'Estimates for functions of the Laplace operator on homogeneous trees', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, pp. 4271 - 4293

Astengo F; Cowling MG; Di Blasio B; Sundari M, 2000, 'Hardy`s uncertainty principle on certain Lie groups', Journal of the London Mathematical Society - Second Series, pp. 461 - 472

Cowling MG; Sitaram A; Sundari M, 2000, 'Hardy`s uncertainty principle on semisimple groups', Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 192, pp. 293 - 296

Cowling MG; Qian T, 1999, 'A class of singlar integrals on the n-complex unit sphere', Science China-Mathematics, 42, pp. 1233 - 1245

Cowling MG; Qian T, 1999, 'A class of singular integrals on the complex n-sphere', Science in China Series A - Mathematics, pp. 1121 - 1140

Cowling MG; Meda S; Setti AG, 1999, 'Invariant operators on function spaces on homogeneous trees', Colloquium Mathematicum, pp. 53 - 61

Cowling MG; Meda S; Pasquale R, 1999, 'Riesz potentials and amalgams', Annales de l'Institut Fourier, pp. 1345 - 1367

Cowling MG; Setti AG, 1999, 'The range of the Helgason-Fourier transformation on homogeneous trees', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, pp. 237 - 246

Cowling M; Dooley A; Koranyi A; Ricci F, 1998, 'An approach to symmetric spaces of rank one via groups of Heisenberg type', The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 8, pp. 199 - 237,

Cowling MG; Meda S; Setti AG, 1998, 'An overview of harmonic analysis on the group of isometries of a Homogeneous tree', Expositiones Mathematicae, 16, pp. 385 - 424

Cowling MG, 1998, 'The predual of the space of convolutors on a locally compact group', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, pp. 409 - 414

Cowling MG, 1997, 'Herz`s `Principe de majoration` and the Kunze-Stein phenomenon', Canadian Mathematical Society, pp. 73 - 88

Cowling M; Dorofaeff B, 1997, 'Random subgroups of Lie groups', Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano, 67, pp. 95 - 101 (2000),

Cowling MG; Doust IR; Mcintosh A; Yagi A, 1996, 'Banach space operators with bounded H^{infinity} functional calculus', Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A - Pure Mathematics and Statistics, pp. 51 - 89

Cowling MG; Giulini S; Meda S, 1995, 'Lp-Lq estimates for functions of the Laplace- Beltrami operator on noncompact symmetric spaces II', Journal of Lie Theory, pp. 1 - 14

Bekka M; Cowling M; de la Harpe P, 1994, 'Simplicity of the reduced C*-algebra of PSL(n,Z)', International Mathematics Research Notices, pp. 285ff. - approx. 7 pp. (electronic),

Bekka M; Cowling M; de la Harpe P, 1994, 'Some groups whose reduced C*-algebra is simple', Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques. Publications Mathematiques, pp. 117 - 134 (1995),

Cowling M; Giulini S; Hulanicki A; Mauceri G, 1994, 'Spectral multipliers for a distinguished Laplacian on certain groups of exponential growth', Studia Mathematica, 111, pp. 103 - 121

Cowling M; Meda S, 1993, 'Harmonic analysis and ultracontractivity', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 340, pp. 733 - 752,

Cowling M; Meda S, 1993, 'Harmonic Analysis and Ultracontractivity', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 340, pp. 733 - 733,

Cowling M; Giulini S; Meda S, 1993, 'Lp-Lq estimates for functions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on noncompact symmetric spaces. I', Duke Mathematical Journal, 72, pp. 109 - 150,

Cowling M; Dooley AH; Korányi A; Ricci F, 1991, 'H-type groups and Iwasawa decompositions', Advances in Mathematics, 87, pp. 1 - 41,

Cowling M; Steger T, 1991, 'The irreducibility of restrictions of unitary representations to lattices', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle’s Journal], 420, pp. 85 - 98

Cowling M; Gaudry G; Giulini S; Mauceri G, 1991, 'Weak type (1,1) estimates for heat kernel maximal functions on Lie groups', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 323, pp. 637 - 649,

Cowling M; Disney S; Mauceri G; Müller D, 1990, 'Damping oscillatory integrals', Inventiones Mathematicae, 101, pp. 237 - 260,

Cowling M; Zimmer RJ, 1989, 'Actions of lattices in Sp(1,n)', Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 9, pp. 221 - 237,

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