Select Publications


Lakshika E; Barlow M; Yang S; Barlow Z; Townsend T, 2023, A General Exergaming Interface: Impact upon Heart Rate, Enjoyment and Immersion across Multiple Games (Preprint), ,

Nguyen HT; Nguyen TD; Tran VP; Garratt M; Kasmarik K; Anavatti S; Barlow M; Abbass HA, 2020, Continuous Deep Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Ground-Air Swarm Shepherding, ,

Nguyen H; Tran V; Nguyen T; Garratt M; Kasmarik K; Barlow M; Anavatti S; Abbass H, 2018, Apprenticeship Bootstrapping Via Deep Learning with a Safety Net for UAV-UGV Interaction, ,

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