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Select Publications
2025, 'Global Regulatory Approaches', in Hunn P; Grant Allen J (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Digital Assets and the Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford
,2025, 'AI in the Courtroom: The Right to a Human Judge?', in Durante M; Pagallo U; Paseri L (ed.), De Gruyter Handbook - Law and Digital Technologies, De Gruyter
,2025, 'Generative AI and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights: the right to a human judge?', in Zou M; Ebers M; Poncibo C; Calo R (ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Generative AI and the Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, https://www.cambridge.org/au/universitypress/subjects/law/e-commerce-law/cambridge-handbook-generative-ai-and-law?format=HB
,2025, 'Navigating China's Regulatory Approach to Generative AI', in The Cambridge Handbook of Generative AI and the Law, Cambridge University Press, https://www.cambridge.org/au/universitypress/subjects/law/e-commerce-law/cambridge-handbook-generative-ai-and-law?format=HB
,2025, 'Corporate Social Responsibility and Decent Work in China: the Influence of EU and International Norms', in Burnay M; Timoteo M; Li B (ed.), Internationalisation of EU Law and EU-China Relations, Routledge
,2023, 'Revisiting the Ethics of Temporary Labour Migration Programmes: The Role of Exit in Migrant Work Relations', in Ryan B; Zahn R (ed.), Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law, Hart, pp. 279 - 279, https://www.bloomsbury.com/au/migrant-labour-and-the-reshaping-of-employment-law-9781509919147/
,2022, 'When AI meets Smart Contracts: Regulating Hyper-autonomous Contracting', in Ebers M; Poncibò C; Zou M (ed.), Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Hart, https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/contracting-and-contract-law-in-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence-9781509950683/
,2021, 'Penalty in the Contract of Employment: The Good, the Bad (Leavers) and the Ugly', in Punishment and Private Law, pp. 375 - 394
,2020, 'Virtual Justice in the Time of COVID-19', in Eidenmüller H; Enriques L; Helleringer G; van Zwieten K (ed.), COVID-19 and Business Law, Bloomsbury Publishing, https://www.bloomsbury.com/au/covid19-and-business-law-9781509944736/
,2019, 'Innovation without Authorisation? The Regulatory Black Box of Cryptocurrencies in China', in Aggarwal N; Eidenmüller H; Enriques L; Payne J; van Zwieten K (ed.), Autonomous Systems and the Law, Nomos/ C H Beck
,2018, 'Regulating child labour in China: A historical perspective of internal child migration', in Protecting Migrant Children: In Search of Best Practice, pp. 219 - 235
,2018, 'Collective Bargaining and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions: A Game Changer in Governing Chinese Workplaces?', in Hendrickx F; De Stefano V (ed.), Game Changers in Labour Law: Shaping the Future of Work, Kluwer Law International, https://law-store.wolterskluwer.com/s/product/game-changers-in-labour-law-shaping-the-future-of-work/01t0f00000J3l66AAB
,2017, 'Occupational Safety and Health Laws in China: Towards an Integrated Framework?', in Addabbo T; Ales E; Curzi Y; Senatori I (ed.), Well-being at and through Work, G. Giappichelli Editore, pp. 99 - 120, https://www.giappichelli.it/well-being-at-and-through-work-9788892107403
,2017, 'Regulating collective labour disputes in China: A tale of two actors', in Mediation in Contemporary China Continuity and Change, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, https://www.wildy.com/isbn/9780854902248/mediation-in-contemporary-china-continuity-and-change-hardback-wildy-simmonds-and-hill-publishing
,2017, 'Regulating the Fissured Workplace: The Notion of the Employer in Chinese Employment Law', in Nakakubo H; Araki T (ed.), The Notion of Employer in the Era of the Fissured Workplace, Kluwer Law International, https://law-store.wolterskluwer.com/s/product/notion-of-employer-in-the-era-of-fissured-workplace/01t0f00000J3aVPAAZ
,2017, 'Migrant precarity under China's new immigration law regime', in Studies in Critical Social Sciences, pp. 160 - 178, http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/9789004329706_009
,2016, 'Employer Demand for 'Skilled' Migrant Workers: Regulating Admission Under the United Kingdom's Tier 2 (General) Visa', in Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era The Regulatory Challenges, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 113 - 130, https://www.bloomsbury.com/au/temporary-labour-migration-in-the-global-era-9781509906291/
,2016, 'Labour standards along the “One Belt One Road”', in Legal Dimensions of China's Belt and Road Initiative, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 357 - 392, https://www.pbookshop.com/legal-dimensions-of-china-s-belt-and-road-initiative-9789887741206.html
,2016, 'RATIONALITY AND SOCIETY', in Movements for Human Rights: Locally and Globally, pp. 62 - 71, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315511856-11
,2015, 'The Legal Construction of Precarious Migrant Work Relations: A Study of Australia’s 457-visa Scheme', in Pilati M; Sheikh H; Sperotti F; Tilly C (ed.), How Global Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 451 - 481, https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-4438-7438-0
,2015, 'Hyper-Dependence and Hyper-Precarity in Migrant Work Relations', in Labour And Social Rights. An Evolving Scenario Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference in Commemoration of Marco Biagi, G Giappichelli Editore, pp. 451 - 481, https://giappichelli-usa.com/labour-and-social-rights-an-evolving-scenario-e-pub-9788834859292
,2015, 'Rationality and society', in Handbook of Sociology and Human Rights, pp. 290 - 299, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315634227
,2014, 'The Evolution of Collective Labour Law with ‘Chinese Characteristics’? ‘Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones?’', in Blanpaint R; Liukkunen U; Chen Y (ed.), China and ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Kluwer Law International, https://law-store.wolterskluwer.com/s/product/china-ilo-fundamental-principles-and-rights-at-work/01t0f00000J3aNEAAZ
,2013, 'Multinational corporations and employment relations in the People's Republic of China: the case of Beijing Hyundai Motor Company', in 'Making Sense' of Human Resource Management in China, Routledge, pp. 181 - 201, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315875392-9
,2012, 'Exploring new frontiers in an internationalised classroom: Team-based learning and reflective journals as innovative learning strategies', in Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning for Home and International Students: Internationalisation of Pedagogy and Curriculum in Higher Education, pp. 27 - 40, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203098035
,2011, 'Rethinking human rights in China: Towards a receptor framework', in Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region: Towards Institution Building, pp. 249 - 263, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203815724-24
,2011, 'Rethinking human rights in China: Towards a receptor framework', in Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region: Towards Institution Building, pp. 249 - 263, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203817315