Select Publications

Journal articles

Zivkovic P; McCurdy D; Zou M; Raymond A, 2023, 'Mind the gap: Tech-based dispute resolution for disputes in global supply blockchains', Business Horizons, 66, pp. 13 - 26,

Wang Y; Zou M; Wu Z, 2022, 'Force majeure and Covid-19: A Critical Assessment of Key Issues under the Chinese Civil Code', Journal of Contract Law, 38, pp. 61 - 78,

Bogojević S; Zou M, 2021, 'Making Infrastructure 'Visible' in Environmental Law: The Belt and Road Initiative and Climate Change Friction', Transnational Environmental Law, 10, pp. 35 - 56,

Zou M, 2020, 'An Empirical Study of Reforming Commercial Arbitration in China', Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal, 20, pp. 281 - 290,

Zou M, 2020, 'Smart Courts in China and the Future of Personal Injury Litigation', Journal of Personal Injury Law

Zou M, 2020, 'Code, and other laws of blockchain', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 40, pp. 645 - 665,

Zou M, 2019, 'China and The Belt and Road Initiative: Transnational Labor Law Under State Capitalism 4.0', American Journal of International Law Unbound, pp. 418 - 423,

Zou M; Leung K, 2019, 'Regulating Working Hours in Hong Kong: Towards Temporal Autonomy', Hong Kong Law Journal, 49, pp. 1 - 28,

Zou M, 2018, 'International and Comparative Employment Relations: National Regulation, Global Challenges', Industrial Law Journal, 47, pp. 583 - 585,

Zou M, 2018, 'Economic Development and the Social Rights Hypothesis: Regulating Labour Standards in China', Asian Journal of Law and Society, 5, pp. 315 - 331,

Zou M; An Y, 2018, 'An Assessment of Advance Directives in China: The Coming of Age for Legal Regulation', Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review, 20, pp. 1 - 24,

Zou M, 2018, 'Social Media and Privacy in the Chinese Workplace: Why One Should Not “Friend” Their Employer on WeChat', Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 39, pp. 389 - 420,

Zou M, 2018, 'Pour une refonte des programmes pour les travailleurs migrants temporaires', Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale, pp. 18 - 31,

Zou M, 2017, 'Towards exit and voice: Redesigning temporary migrant workers' programmes', Lavoro e Diritto, 31, pp. 91 - 109,

Zou M; Chan S, 2017, 'Understanding Employment Discrimination Litigation in China through the Notion of Rights Apathy', Marquette Benefit & Social Welfare Law Review, 18, pp. 141 - 164,

Zou M, 2017, 'The regulatory challenges of 'Uberization' in China: Classifying ride-hailing drivers', International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 33, pp. 269 - 294

Zou M, 2016, 'China’s Fragmented Occupational Safety and Health Regime: An Analysis of The Work Safety Law and The Occupational Diseases Law', LAWASIA Journal, pp. 1 - 18,

Zou M, 2016, 'Migrants at Work: Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour Law', Industrial Law Journal, 45, pp. 565 - 569,

Zou M; Pan X; Han S, 2016, 'Regulating Collective Labour Disputes in China: A Tale of Two Actors', Journal of Comparative Law, 10, pp. 276 - 290

Zou M, 2015, 'Legal issues regarding confidentiality and consent in HIV testing in Hong Kong', Asian Bioethics Review, 7, pp. 402 - 409,

Woo J; Chan H; Chong A; Zou M; Chung R; Kwok T, 2015, 'Medical Ethical Principles May Drive Improvement of Quality of Dying in Hong Kong', Journal of Palliative Care and Medicine, 5, pp. 227 - 227,

Zou M, 2015, 'Immigration Law as Labour Market Regulation: Temporary Migration Status and Migrant Work Relations', Mondi Migranti, 2015,

Zou M, 2015, 'The Legal Construction of Hyper-dependence and Hyper-Precarity in Migrant Work Relations', The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 31, pp. 141 - 162,

Goudkamp J; Zou M, 2015, 'THE DEFENCE OF ILLEGALITY IN TORT LAW: BEYOND JUDICIAL REDEMPTION?', Cambridge Law Journal, 74, pp. 13 - 16,

Zou M; Goudkamp J, 2015, 'Hounga v Allen UKSC 47', Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, pp. 56 - 58,

Zou M, 2012, 'Labour relations with "Chinese characteristics"? Chinese Labour Law at a historic crossroads', Lavoro e Diritto, 26, pp. 145 - 162,

Zou M, 2012, 'A Freestanding Right or a Means to an End? The Right to Strike in the ILO and EU Legal Frameworks', Trinity College Law Review, 15, pp. 101 - 118,

Zou M; Lansbury RD, 2009, 'Multinational corporations and employment relations in the People's Republic of China: The case of Beijing Hyundai Motor Company', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, pp. 2349 - 2369,

Zou M, 'China's Fragmented Occupational Safety and Health Regime: An Analysis of the Work Safety Law and the Occupational Diseases Law', SSRN Electronic Journal,

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