Select Publications

Journal articles

Vrhovski B; Mckay K; Schevzov G; Gunning P, 2005, 'Smooth muscle specific a tropomyosin is a marker of fully differentiated smooth muscle in lung.', Histochemical Journal, 53, pp. 1 - 15

Schevzov G; Bryce NS; Almonte-Baldonado R; Joya J; Lin JJ; Hardeman E; Weinberger R; Gunning P, 2005, 'Specific features of neuronal size and shape are regulated by tropomyosin isoforms.', Molecular Biology of the Cell, 16, pp. 3425 - 3437,

Schevzov G; Vrhovski B; Bryce N; Elmir S; Qiu M; O''neill G; Yang N; Verrills N; Kavallaris M; Gunning P, 2005, 'Tissue-specific tropomyosin isoform composition.', Histochemical Journal, 53, pp. 557 - 570,

Gunning PW; Schevzov G; Kee AJ; Hardeman EC, 2005, 'Tropomyosin isoforms: divining rods for actin cytoskeleton function', Trends in Cell Biology, 15, pp. 333 - 341,

Vrhovski B; Lemckert F; Gunning P, 2004, 'Modification of the tropomyosin isoform composition of actin filaments in the brain by deletion of an alternatively spliced exon', Neuropharmacology, 47, pp. 684 - 693,

Ashworth SL; Wean SE; Campos SB; Temm-Grove CJ; Southgate EL; Vrhovski B; Gunning P; Weinberger RP; Molitoris BA, 2004, 'Renal ischemia induces tropomyosin dissociation-destabilizing microvilli microfilaments', American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology, 286,

Hook J; Lemckert F; Qin H; Schevzov G; Gunning P, 2004, 'Gamma tropomyosin gene products are required for embryonic development', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24, pp. 2318 - 2323,

Kee AJ; Schevzov G; Nair-shaliker V; Robinson C; Vrhovski B; Ghoddusi M; Qiu M; Lin JJ; Weinberger R; Gunning P; Hardeman E, 2004, 'Sorting of a nonmuscle tropomyosin to a novel cytoskeletal compartment in skeletal muscle results in muscular dystrophy.', Journal of Cell Biology, 166, pp. 685 - 696

Percival JM; Hughes JA; Brown DL; Schevzov G; Heimann K; Vrhovski B; Bryce N; Stow JL; Gunning PW, 2004, 'Targeting of a tropomyosin isoform to short microfilaments associated with the Golgi complex', Mol Biol Cell, 15, pp. 268 - 280,

Dalby-Payne JR; O'Loughlin EV; Gunning P, 2003, 'Polarization of Specific Tropomyosin Isoforms in Gastrointestinal Epithelial Cells and Their Impact on CFTR at the Apical Surface', Molecular Biology of the Cell, 14, pp. 4365 - 4375,

Yager M; Thoms J; Lovicu F; Gunning P; Weinberger R; O'Neill G, 2003, 'Functional analysis of the actin-binding protein, tropomyosin 1, in neuroblastoma.', British Journal of Cancer, 89, pp. 860 - 863

Hughes J; Cooke-yarborough C; Chadwick N; Schevzov G; Arbuckle S; Gunning P; Weinberger R, 2003, 'High-molecular-weight tropomyosins localize to the contractile rings of dividing CNS cells but are absent from malignant paediatric and adult CNS tumors.', Glia, 42, pp. 25 - 35

Tay ES; Guven KL; Subramaniam N; Polly P; Issa LL; Gunning PW; Hardeman EC, 2003, 'Regulation of alternative splicing of Gtf2ird1 and its impact on slow muscle promoter activity', Biochemical Journal, 374, pp. 359 - 367,

Bryce N; Schevzov G; Ferguson V; Percival J; Lin JJ; Matsumura F; Bamburg J; Jeffrey P; Hardeman E; Gunning P; Weinberger R, 2003, 'Specification of actin filament function and molecular composition by tropomyosin isoforms.', Molecular Biology of the Cell, 14, pp. 1002 - 1016

Vrhovski B; Schevzov G; Dingle S; Lessard J; Gunning P; Weinberger R, 2003, 'Tropomyosin isoforms from the gamma gene differing at the C-terminus are spatially and developmentally regulated in the brain.', Journal of Neuroscience, 72, pp. 373 - 383

Durling HJ; Reilich P; Müller-Höcker J; Mendel B; Pongratz D; Wallgren-Pettersson C; Gunning P; Lochmüller H; Laing NG, 2002, 'De novo missense mutation in a constitutively expressed exon of the slow alpha-tropomyosin gene TPM3 associated with an atypical, sporadic case of nemaline myopathy', Neuromuscular Disorders, 12, pp. 947 - 951,

Xiang H; Schevzov G; Gunning P; Williams HM; Silink M, 2002, 'A comparative study of growth-inhibitory effects of isoflavones and their metabolites on human breast and prostate cancer cell lines', Nutrition and Cancer, 42, pp. 224 - 232,

Lloyd C; Gunning P, 2002, 'β- and γ-actin genes differ in their mechanisms of down-regulation during myogenesis', Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 84, pp. 335 - 342,

Barbaric D; Dalla-Pozza L; Gunning P; Byrne JA, 2001, 'Differential expression of individual D52-like genes in childhood acute leukaemia.', BLOOD, 98, pp. 185B - 185B,

Corbett MA; Robinson CS; Yang N; Joya JE; Stewart AW; Schnell C; Gunning PW; North KN; Hardeman E, 2001, 'A mutation in alpha-tropomyosin(slow) affects muscle strength, maturation and hypertrophy in a mouse model for nemaline myopathy', Human Molecular Genetics, 10, pp. 317 - 328

Gunning P; Ferguson V; Brennan KJ; Hardeman EC, 2001, 'Alpha-skeletal actin induces a subset of muscle genes independently of muscle differentiation and withdrawal from the cell cycle', Journal of Cell Science, 114, pp. 513 - 524

Li Z; Elliott E; Gunning P; O'Loughlin E, 2001, 'DOES THE CYTOSKELETON OF INTESTINAL EPITHHELIAL CELLS FUNCTION AS A CELLULAR ALARM TO IDENTIFY THE E. COLI INFECTION', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 16, pp. 33 - 33,

Ilkovski B; Cooper ST; Nowak K; Ryan MM; Yang N; Schnell C; Durling HJ; Roddick LG; Wilkinson I; Kornberg AJ; Collins KJ; Wallace G; Gunning PW; Hardeman E; North K, 2001, 'Nemaline myopathy caused by mutations in the muscle alpha-skeletal-actin gene', American Journal of Human Genetics, 68, pp. 1333 - 1343

Xiang H; Schevzov G; Gunning PW; Williams HM; Silink M, 2000, 'The effects of genistein and two novel metabolites of isoflavones on antiproliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis in human breast and prostate cancer cell lines', MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 11, pp. 448A - 448A,

Percival JM; Weinberger RP; Stow JL; Gunning PW, 2000, 'Two gamma-tropomyosin isoforms are targeted to actin microfilaments associated with the Golgi complex', MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 11, pp. 99A - 99A,

Percival JM; Thomas G; Cock TA; Gardiner EM; Jeffrey PL; Lin JJC; Weinberger RP; Gunning P, 2000, 'Sorting of tropomyosin isoforms in synchronised NIH 3T3 fibroblasts: Evidence for distinct microfilament populations', Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 47, pp. 189 - 208,<189::AID-CM3>3.0.CO;2-C

Weinberger R; Gunning P; Schevzov G, 2000, 'Staying in shape', Today's Life Science, 12, pp. 14 - 19

Heimann K; Percival JM; Weinberger R; Gunning P; Stow JL, 1999, 'Specific isoforms of actin-binding proteins on distinct populations of Golgi-derived vesicles', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274, pp. 10743 - 10750,

Li Z; Elliott E; Payne J; Isaacs J; Gunning P; O'Loughlin EV, 1999, 'Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli can impair T84 cell structure and function without inducing attaching/effacing lesions', Infection and Immunity, 67, pp. 5938 - 5945,

Nourse CR; Mattei MG; Gunning P; Byrne JA, 1998, 'Cloning of a third member of the D52 gene family indicates alternative coding sequence usage in D52-like transcripts', Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Structure and Expression, 1443, pp. 155 - 168,

Dufour C; Weinberger RP; Gunning P, 1998, 'Tropomyosin isoform diversity and neuronal morphogenesis', Immunology and Cell Biology, 76, pp. 424 - 429,

Ferguson V; Tolhurst O; Jeffrey P; Gunning P; Weinberger R, 1998, 'Isoform specific effects of tropomyosins in neuronal differentiation.', MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 9, pp. 135A - 135A,

Byrne JA; Mattei MG; Basset P; Gunning P, 1998, 'Identification and in situ hybridization mapping of a mouse Tpd52/1(D53) orthologue to chromosome 10A4-B2', Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 81, pp. 199 - 201

Dufour C; Weinberger RP; Schevzov G; Jeffrey PL; Gunning P, 1998, 'Splicing of two internal and four carboxyl-terminal alternative exons in nonmuscle tropomyosin 5 pre-mRNA is independently regulated during development', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273, pp. 18547 - 18555,

Byrne JA; Nourse CR; Basset P; Gunning P, 1998, 'Identification of homo- and heteromeric interactions between members of the breast carcinoma-associated D52 protein family using the yeast two-hybrid system', Oncogene, 16, pp. 873 - 881,

Hannan AJ; Gunning P; Jeffrey PL; Weinberger RP, 1998, 'Structural compartments within neurons: Developmentally regulated organization of microfilament isoform mRNA and protein', Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences, 11, pp. 289 - 304,

Gunning P; Hardeman E; Jeffrey P; Weinberger R, 1998, 'Creating intracellular structural domains: spatial segregation of actin and tropomyosin isoforms in neurons', BioEssays, 20, pp. 892 - 900

Gunning P; Weinberger R; Jeffrey P; Hardeman E, 1998, 'Isoform sorting and the creation of intracellular compartments', Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 14, pp. 339 - 372

Qin H; Gunning P, 1997, 'The 3'-end of the human β-actin gene enhances activity of the β-actin expression vector system: Construction of improved vectors', Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 36, pp. 63 - 72,

Weinberger R; Mcancy J; Cooke-Yarborough C; Arbuckle S; Kellie S; Jeffery P; Gunning P, 1997, 'High molecular weight tropomyosins: Potential markers for neoplasias of the CNS', BRAIN PATHOLOGY, 7, pp. 1186 - 1186,

Gunning P; Weinberger R; Jeffrey P, 1997, 'Actin and tropomyosin isoforms in morphogenesis', Anatomy and Embryology, 195, pp. 311 - 315,

Minamide LS; Painter WB; Schevzov G; Gunning P; Bamburg JR, 1997, 'Differential regulation of actin depolymerizing factor and cofilin in response to alterations in the actin monomer pool', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272, pp. 8303 - 8309,

Schevzov G; Gunning P; Jeffrey PL; Temm-Grove C; Helfman DM; Lin JJC; Weinberger RP, 1997, 'Tropomyosin localization reveals distinct populations of microfilaments in neurites and growth cones', Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences, 8, pp. 439 - 454,

Gunning P; Ferguson V; Brennan K; Hardeman E, 1997, 'Impact of α-Skeletal Actin but not α-Cardiac Actin on Myoblast Morphology', Cell Structure and Function, 22, pp. 173 - 179

Coumans JV; Yeoh T; Seeto RK; Keogh A; Brennan K; Gunning P; Hardeman E; Dos Remedios CG, 1997, 'Variations in relative mRNA levels of actin and myosin heavy chains do not produce corresponding differences in their proteins in the adult human heart', Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 29, pp. 895 - 905

Minamide LS; Painter WB; Schevzov G; Gunning P; Bamburg JR, 1996, 'Expression of actin depolymerizing factor is responsive to the actin monomer pool', MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 7, pp. 1177 - 1177,

Weinberger R; Schevzov G; Jeffrey P; Gordon K; Hill MA; Gunning P, 1996, 'The molecular composition of neuronal microfilaments is spatially and temporally regulated', Journal of Neuroscience, 16, pp. 238 - 252

Schevzov G; Lloyd C; Gunning P, 1995, 'Impact of Altered Actin Gene Expression on Vinculin, Talin, Cell Spreading, and Motility', DNA and Cell Biology, 14, pp. 689 - 700,

Hannan AJ; Schevzov G; Gunning P; Jeffrey PL; Weinberger RP, 1995, 'Intracellular localization of tropomyosin mRNA and protein is associated with development of neuronal polarity', Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences, 6, pp. 397 - 412,

Silva RD; Englezou A; Schevzov G; Gerwin BI; Harris CC; Gunning P; Reddel RR, 1994, 'Induction of anchorage independent growth and serum resistance in immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells by alteration of the cytoskeleton', Cellular and Molecular Biology Research, 40, pp. 323 - 335

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