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Select Publications
2019, Reading the Act: what is the Australian War Memorial for?, John Menadue, Canberra, https://johnmenadue.com/peter-stanley-reading-the-act-what-is-the-australian-war-memorial-for/
,Stanley P (ed.), 2017, Preface to Soldiers and Gentlemen: Australian battalion Commanders in the Great War, 1914-1918, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne
2015, Anzacs and Indians on Gallipoli website, Peter Stanley, http://www.indiansongallipoli.com/
,2015, ‘Headphones, genocide and Fanta: reflections on the Çanakkale Gallipoli conference’, Honest History, Canberra, http://honesthistory.net.au/wp/stanley-peter-canakkale-conference-reflections-2015/
,2015, Dawn, Emily Bay, Norfolk Island, Anzac Day, Honest History, http://honesthistory.net.au/wp/stanley-peter-anzac-day-norfolk-island-2015/
,2014, Who are the liars? Response to Colebatch, Honest History, http://honesthistory.net.au/wp/stanley-peter-who-are-the-liars-response-to-colebatch/