Select Publications
Journal articles
1997, 'Accuracy of injury coding in Victorian hospital morbidity data', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 21, pp. 779 - 783
,1997, 'Changes in bed resources and admission patterns in acute public hospitals in Victoria, 1987-1995', Medical Journal of Australia, 167, pp. 186 - 189,
,1997, 'Accuracy of ICD-9-CM codes in hospital morbidity data, Victoria: Implications for public health research', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 21, pp. 477 - 482,
,1997, 'Impact of tuberculosis control measures and crowding on the incidence of tuberculous infection in Maryland prisons', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 24, pp. 1060 - 1067,
,1997, 'Missed opportunities for prevention of tuberculosis in Victoria, Australia', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 1, pp. 135 - 141
,1996, 'Time to initiation of anti-tuberculosis treatment', Tubercle and Lung Disease, 77, pp. 401 - 406,
,1995, 'High rate of transmission of tuberculosis in an office: Impact of delayed diagnosis', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 21, pp. 1170 - 1174,
,1994, 'Attitudes of Victorian vaccine providers to pertussis vaccine', Medical Journal of Australia, 161,
,1994, 'Surveillance for Bordetella pertussis infection in Victoria', Australian Journal of Public Health, 18, pp. 21 - 24,
,1994, 'The prevalence of tuberculosis infection among year 8 school-children in inner Sydney in 1992.', The Medical journal of Australia, 161, pp. 342 - 343,
,1993, 'Influenza vaccination in Victoria, 1992', Medical Journal of Australia, 159, pp. 257 - 260,
,1993, 'No role for short term tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis for travellers [5]', Medical Journal of Australia, 159, pp. 563 - 564,
,1993, 'The epidemiology of tuberculosis in Victoria', Medical Journal of Australia, 159, pp. 672 - 677,