My Expertise
Internet of Things, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Applied Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Mobile Computing
Fields of Research (FoR)
Cyberphysical systems and internet of things, Cybersecurity and privacy, Pervasive computing, Adversarial machine learning, Data and information privacy, Data security and protection, System and network security, Dependable systems, Mobile computing, Stream and sensor data, Networking and communications, Ubiquitous Computing, Computer System Security, Mobile Technologies, Wireless Communications, Data SecuritySEO tags
Salil Kanhere received his MS and PhD degrees from Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA. He is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW Sydney, Australia. His research interests include the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, blockchain, pervasive computing, cybersecurity, and applied machine learning. Salil is also affiliated with the UNSW Institute of Cybersecurity (IFCYBER). He is a Senior Member of the...view more
Level 6, Room 612
Kensington Campus
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