Select Publications

Journal articles

Ariyarathna T; Mohommady M; Paik H-Y; Kanhere SS, 2024, 'DeepSneak: User GPS Trajectory Reconstruction from Federated Route Recommendation Models', ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology,

Hong Y; Yang L; Xiong Z; Kanhere SS; Jiang H, 2024, 'OCHJRNChain: A Blockchain-Based Security Data Sharing Framework for Online Car-Hailing Journey', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25, pp. 5299 - 5311,

Hussain M; Pal S; Jadidi Z; Foo E; Kanhere S, 2024, 'Federated Zero Trust Architecture using Artificial Intelligence', IEEE Wireless Communications, 31, pp. 30 - 35,

Nguyen DD; Liebowitz D; Kanhere SS; Nepal S, 2024, 'Multiple Hypothesis Dropout: Estimating the Parameters of Multi-Modal Output Distributions', Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38, pp. 14440 - 14448,

Gill SS; Wu H; Patros P; Ottaviani C; Arora P; Pujol VC; Haunschild D; Parlikad AK; Cetinkaya O; Lutfiyya H; Stankovski V; Li R; Ding Y; Qadir J; Abraham A; Ghosh SK; Song HH; Sakellariou R; Rana O; Rodrigues JJPC; Kanhere SS; Dustdar S; Uhlig S; Ramamohanarao K; Buyya R, 2024, 'Modern computing: Vision and challenges', Telematics and Informatics Reports, 13,

Pennekamp J; Matzutt R; Klinkmüller C; Bader L; Serror M; Wagner E; Malik S; Spiß M; Rahn J; Gürpinar T; Vlad E; Leemans SJJ; Kanhere SS; Stich V; Wehrle K, 2024, 'An Interdisciplinary Survey on Information Flows in Supply Chains', ACM Computing Surveys, 56,

Lee SU; Paik HY; Kanhere SS, 2024, 'Human-Sensing Platforms and Ethical Considerations Throughout Their Data Life-Cycles', IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 7, pp. 66 - 73,

Kanhere S; Koutsakis P; Tsiropoulou EE, 2024, 'Message from the General Chairs', Proceedings - 2024 IEEE 25th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2024, pp. XIV - XV,

Kanhere S; Ricci L; Au MH, 2024, 'Message from the Program Chairs: Blockchain 2024', Proceedings - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2024, pp. XX - XXI,

Walter K; Mohammady M; Nepal S; Kanhere SS, 2024, 'Optimally Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning', IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 21, pp. 2949 - 2963,

Ullah I; Hassan N; Gill SS; Suleiman B; Ahanger TA; Shah Z; Qadir J; Kanhere SS, 2024, 'Privacy preserving large language models: ChatGPT case study based vision and framework', IET Blockchain,

Gunawardena R; Jayawardena S; Seneviratne S; Masood R; Kanhere SS, 2024, 'Single-Sensor Sparse Adversarial Perturbation Attacks Against Behavioral Biometrics', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11, pp. 27303 - 27321,

Gill SS; Xu M; Patros P; Wu H; Kaur R; Kaur K; Fuller S; Singh M; Arora P; Parlikad AK; Stankovski V; Abraham A; Ghosh SK; Lutfiyya H; Kanhere SS; Bahsoon R; Rana O; Dustdar S; Sakellariou R; Uhlig S; Buyya R, 2024, 'Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots', Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, 4, pp. 19 - 23,

Buchholz E; Abuadbba A; Wang S; Nepal S; Kanhere SS, 2024, 'SoK: Can Trajectory Generation Combine Privacy and Utility?', Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2024, pp. 75 - 93,

Krul E; Paik H-Y; Ruj S; Kanhere SS, 2024, 'SoK: Trusting Self-Sovereign Identity', Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2024, pp. 297 - 313,

Sober M; Scaffino G; Schulte S; Kanhere SS, 2023, 'A blockchain-based IoT data marketplace', Cluster Computing, 26, pp. 3523 - 3545,

Golec M; Gill SS; Golec M; Xu M; Ghosh SK; Kanhere SS; Rana O; Uhlig S, 2023, 'BlockFaaS: Blockchain-enabled Serverless Computing Framework for AI-driven IoT Healthcare Applications', Journal of Grid Computing, 21,

Chougule A; Shah J; Chamola V; Kanhere S, 2023, 'Enabling Safe ITS: EEG-Based Microsleep Detection in VANETs', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24, pp. 15773 - 15783,

Shanmugarasa Y; Paik HY; Kanhere SS; Zhu L, 2023, 'A systematic review of federated learning from clients’ perspective: challenges and solutions', Artificial Intelligence Review, 56, pp. 1773 - 1827,

Cao B; Zhang L; Zhang L; Kanhere S; Sun C; Niyato D, 2023, 'ADVANCED NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS FOR METAVERSE AND WEB 3.0', IEEE Network, 37, pp. 8 - 9,

Aloqaily M; Ridhawi IA; Kanhere S, 2023, 'Reinforcing Industry 4.0 with Digital Twins and Blockchain-Assisted Federated Learning', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 41, pp. 3504 - 3516,

Mishra R; Ramesh D; Kanhere SS; Edla DR, 2023, 'Enabling Efficient Deduplication and Secure Decentralized Public Auditing for Cloud Storage: A Redactable Blockchain Approach', ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 14,

Putra GD; Malik S; Dedeoglu V; Jurda R; Kanhere SS, 2023, 'Challenges in Designing Blockchain for Cyber-Physical Systems', Communications of the ACM, 66, pp. 81 - 82,

Ullah I; Boreli R; Kanhere SS, 2023, 'Privacy in targeted advertising on mobile devices: a survey', International Journal of Information Security, 22, pp. 647 - 678,

Altulyan M; Yao L; Kanhere S; Huang C, 2023, 'A blockchain framework data integrity enhanced recommender system', Computational Intelligence, 39, pp. 104 - 120,

Ullah I; Kanhere SS; Boreli R, 2023, 'Privacy-preserving targeted mobile advertising: A Blockchain-based framework for mobile ads', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 211,

Karumba S; Sethuvenkatraman S; Dedeoglu V; Jurdak R; Kanhere SS, 2023, 'Barriers to blockchain-based decentralised energy trading: a systematic review', International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 42, pp. 41 - 71,

Dorri A; Roulin C; Pal S; Baalbaki S; Jurdak R; Kanhere SS, 2022, 'Device Identification in Blockchain-Based Internet of Things', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 24767 - 24776,

Pincheira M; Donini E; Vecchio M; Kanhere S, 2022, 'A Decentralized Architecture for Trusted Dataset Sharing Using Smart Contracts and Distributed Storage', Sensors, 22,

Sutjarittham T; Gharakheili HH; Kanhere SS; Sivaraman V, 2022, 'Estimating Passenger Queue for Bus Resource Optimization Using LoRaWAN-Enabled Ultrasonic Sensors', IEEE Systems Journal, 16, pp. 6265 - 6276,

Huang H; Kanhere S; Kang J; Xiong Z; Zhang L; Krishnamachari B; Bertino E; Yang S, 2022, 'Guest Editorial Special Issue on Intelligent Blockchain for Future Communications and Networking: Technologies, Trends, and Applications', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 40, pp. 3299 - 3304,

Kanhere SS; Veneris A; Yoshihama S; Chakraborty S; Rottenstreich O; Pardo MB; Rodriguez B, 2022, 'Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Recent Advances on Blockchain for Network and Service Management', IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 19, pp. 3689 - 3693,

Wu HY; Yang X; Yue C; Paik HY; Kanhere SS, 2022, 'Chain or DAG? Underlying data structures, architectures, topologies and consensus in distributed ledger technology: A review, taxonomy and research issues', Journal of Systems Architecture, 131,

Mohottige IP; Gharakheili HH; Vishwanath A; Kanhere SS; Sivaraman V, 2022, 'Understanding and Reducing HVAC Power Consumption Post-Evacuation Events in Commercial Buildings', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 17235 - 17248,

Zhang J; Chen Z; Luo C; Wei B; Kanhere SS; Li J, 2022, 'MetaGanFi: Cross-Domain Unseen Individual Identification Using WiFi Signals', Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 6,

Hassija V; Ratnakumar R; Chamola V; Agarwal S; Mehra A; Kanhere SS; Binh HTT, 2022, 'A machine learning and blockchain based secure and cost-effective framework for minor medical consultations', Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 35,

Ngai ECH; Barnaghi P; Kanhere S; Leung VCM; Liu J, 2022, 'Guest Editorial Special Issue on Green Communications and Networking With Machine Intelligence for Smart Cities', IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 6, pp. 1588 - 1590,

Karumba S; Kanhere SS; Jurdak R; Sethuvenkatraman S, 2022, 'HARB: A Hypergraph-Based Adaptive Consortium Blockchain for Decentralized Energy Trading', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 14216 - 14227,

Altulyan M; Yao L; Wang X; Huang C; Kanhere SS; Sheng QZ, 2022, 'A Survey on Recommender Systems for Internet of Things: Techniques, Applications and Future Directions', Computer Journal, 65, pp. 2098 - 2132,

Gill SS; Xu M; Ottaviani C; Patros P; Bahsoon R; Shaghaghi A; Golec M; Stankovski V; Wu H; Abraham A; Singh M; Mehta H; Ghosh SK; Baker T; Parlikad AK; Lutfiyya H; Kanhere SS; Sakellariou R; Dustdar S; Rana O; Brandic I; Uhlig S, 2022, 'AI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions', Internet of Things (Netherlands), 19,

Lunardi RC; Michelin RA; Nunes HC; Neu CV; Zorzo AF; Kanhere SS, 2022, 'Consensus Algorithms on Appendable-Block Blockchains: Impact and Security Analysis', Mobile Networks and Applications, 27, pp. 1408 - 1420,

Aloqaily M; Kanhere S; Bellavista P; Nogueira M, 2022, 'Special Issue on Cybersecurity Management in the Era of AI', Journal of Network and Systems Management, 30,

Putra GD; Dedeoglu V; Kanhere SS; Jurdak R, 2022, 'Toward Blockchain-Based Trust and Reputation Management for Trustworthy 6G Networks', IEEE Network, 36, pp. 112 - 119,

Gupta P; Dedeoglu V; Kanhere SS; Jurdak R, 2022, 'TrailChain: Traceability of data ownership across blockchain-enabled multiple marketplaces', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 203,

Ahmed N; Michelin RA; Xue W; Putra GD; Ruj S; Kanhere SS; Jha S, 2022, 'DIMY: Enabling privacy-preserving contact tracing', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 202,

Oham C; Michelin RA; Jurdak R; Kanhere SS; Jha S, 2022, 'WIDE: A witness-based data priority mechanism for vehicular forensics', Blockchain: Research and Applications, 3,

Sutjarittham T; Gharakheili HH; Kanhere SS; Sivaraman V, 2022, 'Monetizing Parking IoT Data via Demand Prediction and Optimal Space Sharing', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 5629 - 5644,

Mukta R; Paik HY; Lu Q; Kanhere SS, 2022, 'A survey of data minimisation techniques in blockchain-based healthcare', Computer Networks, 205,

Kohli V; Tripathi U; Chamola V; Rout BK; Kanhere SS, 2022, 'A review on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality use-cases of Brain Computer Interface based applications for smart cities', Microprocessors and Microsystems, 88,

Allahbakhsh M; Amintoosi H; Behkamal B; Kanhere SS; Bertino E, 2022, 'AQA: An Adaptive Quality Assessment Framework for Online Review Systems', IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 15, pp. 1486 - 1497,

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