Select Publications
Book Chapters
2016, 'Mining learning sequences in MOOCs: Does course design constrain students' behaviors or do students shape their own learning?', in Data Mining And Learning Analytics: Applications in Educational Research, pp. 173 - 205,
,2016, 'Mining Learning Sequences in MOOCs: Does course design constrain students behaviours or do students shape their own learning?', in ElAtia S; Zaïane O; Ipperciel D (ed.), Data Mining and Learning Analytics in Educational Research, Wiley and Blackwell, pp. 175 - 206,
,2016, 'Blended learning innovations: Leadership and change in one Australian institution', in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Sage, Los Angeles, pp. 293 - 307
,2015, 'Learning to Teach Online - Evolving approaches to professional development for global reach and impact', in Remenyi D (ed.), e-Learning Excellence Awards 2015: An anthology of case histories, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp. 128 - 140,
,2015, 'Maintaining Quality And Relevance In Cross-Disciplinary Art And Design Online Education.', in Hoey IV JJ; Ferguson JL (ed.), Reframing Quality Assurance in Creative Disciplines: Evidence from Practice, Common Ground Publishing LLC, Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 86 - 106,
,Journal articles
2015, 'Blended Learning Innovations: Leadership and Change in One Institution', International Journal of Education and Development using ICT (IJEDICT), 11, pp. 4 - 16,
,2014, 'Reducing the digital literacy divide through disruptive innovation', HERDSA Review of Higher Education, 1, pp. 83 - 106,
,2009, 'Trust and relationship building: Critical skills for the future of design education in online contexts', Iridescent: Icograda Journal of Design Research, 1, pp. 22 - 29,
,2007, 'Evaluating Online Assessment Practice in Art and Design', UNSW Compendium of Good Practice in Learning and Teaching, pp. 45 - 62
,Conference Papers
2017, 'Connecting data with student support actions in a course: a hands-on tutorial', in Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, ACM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 522 - 523, presented at Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 13 March 2017 - 17 March 2017,
,2012, 'Exploring a Rhizomic Model for the Design and Dissemination of Professional Development in Online Teaching', in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on e-Learning, Academic Publishing International, Reading, UK, pp. 492 - 501, presented at ICEL 2012 - 7th International Conference on E-Learning, Hong Kong, 21 June 2012 - 22 June 2012,
,2012, 'Too hard, too busy. A case study in overcoming these barriers to online teaching', in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on e-Learning, Academic Publishing International, Reading, UK, pp. 453 - 460, presented at ICEL 2012 - 7th International Conference on E-Learning, Hong Kong, 21 June 2012 - 22 June 2012
,2009, 'Trust and relationship building: critical skills for the future of design education in online contexts', in Proceedings of the 2009 Icograda Education Network World Design Congress Education Conference, Icograda, Beijing, China, presented at 2009 Icograda Education Network World Design Congress Education Conference, Beijing, China, 24 October 2009 - 30 October 2009
,2009, 'Strategies for large scale blended learning initiatives: Training, teaching and management', in Proceedings of the Fourth International Blended Learning Conference, University of Hertfordshire Press, Hertfordshire UK, pp. 295 - 308, presented at 4th International Blended Learning Conference, Hertfordshire United Kingdom, 17 June 2009 - 18 June 2009,
,2008, 'An Investigation of the relationship between Flow in Computer-Mediated Interaction and Virtual Learning Team Effectiveness', Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, presented at E-Learn 2008: World Conference on E-Learning on Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 26 June 2008 - 27 June 2008
,2008, 'Leap of Faith: Effective Steps of Establishing Online Collaborative Learning Initiatives', University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, presented at ICEL 2008: 3rd International Conference on e-Learning Conference, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 26 June 2008 - 27 June 2008
,2007, 'Preparing Students for the Global Workplace `An Examination of Collaborative Online Learning Approaches`', in ConnecED 2007 International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, University of New South Wales, presented at ConnectED 2007 International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, 09 July 2007 - 12 July 2007
,2004, 'Post the eLearning Goldrush: Encouraging Purpose and Quality in New Online Art and Design Courses.', in ACUADS 2004 Conference Canberra. Art and Design Update : new policies - new opportunities, Australian National University, School of Art / University of Canberra, Faculty of Design / Canberra, presented at ACUADS 2004 Conference Canberra. Art and Design Update : new policies - new opportunities, Australian National University, School of Art / University of Canberra, Faculty of Design / Canberra, 23 September 2004 - 25 September 2004
2011, Learning to Teach Online, Developing high quality video and text resources to help educators teach online, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Final Report,
,Theses / Dissertations
2016, The rhizome underneath: Promoting the disruption of established practice and the innovation of online teaching, by improving the design of globally disseminated online professional development artefacts., The University of Sydney,