Select Publications
2022, Let’s Talk About Water: A community consultation on options for future water security for the Uralla Shire, ZNet Uralla & UNSW, Uralla,
,2021, Monitoring the Monitor: A Temporal Synthesis of the McArthur River Mine Independent Monitor Reports, UNSW-GWI & Environment Centre NT, Sydney,,
,2019, Summary and Position Paper: The need for a Commonwealth Environmental Protection Agency (CEPA) for enforcement of the regulation of environmental contaminants,,
,2018, Comprehensive Analysis of Alternative Water Supply Projects Compared to Direct Potable Reuse, The Water Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA, Reuse-14-03/ 4761
,2018, From Collection Systems to Tap:Resilience of Treatment Processes for Direct Potable Reuse, The Water Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA, USA, Reuse-14-13/ 4766,
,2016, Critical Control Point Assessment to Quantify Robustness and Reliability of Multiple Treatment Barriers of a DPR Scheme, Alexandria, VA.
,2016, Strategic Analysis of Water Quality in the Parramatta River: How should recreational water quality in the Parramatta River be assessed?
,2015, National Validation Guidelines for Water Recycling: Comprehensive Bayesian Recycled Water Validation. A report of a study funded by the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence.
,2014, Water Quality Impacts of Extreme Weather-Related Events, Water Research Foundation,
,2011, A national approach to health risk assessment, risk communication and management of chemical hazards from recycled water, the National Water Commission, Canberra,
,2010, Replacement Flows- Chemical Risk Assessment
,2010, Development of an ecotoxicity toolbox to characterise water quality for recycling, Government of Western Australia, Perth,