Select Publications

Journal articles

Stirzaker C; Song JZ; Statham AL; Clark SJ, 2018, 'Bisulphite sequencing of chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA (BisChIP-seq)', Methods in Molecular Biology, 1708, pp. 285 - 302,

Knaupp AS; Buckberry S; Pflueger J; Lim SM; Ford E; Larcombe MR; Rossello FJ; de Mendoza A; Alaei S; Firas J; Holmes ML; Nair SS; Clark SJ; Nefzger CM; Lister R; Polo JM, 2017, 'Transient and Permanent Reconfiguration of Chromatin and Transcription Factor Occupancy Drive Reprogramming', Cell Stem Cell, 21, pp. 834 - 845.e6,

Valdés-Mora F; Gould CM; Colino-Sanguino Y; Qu W; Song JZ; Taylor KM; Buske FA; Statham AL; Nair SS; Armstrong NJ; Kench JG; Lee KML; Horvath LG; Qiu M; Ilinykh A; Yeo-Teh NS; Gallego-Ortega D; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ; Valdes Mora F; Colino Sanguino Y; Sasidharan-Nair S, 2017, 'Acetylated histone variant H2A.Z is involved in the activation of neo-enhancers in prostate cancer', Nature Communications, 8, pp. 1346,

Clark SJ; Molloy PL, 2017, 'Smoke-Induced Changes to the Epigenome Provide Fertile Ground for Oncogenic Mutation', Cancer Cell, 32, pp. 278 - 280,

Mahon KL; Qu W; Lin H-M; Spielman C; Cain D; Jacobs C; Chi KN; De Bono JS; Higano CS; Clark SJ; Horvath L, 2017, 'Post hoc analysis of a phase III study to test the association between circulating methylated glutathione s transferase (mGSTP1) DNA levels and response to docetaxel (DTX) in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, pp. 5014 - 5014,

Skvortsova K; Zotenko E; Luu PL; Gould CM; Nair SS; Clark SJ; Stirzaker C; Sasidharan-Nair S, 2017, 'Comprehensive evaluation of genome-wide 5-hydroxymethylcytosine profiling approaches in human DNA', Epigenetics and Chromatin, 10, pp. 16,

Stirzaker C; Song JZ; Ng W; Du Q; Armstrong NJ; Locke WJ; Statham AL; French H; Pidsley R; Valdes-Mora F; Zotenko E; Clark SJ, 2017, 'Methyl-CpG-binding protein MBD2 plays a key role in maintenance and spread of DNA methylation at CpG islands and shores in cancer', Oncogene, 36, pp. 1328 - 1338,

Achinger-Kawecka J; Clark SJ, 2017, 'Disruption of the 3D cancer genome blueprint', Epigenomics, 9, pp. 47 - 55,

Lawrence M; Pidlsey R; Zotenko E; Niranjan B; Nair S; French H; Statham A; Song J; Chabanon R; Papargiris M; Ellem S; Frydenberg M; Pedersen J; Stirzaker C; Taylor R; Clark S; Risbridger G, 2017, 'Hypomethylation of estrogen receptor alpha: a landmark in the epigenome landscape of prostate cancer stroma', CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 86, pp. 23 - 23,

Pidsley R; Zotenko E; Peters TJ; Lawrence MG; Risbridger GP; Molloy P; Van Djik S; Muhlhausler B; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ, 2016, 'Critical evaluation of the Illumina MethylationEPIC BeadChip microarray for whole-genome DNA methylation profiling', Genome Biology, 17, pp. 208,

Pidsley R; Zotenko E; Peters TJ; Lawrence MG; Risbridger GP; Molloy P; Van Djik S; Muhlhausler B; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ, 2016, 'Critical evaluation of the Illumina MethylationEPIC BeadChip microarray for whole-genome DNA methylation profiling', GENOME BIOLOGY, 17,

Mathe A; Wong-Brown M; Locke WJ; Stirzaker C; Braye SG; Forbes JF; Clark SJ; Avery-Kiejda KA; Scott RJ, 2016, 'DNA methylation profile of triple negative breast cancer-specific genes comparing lymph node positive patients to lymph node negative patients', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 33435,

Milevskiy MJG; Al-Ejeh F; Saunus JM; Northwood KS; Bailey PJ; Betts JA; Reed AEMC; Nephew KP; Stone A; Gee JMW; Dowhan DH; Dray E; Shewan AM; French JD; Edwards SL; Clark SJ; Lakhani SR; Brown MA, 2016, 'Long-range regulators of the lncRNA HOTAIR enhance its prognostic potential in breast cancer', Human Molecular Genetics, 25, pp. 3269 - 3283,

Lim AM; Wong NC; Pidsley R; Zotenko E; Corry J; Dobrovic A; Clark SJ; Rischin D; Solomon B, 2016, 'Genome-scale methylation assessment did not identify prognostic biomarkers in oral tongue carcinomas', Clinical Epigenetics, 8,

Bock C; Halbritter F; Carmona FJ; Tierling S; Datlinger P; Assenov Y; Berdasco M; Bergmann AK; Booher K; Busato F; Campan M; Dahl C; Dahmcke CM; Diep D; Fernández AF; Gerhauser C; Haake A; Heilmann K; Holcomb T; Hussmann D; Ito M; Kläver R; Kreutz M; Kulis M; Lopez V; Nair SS; Paul DS; Plongthongkum N; Qu W; Queirós AC; Reinicke F; Sauter G; Schlomm T; Statham A; Stirzaker C; Strogantsev R; Urdinguio RG; Walter K; Weichenhan D; Weisenberger DJ; Beck S; Clark SJ; Esteller M; Ferguson-Smith AC; Fraga MF; Guldberg P; Hansen LL; Laird PW; Martín-Subero JI; Nygren AOH; Peist R; Plass C; Shames DS; Siebert R; Sun X; Tost J; Walter J; Zhang K, 2016, 'Quantitative comparison of DNA methylation assays for biomarker development and clinical applications', Nature Biotechnology, 34, pp. 726 - 737,

Walton SJ; Lewis A; Jeffery R; Thompson H; Feakins R; Giannoulatou E; Yau C; Lindsay JO; Clark SK; Silver A, 2016, 'Familial adenomatous patients with desmoid tumours show increased expression of miR-34a in serum and high levels in tumours', Oncoscience, 3, pp. 173 - 185,

Colino-Sanguino Y; Clark SJ; Valdes-Mora F, 2016, 'H2A.Z acetylation and transcription: Ready, steady, go!', Epigenomics, 8, pp. 583 - 586,

Hou L; Heilbronner U; Degenhardt F; Adli M; Akiyama K; Akula N; Ardau R; Arias B; Backlund L; Banzato CEM; Benabarre A; Bengesser S; Bhattacharjee AK; Biernacka JM; Birner A; Brichant-Petitjean C; Bui ET; Cervantes P; Chen GB; Chen HC; Chillotti C; Cichon S; Clark SR; Colom F; Cousins DA; Cruceanu C; Czerski PM; Dantas CR; Dayer A; Étain B; Falkai P; Forstner AJ; Frisén L; Fullerton JM; Gard S; Garnham JS; Goes FS; Grof P; Gruber O; Hashimoto R; Hauser J; Herms S; Hoffmann P; Hofmann A; Jamain S; Jiménez E; Kahn JP; Kassem L; Kittel-Schneider S; Kliwicki S; König B; Kusumi I; Lackner N; Laje G; Landén M; Lavebratt C; Leboyer M; Leckband SG; Jaramillo CAL; Macqueen G; Manchia M; Martinsson L; Mattheisen M; McCarthy MJ; McElroy SL; Mitjans M; Mondimore FM; Monteleone P; Nievergelt CM; Nöthen MM; Ösby U; Ozaki N; Perlis RH; Pfennig A; Reich-Erkelenz D; Rouleau GA; Schofield PR; Schubert KO; Schweizer BW; Seemüller F; Severino G; Shekhtman T; Shilling PD; Shimoda K; Simhandl C; Slaney CM; Smoller JW; Squassina A; Stamm T; Stopkova P; Tighe SK; Tortorella A; Turecki G; Volkert J; Witt S; Wright A; Young LT; Zandi PP; Potash JB; Depaulo JR; Mitchell P; Baune B; Schofield P, 2016, 'Genetic variants associated with response to lithium treatment in bipolar disorder: A genome-wide association study', The Lancet, 387, pp. 1085 - 1093,

Stirzaker C; Zotenko E; Clark SJ, 2016, 'Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in triple-negative breast cancer reveals epigenetic signatures with important clinical value', Molecular and Cellular Oncology, 3,

Achinger-Kawecka J; Taberlay PC; Clark SJ, 2016, 'Alterations in three-dimensional organization of the cancer genome and epigenome', Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 81, pp. 41 - 51,

Taberlay PC; Achinger-Kawecka J; Lun ATL; Buske FA; Sabir KS; Gould CM; Zotenko E; Bert SA; Giles KA; Bauer D; Smyth GK; Stirzaker C; O Donoghue SI; Clark SJ, 2016, 'Three-dimensional disorganisation of the cancer genome occurs coincident with long range genetic and epigenetic alterations', Genome Research, 26, pp. 719 - 731

Gallego-Ortega D; Ledger A; Roden DL; Law AMK; Magenau A; Kikhtyak Z; Cho C; Allerdice SL; Lee HJ; Valdes-Mora F; Herrmann D; Salomon R; Young AIJ; Lee BY; Sergio CM; Kaplan W; Piggin C; Conway JRW; Rabinovich B; Millar EKA; Oakes SR; Chtanova T; Swarbrick A; Naylor MJ; O’Toole S; Green AR; Timpson P; Gee JMW; Ellis IO; Clark SJ; Ormandy CJ, 2015, 'ELF5 Drives Lung Metastasis in Luminal Breast Cancer through Recruitment of Gr1+ CD11b+ Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells', PLoS Biology, 13,

Varinli H; Statham AL; Clark SJ; Molloy PL; Ross JP, 2015, 'COBRA-seq: Sensitive and quantitative methylome profiling', Genes, 6, pp. 1140 - 1163,

Du Q; Luu PL; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ, 2015, 'Methyl-CpG-binding domain proteins: Readers of the epigenome', Epigenomics, 7, pp. 1051 - 1073,

Stone A; Zotenko E; Locke WJ; Korbie D; Millar EKA; Pidsley R; Stirzaker C; Graham P; Trau M; Musgrove EA; Nicholson RI; Gee JMW; Clark SJ, 2015, 'DNA methylation of oestrogen-regulated enhancers defines endocrine sensitivity in breast cancer', Nature Communications, 6,

Phua YW; Nguyen A; Roden DL; Elsworth B; Deng N; Nikolic I; Yang J; Mcfarland A; Russell R; Kaplan W; Cowley MJ; Nair R; Zotenko E; O'Toole S; Tan SX; James DE; Clark SJ; Kouros-Mehr H; Swarbrick A, 2015, 'MicroRNA profiling of the pubertal mouse mammary gland identifies miR-184 as a candidate breast tumour suppressor gene', Breast Cancer Research,

Lawrence M; Pidsley R; Ellem S; Furic L; Nair S; French H; Stratham A; Larsson O; Frydenberg M; Pedersen J; Buchanan G; Taylor R; Clark S; Risbridger G, 2015, 'Oestrogen receptor α promotes prostate cancer progression through dual actions in both epithelia and stroma', Endocrine Abstracts,

Valdés-Mora F; Clark SJ, 2015, 'Prostate cancer epigenetic biomarkers: next-generation technologies', Oncogene, 34, pp. 1609 - 1618,

Statham AL; Taberlay PC; Kelly TK; Jones PA; Clark SJ, 2015, 'Genome-wide nucleosome occupancy and DNA methylation profiling of four human cell lines', Genomics Data, 3, pp. 94 - 96,

Clark S; Sarlin P; Sharma A; Sisson SA, 2015, 'Increasing dependence on foreign water resources? An assessment of trends in global virtual water flows using a self-organizing time map', Ecological Informatics, 26, pp. 192 - 202,

Stirzaker C; Zotenko E; Song JZ; Qu W; Nair SS; Locke WJ; Stone A; Armstong NJ; Robinson MD; Dobrovic A; Avery-Kiejda KA; Peters KM; French JD; Stein S; Korbie DJ; Trau M; Forbes JF; Scott RJ; Brown MA; Francis GD; Clark SJ, 2015, 'Methylome sequencing in triple-negative breast cancer reveals distinct methylation clusters with prognostic value', Nature Communications, 6, pp. 5899 - 5899,

Peters TJ; Buckley MJ; Statham AL; Pidsley R; Samaras K; V Lord R; Clark SJ; Molloy PL, 2015, 'De novo identification of differentially methylated regions in the human genome', Epigenetics and Chromatin, 8,

Van Dijk SJ; Molloy PL; Varinli H; Morrison JL; Muhlhausler BS; Buckley M; Clark SJ; McMillen IC; Noakes M; Samaras K; Tellam RL, 2015, 'Epigenetics and human obesity', International Journal of Obesity, 39, pp. 85 - 97,

Locke WJ; Zotenko E; Stirzaker C; Robinson MD; Hinshelwood RA; Stone A; Reddel RR; Huschtscha LI; Clark SJ, 2015, 'Coordinated epigenetic remodelling of transcriptional networks occurs during early breast carcinogenesis', Clinical Epigenetics, 7,

Korbie D; Lin E; Wall D; Nair SS; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ; Trau M, 2015, 'Multiplex bisulfite PCR resequencing of clinical FFPE DNA', Clinical Epigenetics, 7, pp. 28,

Mahon KL; Qu W; Devaney J; Paul C; Castillo L; Wykes RJ; Chatfield MD; Boyer MJ; Stockler MR; Marx G; Gurney H; Mallesara G; Molloy PL; Horvath LG; Clark SJ, 2014, 'Methylated Glutathione S-transferase 1 (mGSTP1) is a potential plasma free DNA epigenetic marker of prognosis and response to chemotherapy in castrate-resistant prostate cancer', British Journal of Cancer, 111, pp. 1802 - 1809,

Ali NA; Wu J; Hochgräfe F; Chan H; Nair R; Ye S; Zhang L; Lyons RJ; Pinese M; Lee HC; Armstrong N; Ormandy CJ; Clark SJ; Swarbrick A; Daly RJ, 2014, 'Profiling the tyrosine phosphoproteome of different mouse mammary tumour models reveals distinct, model-specific signalling networks and conserved oncogenic pathways', Breast Cancer Research, 16,

Taberlay PC; Statham AL; Kelly TK; Clark SJ; Jones PA, 2014, 'Reconfiguration of nucleosome-depleted regions at distal regulatory elements accompanies DNA methylation of enhancers and insulators in cancer', Genome Research, 24, pp. 1421 - 1432,

Clark S; Sisson SA; Sharma A, 2014, 'A dimension range representation (DRR) measure for self-organizing maps', Pattern Recognition,

Skulte KA; Phan L; Clark SJ; Taberlay PC, 2014, 'Chromatin remodeler mutations in human cancers: Epigenetic implications', Epigenomics, 6, pp. 397 - 414,

Warton K; Lin V; Navin T; Armstrong NJ; Kaplan W; Ying K; Gloss B; Mangs H; Nair SS; Hacker NF; Sutherland RL; Clark SJ; Samimi G, 2014, 'Methylation-capture and Next-Generation Sequencing of free circulating DNA from human plasma', BMC Genomics, 15,

Lin HM; Castillo L; Mahon KL; Chiam K; Lee BY; Nguyen Q; Boyer MJ; Stockler MR; Pavlakis N; Marx G; Mallesara G; Gurney H; Clark SJ; Swarbrick A; Daly RJ; Horvath LG, 2014, 'Circulating microRNAs are associated with docetaxel chemotherapy outcome in castration-resistant prostate cancer', British Journal of Cancer, 110, pp. 2462 - 2471,

Riebler A; Menigatti M; Song JZ; Statham AL; Stirzaker C; Mahmud N; Mein CA; Clark SJ; Robinson MD, 2014, 'BayMeth:Improved DNA methylation quantification for affinity capture sequencing data using a flexible Bayesian approach', Genome Biology, 15, pp. r35,

Stirzaker C; Taberlay PC; Statham AL; Clark SJ, 2014, 'Mining cancer methylomes: Prospects and challenges', Trends in Genetics, 30, pp. 75 - 84,

Gloss B; Moran-Jones K; Lin V; Gonzalez M; Scurry J; Hacker NF; Sutherland RL; Clark SJ; Samimi G, 2014, 'ZNF300P1 Encodes a lincRNA that regulates cell polarity and is epigenetically silenced in type II epithelial ovarian cancer', Molecular Cancer, 13,

Buske FA; French HJ; Smith MA; Clark SJ; Bauer DC, 2014, 'NGSANE: a lightweight production informatics framework for high-throughput data analysis', Bioinformatics, 30, pp. 1471 - 1472,

Stone A; Valdes-Mora F; Clark SJ, 2013, 'Exploring and exploiting the aberrant DNA methylation profile of endocrine-resistant breast cancer', Epigenomics, 5, pp. 595 - 598,

Warton K; Vita L; Armstrong NJ; Kaplan W; Ying K; Mangs H; Hacker NF; Sutherland RL; Clark SJ; Samimi G, 2013, 'Whole genome sequencing of free circulating DNA from plasma of HGSOC patients', CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 19,

Stone A; Cowley MJ; Valdes-Mora F; McCloy RA; Sergio CM; Gallego-Ortega D; Caldon CE; Ormandy CJ; Biankin AV; Gee JMW; Nicholson RI; Print CG; Clark SJ; Musgrove EA, 2013, 'BCL-2 hypermethylation is a potential biomarker of sensitivity to antimitotic chemotherapy in endocrine-resistant breast cancer', Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 12, pp. 1874 - 1885,

Clark AK; Taubenberger AV; Taylor RA; Niranjan B; Chea ZY; Zotenko E; Sieh S; Pedersen JS; Norden S; Frydenberg M; Grummet JP; Pook DW; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ; Lawrence MG; Ellem SJ; Hutmacher DW; Risbridger GP, 2013, 'A bioengineered microenvironment to quantitatively measure the tumorigenic properties of cancer-associated fibroblasts in human prostate cancer', Biomaterials, 34, pp. 4777 - 4785,

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