Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'How altruistic alternatives reverse the compromise effect', Marketing Letters,
,2023, 'Behavioral Labeling: Prompting Consumer Behavior through Activity Tags', Journal of Marketing,
,2023, 'Marketing at UNSW Sydney: Building Marketing Capability in Australasia', Customer Needs and Solutions, 10,
,2022, 'The temperature dimension of emotions', European Journal of Marketing, 56, pp. 2172 - 2215,
,2022, 'The Influence of Social Norms on Consumer Behavior: A Meta-Analysis', Journal of Marketing, 86, pp. 98 - 120,
,2022, '40 years of loyalty programs: how effective are they? Generalizations from a meta-analysis', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, pp. 147 - 173,
,2021, 'Effects of background music on evaluations of visual images', Psychology and Marketing, 38, pp. 2240 - 2246,
,2021, 'Enhancing Consumer Well-Being and Behavior with Spiritual and Fantasy Advertising', Journal of Advertising, 50, pp. 354 - 371,
,2020, 'The effect of text-only versus text-and-image wine labels on liking, taste and purchase intentions. The mediating role of affective fluency', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53,
,2018, 'Predicting behaviour: comparing the performance of factual versus attitudinal approaches', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21, pp. 439 - 452,
,2017, 'Temperature and emotions: Effects of physical temperature on responses to emotional advertising', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34, pp. 302 - 320,
,2017, 'The ugly side of customer management – Consumer reactions to firm-initiated contract terminations', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34, pp. 829 - 850,
,2016, 'What to stress, to whom and where? A cross-country investigation of the effects of perceived brand benefits on buying intentions', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33, pp. 924 - 943,
,2016, 'Analysing the motivations of Japanese international sports-fan tourists', European Sport Management Quarterly, 16, pp. 487 - 501,
,2016, 'Speaking to the mind or the heart: effects of matching hedonic versus utilitarian arguments and products', Marketing Letters, 27, pp. 131 - 142,
,2016, 'Pink or blue? The impact of gender cues on brand perceptions', European Journal of Marketing, 50, pp. 1550 - 1574,
,2015, 'The effects of introducing and terminating loyalty programs', European Journal of Marketing, 49, pp. 398 - 419,
,2014, 'Resisting temptation: Gender differences in customer loyalty in the presence of a more attractive alternative', Australasian Marketing Journal, 22, pp. 335 - 341,
,2014, 'Marking your trade: Cultural factors in the prolongation of trademarks', Journal of Business Research, 67, pp. 478 - 485,
,2012, 'Brand perception: Influence of gender cues on dimensions of warmth and competence', Advances in Consumer Research, 40, pp. 856 - 857
,2012, 'Cooling down or heating up with emotions: How temperature affects customer response to emotional advertising appeals', Advances in Consumer Research, 40, pp. 651 - 652
,2012, 'The double-edged sword of foreign brand names for companies from emerging countries', Journal of Marketing, 76, pp. 21 - 37,
,2012, 'Make me special: Gender differences in consumers' responses to loyalty programs', Marketing Letters, 23, pp. 545 - 559,
,2011, 'Recent trends in research and practice of customer loyalty and loyalty programs', Actual Problems of Economics, 125, pp. 415 - 420
,2009, 'Are women more loyal customers than men? Gender differences in loyalty to firms and individual service providers', Journal of Marketing, 73, pp. 82 - 96,
,Conference Abstracts
2023, 'Effectiveness of Framing in Advocacy Videos', in ANZMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, Dunedin New Zealand, presented at Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2023, Dunedin New Zealand, 04 December 2023 - 06 December 2023,