Select Publications

Journal articles

Pogo B; Menard S; Holland JF; Faedo M; Ford CE; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Contribution by Faedo et al. (Clin Cancer Res 2004;10:4417-4419) [1]', Clinical Cancer Research, 11, pp. 406

Faedo M; Ford CE; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Contribution by Faedo et al. Response', CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 11, pp. 406 - 406,

Mciver CJ; Jacques C; Chow SS; Munro S; Scott GM; Roberts JA; Craig ME; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Development of multiplex PCRs for detection of common viral pathogens and agents of congenital infections', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 43, pp. 5102 - 5110

Munro S; Whybin LR; Leader LR; Maine G; Robertson PW; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Diagnosis of and screening for cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 43, pp. 4713 - 4718

Trincado DE; Munro S; Camaris C; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Highly sensitive detection and localization of maternally acquired human cytomegalovirus in placental tissue by in situ polymerase chain reaction', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 192, pp. 650 - 657

Clancy LE; Craig ME; White PA; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Human enterovirus isolates from an outbreak typed using heteroduplex mobility analysis', Journal of Medical Virology, 76, pp. 215 - 222

Awofeso AO; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Influenza control in Australian prison settings: cost-benefit analysis of major strategies', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 1, pp. 31 - 38

Scott GM; Ng H; Morton CJ; Parker M; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Murine cytomegalovirus resistant to antivirals has genetic correlates with human cytomegalovirus.', Journal of General Virology, 86, pp. 2141 - 2151

Bull RA; Hansman G; Clancy LE; Tanaka M; Rawlinson WD; White PA, 2005, 'Norovirus recombination in ORF1/ORF2 overlap', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11, pp. 1079 - 1085,

Grulich AE; Cunningham PH; Munier CM; Prestage G; Amin J; Ringland C; Whitby D; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Sexual behaviour and human herpesvirus 8 infection in homosexual men in Australia.', Sexual Health, 2, pp. 13 - 18

Munro S; Trincado DE; Hall BM; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Symptomatic infant characteristics of congenital cytomegalovirus disease in Australia', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (Vol. 48, Suppl. 2, 2012, 1–13), 41, pp. 449 - 452

Jones LA; Mciver CJ; Kim M; Rawlinson WD; White PA, 2005, 'The aadB gene cassette is associated with bla(SHv) genes in Klebsiellaspecies producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases', Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 49, pp. 794 - 797,

Rawlinson WD; Waliuzzaman Z; Fennell M; Appleman J; Shimasaki C; Carter IW, 2004, 'A new point of care test is highly specific but less sensitive for Influenzaviruses A and B in children and adults', Journal of Medical Virology, 74, pp. 127 - 131

Haysom L; Waliuzzaman Z; Rawlinson WD; Mackie F, 2004, 'BK viral infection in an Australian pediatric renal transplant population', Pediatric Transplantation, 8, pp. 480 - 484

Post JJ; Pan Y; Freeman AJ; Harvey CE; White PA; Palladinetti P; Haber P; Marinos G; Levy MH; Kaldor JM; Dolan K; Ffrench R; Lloyd AR; Rawlinson WD, 2004, 'Clearance of Hepatitis C Viremia Associated with Cellular Immunity in the Absence of Seroconversion in the Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission in Prisons Study Cohort', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 189, pp. 1846 - 1855

Jauncey ME; Micallef JM; Gilmour S; Amin J; White PA; Rawlinson WD; Kaldor JM; Van Beek IA; Dore GJ, 2004, 'Clearance of hepatitis C virus after newly acquired infection ininjection drug users', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190, pp. 1270 - 1274

Rawlinson WD; Ferson MJ; Morgan KE; Robertson PW; Hampson AW; Carter IW, 2004, 'Concurrent summer influenza and pertussis outbreaks in a nursing home in Sydney, Australia', Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 25, pp. 962 - 966

Ford CE; Faedo M; Delprado W; Rawlinson WD, 2004, 'Correspondence re: C. Ford, et al. Mouse mammary tumor virus-like gene sequences in breast tumors of Australian and Vietnamese women.', Clinical Cancer Research, 10, pp. 802 - 802

Scott GM; Isaacs M; Zeng F; Kesson AM; Rawlinson WD, 2004, 'Cytomegalovirus antiviral resistance associated with treatment induced UL97 (protein kinase) and UL54 (DNA polymerase) mutations.', Journal of Medical Virology, 74, pp. 85 - 93

Lawson JS; Tran D; Ford CE; Rawlinson WD, 2004, 'Elevated expression of the tumor suppressing protein p53 is associated with the presence of mouse mammary tumor-like env gene sequences (MMTV-like) in human breast cancer', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 87, pp. 13 - 17

Mattick C; Dewin D; Polley S; Sevilla-Reyes E; Pignatelli S; Rawlinson WD; Wilkinson G; Dal Monte P; Gompels UA, 2004, 'Linkage of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein gO variant groups identified from worldwide clinical isolates with gN genotypes, implications for disease associations and evidence for N-terminal sites of positive selection', Virology, 318, pp. 582 - 597

Faedo M; Ford CE; Mehta R; Blazek K; Rawlinson WD, 2004, 'Mouse mammary tumor like virus is associated with p53 nuclear accumulation and progesterone receptor positivity but not estrogen positivity in human female breast cancer', Clinical Cancer Research, 10, pp. 4417 - 4419

Ford CE; Faedo M; Rawlinson WD, 2004, 'Mouse mammary tumor virus-like RNA transcripts and DNA are found inaffected cells of human breast cancer', Clinical Cancer Research, 10, pp. 7284 - 7289

Freeman A; Ffrench R; Post JJ; Harvey CE; Gilmour S; White PA; Marinos G; Van Beek IA; Rawlinson WD; Lloyd AR, 2004, 'Prevalence of Production of Virus-Specific Interferon- among Seronegative Hepatitis C-Resistant Subjects Reporting Injection Drug Use', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190, pp. 1093 - 1097

Ford CE; Faedo M; Lawson JS; Rawlinson WD; Crouch R, 2004, 'Progression from normal breast pathology to breast cancer is associated with increasing prevalence of mouse mammary tumor virus-like sequences in men and women.', Cancer research, 64, pp. 4755 - 4759

Belessis Y; Dixon S; Thomsen A; Duffy B; Rawlinson WD; Henry RL; Morton J, 2004, 'Risk factors for an intensive care unit admission in children with asthma', Pediatric Pulmonology, 37, pp. 201 - 209

Stafford JA; Post JJ; Kaldor JM; Pan Y; Haber P; Lloyd AR; Dolan K, 2004, 'Risk factors for hepatitis C infection and perception of antibody status among male prison inmates in the Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission in Prisons Study Cohort, Australia', Journal of Urban Health - Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 81, pp. 448 - 452,

Mackay IR; Bialasiewicz S; Waliuzzaman Z; Chidlow G; Fegredo D; Laingam S; Adamson P; Harnett G; Rawlinson WD; Nissen M; Sloots T, 2004, 'Use of the P Gene to Genotype Human Metapneumovirus Identifies 4 Viral Subtypes', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190, pp. 1913 - 1918

Freeman AJ; Ffrench RA; Post JJ; Harvey CE; Gilmour S; White PA; Marinos G; Rawlinson WD; Van Beek IA; Lloyd AR, 2004, 'Virus-specific cellular immunity is prevalent among hepatitis C-resistant injecting drug users', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190, pp. 1093 - 1097

MICALLEF J; JAUNCEY M; AMIN J; RAWLINSON W; GILMOUR S; VANBEEK I; KALDOR J; WHITE P; DORE G, 2003, '229 Hepatitis C virus reinfection within a cohort of injecting drug users', Hepatology, 38, pp. 266 - 266,

Rawlinson WD; Waliuzzaman Z; Carter I; Belessis Y; Gilbert K; Morton J, 2003, 'Asthma Exacerbations in Children Associated with Rhinovirus but not Human Metapneumovirus Infection', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187, pp. 1314 - 1318

Rawlinson WD; Scott GM, 2003, 'Cytomegalovirus A common virus causing serious damage', Australian Family Physician, 32, pp. 789

Craig ME; Robertson PW; Howard N; Silink M; Rawlinson WD, 2003, 'Diagnosis of Enterovirus Infection by Genus-Specific PCR and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41, pp. 841 - 844

Pignatelli S; Dal Monte P; Rossini G; Chou ST; Gojbori T; Handada K; Guo JJ; Rawlinson WD; Britton WJ; Mach M; Landini MP, 2003, 'Human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein N (gpUL73-gN) genomic variants: identification of a novel subgroup, geographical distribution and evidence of positive selective pressure', Journal of General Virology, 84, pp. 647 - 655

Day AS; Sieveking D; Mitchell HM; Mclver C; Rawlinson W, 2003, 'Is H. pylori Transmitted by young children with diarhoeal disease?', Gastroenterology, 124, pp. A516 - A516,

Ford CE; Tran D; Deng Y; Ta VT; Rawlinson WD; Lawson JS, 2003, 'Mouse mammary tumor virus-like gene sequences in breast tumors of Australian and Vietnamese women', Clinical Cancer Research, 9, pp. 1118 - 1120

Senanayake SN; Kelly JJ; Lloyd AR; Waliuzzaman Z; Goldstein D; Rawlinson WD, 2003, 'Multicentric Castleman's Disease Treated with Antivirals and Immunosuppressants', Journal of Medical Virology, 71, pp. 399 - 403

Jones LA; Mciver CJ; Rawlinson WD; White PA, 2003, 'Polymerase chain reaction screening for integrons can be used to complement resistance surveillance programs', Communicable Diseases Intelligence, 27, pp. 103 - 110

Craig ME; Howard N; Silink M; Rawlinson WD, 2003, 'Reduced Frequency of HLA DRB1*03-DqB1*02 in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Associated with Enterovirus RNA', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187, pp. 1562 - 1570

Nolan MA; Craig ME; Lahra MM; Rawlinson WD; Prager PC; Williams GD; Bye AM; Andrews PI, 2003, 'Survival after pulmonary edema due to enterovirus 71 encephalitis', Neurology, 60, pp. 1651 - 1656

Freeman A; Pan Y; Harvey CE; Post JJ; Law MG; White PA; Rawlinson WD; Lloyd AR; Marinos G; Ffrench R, 2003, 'The presence of an intrahepatic cytotoxic T lymphocyte response is associated with low viral load in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection', Journal of Hepatology, 38, pp. 349 - 356

Rawlinson WD, 2003, 'Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity', Pathology, 35, pp. 273 - 274,

Rawlinson W, 2002, 'Antiviral agents: advances and problems', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 53, pp. 542 - 542,

Scott GM; Rawlinson WD; Barrell BG; Oram J, 2002, 'Characterisation of Transcripts from the Human Cytomegalovirus Genes TRL7, UL20a, UL36, UL65, UL94, US3 and US34*', Virus Genes, 24, pp. 10 - 18

Mciver CJ; White PA; Jones LA; Karagiannis T; Harkness JL; Marriott D; Rawlinson WD, 2002, 'Epidemic Strains of Shigella sonnei Biotype g Carrying Integrons', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 40, pp. 1538 - 1540,

Tuch BE; Deng YM; Rawlinson WD; Kumar G, 2002, 'Limiting potential infectious risks of transplanting insulin-producing pig cells into humans', Pathology, 34, pp. 178 - 184

White PA; Hansman G; Rawlinson WD; Mciver CJ, 2002, 'Norwalk-like virus 95/96-US strain is a major cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks in Australia', Journal of Medical Virology, 68, pp. 113 - 118,

Rawlinson WD, 2002, 'Prevention of post-transfusion cytomegalovirus: leucoreduction or screening?', Vox Sanguinis, 83, pp. 72 - 87

White PA; Freeman A; Marinos G; Ffrench R; Rawlinson WD; Pan Y; Lloyd AR, 2002, 'Quantification of Hepatitis C Virus in Human Liver and Serum Samples by Using LightCycler Reverse Transcriptase PCR', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 40, pp. 4346 - 4348,

Rawlinson WD, 2001, 'Antiviral agents for influenza, hepatitis C and herpesvirus, enterovirus and rhinovirus infections', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 112 - 116,

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