Select Publications
Journal articles
2012, 'Modelling in-furnace phenomena of pulverized coal injection in ironmaking blast furnace: Effect of coke bed porosities', Minerals Engineering, 33, pp. 54 - 65,
,2011, 'CFD modeling and applications of pulverized coal injection in blast furnace', AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, pp. 495 - 505
,2011, 'CFD modelling and analysis of pulverized coal injection in blast furnace: An overview', Steel Research International, 82, pp. 532 - 542,
,2011, 'CFD study of in-furnace phenomena of pyulverized coal injection in blast furnace: effects of operating conditions', Powder Technology, 223, pp. 27 - 38,
,2011, 'Correlation between stress and carrier nonradiative recombination for silicon nanocrystals in an oxide matrix', Nanotechnology, 22, pp. 335703,
,2011, 'Guest editorial letter for the special issues for Australia-China-Japan joint conference on Iron and Steel Making', Steel Research International, 82, pp. 465 - 465,
,2010, 'Quantitative evaluation of boron-induced disorder in multilayers containing silicon nanocrystals in an oxide matrix designed for photovoltaic applications', Optics Express, 18, pp. 22004 - 22009,
,2009, 'An industrial investigation of Bi-PCI process in a blast furnace', 5th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, ICSTI 2009, pp. 753 - 757
,2009, 'Influence of MgO addition on sinter strength of blast furnace', 5th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, ICSTI 2009, pp. 253 - 257
,2009, 'A three-dimensional numerical study of the combustion of coal blends in blast furnace', Fuel, the science and technology of fuel and energy, 88, pp. 255 - 263
,2009, 'Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Pulverized Coal Combustion in Blast Furnace Raceway', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, pp. 10314 - 10323,
,2009, 'Effects of phosphorus doping on structural and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals in a SiO2 matrix', Thin Solid Films, 517, pp. 5646 - 5652,
,2009, 'Effects of Si-rich oxide layer stoichiometry on the structural and optical properties of Si QD/SiO2 multilayer films', Nanotechnology, 20, pp. 485703 - 485713
,2009, 'Model Study of the Effects of Coal Properties and Blast Conditions on Pulverized Coal Combustion', ISIJ International, 49, pp. 819 - 826,
,2009, 'Modelling in-Furnace Phenomena of Coal/Coke Combustion in a Blast Furnace: Effects of Coal Properties', Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 16, pp. 1137 - 1142
,2009, 'Modelling of Titanium Compound Formation in Blast Furnace Hearth', Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 16, pp. 851 - 856
,2009, 'Phosphorus-doped silicon quantum dots for all-silicon quantum dot tandem solar cells', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 93, pp. 1524 - 1530
,2009, 'Synthesis and characterization of boron-doped Si quantum dots for all-Si quantum dot tandem solar cells', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 93, pp. 273 - 279
,2008, 'Industrial practice of BiPCI process of pulverized coal injection for blast furnace ironmaking at SSAB', Steel Research International, 79, pp. 11 - 16,
,2008, 'Effects of boron doping on the structural and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals in a silicon dioxide matrix', Materials Forum, 19, pp. 424019
,2008, 'Effects of boron doping on the structural and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals in a silicon dioxide matrix', Nanotechnology, 19
,2008, 'Practice of BiPCI Process of Pulverized Coal Injection for Blast Furnace Ironmaking at SSAB', Steel Research International, 79, pp. 11 - 16
,2008, 'Three-dimensional modelling of coal combustion in blast furnace', ISIJ International, 48, pp. 777 - 786
,2006, 'Proper MgO addition in blast furnace operation', ISIJ International, 46, pp. 65 - 69,
,2006, 'Effect of Calcium Ferrite Morphology on Anti-Fracture Ability of Sinters', Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 18, pp. 55 - 58
,2005, 'A blast furnace prediction model combining neural network with partial least square regression', Steel Research International, 76, pp. 694 - 699
,2005, 'Development of non Coke ironmaking Processess in China', Steel Research International, 76, pp. 683 - 685
,2004, 'Metallurgical Properties of Zinc-bearing EAF Dust-Coal Composite Pellet', CAMP-ISIJ Conference, 17, pp. 684 - 687
,2002, 'Development of bisegment pulverized coal injection into blast furnace as a new process', Kang T'ieh/Iron and Steel (Peking), 37, pp. 5 - 7+22
,Conference Papers
2022, 'The Development of Multi-Zone Model for Refining Dynamics of Decarburization and Dephosphorization in BOF Oxygen Steelmaking', in 8th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2022, pp. 232 - 240,
,2017, 'CFD-DEM study of flow and thermochemical behaviour of the raceway', Qingdao, China, presented at SteelSim 2017, Qingdao, China, 16 August 2017 - 18 August 2017
,2017, 'DEM study of particle blockage', in Proc. of Annual Conference of Ironmaking 2016, Kunming, presented at Annual Conference of Ironmaking 2016, Kunming, 07 May 2017 - 10 May 2017
,2016, 'CFD study of gas solid flow in the raceway in blast furnace', in Proc. of Australia-China-Japan Joint Symposium, Melbourne, presented at Australia-China-Japan Joint Symposium, Melbourne, 23 November 2016 - 26 November 2016
,2016, 'Model study of burden distribution in blast furnace', in Proc. of Annual Conference of Ironmaking 2016, Xiamen, presented at Annual Conference of Ironmaking 2016, Xiamen, 18 May 2016 - 20 May 2016
,2015, 'Proper methods of adding MgO-bearing flux in blast furnace process', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, pp. 988 - 1000
,2015, 'Theoretical analysis of Al
2013, 'A 3D CFD simulation of liquid flow in an ironmaking blast furnace', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 555 - 563,
,2013, 'Compare pilot-scale and industry-scale models of pulverized coal combustion in an ironmaking blast furnace', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 564 - 571,
,2013, 'Modelling the combustion of charcoal in a model blast furnace', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 78 - 87,
,2013, 'Comparison of two methods to study the gas-liquid flows in a continuous slab casting mold', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 1296 - 1299,
,2013, 'Modelling ironmaking blast furnace: Solid flow and thermochemical behaviours', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 1274 - 1277,
,2013, 'Study of raceway in COREX melter gasifier by using three progressive methods', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 1158 - 1161,
,2011, 'CFD modelling and analysis of the combustion of ternary coal blends', in Minerals Engineering, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Kidlington, Oxford, England, presented at Computational Modelling '11, Falmouth, UK
,2011, 'CFD modelling of pulverized coal injection in ironmaking blast furnace: effect of key operating conditions', in Minerals Engineering, Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Kidlington, Oxford, England, presented at Computational Modelling '11, Falmouth, UK
,2010, '3-D model study of coal/coke combustion in a blast furnace: effects of coal properties', in Proceedings of 4th Baosteel Biennial Academic Conference, XU Leijiang, Baosteel, Shanghai, China, presented at 4th Baosteel Biennial Academic Conference, Shanghai, China, 16 November 2010 - 18 November 2010,
,2010, 'Three-dimensional modelling of in-furnace coal/coke combustion in a blast furnace: effects of operating conditions', in Proceedings of Chemeca 2010: The 40th Annual Australasian Chemical and Process Engineering Conference, Engineers Australia, Australia, pp. 358 - 368, presented at Chemeca 2010, Adelaide, 26 September 2010 - 29 September 2010,;dn=968226066638206;res=IELENG
,2009, 'An integrated Model of Coal/Coke Combustion in a Blast Furnace', in AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics, Melvile, NY 11747 USA, presented at 6th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, heat Mass transfer and Energy Conversion, Xian, China, 11 July 2009 - 15 July 2009
,2009, 'Modeling solid precipitation in blast furnace hearth', in Modeling solid precipitation in blast furnace hearth, Xian, China, presented at 6th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, heat Mass transfer and Energy Conversion, Xian, China, 11 July 2009 - 15 July 2009
,2008, 'CFD Model of Coal Blends Combustion and Effects of some Parameters', in Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008
,2008, 'Study on Boron Doped Silicon Quantum Dots Superlattices for All-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells', in COMMAD: 2008 CONFERENCE ON OPTOELECTRONIC AND MICROELECTRONIC MATERIALS& DEVICES, Ieee, New York