Select Publications

Journal articles

Rees S; Steel Z; Creamer M; Teesson M; Bryant R; McFarlane AC; Mills KL; Slade T; Carragher N; O'Donnell M; Forbes D; Silove D, 2014, 'Onset of common mental disorders and suicidal behavior following women's first exposure to gender based violence: a retrospective, population-based study', BMC Psychiatry, 14,

Liddell BJ; Chey T; Silove D; Phan TTB; Giao NM; Steel Z, 2013, 'Patterns of risk for anxiety-depression amongst Vietnamese-immigrants: A comparison with source and host populations', BMC Psychiatry, 13,

Hunter JB; Tay K; Frommer N; Silove D; Pearson L; San Roque M; Redman R; Bryant R; Manicavasagar V; Steel Z, 2013, 'A mixed method study of expert psychological evidence submitted for a cohort of asylum seekers undergoing refuggee status determination in Australia', Social Science and Medicine, 98, pp. 106 - 115,

Liddell B; Silove DM; Tay K; Tam N; Nickerson AM; Brooks R; Rees S; Zwi AB; Steel Z, 2013, 'Achieving convergence between a community-based measure of explosive anger and a clinical interview for intermittent explosive disorder in Timor-Leste.', Journal of Affective Disorders, 150, pp. 1242 - 1246,

Hunter J; Pearson L; San Roque M; Steel Z, 2013, 'Asylum adjudication, mental health and credibility evaluation', Federal Law Review, 41, pp. 471 - 495,;dn=162042134667173;res=IELHSS

Hunter J; Pearson L; Roque MS; Steel Z, 2013, 'Asylum Adjudication, Mental Health and Credibility Evaluation', Federal Law Review, 41, pp. 471 - 495,

Dudley MJ; Steel Z; Mares S; Newman L, 2012, 'Children and young people in immigration detention', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 25, pp. 285 - 292,

Maheshwari R; Steel Z, 2012, 'Mental health, service use and social capital among Indian-Australians: findings of a wellbeing survey.', Australasian Psychiatry, 20, pp. 384 - 389

Rees S; Silove DM; Chey T; Steel Z; Bauman A; Phan TTB, 2012, 'Physical activity and psychological distress amongst Vietnamese living in the Mekong Delta', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46, pp. 966 - 971,

Chan RC; Brooks RT; Steel Z; Huyen TTN; Erlich JH; Chow JS; Suranyi MG, 2012, 'The psychosocial correlates of quality of life in the dialysis population: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis', Quality of Life Research, 21, pp. 563 - 580,

Soosay I; Silove DM; Steel CB; Steel Z; Bebbington P; Jones PB; Chey T; Ivancic L; Marnane CL, 2012, 'Trauma exposure, PTSD and psychotic-like symptoms in post-conflict Timor Leste: an epidemiological survey', BMC Psychiatry, 12, pp. 1 - 9,


Nickerson AM; Bryant RA; Silove DM; Steel Z, 2011, 'A critical review of psychological treatments of posttraumatic stress disorder in refugees', Clinical Psychology Review, 31, pp. 399 - 417,

Nickerson AM; Steel Z; Bryant RA; Brooks R; Silove DM, 2011, 'Change in visa status amongst Mandaean refugees: Relationship to psychological symptoms and living difficulties', Psychiatry Research, 187, pp. 267 - 274,

Steel Z; Liddell BJ; Bateman steel CR; Zwi A; Bateman-Steel C, 2011, 'Global protection and the health impact of migration interception', PLOS Medicine, 8, pp. e1001038,

Rees S; Silove DM; Chey T; Ivancic L; Steel Z; Creamer M; Teesson M; Bryant RA; McFarlane AJ; Mills K; Slade T; Carragher N; O Donnell M; Forbes D, 2011, 'Lifetime prevalence of gender-based violence in women and the relationship with mental disorders and psychosocial function', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 306, pp. 513 - 521,

Chan RC; Steel Z; Brooks RT; Heung T; Erlich JH; Chow JS; Suranyi MG, 2011, 'Psychosocial risk and protective factors for depression in the dialysis population: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis', Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 71, pp. 300 - 310,

Steel Z; Momartin S; Silove DM; Coello M; Aroche J; Tay K, 2011, 'Two year psychosocial and mental health outcomes for refugees subjected to restrictive or supportive immigration policies.', Social Science and Medicine, 72, pp. 1149 - 1156,

Silove DM; Momartin S; Marnane CL; Steel Z; Manicavasagar VL, 2010, 'Adult separation anxiety disorder among war-affected Bosnian refugees: Comorbidity with PTSD and associations with dimensions of trauma', Journal of traumatic stress, 23, pp. 169 - 172,

Silove DM; Brooks RT; Bateman Steel C; Steel Z; Fonseca Amiral Z; Rodger J; Soosay I, 2010, 'Social and trauma-related pathways leading to psychological distress and functional limitations four years after the humanitarian emergency in Timor-Leste', Journal of traumatic stress, 23, pp. 151 - 160,

Nickerson A; Bryant RA; Steel ZP; Silove DM; Brooks RT, 2010, 'The impact of fear for family on mental heath in a resettled Iraqi refugee community', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44, pp. 229 - 235,

Steel Z; Silove D, 2009, 'Authors' reply', British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, pp. 178 - 179,

Steel ZP; Chey T; Silove DM; Marnane CL; Bryant RA; Van ommeren M, 2009, 'Association of torture and other potentially traumatic events with mental health outcomes among populations exposed to mass conflict and displacement', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 302, pp. 537 - 549,

Silove DM; Brooks RT; Steel CB; Steel ZP; Hewage K; Rodger J; Soosay I; Hewage , 2009, 'Explosive anger as a response to human rights violations in post-conflict Timor-Leste', Social Science and Medicine, 69, pp. 670 - 677,

Nickerson AM; Bryant RA; Brooks RT; Steel ZP; Silove DM, 2009, 'Fear of cultural extinction and psychopathology among mandaean refugees: An exploratory path analysis', CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 15, pp. 227 - 236,

Steel ZP; Steel CB; Silove DM, 2009, 'Human rights and trauma model: Genuine partners or uneasy allies?', Journal of traumatic stress, 22, pp. 358 - 365,

Steel ZP; Silove DM; Giao N; Phan TTB; Chey T; Whelan AM; Bauman A; Bryant RA, 2009, 'International and indigenous diagnoses of mental disorder among Vietnamese living in Vietnam and Australia', British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, pp. 326 - 333,

Steel ZP; Silove DM, 2009, 'The Composite International Diagnostic Interview in low- and middle-income countries Reply', British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, pp. 178 - 179

Esposito CA; Steel ZP; Gioi TM; Huyen TTN; Tarantola D, 2009, 'The Prevalence of Depression Among Men Living With HIV Infection in Vietnam', American Journal of Public Health, 99, pp. S439 - S444,

Newman L; Dudley MJ; Steel Z, 2008, 'Asylum, detention, and mental health in Australia', Refugee Survey Quarterly, 27, pp. 110 - 127

Silove DM; Bateman C; Brooks RT; Fonseca C; Steel ZP; Rodger J; Soosay I; Fox G; Patel V; Bauman A, 2008, 'Estimating clinically relevant mental disorders in a rural and an urban setting in postconflict Timor Leste', JAMA Psychiatry, 65, pp. 1205 - 1212

Merom D; Phongsavan P; Wagner R; Chey T; Marnane CL; Steel ZP; Silove DM; Bauman A, 2008, 'Promoting walking as an adjunct intervention to group cognitive behavioral therapy for an anxiety disorders - A pilot group randomized trial', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, pp. 959 - 968

Newman L; Steel ZP, 2008, 'The child asylum seeker: Psychological and developmental impact of immigration detention', Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 17, pp. 665 - 665,

Silove DM; Austin P; Steel ZP, 2007, 'No refugee from terror: The impact of detention on the mental health of trauma-effected refugees seeking asylum in Australia', Transcultural Psychiatry, 44, pp. 359 - 393,

Silove DM; Steel ZP; Susljik I; Frommer N; Loneragan C; Chey T; Brooks R; Le Touze D; Ceollo M; Smith M; Harris E; Bryant RA; Brooks , 2007, 'The impact of the refugee decision on the trajectory of PTSD, anxiety and depressive symptoms in asylum seekers: a longitudinal study', American Journal of Disater Medicine, 2, pp. 321 - 329,

Silove DM; Steel ZP; Bauman A; Chey T; McFarlane A, 2007, 'Trauma, PTSD and the longer-term mental health burden amongst Vietnamese refugees: a comparsion with the Australian-born population', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 42, pp. 467 - 476,

Steel Z; McDonald R; Silove D; Bauman A; Sandford P; Herron J; Minas IH, 2006, 'Pathways to the first contact with specialist mental health care', AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 40, pp. 347 - 354,

Schweitzer R; Melville F; Steel Z; Lacherez P, 2006, 'Trauma, post-migration living difficulties, and social support as predictors of psychological adjustment in resettled Sudanese refugees', AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 40, pp. 179 - 187,

Momartin S; Steel ZP; Coello M; Aroche J; Silove DM; Brooks RT, 2006, 'A comparsion of the mental health of refugees with temporary versus permanent protection visas', Medical Journal of Australia, 185, pp. 357 - 361,

Silove DM; Brooks RT; Steel ZP; Blaszczynski A; Hillman KM; Tyndall K; Blaszczynski , 2006, 'Can structured interviews for posttraumatic stress disorder assist clinical decision-making after motor vehicle accidents? An exploratory analysis', Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47, pp. 194 - 200,

Brooks RT; Beard J; Steel ZP, 2006, 'Factor structure and interpretation of the K-10', Psychological Assessment, 18, pp. 62 - 70,

Steel ZP; Silove DM; Brooks RT; Momartin S; Susljik I, 2006, 'Impact of immigration detention and temporary protection on the mental health of refugees', British Journal of Psychiatry, 188, pp. 58 - 64,

Steel ZP; McDonald R; Silove DM; Bauman A; Sandford P; Herron J; Minas IH, 2006, 'Pathways to the first contact with specialist mental health care', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, pp. 347 - 354,

Silove DM; Steel ZP; Susljik I; Frommer N; Loneragan C; Brooks RT; Le Touze D; Manicavasagar VL; Ceollo M; Smith M; Harris E, 2006, 'Torture,Mental Health Status and the Outcomes of Refugee applications among recently arrived asylum seekers in Australia', International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 2, pp. 4 - 14,

Schweitzer R; Melville F; Steel ZP; Lacherez P, 2006, 'Trauma, post-migration living difficulties, and social support as predictors of psychological adjustment in resettled Sudanese refugees', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, pp. 179 - 187,

Silove DM; Steel ZP; Psychol M, 2006, 'Understanding community psychosocial needs after disasters: Implications for mental health services', JOURNAL OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE, 52, pp. 121 - 125,

Boufous S; Silove DM; Bauman A; Steel ZP, 2005, 'Disability and health service utilisation associated with psychological distress: The influence of ethnicity', Mental Health Services Research, 7, pp. 171 - 179,

Blaszczynski A; Drobny J; Steel ZP; Blaszczynski , 2005, 'Home-based imaginal desensitisation in pathological gambling: Short-term outcomes', Behaviour Change, 22, pp. 13 - 21,;dn=778820339397747;res=IELHEA

Steel ZP; Silove DM; Chey T; Bauman A; Phan T, 2005, 'Mental disorders, disability and health service use amongst Vietnamese refugees and the host Australian population', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 111, pp. 300 - 309,

Steel ZP; Silove DM; Giao N; Bateman C, 2005, 'Psychiatric epidemiology in post-conflict societies - Some Australian initiatives', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39, pp. A151 - A151,

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