Select Publications

Journal articles

Davies K; Lappin JM; Briggs N; Isobel S; Steel Z, 2025, 'Does shame mediate the influence of trauma on psychosis? A systematic review and meta-analytic structural equation modelling approach', Schizophrenia Research, 275, pp. 87 - 97,

Davies K; Lappin JM; Gott C; Steel Z, 2024, 'Experiencing Psychosis and Shame: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Strength and Patterns of Association', SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN,

McKeon G; Curtis J; Rostami R; Sroba M; Farello A; Morell R; Steel Z; Harris M; Silove D; Parmenter B; Matthews E; Jamaluddin J; Rosenbaum S, 2024, 'Co-designing a Physical Activity Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Using an Experience-Based Co-design Framework', Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 26, pp. 674 - 688,

Ratnamohan L; Silove D; Mares S; Krishna Y; Thambi B; Steel Z, 2024, 'When all is at sea: Attachment insecurity as a mediator of risk in Tamil asylum-seeking children', Development and Psychopathology,

Wells R; Klein L; Mohsin M; Greene MC; Fisher J; Silove D; Steel Z; Rees S, 2024, 'Longitudinal Protective Factors against Intimate Partner Violence for Women Born in Australia and Women from Refugee Backgrounds', WOMEN, 4, pp. 317 - 331,

Iranpour C; Wells R; Berle D; Saniee A; Rostami R; Iranpour N; Steel Z, 2023, 'Effect of traumatic experiences and future threats on executive functioning and verbal fluency amongst Farsi-Dari speaking immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers', Psychiatry Research Communications, 3,

Wells R; Acarturk C; Mozumder MK; Kurt G; Klein L; Lekkeh SA; Beetar A; Jahan S; Almeamari F; Faruk MO; McGrath M; Alam SF; Alokoud M; Dewan R; Vecih AE; El-Dardery H; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Hammadi H; Hamoud MAS; Hasan MT; Joshi R; Kothaa S; Lamia FKC; Mastrogiovanni C; Najjar H; Nemorin S; Nicholson-Perry K; Prokrity TS; Said Yousef R; Tawakol M; Uygun E; Yasaki W; Wong S; Zarate A; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2023, 'Testing the effectiveness and acceptability of online supportive supervision for mental health practitioners in humanitarian settings: a study protocol for the caring for carers project', BMC Psychiatry, 23, pp. 884,

Ratnamohan L; Silove D; Mares S; Krishna Y; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Steel Z, 2023, 'Breaching the family walls: Modelling the impact of prolonged visa insecurity on asylum-seeking children', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 1130 - 1139,

Forrest W; Steel Z, 2023, 'The impact of immigration detention on the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers', Journal of Traumatic Stress, 36, pp. 642 - 653,

McKeon G; Wells R; Steel Z; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Teasdale S; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S, 2023, 'An online mental health informed physical activity intervention for emergency service workers and their families: A stepped-wedge trial', Digital Health, 9,

Rasmussen V; Spangaro J; Steel Z; Briggs N; Torok M, 2023, 'Trajectories to Suicide Following Intimate Partner Violence Victimization: Using Structural Equation Modelling to Examine Suicide and PTSD in Female Emergency Department Users', Journal of Family Violence,

McKeon G; Steel Z; Wells R; Fitzpatrick A; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S, 2022, 'Exercise and PTSD Symptoms in Emergency Service and Frontline Medical Workers: A Systematic Review', Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 7,

Rostami R; Wells R; Solaimani J; Berle D; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Silove D; Nickerson A; O'Donnell M; Bryant R; McFarlane A; Steel Z, 2022, 'The mental health of Farsi-Dari speaking asylum-seeking children and parents facing insecure residency in Australia', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 27,

McKeon G; Tiedemann A; Sherrington C; Teasdale S; Mastrogiovanni C; Wells R; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2022, 'Feasibility of an online, mental health-informed lifestyle program for people aged 60+ years during the COVID-19 pandemic', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, pp. 545 - 552,

Rees S; Mohsin M; Moussa B; Fisher J; Steel Z; Nadar N; Hassoun F; Khalil B; Youssef M; Krishna Y, 2022, 'Cohort profile: intimate partner violence and mental health among women from refugee background and a comparison group of Australian-born - the WATCH cohort study', BMJ Open, 12,

Hinton E; Steel Z; Hilbrink D; Berle D, 2022, 'Anger and predictors of drop-out from PTSD treatment of veterans and first responders', Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 50, pp. 237 - 251,

Rees SJ; Mohsin M; Klein L; Steel Z; Tol W; Dadds M; Eapen V; Da Costa Z; Savio E; Tam N; Silove D, 2022, 'The impact of maternal depressive symptoms and traumatic events on early childhood mental health in conflict-affected Timor-Leste', BJPsych Open, 8,

Badawi A; Steel Z; Wijesinghe N; Berle D, 2022, 'Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Influence on Stress and Early Responsiveness Outcomes for Depression, Anxiety, and Stress', Psychiatric Quarterly, 93, pp. 385 - 391,

Badawi A; Steel Z; Berle D, 2022, 'Visuospatial Working Memory Tasks May Not Reduce the Intensity or Distress of Intrusive Memories', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13,

Bucich M; Steel Z; Berle D, 2022, 'Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptom Profiles Among People Who Have Experienced Abuse: Findings From the NESARC-III Study', Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 16, pp. 76 - 85,

Rosenbaum S; Stierli M; McCullagh S; Newby J; Ward PB; Harvey S; Steel Z, 2022, 'An open trial of the RECONNECT exercise program for NSW Police Officers with posttraumatic stress disorder or psychological injury', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, pp. 28 - 33,

Badawi A; Steel Z; Harb M; Mahoney C; Berle D, 2022, 'Changes in intolerance of uncertainty over the course of treatment predict posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in an inpatient sample', Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 29, pp. 230 - 239,

Terhaag S; Steel Z; Howard A; Armstrong R; Cowlishaw S; Brewer D; Human B; Forbes D; Phelps A, 2022, 'Psychiatric Comorbidity for Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Latent Profile Analysis and Implications for Treatment', Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14, pp. 831 - 839,

Badawi A; Steel Z; Mahoney C; Berle D, 2021, 'Feasibility of an adjunctive cognitive task in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder', Discover Psychology, 1,

McKeon G; Mastrogiovanni C; Chapman J; Stanton R; Matthews E; Steel Z; Wells R; Rosenbaum S, 2021, 'The experiences of peer-facilitators delivering a physical activity intervention for emergency service workers and their families', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 21,

Bryant RA; Edwards B; Creamer M; O’Donnell M; Forbes D; Felmingham KL; Silove D; Steel Z; McFarlane AC; Van Hooff M; Nickerson A; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2021, 'Prolonged grief in refugees, parenting behaviour and children’s mental health', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 55, pp. 863 - 873,

Rasmussen V; Steel Z; Spangaro J; Torok M, 2021, 'Investigating the prevalence of intimate partner violence victimisation in women presenting to the emergency department in suicidal crisis', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 33, pp. 703 - 710,

Hicks MHR; Mohsin M; Silove D; Fisher J; Moussa B; Steel Z; Nancarrow H; Nadar N; Klein L; Hasoun F; Yousif M; Khalil B; Krishna Y; Rees SJ, 2021, 'Attitudes towards gender roles and prevalence of intimate partner violence perpetrated against pregnant and postnatal women: Differences between women immigrants from conflict-affected countries and women born in Australia', PLoS ONE, 16,

Marshall RE; Milligan-Saville JS; Steel Z; Bryant RA; Mitchell PB; Harvey SB, 2021, 'Pre-Employment MMPI-2 Measures and Later Psychological Injury-Related Absenteeism among Police Officers', Policing (Oxford), 15, pp. 1316 - 1325,

Thogesan M; Berle D; Hilbrink D; Kiely R; Russell-Williams C; Garwood N; Steel Z, 2021, 'The Inter-Rater Consistency of Clinician Ratings of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Therapy Content', Psychiatric Quarterly, 92, pp. 537 - 548,

Fogarty A; Steel Z; Ward PB; Boydell KM; McKeon G; Rosenbaum S, 2021, 'Trauma and mental health awareness in emergency service workers: A qualitative evaluation of the behind the seen education workshops', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,

McKeon G; Steel Z; Wells R; Newby J; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S, 2021, 'A mental health–informed physical activity intervention for first responders and their partners delivered using Facebook: Mixed methods pilot study', JMIR Formative Research, 5, pp. e23432,

Fibbins H; Ward PB; Stanton R; Czsonek L; Cudmore J; Michael S; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2021, 'Embedding an exercise professional within an inpatient mental health service: A qualitative study (vol 17, 100300, 2019)', MENTAL HEALTH AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, 20,

Howard A; Agathos JA; Phelps A; Cowlishaw S; Terhaag S; Arjmand HA; Armstrong R; Berle D; Steel Z; Brewer D; Human B; Herwig A; Wigg C; Kemp P; Wellauer R; O’Donnell ML, 2021, 'Prevalence and treatment implications of ICD-11 complex PTSD in Australian treatment-seeking current and ex-serving military members', European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12,

Rosenbaum S; McKeon G; Stubbs B; Teychenne M; Parker A; Stanton R; Schuch F; Mistry A; Steel Z; Firth J, 2021, 'Redefining mental healthcare: Going multidisciplinary to manage multimorbidity', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55, pp. 7 - 8,

McKeon G; Wells R; Steel Z; Moseley V; Rosenbaum S, 2021, 'Self-Reported Physical and Mental Health of Informal Caregivers of Emergency Service Workers', Journal of Loss and Trauma, 26, pp. 507 - 518,

Shakespeare-Finch J; Bowen-Salter H; Cashin M; Badawi A; Wells R; Rosenbaum S; Steel Z, 2020, 'COVID-19: An Australian Perspective', Journal of Loss and Trauma, 25, pp. 662 - 672,

Vollmer-Conna U; Beilharz JE; Cvejic E; Macnamara CL; Doherty M; Steel Z; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Harvey SB; Parker G, 2020, 'The well-being of medical students: A biopsychosocial approach', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54, pp. 997 - 1006,

McKeon G; Steel Z; Wells R; Newby J; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'A Mental Health–Informed Physical Activity Intervention for First Responders and Their Partners Delivered Using Facebook: Mixed Methods Pilot Study (Preprint)', ,

Chen A; Rosenbaum S; Wells R; Gould K; Ward PB; Steel Z, 2020, 'Obesity, physical activity and sleep quality in patients admitted to a posttraumatic stress inpatient ward', Australasian Psychiatry, 28, pp. 270 - 273,

Fogden G; Berle D; Steel Z, 2020, 'The impact of family separation and worry about family upon psychological adjustment in refugees resettled in Australia', Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33, pp. 894 - 907,

Silove D; Mohsin M; Klein L; Tam NDJ; Dadds M; Eapen V; Tol WA; Da Costa Z; Savio E; Soares R; Steel Z; Rees SJ, 2020, 'Longitudinal path analysis of depressive symptoms and functioning among women of child-rearing age in postconflict Timor-Leste', BMJ Global Health, 5, pp. e002039,

Rebar AL; Stanton R; Wells R; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Feeling states of people experiencing depression, anxiety, or comorbid depression and anxiety symptoms during a multi-day charity cycling ride: An ecological momentary assessment study', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 47,

Steel Z, 2020, 'When the smoke clears: Supporting communities after a disaster', Medicine Today, 21, pp. 10 - 19,

Bryant RA; Edwards B; Creamer M; O’Donnell M; Forbes D; Felmingham KL; Silove D; Steel Z; McFarlane AC; van Hooff M; Nickerson A; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2020, 'A population study of prolonged grief in refugees', Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 29,

Marshall RE; Milligan-Saville JS; Steel Z; Bryant RA; Mitchell PB; Harvey SB, 2020, 'A prospective study of pre-employment psychological testing amongst police recruits', Occupational Medicine, 70, pp. 162 - 168,

Wells R; Steel Z; Plested B; Abo-Hilal M; Hunt C; Hassan M; Lawsin C, 2020, 'Community Readiness in the Syrian Refugee Community in Jordan: A Rapid Ecological Assessment Tool to Build Psychosocial Service Capacity', American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90, pp. 212 - 222,

Badawi A; Berle D; Rogers K; Steel Z, 2019, 'Do cognitive tasks reduce intrusive memory frequency after exposure to analogue trauma? An experimental replication', Clinical Psychological Science

Fibbins H; Ward PB; Stanton R; Czsonek L; Cudmore J; Michael S; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Embedding an exercise professional within an inpatient mental health service: A qualitative study', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 17,

Nickerson A; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Edwards B; O’Donnell M; Creamer M; Felmingham KL; Forbes D; McFarlane AC; Silove D; Steel Z; van Hoof M; Bryant RA, 2019, 'Identifying distinctive psychological symptom profiles among a nationally representative sample of refugees resettled in Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53, pp. 908 - 919,

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