Select Publications

Journal articles

Wassum KM; Ostlund SB; Balleine BW; Maidment NT, 2011, 'Differential dependence of Pavlovian incentive motivation and instrumental incentive learning processes on dopamine signaling', Learning and Memory, 18, pp. 475 - 483,

Shiflett MW; Balleine BW, 2011, 'Contributions of ERK signaling in the striatum to instrumental learning and performance', Behavioural Brain Research, 218, pp. 240 - 247,

Liljeholm M; Tricomi E; O'Doherty JP; Balleine BW, 2011, 'Neural correlates of instrumental contingency learning: Differential effects of action-reward conjunction and disjunction', Journal of Neuroscience, 31, pp. 2474 - 2480,

Wassum KM; Cely IC; Balleine BW; Maidment NT, 2011, 'μ-opioid receptor activation in the basolateral amygdala mediates the learning of increases but not decreases in the incentive value of a food reward', Journal of Neuroscience, 31, pp. 1591 - 1599,

Ostlund SB; Wassum KM; Murphy NP; Balleine BW; Maidment NT, 2011, 'Extracellular dopamine levels in striatal subregions track shifts in motivation and response cost during instrumental conditioning', Journal of Neuroscience, 31, pp. 200 - 207,

Balleine BW; Leung BK; Ostlund SB, 2011, 'The orbitofrontal cortex, predicted value, and choice', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1239, pp. 43 - 50,

Shiflett MW; Balleine BW, 2010, 'At the limbic-motor interface: Disconnection of basolateral amygdala from nucleus accumbens core and shell reveals dissociable components of incentive motivation', European Journal of Neuroscience, 32, pp. 1735 - 1743,

Ostlund SB; Maidment NT; Balleine BW, 2010, 'Alcohol-paired contextual cues produce an immediate and selective loss of goal-directed action in rats', Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, pp. 1 - 8,

Liljeholm M; Balleine BW, 2010, 'Extracting Functional Equivalence From Reversing Contingencies', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 36, pp. 165 - 171,

Shiflett MW; Brown RA; Balleine BW, 2010, 'Acquisition and performance of goal-directed instrumental actions depends on ERK signaling in distinct regions of dorsal striatum in rats', Journal of Neuroscience, 30, pp. 2951 - 2959,

Balleine BW; O'Doherty JP, 2010, 'Human and rodent homologies in action control: Corticostriatal determinants of goal-directed and habitual action', Neuropsychopharmacology, 35, pp. 48 - 69,

Wassum KM; Cely IC; Maidment NT; Balleine BW, 2009, 'Disruption of endogenous opioid activity during instrumental learning enhances habit acquisition', Neuroscience, 163, pp. 770 - 780,

Wassum KM; Ostlund SB; Maidment NT; Balleine BW, 2009, 'Distinct opioid circuits determine the palatability and the desirability of rewarding events', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, pp. 12512 - 12517,

de Wit S; Ostlund SB; Balleine BW; Dickinson A, 2009, 'Resolution of Conflict Between Goal-Directed Actions: Outcome Encoding and Neural Control Processes', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 35, pp. 382 - 393,

Ostlund SB; Winterbauer NE; Balleine BW, 2009, 'Evidence of action sequence chunking in goal-directed instrumental conditioning and its dependence on the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex', Journal of Neuroscience, 29, pp. 8280 - 8287,

Liljeholm M; Balleine BW, 2009, 'Mediated conditioning versus retrospective revaluation in humans: The influence of physical and functional similarity of cues', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, pp. 470 - 482,

Tricomi E; Balleine BW; O'Doherty JP, 2009, 'A specific role for posterior dorsolateral striatum in human habit learning', European Journal of Neuroscience, 29, pp. 2225 - 2232,

Balleine BW; Liljeholm M; Ostlund SB, 2009, 'The integrative function of the basal ganglia in instrumental conditioning', Behavioural Brain Research, 199, pp. 43 - 52,

Ostlund SB; Balleine BW, 2008, 'On habits and addiction: an associative analysis of compulsive drug seeking', Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models, 5, pp. 235 - 245,

Yin HH; Ostlund SB; Balleine BW, 2008, 'Reward-guided learning beyond dopamine in the nucleus accumbens: The integrative functions of cortico-basal ganglia networks', European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, pp. 1437 - 1448,

Ostlund SB; Balleine BW, 2008, 'The disunity of Pavlovian and instrumental values', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31, pp. 456 - 457,

Tanaka SC; Balleine BW; O'Doherty JP, 2008, 'Calculating consequences: Brain systems that encode the causal effects of actions', Journal of Neuroscience, 28, pp. 6750 - 6755,

Bray S; Rangel A; Shimojo S; Balleine B; O'Doherty JP, 2008, 'The neural mechanisms underlying the influence of pavlovian cues on human decision making', Journal of Neuroscience, 28, pp. 5861 - 5866,

Ostlund SB; Balleine BW, 2008, 'Differential involvement of the basolateral amygdala and mediodorsal thalamus in instrumental action selection', Journal of Neuroscience, 28, pp. 4398 - 4405,

Espinet A; Artigas AA; Balleine EW, 2008, 'Inhibitory sensory preconditioning detected with a sodium depletion procedure', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, pp. 240 - 247,

Liljeholm M; Balleine B, 2008, 'It's elemental my dear Watson', Behavioural Processes, 77, pp. 434 - 436,

Corbit LH; Janak PH; Balleine BW, 2007, 'General and outcome-specific forms of Pavlovian-instrumental transfer: The effect of shifts in motivational state and inactivation of the ventral tegmental area', European Journal of Neuroscience, 26, pp. 3141 - 3149,

Winterbauer NE; Balleine BW, 2007, 'The influence of amphetamine on sensory and conditioned reinforcement: Evidence for the re-selection hypothesis of dopamine function', Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 1,

Lobo MK; Cui Y; Ostlund SB; Balleine BW; William Yang X, 2007, 'Genetic control of instrumental conditioning by striatopallidal neuron-specific S1P receptor Gpr6', Nature Neuroscience, 10, pp. 1395 - 1397,

Balleine BW, 2007, 'The neural basis of choice and decision making', Journal of Neuroscience, 27, pp. 8159 - 8160,

Balleine BW; Delgado MR; Hikosaka O, 2007, 'The role of the dorsal striatum in reward and decision-making', Journal of Neuroscience, 27, pp. 8161 - 8165,

Nader K; Balleine B, 2007, 'Ambiguity and anxiety: When a glass half full is empty', Nature Neuroscience, 10, pp. 807 - 808,

Ostlund SB; Balleine BW, 2007, 'Orbitofrontal cortex mediates outcome encoding in pavlovian but not instrumental conditioning', Journal of Neuroscience, 27, pp. 4819 - 4825,

Wiltgen BJ; Law M; Ostlund S; Mayford M; Balleine BW, 2007, 'The influence of Pavlovian cues on instrumental performance is mediated by CaMKII activity in the striatum', European Journal of Neuroscience, 25, pp. 2491 - 2497,

Ostlund SB; Balleine BW, 2007, 'Selective reinstatement of instrumental performance depends on the discriminative stimulus properties of the mediating outcome', Learning and Behavior, 35, pp. 43 - 52,

Winterbauer NE; Balleine BW, 2007, 'The influence of amphetamine on sensory and conditioned reinforcement: evidence for the re-selection hypothesis of dopamine function', FRONTIERS IN INTEGRATIVE NEUROSCIENCE, 1,

Liljeholm M; Balleine BW, 2006, 'Stimulus salience and retrospective revaluation', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32, pp. 481 - 487,

De Wit S; Kosaki Y; Balleine BW; Dickinson A, 2006, 'Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex resolves response conflict in rats', Journal of Neuroscience, 26, pp. 5224 - 5229,

Yin HH; Zhuang X; Balleine BW, 2006, 'Instrumental learning in hyperdopaminergic mice', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 85, pp. 283 - 288,

Yin HH; Knowlton BJ; Balleine BW, 2006, 'Inactivation of dorsolateral striatum enhances sensitivity to changes in the action-outcome contingency in instrumental conditioning', Behavioural Brain Research, 166, pp. 189 - 196,

Balleine BW; Dickinson A, 2006, 'Motivational control of blocking', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32, pp. 33 - 43,

Balleine BW; Killcross AS, 2006, 'Parallel incentive processing: an integrated view of amygdala function', Trends in Neurosciences, pp. 272 - 279

Balleine BW; Dickinson A, 2005, 'Effects of Outcome Devaluation on the Performance of a Heterogeneous Instrumental Chain', International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 18,

Ostlund SB; Balleine BW, 2005, 'Lesions of medial prefrontal cortex disrupt the acquisition but not the expression of goal-directed learning', Journal of Neuroscience, 25, pp. 7763 - 7770,

Yin HH; Knowlton BJ; Balleine BW, 2005, 'Blockade of NMDA receptors in the dorsomedial striatum prevents action-outcome learning in instrumental conditioning', European Journal of Neuroscience, 22, pp. 505 - 512,

Winterbauer NE; Balleine BW, 2005, 'Motivational control of second-order conditioning', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 31, pp. 334 - 340,

Balleine BW; Espinet A; González F, 2005, 'Perceptual learning enhances retrospective revaluation of conditioned flavor preferences in rats', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 31, pp. 341 - 350,

Yin HH; Ostlund SB; Knowlton BJ; Balleine BW, 2005, 'The role of the dorsomedial striatum in instrumental conditioning', European Journal of Neuroscience, 22, pp. 513 - 523,

Wang SH; Ostlund SB; Nader K; Balleine BW, 2005, 'Consolidation and reconsolidation of incentive learning in the amygdala', Journal of Neuroscience, 25, pp. 830 - 835,

Corbit LH; Balleine BW, 2005, 'Double dissociation of basolateral and central amygdala lesions on the general and outcome-specific forms of pavlovian-instrumental transfer', Journal of Neuroscience, 25, pp. 962 - 970,

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