Select Publications

Book Chapters

Snoyman P; Cama E; Baldry E; Treloar C, 2024, 'Older prisoners in New South Wales, Australia', in Crime, Punishment, and the Elderly: Japan and Beyond, pp. 174 - 181,

Rance J; Treloar C, 2023, 'The Role of Social Science in Hepatitis', in Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health, pp. 1251 - 1269,

Rance J; Treloar C, 2023, 'The Role of Social Science in Hepatitis', in Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 19,

Madden A; Lennon P; Hogan C; Getty M; Hopwood M; Neale J; Treloar C, 2019, 'Patient-reported measures as a justice project through involvement of service-user researchers', in Aggleton P; Broom A; Moss J (ed.), Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change, Routledge, pp. 190 - 199,

Treloar C, 2014, 'Applying Principles of Mindlessness-Mindfulness Theory and Drug-Injecting Behavior', in The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness, pp. 818 - 833,

Hopwood M; Treloar C, 2013, 'International Policies to Reduce Illicit Drug-Related Harm and Illicit Drug Use', in Interventions for Addiction: Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, pp. 735 - 743,

Hopwood M; Treloar C, 2013, 'Chapter 75 International Policies to Reduce Illicit Drug-Related Harm and Illicit Drug Use', in Interventions for Addiction, Elsevier, pp. 735 - 743,

Hopwood MN; Treloar C, 2013, 'International Policies to Reduce Illicit Drug-Related Harm and Illicit Drug Use', in Interventions for addiction: Comprehensive addictive behaviors and disorders, Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc, San Diego, USA, pp. 735 - 743,

Loveday S; Treloar C; Elek C; Hopwood MN, 2005, 'Discrimination to the consumer', in Australian Society for HIV Medicine (ed.), HIV and viral hepatitis: Legal, ethical and human rights issues, Australian Society for HIV Medicine, Sydney, pp. 43 - 56

Journal articles

Cama E; Beadman K; Beadman M; Smith KA; Christian J; Jackson AC; Tyson B; Anderson C; Smyth L; Heslop J; Gahan G; Tawil V; Sheaves F; Maher L; Page J; Tilley D; Ryan A; Grant K; Donovan B; Stevens A; Slattery T; Pearce K; John-Leader F; Walden A; Lenton J; Crowley M; Treloar C, 2024, 'Correction to: Increasing access to screening for blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: evaluation of the Deadly Liver Mob program’s ‘cascade of care’ across nine sites in New South Wales, Australia (Harm Reduction Journal, (2023), 20, 1, (125), 10.1186/s12954-023-00850-6)', Harm Reduction Journal, 21,

Cama E; Beadman K; Beadman M; Walker M; Treloar C, 2024, 'Correction to: Insights from the scale-up and implementation of the Deadly Liver Mob program across nine sites in New South Wales, Australia, according to the RE-AIM framework (Harm Reduction Journal, (2023), 20, 1, (154), 10.1186/s12954-023-00889-5)', Harm Reduction Journal, 21,

Cama E; Beadman M; Beadman K; Hopwood M; Treloar C, 2024, 'Correction: Health workers’ perspectives of hepatitis B-related stigma among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in New South Wales, Australia (Harm Reduction Journal, (2023), 20, 1, (116), 10.1186/s12954-023-00844-4)', Harm Reduction Journal, 21,

Maher L; Leece B; Sheaves F; Wilson A; Brown J; O’Connell L; Carnegie-Brown M; Stanbury L; Turalic U; Mooney D; Hoyling L; Cama E; Treloar C, 2024, 'Moving from ‘stigma reduction’ to ‘inclusion’: development of the inclusion collaborative at Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, New South Wales', Harm Reduction Journal, 21,

Lafferty L; Applegate TL; Lewis S; Drysdale K; Monaghan R; Kelly-Hanku A; Guy R; Treloar C, 2024, 'Pre-market health systems barriers and enablers to infectious diseases point-of-care diagnostics in Australia: qualitative interviews with key informants', BMC Infectious Diseases, 24,

Brener L; Horwitz R; Cama E; Vu HMK; Jin D; WU KOE; Rance J; Broady T; Treloar C; Mao L; Okeke S; Bryant J, 2024, 'Understanding stigma and attitudes towards hepatitis B among university students in Australia of Chinese and Vietnamese background', BMC Public Health, 24, pp. 2801,

Rodgers C; Siefried KJ; Ritter A; Belackova V; Treloar C; Jauncey M; Ezard N; Roberts D; Steele M; van den Brink W; Strang J; Oviedo-Joekes E; Lintzeris N; Dunlop AJ; Bell J, 2024, 'Implementation of time-limited parenteral hydromorphone in people with treatment-resistant injecting opioid use disorder: a protocol for a single-site, uncontrolled, open-label study to assess feasibility, safety and cost', BMJ Open, 14,

Sheehan Y; Cochrane A; Treloar C; Grebely J; Tedla N; Lloyd AR; Lafferty L, 2024, 'Understanding hepatitis C virus (HCV) health literacy and educational needs among people in prison to enhance HCV care in prisons', International Journal of Drug Policy, 130,

Marshall AD; Rance J; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Treloar C, 2024, 'Applying a stigma and time framework to facilitate equitable access to hepatitis C care among women who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage Study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 129,

Brener L; Cama E; Broady T; Harrod ME; Holly C; Caruana T; Beadman K; Treloar C, 2024, 'Experiences of stigma and subsequent reduced access to health care among women who inject drugs', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1071 - 1079,

Sutherland R; King C; Karlsson A; Treloar C; Broady T; Chandrasena U; Salom C; Dietze P; Peacock A, 2024, 'Stigma, and factors associated with experiencing stigma, while visiting health-care services among samples of people who use illegal drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1264 - 1279,

Treloar C; Lancaster K; Rhodes T; Lafferty L; Bryant J; Rance J, 2024, 'The ‘missing’ in the ‘endgame’ of hepatitis C elimination: A qualitative study in New South Wales, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1256 - 1263,

Broady TR; Valerio H; Alavi M; Wheeler A; Silk D; Martinello M; Conway A; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Treloar C; Grebely J, 2024, 'Factors associated with experiencing stigma, discrimination, and negative health care treatment among people who inject drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 128,

Grebely J; Treloar C, 2024, 'Where to next for the international journal of drug policy: A continued focus on multidisciplinary research, community involvement, and impact', International Journal of Drug Policy, 128,

Caruana T; Brener L; Calabrese SK; Cama E; Treloar C; Broady T, 2024, 'Differences in stigma reduction related to injection drug use between people expressing conservative, moderate and progressive values following an online intervention', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 853 - 860,

Valerio H; Marshall AD; Conway A; Treloar C; Carter L; Martinello M; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Silk D; Degenhardt L; Prain B; Alavi M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2024, 'Factors associated with hepatitis C testing, treatment, and current hepatitis C infection among men and women who inject drugs: The ETHOS engage study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 127,

Lancaster K; Gendera S; Treloar C; Rhodes T; Shahbazi J; Byrne M; Nielsen S; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2024, 'Tinkering with care: Implementing extended-release buprenorphine depot treatment for opioid dependence', International Journal of Drug Policy, 126, pp. 104359,

Reilly R; McKetin R; Barzi F; Degan T; Ezard N; Conigrave K; Butt J; Roe Y; Wand H; Quinn B; Longbottom W; Treloar C; Dunlop A; Ward J, 2024, 'A web-based application for reducing methamphetamine use amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: A wait-list control randomised trial. (Preprint)', Journal of Medical Internet Research,

Sivak L; Reilly R; Crumpen S; Treloar C; McKetin R; Butt J; Roe Y; Ezard N; Quinn B; Nagle J; Longbottom W; Warrior C; Ward J, 2024, 'Reducing Methamphetamine Use in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities with the We Can Do This Web-App: Qualitative Evaluation of Acceptability and Feasibility (Preprint)', JMIR Formative Research,

Moore D; Fraser S; Farrugia A; Fomiatti R; Edwards M; Birbilis E; Treloar C, 2024, 'Countering ‘the moral science of biopolitics’: Understanding hepatitis C treatment ‘non-compliance’ in the antiviral era', Sociology of Health and Illness, 46, pp. 399 - 417,

Cama E; Brener L; Broady T; Horwitz R; Jin D; Khoi Vu HM; Wu KOE; Treloar C, 2024, 'Hepatitis B screening and knowledge among Chinese and Vietnamese students in Australia', PLoS ONE, 19,

Lafferty L; Beadman M; Ward J; Flynn E; Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Martinello M; Treloar C, 2024, 'Patient and healthcare provider perceptions of acceptability of fingerstick point-of-care hepatitis C testing at Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 125,

Treloar C; Rance J; Bryant J; Lafferty L, 2024, '‘There's too much power in this number. It's freaking the whole response out’: The views of key informants on evidence and targets to achieve hepatitis C elimination goals in Australia', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 31, pp. 59 - 65,

Cheng Q; Valerio H; Cunningham EB; Shih STF; Silk D; Conway A; Treloar C; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Bath N; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Leadbeatter K; Day E; Habraken N; Dawson O; Degenhardt L; Scott C; Tillakeratne S; Marks P; Jayasinghe I; Martinez M; Reid H; Gleeson V; Van Dyk J; Mercade GE; Marshall AD; Obeid S; Wheeler A; Hooshyar SH; Catlett B; Verich A; Erratt A; Wheeler A; Ezard N; Reid D; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Lam T; Datta P; Wade A; Spruce S; Cock V; Cornwell M; Zohrab K; Christmass M; Connelly C; Cooper A; Montebello M; Cherry R; Dyer J; Arawal S; Press E; Horasak N; Lewis R; Carthew A; Morris D; Donohue K; Griffiths K; Lana JD; Shin S; Graf C; Hampson A; Qian S; Brown D; Lautier A; Curran C; Burns C; Raidu R; Stolzenhein K; Brabender W; Somes K; Abram N; Turne R; Larter S; Goodberg F; Luksza J; Hall M; Hazelwood S; Ismay C; McClurg B; Mincham C; Barlow K; Hoskins A; Salisbury K; Markham J; Talmet J; Dunn S; Mitchell A; McKinnon A; Smyth F; Snell L; Laing E; Clark M; Dorigo J, 2024, 'Health-Related Quality of Life of People Who Inject Drugs: The Enhancing Treatment of Hepatitis C in Opioid Substitution Settings Engage Study', Value in Health, 27, pp. 216 - 225,

Calabrese SK; Kalwicz DA; Zaheer MA; Dovidio JF; Garner A; Zea MC; Treloar C; Holt M; Smith A; MacGibbon J; Modrakovic DX; Rao S; Eaton LA, 2024, 'The Potential Role of Undetectable = Untransmittable (U = U) in Reducing HIV Stigma among Sexual Minority Men in the US', AIDS and Behavior,

Gardner K; Graham S; Beadman M; Doyle M; Wilms J; Beetson K; Bryant J; Martin K; Treloar C; Murphy D; Bell S; Browne A; Aggleton P; Bolt R, 2024, '‘Our culture makes us strong’: Understanding and working with community strengths among Aboriginal people in western Sydney', Health Promotion Journal of Australia,

Cama E; Brener L; Horwitz R; Broady TR; Khoi Vu HM; Jin D; Wu KOE; Treloar C, 2024, 'Factors associated with hepatitis B knowledge among people of Vietnamese ethnicity in Australia', Psychology, Health and Medicine, 29, pp. 1536 - 1547,

Hajarizadeh B; Carson JM; Byrne M; Grebely J; Cunningham E; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Treloar C; Martinello M; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ, 2024, 'Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in the prison setting: The SToP-C study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 31, pp. 21 - 34,

Martin K; Bryant J; Beetson K; Wilms J; Briggs T; Treloar C; Newman C, 2024, 'Normalising sex and resisting shame: young Aboriginal women’s views on sex and relationships in an urban setting in Australia', Journal of Youth Studies, 27, pp. 1460 - 1476,

Rance J; Grebely J; Treloar C, 2024, 'The time of cure: hepatitis C treatment and the matter of reinfection among people who inject drugs', Health Sociology Review, 33, pp. 104 - 118,

Chandra S; Broom A; Ridge D; Peterie M; Lafferty L; Broom J; Kenny K; Treloar C; Applegate T, 2024, 'Treatment ‘cultures’, sexually transmitted infections and the rise of antimicrobial resistance', Sociology of Health and Illness,

Bryant J; Bolt R; Martin K; Beadman M; Doyle M; Treloar C; Bell S; Murphy D; Newman C; Browne A; Aggleton P; Beetson K; Brooks M; Wilms J; Leece B; Stanbury L; Botfield J; Davis B; Graham S, 2024, 'Yarning as a method for building sexual wellbeing among urban Aboriginal young people in Australia', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 26, pp. 871 - 886,

Conway A; Marshall AD; Crawford S; Hayllar J; Grebely J; Treloar C, 2023, 'Deimplementation in the provision of opioid agonist treatment to achieve equity of care for people engaged in treatment: a qualitative study', Implementation Science, 18,

Treloar C; Beadman K; Beadman M; Smith KA; Christian J; Jackson AC; Tyson B; Anderson C; Smyth L; Walker M; Heslop J; Gahan G; Tawil V; Sheaves F; Maher L; Page J; Tilley D; Ryan A; Grant K; Donovan B; Stevens A; Slattery T; Pearce K; John-Leader F; Walden A; Lenton J; Crowley M; Cama E, 2023, 'Evaluating a complex health promotion program to reduce hepatitis C among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in New South Wales, Australia: the Deadly Liver Mob', Harm Reduction Journal, 20,

Cama E; Beadman M; Beadman K; Hopwood M; Treloar C, 2023, 'Health workers’ perspectives of hepatitis B-related stigma among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in New South Wales, Australia', Harm Reduction Journal, 20,

Cama E; Beadman K; Beadman M; Smith KA; Christian J; Jackson AC; Tyson B; Anderson C; Smyth L; Heslop J; Gahan G; Tawil V; Sheaves F; Maher L; Page J; Tilley D; Ryan A; Grant K; Donovan B; Stevens A; Slattery T; Pearce K; John-Leader F; Walden A; Lenton J; Crowley M; Treloar C, 2023, 'Increasing access to screening for blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: evaluation of the Deadly Liver Mob program’s ‘cascade of care’ across nine sites in New South Wales, Australia', Harm Reduction Journal, 20,

Cama E; Beadman K; Beadman M; Walker M; Treloar C, 2023, 'Insights from the scale-up and implementation of the Deadly Liver Mob program across nine sites in New South Wales, Australia, according to the RE-AIM framework', Harm Reduction Journal, 20,

Broom A; Peterie M; Ridge D; Lafferty L; Kenny K; Broom J; Kelly-Hanku A; Treloar C; Applegate T, 2023, 'Sex, drugs and superbugs: The rise of drug resistant STIs', SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 4,

Walker S; Dietze P; Higgs P; Ward B; Treloar C; Stoové M; Rathnayake K; Doyle J; Hellard M; Maher L, 2023, 'Socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for people who use drugs', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 58, pp. 907 - 925,

Hobday S; Valerio H; Combo T; Monaghan R; Scott C; Silk D; Murray C; Read P; Henderson C; Degenhardt L; Treloar C; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Martinello M, 2023, 'Evaluating the prevalence of current hepatitis C infection and treatment among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who inject drugs in Australia: The ETHOS engage study', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1617 - 1632,

Fomiatti R; Pienaar K; Savic M; Keane H; Treloar C, 2023, 'Improving understandings of trauma and alcohol and other drug-related problems: A social research agenda', International Journal of Drug Policy, 121,

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