Select Publications

Journal articles

Kalton N; Sukochev F; Zanin DV, 2010, 'Orbits in symmetric spaces, II', Studia Mathematica, 197, pp. 257 - 274,

Potapov D; Sukochev F, 2009, 'Unbounded Fredholm modules and double operator integrals', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, pp. 159 - 185,

Astashkin S; Semenov E; Sukochev F, 2009, 'BANACH-SAKS TYPE PROPERTIES IN REARRANGEMENT-INVARIANT SPACES WITH THE KRUGLOV PROPERTY', Houston Journal of Mathematics, 35, pp. 959 - 973

Sukochev F; Zanin DV, 2009, 'Khinchin inequality and Banach-Saks type properties in rearrangement-invariant spaces', Studia Mathematica, 191, pp. 101 - 122

Astashkin S; Zanin DV; Semenov E; Sukochev F, 2009, 'Kruglov operator and operators defined by random permutations', Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 43, pp. 83 - 95

Azamov N; Carey AL; Dodds P; Sukochev F, 2009, 'Operator integrals, spectral shift, and spectral flow', Canadian Journal of Mathematics - Journal Canadien de Mathematiques, 61, pp. 241 - 263

Sukochev F; Zanin DV, 2009, 'Orbits in symmetric spaces', Journal of Functional Analysis, 257, pp. 194 - 218

Carey AL; Potapov D; Sukochev F, 2009, 'Spectral flow is the integral of one forms on the Banach manifold of self adjoint Fredholm operators', Advances in Mathematics, 222, pp. 1809 - 1849

Sukochev F; Dodds PG, 2009, 'Submajorisation inequalities for convex and concave functions of sums of measurable operators', Positivity, 13, pp. 107 - 124,

Potapov D; Sukochev F, 2009, 'Unbounded Fredholm modules and double operator integrals', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 626, pp. 159 - 185,

Novikova AI; Semenov EM; Sukochev FA, 2008, 'Banach-Saks index in spaces with symmetric basis', Doklady Mathematics, 77, pp. 396 - 397,

Astashkin SV; Sukochev FA, 2008, 'Series of independent, mean zero random variables in rearrangement- invariant spaces having the Kruglov property', Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 148, pp. 795 - 809,

Sukochev F; Astashkin S; Kalton N, 2008, 'A Cesaro mean convergence of martingale differences in rearrangement nvariant spaces', Positivity, 12, pp. 387 - 406

Potapov D; Sukochev F, 2008, 'Lipschitz and commutator estimates in symmetric operator spaces', Journal of Operator Theory, 59, pp. 211 - 234

Sukochev F; Le merdy C, 2008, 'Rademacher averages on noncommutative symmetric spaces', Journal of Functional Analysis, 255, pp. 3329 - 3355

Sukochev F; Kalton N, 2008, 'Rearrangement-invariant functionals with applications to traces on symmetrically', Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 51, pp. 67 - 80

Sukochev F; Azamov N, 2008, 'Spectral averaging for trace compatible operators', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 136, pp. 1769 - 1778

Sukochev F; Kalton N, 2008, 'Symmetric norms and spaces of operators', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 621, pp. 81 - 121

Sukochev F; Novikova A; Semenov E, 2008, 'The Banach-Saks index of spaces with a symmetric basis', Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 420, pp. 314 - 315

Sukochev F; Carey AL; Phillips J; Rennie A, 2008, 'The Chern character of semifinite spectral triples', Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 2, pp. 141 - 193,

De Pagter B; Sukochev F, 2007, 'Commutator estimates and ℝ-flows in non-commutative operator spaces', Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 50, pp. 293 - 324,

Sukochev F; Dodds P; Dodds T, 2007, 'Banach-Saks properties in symmetric spaces of measurable operators', Studia Mathematica, 178, pp. 125 - 166

Sukochev F; Astashkin S, 2007, 'Banach-Saks property in Marcinkiewicz spaces', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 336, pp. 1231 - 1258

Sukochev F; De pagter B, 2007, 'Commutator estimates and R-flows in non-commutative operator spaces', Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 50, pp. 247 - 261

Sukochev F; Veselova L; Tikhonov O, 2007, 'Interpolation of positive operators', Mathematical Notes, 81, pp. 37 - 50,

Potapov D; Sukochev F, 2007, 'Non-(quantum) differentiable C1-functions in the spaces with trivial Boyd indices', Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 57, pp. 247 - 261

Sukochev F; Carey AL; Rennie A; Sedaev A, 2007, 'The Dixmier trace and asymptotics of zeta functions', Journal of Functional Analysis, 249, pp. 253 - 283

Sukochev F; Piquard F, 2007, 'The p-Banach-Saks property in symmetric operator spaces', Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 51, pp. 1207 - 1229

Sukochev F; Azamov N; Carey AL, 2007, 'The spectral shift function and spectral flow', Communications in Mathematical Physics, 276, pp. 51 - 91

Astashkin SV; Sukochev FA, 2006, 'Sums of independent functions in symmetric spaces with the Kruglov property', Mathematical Notes, 80, pp. 593 - 598,

Carey AL; Sukochev FA, 2006, 'Dixmier traces and some applications in non-commutative geometry', Russian Mathematical Surveys, 61, pp. 1039 - 1099,

Sukochev F; Carey AL, 2006, 'Dixmier traces and some applications in noncommutative geometry', Russian Mathematical Surveys, 61, pp. 45 - 110

Sukochev F; Semenov E, 2006, 'Estimates for a quadratic function and the Banach-Saks p-property', St Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 18, pp. 647 - 656

Sukochev F; Ber A; Chilin V, 2006, 'Non-trivial derivations on commutative regular algebras', Extracta Mathematicae, 21, pp. 107 - 147

Sukochev F; Pelczynski A, 2006, 'Some remarks on Toeplitz multipliers and Hankel matrices', Studia Mathematica, 175, pp. 175 - 204

Sukochev F; Astashkin S, 2006, 'Sums of independent functions in symmetric spaces with the Kruglov property,', Mathematical Notes, 80, pp. 630 - 635

Sukochev F; Azamov N; Dodds P, 2006, 'The Krein spectral shift function in semifinite von Neumann algebras', Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 55, pp. 347 - 362

Sukochev F; Carey AL; Phillips J; Rennie A, 2006, 'The local index formula in semifinite von Neumann algebras I: Spectral flow', Advances in Mathematics, 202, pp. 451 - 516

Sukochev F; Carey AL; Rennie A, 2006, 'The local index formula in semifinite von Neumann algebras II: The even case', Advances in Mathematics, 202, pp. 517 - 554

Dodds PG; Dodds TK; Sukochev FA; Tikhonov OY, 2005, 'A non-commutative Yosida-Hewitt theorem and convex sets of measurable operators closed locally in measure', Positivity, 9, pp. 457 - 484,

Potapov D; Sukochev F, 2005, 'A vector-valued Littlewood-Paley theorem for arbitrary intervals and its applications', Doklady Mathematics, 72, pp. 752 - 754

Sukochev F; Azamov N, 2005, 'A Lidskii type formula for Dixmier traces', Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 340, pp. 107 - 112

Sukochev F; Azamov N, 2005, 'A Lidskii type formula for Dixmier traces', Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 340, pp. 107 - 112

Sukochev F; Dodds P; Dodds T; Tikhonov O, 2005, 'A non-commutative Yosida-Hewitt theorem and convex sets of measurable elements', Positivity, 9, pp. 457 - 484

Sukochev F; Potapov D, 2005, 'A vector-valued Littlewood-Paley theorem for an arbitrary set of intervals and its applications', Comptes Rendus de l`Academie des Sciences de L Urss, 404, pp. 598 - 600

Sukochev F; Sedaev A; Lord S, 2005, 'Connes-Dixmier traces, singular symmetric functionals, and the concept of Connes-measurable elements', Mathematical Notes, 77, pp. 671 - 676

Lord S; Sedaev A; Sukochev F, 2005, 'Dixmier traces as singular symmetric functionals and applications to measurable operators', Journal of Functional Analysis, 224, pp. 72 - 106,

Sukochev F; Van ackooij W; De pagter B, 2005, 'Domains of infinitesimal generators of automorphism flows', Journal of Functional Analysis, 218, pp. 409 - 424

Sukochev F; Astashkin S, 2005, 'Series of independent random variables in rearrangement invariant spaces: an operator approach', Israel Journal of Mathematics, 145, pp. 125 - 156

Sukochev F; Astashkin S; Semenov E, 2005, 'The Banach-Saks p-property', Mathematische Annalen, 332, pp. 879 - 900

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