Select Publications

Journal articles

Sukochev F; Carey AL; Rennie A, 2006, 'The local index formula in semifinite von Neumann algebras II: The even case', Advances in Mathematics, 202, pp. 517 - 554

Dodds PG; Dodds TK; Sukochev FA; Tikhonov OY, 2005, 'A non-commutative Yosida-Hewitt theorem and convex sets of measurable operators closed locally in measure', Positivity, 9, pp. 457 - 484,

Potapov D; Sukochev F, 2005, 'A vector-valued Littlewood-Paley theorem for arbitrary intervals and its applications', Doklady Mathematics, 72, pp. 752 - 754

Sukochev F; Azamov N, 2005, 'A Lidskii type formula for Dixmier traces', Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 340, pp. 107 - 112

Sukochev F; Azamov N, 2005, 'A Lidskii type formula for Dixmier traces', Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 340, pp. 107 - 112

Sukochev F; Dodds P; Dodds T; Tikhonov O, 2005, 'A non-commutative Yosida-Hewitt theorem and convex sets of measurable elements', Positivity, 9, pp. 457 - 484

Sukochev F; Potapov D, 2005, 'A vector-valued Littlewood-Paley theorem for an arbitrary set of intervals and its applications', Comptes Rendus de l`Academie des Sciences de L Urss, 404, pp. 598 - 600

Sukochev F; Sedaev A; Lord S, 2005, 'Connes-Dixmier traces, singular symmetric functionals, and the concept of Connes-measurable elements', Mathematical Notes, 77, pp. 671 - 676

Lord S; Sedaev A; Sukochev F, 2005, 'Dixmier traces as singular symmetric functionals and applications to measurable operators', Journal of Functional Analysis, 224, pp. 72 - 106,

Sukochev F; Van ackooij W; De pagter B, 2005, 'Domains of infinitesimal generators of automorphism flows', Journal of Functional Analysis, 218, pp. 409 - 424

Sukochev F; Astashkin S, 2005, 'Series of independent random variables in rearrangement invariant spaces: an operator approach', Israel Journal of Mathematics, 145, pp. 125 - 156

Sukochev F; Astashkin S; Semenov E, 2005, 'The Banach-Saks p-property', Mathematische Annalen, 332, pp. 879 - 900

Lord S; Sedaev AA; Sukochev FA, 2004, 'Connes-dixmier traces, singular symmetric functionals, and measurable elements in the sense of connes', Mathematical Notes, 76, pp. 884 - 889,

Astashkin SV; Sukochev FA, 2004, 'Comparison of sums of independent and disjoint functions in symmetric spaces', Mathematical Notes, 76, pp. 449 - 454,

Ber AF; Sukochev FA; Chilin VI, 2004, 'Derivations in commutative regular algebras', Mathematical Notes, 75, pp. 418 - 419,

Semënov EM; Sukochev FA, 2004, 'The Banach-Saks index', Sbornik Mathematics, 195, pp. 263 - 285,

Sukochev F; Astashkin S, 2004, 'Comparison of sums of independent and disjoint functions in symmetric', Matematicheskie Zametki, 76, pp. 483 - 489

Lord S; Sukochev F; Sedaev A, 2004, 'Connes-Dixmier traces, singular symmetric functionals, and measurable elements in the sense of Connes', Matematicheskie Zametki, 76, pp. 948 - 953

Sukochev F; Ber A; Chilin V, 2004, 'Derivations in commutative regular algebras', Matematicheskie Zametki, 75, pp. 453 - 454

Sukochev F; De pagter B, 2004, 'Differentiation of operator functions in non-commutative Lp-spaces', Journal of Functional Analysis, 212, pp. 28 - 75

Sukochev F; Dodds P; Dodds T; Sedaev A, 2004, 'Local uniform convexity and Kadec-Klee type properties in K-interpolation spaces I. General theory', Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 2, pp. 125 - 173

Sukochev F; Dodds P; Dodds T; Sedaev A, 2004, 'Local uniform convexity and Kadec-Klee type properties in K-interpolation spaces II,', Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 2, pp. 323 - 356

Sukochev F; Semenov E, 2004, 'The Banach-Saks index', Sbornik Mathematics, 195, pp. 117 - 140

Sukochev F; Dodds P; Semenov E, 2004, 'The Banach-Saks property in rearrangement invariant spaces', Studia Mathematica, 162, pp. 263 - 294

Sukochev F; Carey AL; Phillips J; Rennie A, 2004, 'The Hochschild class of the Chern character for semifinite spectral triples,', Journal of Functional Analysis, 213, pp. 111 - 153

Semenov EM; Sukochev FA, 2003, 'The Banach-Saks index of rearrangement invariant spaces on [0, 1]', Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 337, pp. 397 - 401,

Haagerup U; Rosenthal HP; Sukochev FA, 2003, 'Banach embedding properties of non-commutative Lp-spaces', Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society

Sukochev F; Haagerup U; Rosenthal H, 2003, 'Banach embedding properties of non-commutative Lp-spaces', Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 163

Sukochev F; Xu Q, 2003, 'Embedding of non-commutative Lp-spaces', Archiv der Mathematik, 80, pp. 151 - 164

Sukochev F; Dodds P; De pagter B; Semenov E; Sedaev A, 2003, 'Singular symmetric functionals and Banach limits with additional properties', Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 67, pp. 1187 - 1212

Sukochev F; Carey AL; Phillips J, 2003, 'Spectral flow and Dixmier traces', Advances in Mathematics, 173, pp. 68 - 113

Dodds PG; Semenov EM; Sukochev FA; Franchetti C, 2002, 'The Banach-Saks property for function spaces', Doklady Mathematics, 66, pp. 91 - 93

De Pagter B; Witvliet H; Sukochev FA, 2002, 'Double operator integrals', Journal of Functional Analysis, 192, pp. 52 - 111,

Dodds PG; Semenov EM; Sukochev FA; Franchetti C, 2002, 'Banach-Saks property for function spaces', Doklady Akademii Nauk, 385, pp. 587 - 590

Dodds PG; Semenov EM; Sukochev FA, 2002, 'RUC systems in rearrangement invariant spaces', Studia Mathematica, 151, pp. 161 - 173,

Dodds PG; Ferleger SV; De Pagter B; Sukochev FA, 2001, 'Vilenkin systems and generalized triangular truncation operator', Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 40, pp. 403 - 435,

Dodds PG; Sukochev FA; Schlüchtermann G, 2001, 'Weak compactness criteria in symmetric spaces of measurable operators', Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 131, pp. 363 - 384,

Clément P; De Pagter B; Sukochev FA; Witvliet H, 2000, 'Schauder decompositions and multiplier theorems', Studia Mathematica, 138, pp. 135 - 163

Haagerup U; Rosenthal HP; Sukochev FA, 2000, 'On the Banach-isomorphic classification of Lp spaces of hyperfinite von Neumann algebras', Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series I: Mathematics, 331, pp. 691 - 695,

Carey AL; Phillips J; Sukochev FA, 2000, 'On Unbounded p-Summable Fredholm Modules', Advances in Mathematics, 151, pp. 140 - 163,

Sukochev FA, 2000, 'Linear-topological classification of separable Lp-spaces associated with von Neumann algebras of type I', Israel Journal of Mathematics, 115, pp. 137 - 156,

Dodds PG; Sukochev FA, 2000, 'Non-commutative bounded Vilenkin systems', Mathematica Scandinavica, 87, pp. 73 - 92,

Sukochev FA, 2000, 'Operator estimates for Fredholm modules', Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 52, pp. 849 - 896,

Sedaev AA; Semenov EM; Sukochev FA, 1999, 'Perturbation estimates for operator function D(1 + D2)1/2 based on nonlinear functional in symmetric spaces', Doklady Akademii Nauk, 369, pp. 316 - 319

Sedaev AA; Semenov EM; Sukochev FA, 1999, 'Estimates of Perturbations of the Operator Function D(1 + D2)1/2 Based on a Nonlinear Functional in Symmetric Spaces', Doklady Mathematics, 60, pp. 367 - 370

Dodds PG; Dodds TK; De Pagter B; Sukochev FA, 1999, 'Lipschitz continuity of the absolute value in preduals of semifinite factors', Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 34, pp. 28 - 44,

Sukochev FA, 1998, 'RUC-Bases in Orlicz and Lorentz operator spaces', Positivity, 2, pp. 265 - 279,

Dodds PG; De Pagter B; Semenov EM; Sukochev FA, 1998, 'Symmetric functionals and singular traces', Positivity, 2, pp. 47 - 75,

Dodds PG; Dodds TK; De Pagter B; Sukochev FA, 1997, 'Lipschitz continuity of the absolute value and Riesz projections in symmetric operator spaces', Journal of Functional Analysis, 148, pp. 28 - 69,

Dodds PG; Dodds TK; Sukochev FA, 1997, 'Lifting of kadec-klee properties to symmetric spaces of measurable operators', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 125, pp. 1457 - 1467,

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