Select Publications

Journal articles

Prestage G; Degenhardt LJ; Jin F; Grulich AE; Imrie JC; Kaldor JM; Kippax SC, 2006, 'Predictors of Frequent use of amphetamine type stimulants among HIV-negative gay men in Sydney, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 91, pp. 260 - 268

White BA; Day CA; Degenhardt LJ; Kinner S; Fry C; Bruno R; Johnston J, 2006, 'Prevalence of injecting drug use and associated risk behavior among regular ecstasy users in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 83, pp. 210 - 217

Schofield D; Tennant C; Nash L; Degenhardt LJ; Cornish AL; Hobbs CA; Brennan G, 2006, 'Reasons for cannabis use in psychosis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, pp. 570 - 574

Schofield D; Tennant C; Nash L; Degenhardt L; Cornish A; Hobbs C; Brennan G, 2006, 'Reasons for cannabis use in psychosis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, pp. 570 - 574,

Kinner S; Degenhardt LJ, 2006, 'Reflections on the development and implementation of an early warning system for ecstasy and related drug markets in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 25, pp. 445 - 449

White BA; Degenhardt LJ; Breen CL; Bruno R; Newman J; Proudfoot P, 2006, 'Risk and benefit perceptions of party drug use', Addictive Behaviors, 31, pp. 137 - 142

Teesson M; Baillie AJ; Lynskey M; Manor B; Degenhardt LJ, 2006, 'Substance use, dependence in treatment seeking in the United States and Australia: A cross-national comparison', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 81, pp. 149 - 155

Maloney EA; Degenhardt LJ; Darke S; Mattick RP; Nelson E, 2006, 'Suicidal behaviour and assoiciated risk factors among opioid-dependence individuals: a case-control study', Addiction, 102, pp. 1933 - 1941

Degenhardt LJ; Day CA; Gilmour S; Hall WD, 2006, 'The `lessons` of the Australian `heroin shortage`', Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 1

Degenhardt LJ; Black E; Breen CL; Bruno R; Kinner S; Roxburgh AD; Fry C; Jenkinson R; Ward JB; Fetherston J; Weekley J; Fischer J, 2006, 'Trends in morphine prescriptions, illicit morphine use and associated harms among regular injecting drug users in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 25, pp. 403 - 412

Degenhardt LJ; Hall WD; Gilmour S, 2006, 'Using cohort studies to estimate mortality among injecting drug users that is not attributable to AIDS', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 82, pp. III56 - III63

Gilmour S; Degenhardt LJ; Hall WD; Day CA, 2006, 'Using intervention time series analyses to assess the effects of imperfectly identifiable natural events: a general method and example', Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 6

Hall WD; Degenhardt LJ, 2006, 'What are the policy implications of the evidence on cannabis and psychosis?', Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, 51, pp. 566 - 574

Breen C; Roxburgh A; Degenhardt L, 2005, 'Gender differences among regular injecting drug users in Sydney, Australia, 1996-2003', DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 24, pp. 353 - 358,

Mattick RP; Topp LJ; Degenhardt LJ, 2005, 'A reduction in the availability of heroin in Australia', Bulletin on Narcotics, Lv1 & 2, pp. 65 - 87

Degenhardt LJ; Day CA; Conroy EJ; Gilmour S; Hall WD, 2005, 'Age differentials in the impacts of reduced heroin: Effects of a `heroin shortage` in NSW, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 79, pp. 397 - 404,

Degenhardt L, 2005, 'Book Review: Illicit drug users respond to price changes', Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 22, pp. 185 - 188,

Degenhardt LJ, 2005, 'Drug use and risk behaviour among regular ecstasy users: Does sexuality make a difference?', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 7, pp. 599 - 614

Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ; Breen CL, 2005, 'Drug use and risk behaviours among injecting drug users: a comparison between sex workers and non sex workers in Sydney', Harm Reduction Journal, 2

Degenhardt LJ; Day CA; Dietze P; Pointer S; Conroy EJ; Collins L; Hall WD, 2005, 'Effects of a sustained heroin shortage in three Australian States', Addiction, 100, pp. 908 - 920

Degenhardt LJ; Reuter P; Collins L; Hall WD, 2005, 'Evaluating explanations of the Australian `heroin shortage`', Addiction, 100, pp. 459 - 469

Breen CL; Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ, 2005, 'Gender differences among regular injecting drug users in Sydney, Australia, 1996-2003', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 353 - 358

Teesson M; Degenhardt LJ; Proudfoot H; Hall WD; Lynskey M, 2005, 'How common is comorbidity and why does it occur?', Australian Psychologist, 40, pp. 81 - 87

Degenhardt LJ; Hall WD; Day CA; Dietze P; Collins L; Pointer S, 2005, 'Mapping the consequences of an unanticipated drug supply change of uncertain origins: Response to the commentaries', Addiction, 100, pp. 930 - 932

Degenhardt LJ; Day CA; Gilmour S; Hall WD, 2005, 'Patterns of illicit drug use in NSW, Australia following a reduction in heroin supply', International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, pp. 300 - 307,

Degenhardt L, 2005, 'Recencioner', Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 22, pp. 178 - 181,

Gibson AE; Degenhardt LJ; Day CA; McKetin R, 2005, 'Recent trends in heroin supply to markets in Australia, the United States and Western Europe', International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, pp. 293 - 299,

Degenhardt LJ; Copeland J; Dillon PG, 2005, 'Recent trends in the use of `club drugs`: An Australian review', Substance Use and Misuse, 40, pp. 1241 - 1256

Jauncey ME; Taylor LK; Degenhardt LJ, 2005, 'The definition of opioid-related deaths in Australia: implications for surveillance and policy', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 401 - 409

Degenhardt LJ; Conroy EJ; Gilmour S; Collins L, 2005, 'The effect of a reduction in heroin supply in Australia upon Drug distribution and acquisitive crime', British Journal of Criminology, 45, pp. 2 - 24

Degenhardt LJ; Conroy EJ; Gilmour S; Hall WD, 2005, 'The effect of a reduction in heroin supply on fatal and non-fatal drugoverdoses in New South Wales, Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 182, pp. 20 - 23

Degenhardt LJ; Conroy EJ; Day CA; Gilmour S; Hall WD, 2005, 'The impact of a reduction in drug supply on demand for and compliance with treatment for drug dependence', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 79, pp. 129 - 135,

Day CA; Degenhardt LJ; Gilmour S; Hall WD, 2005, 'The impact of changes to heroin supply on blood-borne virus notifications and injecting related harms in New South Wales, Australia', BMC Public Health, 5

Gibson AE; Day CA; Degenhardt LJ, 2005, 'The impact of illicit drug market changes on health agency operations in Sydney, Australia', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 28, pp. 35 - 40

Degenhardt LJ; Knox S; Barker B; Britt H; Shakeshaft AP, 2005, 'The management of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use problems by general practitioners in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 499 - 506

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD; Barker B, 2005, 'Underlying causes of cocaine, amphetamine and opioid related deaths in Australia', Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 12, pp. 187 - 195,

Degenhardt LJ; Day CA; Hall WD; Conroy EJ; Gilmour S, 2005, 'Was an increase in cocaine use among injecting drug users in New South Wales, Australia, accompanied by an increase in violent crime?', BMC Public Health, 5, pp. 1 - 10

Degenhardt L; Barker B; Topp L, 2004, 'Patterns of ecstasy use in Australia: findings from a national household survey', ADDICTION, 99, pp. 187 - 195,

Rodgers A; Ezzati M; Vander Hoorn S; Lopez AD; Lin RB; Murray CJL; Fishman S; Caulfield LE; de Onis M; Blössner M; Hyder AA; Mullany L; Black RE; Stoltzfus RJ; Rice AJ; West KP; Lawes C; Law M; Elliott P; MacMahon S; James WPT; Jackson-Leach R; Ni Mhurchu C; Kalamara E; Shayeghi M; Rigby NJ; Nishida C; Lock K; Pomerleau J; Causer L; McKee M; Bull FC; Dixon T; Ham S; Neiman A; Pratt M; Rehm J; Room R; Monteiro M; Gmel G; Graham K; Rehn N; Sempos CT; Frick U; Jernigan D; Degenhardt L; Hall W; Warner-Smith M; Lynskey M; Slaymaker E; Walker N; Armstrong T; Collumbien M; Gerressu M; Cleland J; Prüss-Ustun A; Kay D; Fewtrell L; Bartram J; Cohen A; Anderson R; Ostro B; Dev Pandey K; Krzyzanowski M; Künzli N; Gutschmidt K; Pope A; Romieu I; Samet J; Smith K; Smith KR; Mehta S; Feuz M; Landrigan P; Ayuso JL; McMichael A; Campbell-Lendrum D; Kovats S; Edwards S; Wilkinson P; Tanser F; Le Sueur D; Schlesinger M; Andronova N; Nicholls R; Wilson T; Hales S; Concha M; Imel Nelson D; Fingerhut M; Leigh J; Corvalan C; Driscoll T; Kyle Steenland N; Punnett L; Tak SW; Phillips S; Hauri AM; Armstrong GL; Hutin YJF; Andrews G; Slade T; Corry J, 2004, 'Distribution of major health risks: Findings from the global burden of disease study', PLoS Medicine, 1, pp. 044 - 055,

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD; Black E, 2004, '2003 Australian Bureau of Statistics on accidental drug-induced deaths due to opioids', NIDIP Bulletin

Hall WD; Degenhardt LJ; Teesson M, 2004, 'Cannabis use and psychotic disorders: an update', Drug and Alcohol Review, 23, pp. 433 - 443

Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ; Breen CL, 2004, 'Changes in pattern of drug use among injecting drug users following changes in the availability of heroin in New SOuth Wales, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 23, pp. 287 - 294

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD; Black E, 2004, 'Cocaine and methamphetamine mentions in accidental drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2003',

Day CA; Degenhardt LJ; Gilmour S; Hall WD, 2004, 'Effects of reduction in heroin supply on injecting drug use: analysis of data from needle and syringe programmes', British Medical Journal: Clinical Research, 329, pp. 428 - 429

Degenhardt LJ; Barker B; Topp LJ, 2004, 'Patterns of ecstasy use in Australia: finding from a national household survey', Addiction, 99, pp. 187 - 195

Day C; Collins L; Degenhardt L; Thetford C; Maher L, 2004, 'Reliability of heroin users` reports of drug use behaviour using a 24 month timeline follow-back technique to assess the impact of the Australian heroin shortage', Addiction Research and Theory, 12, pp. 433 - 443,

Breen CL; Degenhardt LJ; Bruno R; Roxburgh AD; McKetin R, 2004, 'The effects of restricting publicly subsidised temazepamcapsules on benzodiazepine use among injecting drug users in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 181, pp. 300 - 304

Topp LJ; Barker B; Degenhardt LJ, 2004, 'The external validity of results derived from ecstasy users recriuted using purposive sampling startegies', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 73, pp. 33 - 40

Darke S; Mattick RP; Degenhardt L; Neale J, 2003, 'The ratio of non-fatal to fatal heroin overdose [2] (multiple letters)', Addiction, 98, pp. 1169 - 1171,

Degenhardt L, 2003, 'The link between cannabis use and psychosis: Furthering the debate', Psychological Medicine, 33, pp. 3 - 6,

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