Select Publications


Larance BK; Degenhardt LJ, 2007, Performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs): Current trends and future monitoring., Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, June 2007

Riddell S; Shanahan MD; Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ, 2007, The cost of drug-related hospital stays in Australia,, National Drug and AlcoholResearch Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia, Sydney,

Degenhardt LJ; Mathers BM; Guarinieri M; Panda S; Phillips B; Strathdee S; Tyndall M; Wiessing L; Wodak AD, 2007, The global epidemiology of methamphetamine injection: A review of the evidence on use and associations with HIV and other harm, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Univeristy of New South Wales, Sydney,

Maloney EA; Degenhardt LJ; Darke S; Mattick RP; Nelson E, 2007, The prevalence and associated risk factors of suicidal behaviour among opioid dependent persons: a case-control study, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, NSW, 283,

Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ, 2006, Hospital stays related to illicit drugs in Australia 1993-2004

Dunn M; Degenhardt LJ; Stafford JA, 2006, NSW Trends in Ecstasy and Related Drug Markets 2005: Findings from the Party Drugs Initiative (PDI), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, NSW, 249

Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ; Larance BK; Copeland J, 2005, Mental Health, Drug use and risk among female street-based sex workers in Greater Sydney, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW

Larance BK; Degenhardt LJ; Dillon PG; Copeland J, 2005, Rapid assessment of performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) in New South Wales: Feasibility study 2005, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW, 239

Larance BK; Degenhardt LJ; Dillon PG; Copeland J, 2005, Use of performance and image enhancing drugs among men: A review, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW

Darke S; Ross JE; Hando J; Hall W; Degenhardt L, 2000, Illicit drug use in Australia epidemiology, use patterns and associated harms, National Drug Strategy (Australia), Canberra

Theses / Dissertations

Santo Jr T, 2022, Examining childhood trauma and comorbid mental disorders among people with opioid use disorder,

Degenhardt LJ, 2002, Comorbidity between substance use and mental health in Australia: relationships of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use with other substance use and mental disorders

Working Papers

Somerville A; Baxter A; Pham A; Ventura A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Roberts A; Nelson PK; Degenhardt LJ; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/ADHD_Report.pdf

Baxter A; Somerville A; Pham A; Ventura A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Degenhardt LJ; Roberts A; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Anxiety disorders, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/Anxiety_Report.pdf

Pham A; Baxter A; Ventura A; Somerville A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Roberts A; Degenhardt LJ; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Bipolar Disorder, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/Bipolar_Report.pdf

Somerville A; Baxter A; Nelson PK; Pham A; Ventura A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Roberts A; Degenhardt LJ; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Conduct Disorder, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/CD_Report.pdf

Pham A; Baxter A; Somerville A; Ventura A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Roberts A; Degenhardt LJ; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Depressive Disorders, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/Depression_Report.pdf

Ventura A; Baxter A; Pham A; Somerville A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Roberts A; Degenhardt LJ; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Eating Disorders, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/Eating+disorders_Report.pdf

Ventura A; Baxter A; Somerville A; Pham A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Roberts A; Degenhardt LJ; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Pervasive developmental disorders, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/PDD_Report.pdf

Baxter A; Somerville A; Pham A; Ventura A; Scheurer R; Calabria B; McLaren JA; Roberts A; Degenhardt LJ; Whiteford H, 2008, Summary of data collected and decision rules used in making regional and global estimates: Schizophrenia, Policy and Economics Group, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane,,$file/Schizophrenia_Report.pdf


Zoega H; Falster M; Gillies M; Litchfield M; Camacho X; Bruno C; Daniels B; Donnolley N; Havard A; Schaffer A; Chambers G; Degenhardt L; Dobbins T; Gisev N; Ivers R; Jorm L; Liu B; Vajdic C; Pearson S-A, 2024, The Medicines Intelligence Data Platform: A population-based data resource from New South Wales, Australia,

Gaddis N; Mathur R; Marks J; Zhou L; Quach B; Waldrop A; Levran O; Agrawal A; Randesi M; Adelson M; Jeffries PW; Johnson EC; Martin NG; Degenhardt L; Montgomery GW; Wetherill L; Lai D; Bucholz K; Foroud T; Porjesz B; Webb BT; Crist RC; Kranzler HR; Zhou H; Hulse G; Wildenauer D; Kelty E; Attia J; Holliday EG; McEvoy M; Scott RJ; Schwab SG; Maher BS; Gruza R; Kreek M-J; Nelson EC; Berrettini WH; Gelernter J; Edenberg H; Bierut L; Hancock DB; Johnson EO, 2021, Multi-trait genome-wide association study of opioid addiction:OPRM1and Beyond,

Costa JDO; Bruno C; Baranwal N; Gisev N; Dobbins T; Degenhardt L; Pearson SA, 2020, Variations in Long-Term Opioid Therapy Definitions: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies Using Routinely Collected Data (2000–2019),

Polimanti R; Walters RK; Johnson EC; McClintick JN; Adkins AE; Adkins DE; Bacanu S-A; Bierut LJ; Bigdeli TB; Brown S; Bucholz K; Copeland WE; Costello EJ; Degenhardt L; Farrer LA; Foroud TM; Fox L; Goate AM; Grucza R; Hack LM; Hancock DB; Hartz SM; Heath AC; Hewitt JK; Hopfer CJ; Johnson EO; Kendler KS; Kranzler HR; Krauter K; Lai D; Madden PAF; Martin NG; Maes HH; Nelson EC; Peterson RE; Porjesz B; Riley BP; Saccone N; Stallings M; Wall T; Webb BT; Edenberg HJ; Agrawal A; Gelernter J, 2019, Leveraging genome-wide data to investigate differences between opioid usevs. opioid dependence in 41,176 individuals from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium,

Munn-Chernoff MA; Johnson EC; Chou Y-L; Coleman JRI; Thornton LM; Walters RK; Yilmaz Z; Baker JH; Hübel C; Gordon S; Medland SE; Watson HJ; Gaspar HA; Bryois J; Hinney A; Leppä VM; Mattheisen M; Ripke S; Yao S; Giusti-Rodríguez P; Hanscombe KB; Adan RAH; Alfredsson L; Ando T; Andreassen OA; Berrettini WH; Boehm I; Boni C; Perica VB; Buehren K; Burghardt R; Cassina M; Cichon S; Clementi M; Cone RD; Courtet P; Crow S; Crowley JJ; Danner UN; Davis OSP; Zwaan MD; Dedoussis G; Degortes D; DeSocio JE; Dick DM; Dikeos D; Dina C; Dmitrzak-Weglarz M; Docampo E; Duncan LE; Egberts K; Ehrlich S; Escaramís G; Esko T; Estivill X; Farmer A; Favaro A; Fernández-Aranda F; Fichter MM; Fischer K; Föcker M; Foretova L; Forstner AJ; Forzan M; Franklin CS; Gallinger S; Giegling I; Giuranna J; Gonidakis F; Gorwood P; Mayora MG; Guillaume S; Guo Y; Hakonarson H; Hatzikotoulas K; Hauser J; Hebebrand J; Helder SG; Herms S; Herpertz-Dahlmann B; Herzog W; Huckins LM; Hudson JI; Imgart H; Inoko H; Janout V; Jiménez-Murcia S; Julià A; Kalsi G; Kaminská D; Karhunen L; Karwautz A; Kas MJH; Kennedy JL; Keski-Rahkonen A; Kiezebrink K; Kim Y-R; Klump KL; Knudsen GPS; Via MCL; Hellard SL; Levitan RD; Li D; Lilenfeld L; Lin BD; Lissowska J; Luykx J; Magistretti PJ; Maj M; Mannik K; Marsal S; Marshall CR; Mattingsdal M; McDevitt S; McGuffin P; Metspalu A; Meulenbelt I; Micali N; Mitchell K; Monteleone AM; Monteleone P; Nacmias B; Navratilova M; Ntalla I; O’Toole JK; Ophoff RA; Padyukov L; Palotie A; Pantel J; Papezova H; Pinto D; Rabionet R; Raevuori A; Ramoz N; Reichborn-Kjennerud T; Ricca V; Ripatti S; Ritschel F; Roberts M; Rotondo A; Rujescu D; Rybakowski F; Santonastaso P; Scherag A; Scherer SW; Schmidt U; Schork NJ; Schosser A; Seitz J; Slachtova L; Slagboom PE; Slof-Op’t Landt MCT; Slopien A; Sorbi S; Świątkowska B; Szatkiewicz JP; Tachmazidou I; Tenconi E; Tortorella A; Tozzi F; Treasure J; Tsitsika A; Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor M; Tziouvas K; Elburg AAV; Furth EFV; Wagner G; Walton E; Widen E; Zeggini E; Zerwas S; Zipfel S; Bergen AW; Boden JM; Brandt H; Crawford S; Halmi KA; Horwood LJ; Johnson C; Kaplan AS; Kaye WH; Mitchell J; Olsen CM; Pearson JF; Pedersen NL; Strober M; Werge T; Whiteman DC; Woodside DB; Grove J; Henders AK; Larsen JT; Parker R; Petersen LV; Jordan J; Kennedy MA; Birgegård A; Lichtenstein P; Norring C; Landén M; Mortensen PB; Polimanti R; McClintick JN; Adkins AE; Aliev F; Bacanu S-A; Batzler A; Bertelsen S; Biernacka JM; Bigdeli TB; Chen L-S; Clarke T-K; Degenhardt F; Docherty AR; Edwards AC; Foo JC; Fox L; Frank J; Hack LM; Hartmann AM; Hartz SM; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Hodgkinson C; Hoffmann P; Hottenga J-J; Konte B; Lahti J; Lahti-Pulkkinen M; Lai D; Ligthart L; Loukola A; Maher BS; Mbarek H; McIntosh AM; McQueen MB; Meyers JL; Milaneschi Y; Palviainen T; Peterson RE; Ryu E; Saccone NL; Salvatore JE; Sanchez-Roige S; Schwandt M; Sherva R; Streit F; Strohmaier J; Thomas N; Wang J-C; Webb BT; Wedow R; Wetherill L; Wills AG; Zhou H; Boardman JD; Chen D; Choi D-S; Copeland WE; Culverhouse RC; Dahmen N; Degenhardt L; Domingue BW; Frye MA; Gäbel W; Hayward C; Ising M; Keyes M; Kiefer F; Koller G; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Lucae S; Lynskey MT; Maier W; Mann K; Männistö S; Müller-Myhsok B; Murray AD; Nurnberger JI; Preuss U; Räikkönen K; Reynolds MD; Ridinger M; Scherbaum N; Schuckit MA; Soyka M; Treutlein J; Witt SH; Wodarz N; Zill P; Adkins DE; Boomsma DI; Bierut LJ; Brown SA; Bucholz KK; Costello EJ; Wit HD; Diazgranados N; Eriksson JG; Farrer LA; Foroud TM; Gillespie NA; Goate AM; Goldman D; Grucza RA; Hancock DB; Harris KM; Hesselbrock V; Hewitt JK; Hopfer CJ; Iacono WG; Johnson EO; Karpyak VM; Kendler KS; Kranzler HR; Krauter K; Lind PA; McGue M; MacKillop J; Madden PAF; Maes HH; Magnusson PKE; Nelson EC; Nöthen MM; Palmer AA; Penninx BWJH; Porjesz B; Rice JP; Rietschel M; Riley BP; Rose RJ; Shen P-H; Silberg J; Stallings MC; Tarter RE; Vanyukov MM; Vrieze S; Wall TL; Whitfield JB; Zhao H; Neale BM; Wade TD; Heath AC; Montgomery GW; Martin NG; Sullivan PF; Kaprio J; Breen G; Gelernter J; Edenberg HJ; Bulik CM; Agrawal A, 2019, Shared Genetic Risk between Eating Disorder- and Substance-Use-Related Phenotypes: Evidence from Genome-Wide Association Studies,

Walters RK; Adams MJ; Adkins AE; Aliev F; Bacanu S-A; Batzler A; Bertelsen S; Biernacka J; Bigdeli TB; Chen L-S; Clarke T-K; Chou Y-L; Degenhardt F; Docherty AR; Fontanillas P; Foo J; Fox L; Frank J; Giegling I; Gordon S; Hack LM; Hartmann AM; Hartz SM; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Herms S; Hodgkinson C; Hoffmann P; Hottenga J-J; Kennedy MA; Alanne-Kinnunen M; Konte B; Lahti J; Lahti-Pulkkinen M; Ligthart L; Loukola A-M; Maher BS; Mbarek H; McIntosh AM; McQueen MB; Milaneschi Y; Palviainen T; Pearson JF; Peterson RE; Polimanti R; Ripatti S; Ryu E; Saccone NL; Salvatore JE; Sanchez-Roige S; Schwandt M; Sherva R; Streit F; Strohmaier J; Thomas N; Wang J-C; Webb BT; Wedow R; Wetherill L; Wills AG; Boardman JD; Chen D; Choi D-S; Copeland WE; Culverhouse RC; Dahmen N; Degenhardt L; Domingue BW; Elson SL; Frye M; Gäbel W; Ising M; Johnson EC; Keyes M; Kiefer F; Kramer J; Kuperman S; Lucae S; Lynskey MT; Maier W; Mann K; Männistö S; McClintick JN; Meyers JL; Müller-Myhsok B; Nurnberger JI; Palotie A; Preuss U; Räikkönen K; Reynolds MD; Ridinger M; Scherbaum N; Shuckit M; Soyka M; Treutlein J; Witt S; Wodarz N; Zill P; Adkins DE; Boden JM; Boomsma D; Bierut LJ; Brown SA; Bucholz KK; Cichon S; Costello EJ; de Wit H; Diazgranados N; Dick DM; Eriksson JG; Farrer LA; Foroud TM; Gillespie NA; Goate AA; Goldman D; Grucza RA; Hancock DB; Harris KM; Heath AC; Hesselbrock V; Hewitt JK; Hopfer C; Horwood J; Iacono W; Johnson EO; Kaprio JA; Karpyak V; Kendler KS; Kranzler HR; Krauter K; Lichtenstein P; Lind PA; McGue M; MacKillop J; Madden PAF; Maes H; Magnusson P; Martin NG; Medland SE; Montgomery GW; Nelson EC; Nöthen M; Palmer AA; Pedersen NL; Penninx BWJH; Porjesz B; Rice JP; Rietschel M; Riley BP; Rose R; Rujescu D; Shen P-H; Silberg J; Stallings MC; Tarter RE; Vanyukov MM; Vrieze S; Wall TL; Whitfield JB; Zhao H; Neale BM; Gelernter J; Edenberg HJ; Agrawal A, 2018, Trans-ancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders,

Moitra M; Santomauro D; Degenhardt L; Collins PY; Whiteford H; Vos T; Ferrari A, Estimating the Risk of Suicide Attributable to Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis,


Campbell G; Hall W; Degenhardt L; Dobbins T; Farrell M, 2018, Cannabis use and non-cancer chronic pain – Authors' reply,

Wang H; Bhutta ZA; Coates MM; Coggeshall M; Dandona L; Diallo K; Franca EB; Fraser M; Fullman N; Gething PW; Hay SI; Kinfu Y; Kita M; Kulikoff XR; Larson HJ; Liang J; Liang X; Lim SS; Lind M; Lopez AD; Lozano R; Mensah GA; Mikesell JB; Mokdad AH; Mooney MD; Naghavi M; Nguyen G; Rakovac I; Salomon JA; Silpakit N; Sligar A; Sorensen RJD; Vos T; Zhu J; Abajobir AA; Abate KH; Abbas KM; Abd-Allah F; Abdulle AM; Abera SF; Aboyans V; Abraham B; Abubakar I; Abu-Raddad LJ; Abu-Rmeileh NME; Abyu GY; Achoki T; Adebiyi AO; Adedeji IA; Adelekan AL; Adou AK; Agarwal A; Ajala ON; Akinyemiju TF; Akseer N; Alam K; Alam NKM; Alasfoor D; Aldridge RW; Alegretti MA; Alemu ZA; Ali R; Alkerwi A; Alla F; Al-Raddadi R; Alsharif U; Altirkawi KA; Alvarez Martin E; Alvis-Guzman N; Amare AT; Amberbir A; Amegah AK; Ameh EA; Ammar W; Amrock SM; Andersen HH; Anderson GM; Antonio CAT; Ärnlöv J; Artaman A; Asayesh H; Asghar RJ; Assadi R; Atique S; Avokpaho EFGA; Awasthi A; Ayala Quintanilla BP; Bacha U; Badawi A; Balakrishnan K; Banerjee A; Banigbe BF; Barac A; Barber RM; Barker-Collo SL; Bärnighausen T; Barrero LH; Bayou TA; Bayou YT; Bazargan-Hejazi S, 2017, Erratum: Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (The Lancet (2016) 388(10053) (1725–1774)(S0140673616315756)(10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31575-6)),

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