Select Publications
Journal articles
2003, 'A longitudinal study of the effects of adolescent cannabis use on high school completion', Addiction, 98, pp. 685 - 692
,2003, 'Changes in patterns of drug injection concurrent with a sustained reduction in the availability of heroin in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 70, pp. 275 - 286
,2003, 'Contemplating drug monitoring systems in the light of Australia`s `heroin Shortage`', Drug and Alcohol Review, 22, pp. 3 - 6
,2003, 'Crystal meth use among polydrug users in Sydney`s dance party subculture: characteristics, use patterns and associated harms', International Journal of Drug Policy, 14, pp. 17 - 24
,2003, 'Exploring the association between cannabis use and depression', Addiction, 98, pp. 1493 - 1504
,2003, 'GHB: Un analisis', Adicciones, 15, pp. 167 - 177
,2003, 'Issuses surrounding the detection of a reduction in drug supply: the heroin shortage in Australia in 2001', Bulletin on Narcotics, LV,, pp. 131 - 140
,2003, 'Medical Marijuana Initiatives: Are they justified? How successful are they likely to be?', CNS Drugs, 17, pp. 689 - 697
,2003, 'Methadone-related and heroin-related deaths among opiate users: methadone helps save lives', Addiction, 98, pp. 387 - 388
,2003, 'Patterns of co-morbidity between alcohol use and other substance use in the Australian population', Drug and Alcohol Review, 22, pp. 7 - 13
,2003, 'Testing hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 71, pp. 37 - 48
,2003, 'The emergence of potent forms of methamphetamine in Sydney, Australia: a case study of the IDRS as a strategic early warning system', Drug and Alcohol Review, 21, pp. 341 - 348
,2003, 'The prevalence and correlates of gamma-hydroxybutyrate GHB) overdose amon Australian users', Addiction, 98, pp. 199 - 204
,2003, 'The Ratio of Non-Fatal to Fatal Heroin Overdose', Addiction, 98, pp. 1169 - 1172
,2002, 'Estimating the prevalence of problematic drug use: A review of methods and their application', Bulletin on Narcotics, 54, pp. 15 - 32
,2002, 'Substance use disorders in an Australian community survey', Drug and Alcohol Review, 21, pp. 275 - 280,
,2002, 'CDT, GGT, and AST as markers of alcohol use: The WHO/ISBRA Collaborative Project', Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26, pp. 332 - 339,
,2002, 'Cannabis and Psychosis', Current psychiatry reports, 4, pp. 191 - 196
,2002, 'Cannabis dependence in young adults: an Australian population study', Addiction, 97, pp. 187 - 194
,2002, 'Cannabis use and mental health in young people: cohort study', British Medical Journal: Clinical Research, 325, pp. 1195 - 1198
,2002, 'Diagnostic orphans among young adult cannabis users: persons who report dependence symptoms but do not meet diagnostic criteria', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 67, pp. 205 - 212
,2002, 'GHB use amon Australians: characteristics, use patterns and assoicated harm', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 67, pp. 89 - 94
,2002, 'Selected major risk factors & global & refional burden of disease', Lancet, 360, pp. 1347 - 1360
,2002, 'Selected major risk factors and global and regional burden of disease', Lancet, 360, pp. 1347 - 1360
,2002, 'Young people`s drug use; when heroin is less available', Youth Studies Australia, 3, pp. 11 - 16
,2001, 'Co-morbidity between alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use: Reply', ADDICTION, 96, pp. 1862 - 1863,
,2001, 'Co-morbidity between alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use: Reply to David Fergusson [8]', Addiction, 96, pp. 1862 - 1863
,2001, 'Allowing the medical use of cannabis', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 39 - 40,
,2001, 'WHO/ISBRA study on state and trait markers in alcoholism', ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, 25, pp. 99S - 103S,
,2001, 'Alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use among Australians: a comparison of their associations with other drug use and use disorders, affective and anxiety disorders, and psychosis', Addiction, pp. 1603 - 1614
,2001, 'Ambulance calls to suspected overdoses: NSW patterns July 1997 to June 1999', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, pp. 447 - 450
,2001, 'Ketamine and GHB: New trends in club drug use?', Journal of Substance Use, pp. 11 - 15
,2001, 'The association between psychosis and problematical drug use among Australian adults: Findings from the National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being', Psychological Medicine, pp. 659 - 668
,2001, 'The relationship between cannabis use and other substance use in the general population', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, pp. 319 - 327
,2001, 'The relationship between cannabis use, depression and anxiety among Australian adults: Findings from the National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, pp. 219 - 227
,2001, 'The validity of an Australian modification of the AUDIT questionnaire', Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, pp. 143 - 154
,2001, 'The validity of an Australian modification of the AUDIT questionnaire', Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, pp. 143 - 154,
,2001, 'WHO/ISBRA study on state and trait markers in alcoholism', Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research, pp. 99 - 103
,2000, 'Cohort trends in youth suicide in Australia 1964-1997', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34, pp. 408 - 412,
,2000, 'Cohort trends in youth suicide in Australia 1964-1997', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34, pp. 408 - 412,
,2000, 'Alcohol- and drug-use disorders in Australia: Implications of the National Survey of Mental Health and wellbeing', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, pp. 206 - 213
,2000, 'Cannabis use and psychosis: A review of clinical and epidemiological evidence', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, pp. 26 - 34
,2000, 'Interventions for people with alcohol use disorders and an intellectual disability: A review of the literature', Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, pp. 135 - 146
,2000, 'Trends in opiate-related deaths in the United Kingdom and Australia, 1985-1995', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, pp. 247 - 254
,1999, 'Opioid overdose mortality in Australia, 1964-1997: Birth-cohort trends', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 34 - 37,
,1999, 'Opioid overdose mortality in Australia, 1964-1997', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 34 - 37
,1999, 'The 12-month prevalence of substance use and ICD-10 substance use disorders in Australian adults: findings from the National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being', Addiction, pp. 1541 - 1550
,1998, 'The decline in alcohol disorders with age: Causes and implications', Australian Journal on Ageing, 17, pp. 158 - 159
,'The effect of opioid analgesics, benzodiazepines, gabapentinoids, and opioid agonist treatment on mortality risk among opioid-dependent people.', International journal of population data science, 7
,'The impact of cohort substance use upon likelihood of transitioning through stages of alcohol and cannabis use and use disorder: Findings from the Australian National Survey on Mental Health and Well-Being',