Select Publications

Journal articles

Kajtar JB; Collins M; Frankcombe LM; England MH; Osborn TJ; Juniper M, 2019, 'Global Mean Surface Temperature Response to Large-Scale Patterns of Variability in Observations and CMIP5', Geophysical Research Letters, 46, pp. 2232 - 2241,

Holmes RM; McGregor S; Santoso A; England MH, 2019, 'Contribution of tropical instability waves to ENSO irregularity', Climate Dynamics, 52, pp. 1837 - 1855,

Deshpande S; Shuttleworth J; Yang J; Taramonli S; England M, 2019, 'PLIT: An alignment-free computational tool for identification of long non-coding RNAs in plant transcriptomic datasets', Computers in Biology and Medicine, 105, pp. 169 - 181,

Foppert A; Rintoul SR; England MH, 2019, 'Along-Slope Variability of Cross-Slope Eddy Transport in East Antarctica', Geophysical Research Letters, 46, pp. 8224 - 8233,

Fox-Kemper B; Adcroft A; Böning CW; Chassignet EP; Curchitser E; Danabasoglu G; Eden C; England MH; Gerdes R; Greatbatch RJ; Griffies SM; Hallberg RW; Hanert E; Heimbach P; Hewitt HT; Hill CN; Komuro Y; Legg S; Sommer JL; Masina S; Marsland SJ; Penny SG; Qiao F; Ringler TD; Treguier AM; Tsujino H; Uotila P; Yeager SG, 2019, 'Challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6,

Holmes RM; Zika JD; England MH, 2019, 'Diathermal heat transport in a global ocean Model', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, pp. 141 - 161,

Holmes RM; Zika JD; England MH, 2019, 'Reply to ‘‘comments on ‘diathermal heat transport in a global ocean model’’’', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, pp. 2195 - 2197,

Menviel L; Spence P; Yu J; Chamberlain MA; Matear RJ; Meissner KJ; England MH, 2018, 'Southern Hemisphere westerlies as a driver of the early deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise', Nature Communications, 9, pp. 2503,

Rintoul SR; Chown SL; DeConto RM; England MH; Fricker HA; Masson-Delmotte V; Naish TR; Siegert MJ; Xavier JC, 2018, 'Erratum to: Choosing the future of Antarctica (Nature, (2018), 558, 7709, (233-241), 10.1038/s41586-018-0173-4)', Nature, 562, pp. E5,

Abellán E; McGregor S; England MH; Santoso A, 2018, 'Distinctive role of ocean advection anomalies in the development of the extreme 2015–16 El Niño', Climate Dynamics, 51, pp. 2191 - 2208,

Maher N; England MH; Gupta AS; Spence P, 2018, 'Correction to: Role of Pacific trade winds in driving ocean temperatures during the recent slowdown and projections under a wind trend reversal (Climate Dynamics, (2018), 51, 1-2, (321-336), 10.1007/s00382-017-3923-3)', Climate Dynamics, 51, pp. 337,

Naughtena KA; Meissner KJ; Galton-Fenzi BK; England MH; Timmermann R; Hellmer HH; Naughten K, 2018, 'Future Projections of Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Based on CMIP5 Scenarios', Journal of Climate, 31, pp. 5243 - 5261,

Frankcombe LM; England MH; Kajtar JB; Mann ME; Steinman BA, 2018, 'On the choice of ensemble mean for estimating the forced signal in the presence of internal variability', Journal of Climate, 31, pp. 5681 - 5693,

Maher N; England MH; Gupta AS; Spence P, 2018, 'Role of Pacific trade winds in driving ocean temperatures during the recent slowdown and projections under a wind trend reversal', Climate Dynamics, 51, pp. 321 - 336,

Rintoul SR; Chown SL; DeConto RM; England MH; Fricker HA; Masson-Delmotte V; Naish TR; Siegert MJ; Xavier JC, 2018, 'Choosing the future of Antarctica', Nature, 558, pp. 233 - 241,

McGregor S; Stuecker MF; Kajtar JB; England MH; Collins M, 2018, 'Model tropical Atlantic biases underpin diminished Pacific decadal variability', Nature Climate Change, 8, pp. 493 - 498,

Naughten KA; Meissner KJ; Galton-Fenzi BK; England MH; Timmermann R; Hellmer HH; Hattermann T; Debernard JB, 2018, 'Intercomparison of Antarctic ice-shelf, ocean, and sea-ice interactions simulated by MetROMS-iceshelf and FESOM 1.4', Geoscientific Model Development, 11, pp. 1257 - 1292,

Purich A; England MH; Cai W; Sullivan A; Durack PJ, 2018, 'Impacts of broad-scale surface freshening of the Southern Ocean in a coupled climate model', Journal of Climate, 31, pp. 2613 - 2632,

Kajtar JB; Santoso A; McGregor S; England MH; Baillie Z, 2018, 'Model under-representation of decadal Pacific trade wind trends and its link to tropical Atlantic bias', Climate Dynamics, 50, pp. 1471 - 1484,

Bull C; Kiss A; van Sebille E; Jourdain N; England M, 2018, 'The role of the New Zealand plateau in the Tasman Sea circulation and separation of the East Australian Current', submitted to Geophysical Research Letters,

Cheunga AH; Mann ME; Steinman BA; Frankcombe LM; England MH; Miller SK, 2017, 'Reply to "Comment on 'comparison of low-frequency internal climate variability in CMIP5 Models and Observations'"', Journal of Climate, 30, pp. 9773 - 9782,

Bull CYS; Kiss AE; Jourdain NC; England MH; van Sebille E, 2017, 'Wind Forced Variability in Eddy Formation, Eddy Shedding, and the Separation of the East Australian Current', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, pp. 9980 - 9998,

Perry SJ; McGregor S; Gupta AS; England MH, 2017, 'Future Changes to El Niño–Southern Oscillation Temperature and Precipitation Teleconnections', Geophysical Research Letters, 44, pp. 10 - 616,

England MH; Hutchinson DK; Santoso A; Sijp WP, 2017, 'Ice-atmosphere feedbacks dominate the response of the climate system to drake passage closure', Journal of Climate, 30, pp. 5775 - 5790,

Spence P; Holmes RM; Hogg AMC; Griffies SM; Stewart KD; England MH, 2017, 'Localized rapid warming ofWest Antarctic subsurface waters by remote winds', Nature Climate Change, 7, pp. 595 - 603,

Naughten KA; Galton-Fenzi BK; Meissner KJ; England MH; Brassington GB; Colberg F; Hattermann T; Debernard JB, 2017, 'Spurious sea ice formation caused by oscillatory ocean tracer advection schemes', Ocean Modelling, 116, pp. 108 - 117,

Santer BD; Fyfe JC; Pallotta G; Flato GM; Meehl GA; England MH; Hawkins E; Mann ME; Painter JF; Bonfils C; Cvijanovic I; Mears C; Wentz FJ; Po-Chedley S; Fu Q; Zou CZ, 2017, 'Causes of differences in model and satellite tropospheric warming rates', Nature Geoscience, 10, pp. 478 - 485,

Cheung AH; Mann ME; Steinman BA; Frankcombe LM; England MH; Miller SK, 2017, 'Comparison of low-frequency internal climate variability in CMIP5 models and observations', Journal of Climate, 30, pp. 4763 - 4776,

Stewart KD; Hogg AMC; Griffies SM; Heerdegen AP; Ward ML; Spence P; England MH, 2017, 'Vertical resolution of baroclinic modes in global ocean models', Ocean Modelling, 113, pp. 50 - 65,

Kajtar JB; Santoso A; England MH; Cai W, 2017, 'Tropical climate variability: interactions across the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans', Climate Dynamics, 48, pp. 2173 - 2190,

Abellán E; McGregor S; England MH, 2017, 'Analysis of the southward wind shift of ENSO in CMIP5 models', Journal of Climate, 30, pp. 2415 - 2435,

Menviel L; Yu J; Joos F; Mouchet A; Meissner KJ; England MH, 2017, 'Poorly ventilated deep ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum inferred from carbon isotopes: A data-model comparison study', Paleoceanography, 32, pp. 2 - 17,

Bull C; Kiss A; Jourdain N; England M; van Sebille E, 2017, 'The role of forcing variability in eddy formation, eddy shedding and the separation of the East Australian Current', in preparation, to be submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Boucharel J; Jin FF; England MH; Lin II, 2016, 'Modes of hurricane activity variability in the eastern Pacific: Implications for the 2016 season', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 11 - 366,

Chafik L; Häkkinen S; England MH; Carton JA; Nigam S; Ruiz-Barradas A; Hannachi A; Miller L, 2016, 'Global linkages originating from decadal oceanic variability in the subpolar North Atlantic', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 10 - 919,

Boucharel J; Jin FF; ENGLAND MH; Dewitte B; Lin II; Huang HC; Balmaseda MA, 2016, 'Influence of Oceanic Intraseasonal Kelvin Waves on Eastern Pacific Hurricane Activity', Journal of Climate, 29, pp. 7941 - 7955,

Saenko OA; Fyfe JC; Swart NC; Lee WG; England MH, 2016, 'Influence of tropical wind on global temperature from months to decades', Climate Dynamics, 47, pp. 2193 - 2203,

Jones JM; Gille ST; Goosse H; Abram NJ; Canziani PO; Charman DJ; Clem KR; Crosta X; De Lavergne C; Eisenman I; England MH; Fogt RL; Frankcombe LM; Marshall GJ; Masson-Delmotte V; Morrison AK; Orsi AJ; Raphael MN; Renwick JA; Schneider DP; Simpkins GR; Steig EJ; Stenni B; Swingedouw D; Vance TR, 2016, 'Assessing recent trends in high-latitude Southern Hemisphere surface climate', Nature Climate Change, 6, pp. 917 - 926,

Mann ME; Steinman BA; Miller SK; Frankcombe LM; England MH; Cheung AH, 2016, 'Predictability of the recent slowdown and subsequent recovery of large-scale surface warming using statistical methods', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 3459 - 3467,

Taschetto AS; Rodrigues RR; Meehl GA; McGregor S; England MH, 2016, 'How sensitive are the Pacific–tropical North Atlantic teleconnections to the position and intensity of El Niño-related warming?', Climate Dynamics, 46, pp. 1841 - 1860,

Fyfe JC; Meehl GA; England MH; Mann ME; Santer BD; Flato GM; Hawkins E; Gillett NP; Xie SP; Kosaka Y; Swart NC, 2016, 'Making sense of the early-2000s warming slowdown', Nature Climate Change, 6, pp. 224 - 228,

Sijp WP; England MH, 2016, 'The effect of low ancient greenhouse climate temperature gradients on the ocean's overturning circulation', Climate of the Past, 12, pp. 543 - 552,

Boucharel J; Jin FF; Lin II; Huang HC; England MH, 2016, 'Different controls of tropical cyclone activity in the Eastern Pacific for two types of El Niño', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 1679 - 1686,

Purich A; Cai W; England MH; Cowan T, 2016, 'Evidence for link between modelled trends in Antarctic sea ice and underestimated westerly wind changes', Nature Communications, 7, pp. 10409,

Taschetto AS; Gupta AS; Ummenhofer CC; England MH, 2016, 'Can Australian multiyear droughts and wet spells be generated in the absence of oceanic variability?', Journal of Climate, 29, pp. 6201 - 6221,

Treloar G; Gunn J; Moltmann T; Dittmann S; Fletcher R; Hone P; Lee K; Minty L; Minchin S; Schiller A; Steinberg P; Lyons J; Babanin A; Doherty P; England M; Foster C; Johnston E; Steven A; Llewellyn L; Oliver J; Gupta AS; Sloyan B; Smith D; Smith T; Walshe T, 2016, 'The National Marine Science Plan: informing Australia’s future ocean policy', Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs, 8, pp. 43 - 51,

Purich A; England MH; Cai W; Chikamoto Y; Timmermann A; Fyfe JC; Frankcombe L; Meehl GA; Arblaster JM, 2016, 'Tropical pacific SST drivers of recent antarctic sea ice trends', Journal of Climate, 29, pp. 8931 - 8948,

Meehl GA; Teng H; Maher N; England MH, 2015, 'Effects of the Mount Pinatubo eruption on decadal climate prediction skill of Pacific sea surface temperatures', Geophysical Research Letters, 42, pp. 10840 - 10846,

Steinman BA; Frankcombe LM; Mann ME; Miller SK; England MH, 2015, 'Response to comment on "atlantic and pacific multidecadal oscillations and northern hemisphere temperatures"', Science, 350, pp. 1326 - 1326,

Ummenhofer CC; Sen Gupta A; England MH; Taschetto AS; Briggs PR; Raupach MR, 2015, 'How did ocean warming affect Australian rainfall extremes during the 2010/2011 la Niña event?', Geophysical Research Letters, 42, pp. 9942 - 9951,

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