Select Publications

Journal articles

Zuo L; Dong Y; Zhu R; Jin Z; Li Z; Wang Y; Zhao X; Sachdev P; Zhang W; Wang Y, 2016, 'Screening for cognitive impairment with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Chinese patients with acute mild stroke and transient ischaemic attack: a validation study', BMJ Open, 6, pp. e011310,

Inskip M; Mavros Y; Sachdev PS; Fiatarone Singh MA, 2016, 'Exercise for individuals with Lewy body Dementia: A systematic review', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0156520,

Sachdev PS; Thalamuthu A; Mather KA; Ames D; Wright MJ; Wen W; Bowden J; Lee T; Brodaty H; Crawford J; Duckworth T; Kang K; Garden N; Martin N; Lemmon C; Schofield P, 2016, 'White Matter Hyperintensities Are under Strong Genetic Influence', Stroke, 47, pp. 1422 - 1428,

Heffernan M; Mather KA; Xu J; Assareh AA; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Draper B; Trollor JN; Sachdev P; Brodaty H, 2016, 'Alcohol Consumption and Incident Dementia: Evidence from the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 52, pp. 529 - 538,

Zhang T; Shaw M; Humphries J; Sachdev P; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N, 2016, 'Higher fasting plasma glucose is associated with striatal and hippocampal shape differences: The 2sweet project', BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 4, pp. e000175,

Brodaty H; Woolf C; Andersen S; Barzilai N; Brayne C; Cheung KSL; Corrada MM; Crawford JD; Daly C; Gondo Y; Hagberg B; Hirose N; Holstege H; Kawas C; Kaye J; Kochan NA; Lau BHP; Lucca U; Marcon G; Martin P; Poon LW; Richmond R; Robine JM; Skoog I; Slavin MJ; Szewieczek J; Tettamanti M; Viña J; Perls T; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'ICC-dementia (International Centenarian Consortium - dementia): An international consortium to determine the prevalence and incidence of dementia in centenarians across diverse ethnoracial and sociocultural groups', BMC Neurology, 16, pp. 52,

Suo C; Singh MF; Gates N; Wen W; Sachdev P; Brodaty H; Saigal N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Singh N; Baune BT; Baker M; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Mavros Y; Lampit A; Leung I; Valenzuela MJ, 2016, 'Erratum: Therapeutically relevant structural and functional mechanisms triggered by physical and cognitive exercise', Molecular Psychiatry,

Sachdev PS; Brodaty H, 2016, 'The Dementia Mometum: 1 year on', Medical Journal of Australia,

Yang Z; Wen W; Jiang J; Crawford JD; Reppermund S; Levitan C; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Richmond RL; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Age-associated differences on structural brain MRI in nondemented individuals from 71 to 103 years', Neurobiology of Aging, 40, pp. 86 - 97,

Chitty KM; Evans E; Torr JJ; Iacono T; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Trollor JN; Evans L, 2016, 'Central nervous system medication use in older adults with intellectual disability: Results from the successful ageing in intellectual disability study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 352 - 362,

Lupton MK; Strike L; Hansell NK; Wen W; Mather KA; Armstrong NJ; Thalamuthu A; McMahon KL; de Zubicaray GI; Assareh AA; Simmons A; Proitsi P; Powell JF; Montgomery GW; Hibar DP; Westman E; Tsolaki M; Kloszewska I; Soininen H; Mecocci P; Velas B; Lovestone S; Brodaty H; Ames D; Trollor JN; Martin NG; Thompson PM; Sachdev PS; Wright MJ, 2016, 'The effect of increased genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease on hippocampal and amygdala volume', Neurobiology of Aging, 40, pp. 68 - 77,

Mather KA; Thalamuthu A; Oldmeadow C; Song F; Armstrong NJ; Poljak A; Holliday EG; McEvoy M; Kwok JB; Assareh AA; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Lee T; Ames D; Wright MJ; Trollor JN; Schofield PW; Brodaty H; Scott RJ; Schofield PR; Attia JR; Sachdev PS; Schofield P, 2016, 'Genome-wide significant results identified for plasma apolipoprotein H levels in middle-aged and older adults', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 23675,

Shaw ME; Sachdev PS; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N, 2016, 'Age-related cortical thinning in cognitively healthy individuals in their 60s: The PATH Through Life study', Neurobiology of Aging, 39, pp. 202 - 209,

Mohan A; Mather KA; Thalamuthu A; Baune BT; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Gene expression in the aging human brain: An overview', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 29, pp. 159 - 167,

Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Idemescence: Ageing without decline', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 29, pp. 155 - 158,

Jiang J; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1/growth differentiation factor 15 as a marker of cognitive ageing and dementia', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 29, pp. 181 - 186,

Yang Z; Wen W; Jiang J; Crawford JD; Reppermund S; Levitan C; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Richmond RL; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Structural MRI biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment from young elders to centenarians', Current Alzheimer Research, 13, pp. 256 - 267,

Poljak A; Crawford JD; Smythe GA; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Wen W; Mather KA; Assareh AA; Ng PC; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'The relationship between plasma aβ levels, cognitive function and brain volumetrics: Sydney memory and ageing study', Current Alzheimer Research, 13, pp. 243 - 255,

Franke B; van Hulzen KJE; Arias-Vasquez A; Bralten J; Hoogman M; Klein M; van Donkelaar MMJ; Hakobjan MMH; Heister AJGAM; Makkinje RRR; Naber MAM; van der Marel SSL; Mostert JC; Brunner HG; van Bokhoven H; Zwiers MP; Buitelaar JK; Fernández G; Fisher SE; Francks C; Stein JL; Hibar DP; Thompson PM; Ripke S; Anttila V; Neale BM; Farh KH; Bulik-Sullivan B; Huang H; Fromer M; Goldstein JI; Daly MJ; Walters RK; Smoller JW; Lee P; Belliveau RA; Bergen SE; Bevilacqua E; Chambert KD; Genovese G; O'Dushlaine C; Scolnick EM; McCarroll SA; Moran JL; Palotie A; Petryshen TL; Erk S; Heinz A; Mohnke S; Romanczuk-Seiferth N; Walter H; DeLisi LE; McCarley RW; Mesholam-Gately RI; Seidman LJ; Nichols TE; Neale MC; McIntosh AM; Papmeyer M; Sprooten E; Lawrie SM; Sussmann JE; McMahon FJ; Yao Y; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Schwarz E; Grimm O; Mattheisen M; Agerbo E; Demontis D; Hansen T; Mors O; Olsen L; Rasmussen HB; Børglum AD; Mortensen PB; Werge T; Andreassen OA; Brown AA; Athanasiu L; Hartberg CB; Haukvik U; Melle I; Gruber O; Kraemer B; Keil M; Sachdev PS; Mather KA; Thalamuthu A; Armstrong NJ; Assareh AA; Brodaty H; Reppermund S; Wen W; Roiz-Santiañez R; Perez-Iglesias R; Saykin AJ; Kim S; Nho K; Risacher SL; Schofield P; Carr V; Kwok J; Schofield P, 2016, 'Genetic influences on schizophrenia and subcortical brain volumes: Large-scale proof of concept', Nature Neuroscience, 19, pp. 420 - 431,

Ibrahim-Verbaas CA; Bressler J; Debette S; Schuur M; Smith AV; Bis JC; Davies G; Trompet S; Smith JA; Wolf C; Chibnik LB; Liu Y; Vitart V; Kirin M; Petrovic K; Polasek O; Zgaga L; Fawns-Ritchie C; Hoffmann P; Karjalainen J; Lahti J; Llewellyn DJ; Schmidt CO; Mather KA; Chouraki V; Sun Q; Resnick SM; Rose LM; Oldmeadow C; Stewart M; Smith BH; Gudnason V; Yang Q; Mirza SS; Jukema JW; DeJager PL; Harris TB; Liewald DC; Amin N; Coker LH; Stegle O; Lopez OL; Schmidt R; Teumer A; Ford I; Karbalai N; Becker JT; Jonsdottir MK; Au R; Fehrmann RSN; Herms S; Nalls M; Zhao W; Turner ST; Yaffe K; Lohman K; Van Swieten JC; Kardia SLR; Knopman DS; Meeks WM; Heiss G; Holliday EG; Schofield PW; Tanaka T; Stott DJ; Wang J; Ridker P; Gow AJ; Pattie A; Starr JM; Hocking LJ; Armstrong NJ; McLachlan S; Shulman JM; Pilling LC; Eiriksdottir G; Scott RJ; Kochan NA; Palotie A; Hsieh YC; Eriksson JG; Penman A; Gottesman RF; Oostra BA; Yu L; DeStefano AL; Beiser A; Garcia M; Rotter JI; Nöthen MM; Hofman A; Slagboom PE; Westendorp RGJ; Buckley BM; Wolf PA; Uitterlinden AG; Psaty BM; Grabe HJ; Bandinelli S; Chasman DI; Sachdev P, 2016, 'GWAS for executive function and processing speed suggests involvement of the CADM2 gene', Molecular Psychiatry, 21, pp. 189 - 197,

Henry JD; Von Hippel W; Molenberghs P; Lee T; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Clinical assessment of social cognitive function in neurological disorders', Nature Reviews Neurology, 12, pp. 28 - 39,

Braidy N; Essa MM; Poljak A; Selvaraju S; Al-Adawi S; Manivasagm T; Thenmozhi AJ; Ooi L; Sachdev P; Guillemin GJ, 2016, 'Consumption of pomegranates improves synaptic function in a transgenic mice model of Alzheimer's disease', Oncotarget, 7, pp. 64589 - 64604,

Samaras K; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Does statin use cause memory decline in the elderly?', Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 26, pp. 550 - 556,

Kochan NA; Bunce D; Pont S; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Reaction Time Measures Predict Incident Dementia in Community-Living Older Adults: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24, pp. 221 - 231,

Zhang H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Baune BT; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Kang K; Trollor JN, 2016, 'The relationship between inflammatory markers and voxel-based gray matter volumes in nondemented older adults', Neurobiology of Aging, 37, pp. 138 - 146,

Trevizol AP; Shiozawa P; Sato IA; Sachdev P; Sarkhel S; Cook IA; Cordeiro O, 2016, 'Transcranial magnetic stimulation for anxiety symptoms: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis', Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology, 2, pp. 108 - 108,

Trevizol AP; Shiozawa P; Cook IA; Sato IA; Kaku CB; Guimarães FBS; Sachdev P; Sarkhel S; Cordeiro Q, 2016, 'Transcranial magnetic stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis', The Journal of ECT, pp. 1 - 1,

Willemsen G; Ward KJ; Bell CG; Christensen K; Bowden J; Dalgård C; Harris JR; Kaprio J; Lyle R; Magnusson PKE; Mather KA; Ordoňana JR; Perez-Riquelme F; Pedersen NL; Pietiläinen KH; Sachdev PS; Boomsma DI; Spector T, 2015, 'The Concordance and Heritability of Type 2 Diabetes in 34,166 Twin Pairs From International Twin Registers: The Discordant Twin (DISCOTWIN) Consortium', Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18, pp. 762 - 771,

Sachdev PS; Lipnicki DM; Kochan NA; Crawford JD; Thalamuthu A; Andrews G; Brayne C; Matthews FE; Stephan BCM; Lipton RB; Katz MJ; Ritchie K; Carrière I; Ancelin ML; Lam LCW; Wong CHY; Fung AWT; Guaita A; Vaccaro R; Davin A; Ganguli M; Dodge H; Hughes T; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N; Butterworth P; Ng TP; Gao Q; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Schupf N; Manly J; Stern Y; Lobo A; Lopez-Anton R; Santabárbara J; Zimmerman M; Derby C; Leung GTY; Chan WC; Polito L; Abbondanza S; Valle E; Colombo M; Vitali SF; Fossi S; Zaccaria D; Forloni G; Villani S; Christensen H; MacKinnon A; Easteal S; Jacomb T; Maxwell K; Bowman A; Burns K; Broe A; Dekker J; Dooley L; De Permentier M; Fairjones S; Fletcher J; French T; Foster C; Nugent-Cleary-Fox E; Gooi C; Harvey E; Helyer R; Hsieh S; Hughes L; Jacek S; Johnston M; McCade D; Meeth S; Milne E; Moir A; O'Grady R; Pfaeffli K; Pose C; Reuser L; Rose A; Schofield P; Shahnawaz Z; Sharpley A; Thompson C; Queisser W; Wong S; Mayeux R; Brickman A; Luchsinger J; Sanchez D; Tang MX; Andrews H; Marcos G; De-La-Cámara C; Saz P; Ventura T; Quintanilla MA; Lobo E; Schofield P, 2015, 'The prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in diverse geographical and ethnocultural regions: The COSMIC Collaboration', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0142388,

Inestrosa NC; Ríos JA; Cisternas P; Tapia-Rojas C; Rivera DS; Braidy N; Zolezzi JM; Godoy JA; Carvajal FJ; Ardiles AO; Bozinovic F; Palacios AG; Sachdev PS, 2015, 'Age Progression of Neuropathological Markers in the Brain of the Chilean Rodent Octodon degus, a Natural Model of Alzheimer's Disease', Brain Pathology, 25, pp. 679 - 691,

Connors MH; Sachdev PS; Kochan NA; Xu J; Draper B; Brodaty H, 2015, 'Cognition and mortality in older people: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Age and Ageing, 44, pp. 1049 - 1054,

Boraxbekk CJ; Ames D; Kochan NA; Lee T; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Armstrong NJ; Kwok JBJ; Schofield PR; Reppermund S; Wright MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Mather KA; Schofield P, 2015, 'Investigating the influence of KIBRA and CLSTN2 genetic polymorphisms on cross-sectional and longitudinal measures of memory performance and hippocampal volume in older individuals', Neuropsychologia, 78, pp. 10 - 17,

Hong DS; Kurzrock R; Wheler JJ; Naing A; Falchook GS; Fu S; Kim KB; Davies MA; Nguyen LM; George GC; Xu L; Shumaker R; Ren M; Mink J; Bedell C; Andresen C; Sachdev P; O'Brien JP; Nemunaitis J, 2015, 'Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of the Multikinase Inhibitor Lenvatinib in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors and in an Expanded Cohort of Patients with Melanoma', CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 21, pp. 4801 - 4810,

Fiatarone Singh MA; Gates N; Saigal N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Brodaty H; Wen W; Singh N; Baune BT; Suo C; Baker MK; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Sachdev PS; Valenzuela M, 2015, 'Reply to the Letter to the Editor by O'Caoimh et al', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16, pp. 999 - 1001,

Cherbuin N; Sargent-Cox K; Fraser M; Sachdev P; Anstey KJ, 2015, 'Being overweight is associated with hippocampal atrophy: The PATH Through Life Study', International Journal of Obesity, 39, pp. 1509 - 1514,

Dobson-Stone C; Shaw AD; Hallupp M; Bartley L; McCann H; Brooks WS; Loy CT; Schofield PR; Mather KA; Kochan NA; Sachdev PS; Halliday GM; Piguet O; Hodges JR; Kwok JBJ; Schofield P, 2015, 'Is CHCHD10 Pro34Ser pathogenic for frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?', Brain, 138, pp. e385,

Rabin LA; Smart CM; Crane PK; Amariglio RE; Berman LM; Boada M; Buckley RF; Chételat G; Dubois B; Ellis KA; Gifford KA; Jefferson AL; Jessen F; Katz MJ; Lipton RB; Luck T; Maruff P; Mielke MM; Molinuevo JL; Naeem F; Perrotin A; Petersen RC; Rami L; Reisberg B; Rentz DM; Riedel-Heller SG; Risacher SL; Rodriguez O; Sachdev PS; Saykin AJ; Slavin MJ; Snitz BE; Sperling RA; Tandetnik C; Van Der Flier WM; Wagner M; Wolfsgruber S; Sikkes SAM, 2015, 'Subjective Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: An Overview of Self-Report Measures Used Across 19 International Research Studies', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 48, pp. S63 - S86,

Sachdev PS; Mohan A; Taylor L; Jeste DV, 2015, 'DSM-5 and mental disorders in older individuals: An overview', Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 23, pp. 320 - 328,

Jacka FN; Cherbuin N; Anstey KJ; Sachdev P; Butterworth P, 2015, 'Western diet is associated with a smaller hippocampus: A longitudinal investigation', BMC Medicine, 13, pp. 215,

Waggel SE; Lipnicki DM; Delbaere K; Kochan NA; Draper B; Andrews G; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H, 2015, 'Neuroticism scores increase with late-life cognitive decline', International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30, pp. 985 - 993,

Jiang J; Trollor JN; Brown DA; Crawford JD; Thalamuthu A; Smith E; Breit SN; Liu T; Brodaty H; Baune BT; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2015, 'An inverse relationship between serum macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 levels and brain white matter integrity incommunity-dwelling older individuals', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 62, pp. 80 - 88,

Tuerk C; Zhang H; Sachdev P; Lord SR; Brodaty H; Wen W; Delbaere K, 2015, 'Regional Gray Matter Volumes Are Related to Concern about Falling in Older People: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study', Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 71, pp. 138 - 144,

Gautam P; Anstey KJ; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Cherbuin N, 2015, 'Cortical gyrification and its relationships with cortical volume, cortical thickness, and cognitive performance in healthy mid-life adults', Behavioural Brain Research, 287, pp. 331 - 339,

Samaras K; Crawford J; Lutgers HL; Campbell LV; Baune BT; Lux O; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Sachdev P, 2015, 'Metabolic burden and disease and mortality risk associated with impaired fasting glucose in elderly adults', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63, pp. 1435 - 1442,

Perry A; Wen W; Lord A; Thalamuthu A; Roberts G; Mitchell PB; Sachdev PS; Breakspear M, 2015, 'The organisation of the elderly connectome', NeuroImage, 114, pp. 414 - 426,

Anstey KJ; Sargent-Cox K; Cherbuin N; Sachdev PS, 2015, 'Self-Reported History of Chemotherapy and Cognitive Decline in Adults Aged 60 and Older: The PATH Through Life Project', Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 70, pp. 729 - 735,

Braidy N; Poljak A; Grant R; Jayasena T; Mansour H; Chan-Ling T; Smythe G; Sachdev P; Guillemin GJ, 2015, 'Differential expression of sirtuins in the aging rat brain', Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 9, pp. 167,

Cherbuin N; Sargent-Cox K; Easteal S; Sachdev P; Anstey KJ, 2015, 'Hippocampal atrophy is associated with subjective memory decline: The PATH Through Life study', The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 23, pp. 446 - 455,

Valenzuela MJ; Turner AJF; Kochan NA; Wen W; Suo C; Hallock H; Mcintosh RA; Sachdev P; Breakspear M, 2015, 'Posterior compensatory network in cognitively intact elders with hippocampal atrophy', Hippocampus, 25, pp. 581 - 593,

Jiang J; Wen W; Brown DA; Crawford J; Thalamuthu A; Smith E; Breit SN; Liu T; Zhu W; Brodaty H; Baune BT; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2015, 'The relationship of serum macrophage inhibitory cytokine - 1 levels with gray matter volumes in community-dwelling older individuals', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0123399,

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