Select Publications

Journal articles

Assadi MHN; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Polymers' surface interactions with molten iron: A theoretical study', Chemical Physics, 443, pp. 107 - 111,

Rajarao R; Mansuri I; Dhunna R; Khanna R; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Study of structural evolution of chars during rapid pyrolysis of waste CDs at different temperatures', Fuel, 134, pp. 17 - 25,

Cayumil R; Khanna R; Ikram-Ul-Haq M; Rajarao R; Hill A; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Generation of copper rich metallic phases from waste printed circuit boards', Waste Management, 34, pp. 1783 - 1792,

Li K; Khanna R; Zhang J; Liu Z; Sahajwalla V; Yang T; Kong D, 2014, 'The evolution of structural order, microstructure and mineral matter of metallurgical coke in a blast furnace: A review', Fuel, 133, pp. 194 - 215,

Rajarao R; Ferreira R; Sadi SHF; Khanna R; Sahajwalla V; Fahandej Sadi S, 2014, 'Synthesis of silicon carbide nanoparticles by using electronic waste as a carbon source', Materials Letters, 120, pp. 65 - 68,

Assadi MHN; Sahajwalla V; Al Assadi H, 2014, 'Recycling end-of-life polycarbonate in steelmaking: Ab initio study of carbon dissolution in molten iron', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, pp. 3861 - 3864,

Park H; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Effect of alumina and silica on the reaction kinetics of carbon composite pellets at 1 473 K', ISIJ International, 54, pp. 49 - 55,

Ko KH; Rawal A; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Analysis of thermal degradation kinetics and carbon structure changes of co-pyrolysis between macadamia nut shell and PET using thermogravimetric analysis and 13C solid state nuclear magnetic resonance', Energy Conversion and Management, 86, pp. 154 - 164,

Kumar A; Khanna R; Spink J; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Fundamental investigations on the corrosion of ZrO2-C refractories during interaction with a casting mould meniscus slag', Steel Research International, 85, pp. 1185 - 1193,

Rajarao R; Jayanna RP; Sahajwalla V; Bhat BR, 2014, 'GreenApproach to Decorate Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticles', INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING (ICAMME 2014), 5, pp. 69 - 75,

Ramin L; Assadi MHN; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'High-density polyethylene degradation into low molecular weight gases at 1823 K: An atomistic simulation', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 110, pp. 318 - 321,

Dhunna R; Khanna R; Mansuri I; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Recycling waste bakelite as an alternative carbon resource for ironmaking applications', ISIJ International, 54, pp. 613 - 619,

Park H; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Reduction behavior of carbon composite pellets including alumina and silica at 1273 K and 1373 K', ISIJ International, 54, pp. 1256 - 1265,

Khanna R; Ikram-Ul-Haq M; Sadi SF; Sahajwalla V; Mukherjee PS; Seetharaman S; Fahandej Sadi S, 2014, 'Reduction reactions in Al2O3-C-Fe and Al 2O3-Fe2O3-C systems at 1 823 K', ISIJ International, 54, pp. 1485 - 1490,

Ko KH; Sahajwalla V; Rawal A, 2014, 'Specific molecular structure changes and radical evolution during biomass-polyethylene terephthalate co-pyrolysis detected by 13C and 1H solid-state NMR', Bioresource Technology, 170, pp. 248 - 255,

Farzana R; Rajarao R; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Synthesis of ferrosilicon alloy using waste glass and plastic', Materials Letters, 116, pp. 101 - 103,

Zhang CC; Sahajwalla V; Zhang FS, 2014, 'Tetrabromobisphenol A recovery from computer housing plastic by a new solvothermal process', Environmental Chemistry Letters, 12, pp. 347 - 352,

Lundgren M; Khanna R; Ökvist LS; Sahajwalla V; Björkman B, 2014, 'The evolution of structural order as a measure of thermal history of coke in the blast furnace', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 45, pp. 603 - 616,

khanna ; Cayumil R; mukherjee ; Sahajwalla VH, 2014, 'A novel recycling approach for transforming waste printed circuit boards into a material resource', Procedia Environmental Sciences

Rajarao R; Mansuri I; Dhunna R; Khanna R; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Characterisation of gas evolution and char structural change during pyrolysis of waste CDs', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 105, pp. 14 - 22,

Kumar A; Khanna R; Ikram-ul-Haq M; Spink J; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Effect of glaze on the corrosion behavior of ZrO2-graphite insert of the submerged entry nozzle in the continuous casting of steel', Steel Research International,

Rajarao R; Sahajwalla V; Cayumil R; Park M; Khanna R, 2014, 'Novel Approach for Processing Hazardous Electronic Waste', Procedia Environmental Sciences, 21, pp. 33 - 41,

Dankwah JR; Koshy P; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Reduction of FeO in EAF steelmaking slag by blends of metallurgical coke and end-of-life polyethylene terephthalate', Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 41, pp. 401 - 409,

Hong L; Sahajwalla V, 2013, 'Carbothermic reduction of mullite at elevated temperature', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 44, pp. 1541 - 1545,

Park H; Sahajwalla V, 2013, 'Influence of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 ternary oxide system on the reduction behavior of carbon composite pellet: Part II. morphological properties', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 44, pp. 1390 - 1397,

Sharma S; Khanna R; Mishra DD; Agarwala V; Sahajwalla V, 2013, 'Thermal Degradation Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed Mixtures of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Petroleum Coke', Plastic and Polymer Technology (PAPT), 2, pp. 87 - 91

Sharifah Shahnaz SB; Khanna R; Veena S; Hussin K; Noriman NZ; Sung Ting S, 2013, 'Characterizations on the effect of processing of polymers blend with petroleum coke (part I)', Advanced Materials Research, 795, pp. 644 - 648,

Sahajwalla V; Zaharia M; Mansuri I; Rajarao R; Dhunna R; Nur Yunos F; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury N; O'Kane P; Fontana A; Jin Z; Skidmore C; Vielhauer P; O'Connell D; Knights D, 2013, 'The power of steelmaking-harnessing high-temperature reactions to transform waste into raw material resources', Iron and Steel Technology, 10, pp. 68 - 83

Sahajwalla V; Zaharia M; Mansuri I; Rajarao R; Dhunna R; Yunos NF; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury N; O'Kane P; Fontana A; Skidmore C; Vielhauer P; O'Connell D; Knights D, 2013, '2013 AIST Howe Memorial Lecture: The power of steelmaking - Harnessing high temperature reactions to transform waste into raw material resources', AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, 1, pp. 1 - 17

Gupta S; Ye Z; Sahajwalla V; Kanniala R; Kerkkonen O, 2013, 'Coke graphitization and degradation across the tuyere regions in a blast furnace', Fuel, 113, pp. 77 - 85,

Park H; Sahajwalla V, 2013, 'Influence of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 Ternary Oxide System on the Reduction Behavior of Carbon Composite Pellet: Part I. Reaction Kinetics', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 44, pp. 1379 - 1389,

Kongkarat S; Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH, 2013, 'Interactions of polymer/coke blends with molten steel at 1823 K: Interfacial phenomena', Steel Research International, 84, pp. 362 - 369,

Blagus A; Dankwah J; Sahajwalla VH, 2013, 'Interfacial Reactions between Coke/HDPE Blends and High Carbon Ferromanganese Slag', ISIJ International, 53, pp. 41 - 47,

Wechsler A; Zaharia M; Crosky AG; Jones H; Ramirez MJ; Ballerini AA; Nunez MA; Sahajwalla VH, 2013, 'Macadamia shell and castor oil-based sustainable particleboard: a comparison of its properties with conventional wood based particleboard', Materials and Design, 50, pp. 117 - 123,

Zaharia M; Sahajwalla VH; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Fontana A; Skidmore C; Knights D, 2013, 'Recycling of rubber tyres in electric arc furnace steelmaking: Carbon/slag reactions of coke/rubber blends', High Temperature Materials and Processes, 31, pp. 593 - 602,

Mansuri I; Khanna R; Rajarao R; Sahajwalla VH, 2013, 'Recycling Waste CDs as a Carbon Resource: Dissolution of Carbon into Molten Iron at 1550°C', ISIJ International, 53, pp. 2259 - 2265,

Ye Z; Gupta S; Kerkkonen O; Kanniala R; Sahajwalla VH, 2013, 'SiC and Ferro-silicides formation in tuyere cokes', ISIJ International, 53, pp. 181 - 183,

Nath DCD; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Produced by Pyrolysis of Composite Film of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) and Modified Fly Ash', Materials Sciences and Applications,, 3, pp. 103 - 109,

Khanna R; Kongkarat S; Seetharaman S; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Carbothermic reduction of alumina at 1 823 K in the presence of molten steel: A sessile drop investigation', ISIJ International, 52, pp. 992 - 999,

Ikram-ul haq M; Khanna R; Kongkarat S; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Chemical interactions in Al 2O 3-C/Fe system at 1 823 K: Implications for refractory recycling', ISIJ International, 52, pp. 1801 - 1808,

Dhunna R; Jain IP; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of FeN thin films', Applied Radiation and Isotopes, pp. 2416 - 2420,

Nath DCD; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Growth of Carbon Nanotubes by Pyrolysis of Composite Film of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) and Modified Fly Ash', Materials Sciences and Applications,, 3, pp. 120 - 124,

Fontana A; O'kane P; O'connell D; Sahajwalla VH; Zaharia M, 2012, 'Injection of Recycled Tyres in EAF Steelmaking as a Slag Foaming Agent', Steel Times International, 36, pp. 17 - 20

Grigore M; Sakurovs R; French D; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Properties and CO2 reactivity of the inert and reactive maceral-derived components in cokes', International Journal of Coal Geology, 98, pp. 1 - 9,

Yunos NFM; Zaharia M; Idris MA; Nath DCD; Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Recycling Agricultural Waste from Palm Shells during Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking', Energy and Fuels, 26, pp. 278 - 286,

Sahajwalla VH; Zaharia M; Kongkarat S; Khanna R; Rahman MM; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Dicker J; Skidmore C; Knights D, 2012, 'Recycling end-of-life polymers in an electric arc furnace steelmaking process: Fundamentals of polymer reactions with slag and metal', Energy and Fuels, 26, pp. 58 - 66,

Nath DCD; Mansuri I; Zaharia M; Chaudhury N-S; Sahajwalla VH; Saha Chaudhury N, 2012, 'Recycling of end-of-life melamine at 1 600°C for carbon dissolution into liquid iron', ISIJ International, 52, pp. 922 - 927,

Kongkarat S; Khanna R; Koshy P; Sahajwalla VH; O Kane P, 2012, 'Recycling Waste Polymers in EAF steelmaking: Influence of polymer composition on carbon/slag interactions', ISIJ International, 52, pp. 385 - 393,

Dankwah J; Koshy P; O''kane P; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Reduction of FeO in EAF Steelmaking Slag by Blends of Metallurgical Coke and End-of-Life Tyre', Steel Research International, 83, pp. 766 - 774,

Syed Bakar SS; Khanna R; Kamarudin H; Sahajwalla VH, 2012, 'Wettability and interfacial phenomena investigations on high-density polyethylene and petroleum coke', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125, pp. 2056 - 2062,

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