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Select Publications
Khanna R; Rodgers BD; Mccarthy F; Sahajwalla VH, 2006, 'Dissolution of carbon from alumina-carbon mixtures into liquid iron: Influence of carbonaceous materials', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 37, pp. 623 - 632
Yunes Rubio PJ; Hong L; Saha-Chaudhury NM; Bush R; Sahajwalla VH, 2006, 'Dynamic wetting of graphite and SiC by ferrosilicon alloys and silicon at 1550¿¿', ISIJ International, 46, pp. 1570 - 1576
Gupta SK; Al-Omari YI; Sahajwalla VH; French D, 2006, 'Influence of carbon structure and mineral association of coals on their combustion characteristics for pulverized coal injection (PCI) application', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 37, pp. 457 - 473
Sahajwalla VH; Hong L; Saha-Chaudhury NM; Spencer D; Rahman MM, 2006, 'Influence of carbonaceous materials on slag foaming behavior during EAF steelmaking', Iron and Steel Technology, 3, pp. 54 - 63
Grigore M; Sakurovs R; French D; Sahajwalla VH, 2006, 'Influence of mineral matter on coke reactivity with carbon dioxide', ISIJ International, 46, pp. 503 - 512, http://dx.doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.46.503
Cham ST; Sakurovs R; Sun H; Sahajwalla VH, 2006, 'Influence of temperature on carbon dissolution of cokes in molten iron', ISIJ International, 46, pp. 652 - 659, http://dx.doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.46.652
Moon JP; Sahajwalla VH, 2006, 'Investigation into the role of the boudouard reaction in self-reducing iron oxide and carbon briquettes', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 37, pp. 215 - 221
Perkins GM; Sahajwalla VH, 2006, 'Numerical study of the effects of operating conditions and coal properties on cavity growth in underground coal gasification', Energy and Fuels, 20, pp. 596 - 608
Gupta SK; Sahajwalla VH; Wood J, 2006, 'Simultaneous Combustion of Waste Plastics with Coal for PCI Application', Energy and Fuels, 20, pp. 2557 - 2663
Sahajwalla VH; Hong L; Saha-Chaudhury NM, 2006, 'Waste plastics - A resource for EAF steelmaking', Iron and Steel Technology, 3, pp. 91 - 96
Gupta SK; Sahajwalla V; Saha-Chaudhury N; Burgo J; Chaubal P; Youmans T, 2005, 'Influence of coke / properties and reactivity on coke fines in a blast furnace', Iron and Steel Technology, 2, pp. 165 - 176
Perkins GM; Sahajwalla VH, 2005, 'A mathematical model for the chemical reaction of a semi-infinite block of coal in underground coal gasification', Energy and Fuels, 19, pp. 1679 - 1692
Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH, 2005, 'An atomistic model for the graphite-alumina/liquid iron system:Monte-Carlo simulations on carbon dissolution', ACTA Materialia, 53, pp. 1205 - 1214
Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH; Hurt R, 2005, 'An atomistic technique for simulating non-covalent interactions inlarge ensembles of high-molecular-weight polyaromatics', Carbon, 43, pp. 67 - 77
Gupta SK; Sahajwalla VH; Burgo J; Chaubal PC; Youmans T, 2005, 'Carbon structure of coke at high temperatures and its influence on coke fines in blast furnace dust', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 36, pp. 385 - 394
Hilding T; Gupta SK; Sahajwalla VH; Bjorkman B; Wikstrom J, 2005, 'Degradation behaviour of a high CSR coke in an experimental blast furnace: Effect of carbon structure and alkali reactions', ISIJ International, 45, pp. 1041 - 1050
Khanna R; Mccarthy F; Sun H; Simento N; Sahajwalla VH, 2005, 'Dissolution of carbon from coal-chars into liquid iron at 1550°C', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 36 B, pp. 719 - 729
Lae E; Sahajwalla VH; Welch B; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2005, 'Influence of oxide dopants on the wetting of doped graphite bycryolite/alumina melts', Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 35, pp. 199 - 206
Mccarthy F; Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH; Simento N, 2005, 'Interfacial phenomena occurring during iron/char interactions in a blast furnace', ISIJ International, 45, pp. 1261 - 1268
Gray JL; Sahajwalla VH; Paramguru RK, 2005, 'Kinetics and mechanism of corrosion of laboratory hot briquetted iron', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 36, pp. 613 - 621
Kang TW; Gupta SK; Saha-Chaudhury NM; Sahajwalla VH, 2005, 'Wetting and interfacial reaction investigations of coke/slag systems and associated liquid permeability of blast furnaces', ISIJ International, 45, pp. 1526 - 1535
Cham ST; Sahajwalla VH; Sakurovs R; Sun H; Dubikova M, 2004, 'Factors influencing carbon dissolution from cokes into liquid iron', ISIJ International, 44, pp. 1835 - 1841
Sahajwalla VH; Mehta AS; Khanna R, 2004, 'Influence of chemical compositions of slag and graphite on thephenomena occurring in the graphite/slag interfacial region', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 35, pp. 75 - 83
Hong L; Sahajwalla VH, 2004, 'Investigation of in-situ chemical reactions of Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-Crefractory and its interactions with slag', ISIJ International, 44, pp. 785 - 789
Kapilashrami E; Sahajwalla VH; Seetharaman S, 2004, 'Investigation of the wetting characteristics of liquid iron on mulliteby sessile drop technique', ISIJ International, 44, pp. 653 - 659
Sun H; Sahajwalla VH, 2004, 'Numerical analysis of reactions in a cupola melting furnace', ISIJ International, 44, pp. 27 - 36
Boominathan R; Saha-Chaudhury NM; Sahajwalla VH; Doran PM, 2004, 'Production of nickel bio-ore from hyperaccumulator plant biomass:Applications in phytomining', Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 86, pp. 243 - 250
Kapilashrami E; Sahajwalla VH; Seetharaman S, 2004, 'Slag formation during high temperature interactions between refractories containing SiO2 and iron melts with oxygen', Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 31, pp. 417 - 422
Mehta AS; Sahajwalla VH, 2003, 'Coal-char/slag Interactions during Pulverised Coal Injection in a Blast Furnace:Reaction Kinetics and Wetting Investigations', ISIJ International, 43, pp. 1512 - 1518
Sahajwalla VH; Khanna R, 2003, 'Effect of sulfur on the dissolution behaviour of graphite in Fe-C-S melts: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study', Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, 32, pp. 53 - 57
Mccarthy F; Sahajwalla VH; Hart JH; Saha-Chaudhury NM, 2003, 'Influence of Ash on Interfacial Reactions between Coke and Liquid Iron', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 34B, pp. 573 - 580
Sahajwalla VH; Zhao L, 2003, 'Interfacial phenomena during wetting of graphite/alumina mixtures by liquid iron', ISIJ International, 43, pp. 1 - 6
Sahajwalla VH; Wu C; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury NM; Spink J, 2003, 'Kinetic Study of factors affecting In-situ reduction of silica in carbon-silica mixtures for refractories', ISIJ International, 43, pp. 1305 - 1315
Moon JP; Sahajwalla VH, 2003, 'Kinetics model for the uniform conversion of self reducing iron oxide and carbon briquettes', ISIJ International, 43, pp. 1136 - 1142
lu L; Kong CH; Sahajwalla VH; Harris D, 2002, 'Char Structural Ordering during Pyrolysis and Combustion and its Effects on Char Reactivity', Fuel, the science and technology of fuel and energy, 81, pp. 1215 - 1225
Gray JL; Saha-Chaudhury NM; Sahajwalla VH, 2002, 'Characterisation and corrosion of laboratory scale briquettes of reduced iron', ISIJ International, 42, pp. 826 - 833
lu L; Sahajwalla VH; Kong CH; Mclean A, 2002, 'Chemical Structure of chars prepared under conditions prevailing in the Blast Furnace PCI Operation', ISIJ International, 42, pp. 816 - 825
Sahajwalla VH; Khanna R, 2002, 'Influence of sulfur on the solubility of graphite in Fe-C-S melts: optimisation of interaction parameters', ACTA Materialia, 50, pp. 663 - 671
Sahajwalla VH, 2001, 'Coal Char Reactivity and Structural Evolution During Combustion¿Factors Influencing Blast Furnace PCI Operation', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, pp. 811 - 820
Sahajwalla VH; Moon JP, 2001, 'Derivation of Shrinking Core Model for Finite Cylinder', ISIJ International, pp. 1 - 9
Sahajwalla VH; Lu L; Harris D; Kong C; Hart J, 2001, 'Fundamental Study of Char Structure and Reactivity and its Application to Pulverised Coal Injection in Blast Furnaces', Materials Forum, pp. 168 - 180
Sahajwalla VH; Mehta S, 2001, 'Influence of temperature on the wettability at the slag/carbon interface during pulverised coal injection in a blast furnace', Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, pp. 370 - 378
Sahajwalla VH; Kong CH; Lu L, 2001, 'Quantitative X-ray diffraction Analysis and its Application to various Coals', Carbon, pp. 1821 - 1833
Lu LM; Sahajwalla V; Harris D, 2000, 'Characterization of chars prepared from various pulverized coals at different temperatures using drop-tube furnace (vol 4, pg 869, 2000)', ENERGY & FUELS, 14, pp. 1125 - 1125, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef0001033
Siddiqi N; Bhoi B; Paramguru RK; Sahajwalla V; Ostrovski O, 2000, 'Effect of different parameters on wettability of graphite by CaO-SiO
Sahajwalla V; Kong CH; Chaubal PC; Valia HS, 2000, 'Determination of proportions of coal char and coke fines in the offgas blast furnace samples', Iron and Steelmaker (I and SM), 27, pp. 69 - 72
Sahajwalla VH; Khanna R, 2000, 'A Monte Carlo Simulation Study of Dissolution of Graphite in Iron-Carbon Melts,', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 10, pp. 1517 - 1525
Lu LS; Sahajwalla VH; Harris D, 2000, 'Characteristics of Chars prepared from various Pulverised Coals at different temperatures using drop-tube furnace,', Energy and Fuels, 14, pp. 869 - 876
Sahajwalla VH; Khanna R, 2000, 'Dissolution Behavior of Particulate Graphite in Fe-C Melts: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study,', Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy, pp. 114 - 120
Wu C; Sahajwalla VH, 2000, 'Dissolution Rates of Coals and Graphite in Fe-C-S melts in Direct Ironmaking: Dependence of Carbon Dissolution Rate on Carbon Structure - Communication,', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, pp. 215 - 216