Select Publications

Journal articles

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2000, 'Atomic optical clocks and search for variation of the fine-structure constant', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 61, pp. 345021 - 345023

Flambaum V; Boisseau C; Audouard E; Vigue J, 2000, 'Analytical correction to the WKB quantization condition for the highest levels in a molecular potential', European Physical Journal D, 12, pp. 199 - 209

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V, 2000, 'Atomic optical clocks and search variation of the fine-structure constant', Physical Review A, pp. 034502-1 - 034502-3

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Ginges JS, 2000, 'Calculation of parity and time invariance violation in the radium atom', Physical Review A, pp. 062509-1 - 062509-10

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Harabati C, 2000, 'Calculation of positron binding to silver and gold atoms', Physical Review A, pp. 042504-1 - 042504-7

Flambaum V; Izrailev FM, 2000, 'Excited eigenstates and strength functions for isolated systems of interacting particles', Physical Review E, pp. 2539 - 2542

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V, 2000, 'Off-diagonal hyperfine interaction and parity nonconservation in cesium', Physical Review A, pp. 052101-1 - 052101-6

Flambaum V; Kuchiev MY, 2000, 'Possible mechanism of the fractional-conductance quantization in a one-dimensional constriction', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, pp. R7869 - R7872

Flambaum V; Gribakin GF, 2000, 'Statistical theory of finite Fermi systems with chaotic excited eigenstates', Philosophical Magazine B, pp. 2143 - 2173

Flambaum V, 2000, 'Time dynamics in chaotic many-body systems: Can chaos destroy a quantum computer?', Australian Journal of Physics, pp. 489 - 497

Berengut JC; Flambaum V; Gribakin GF, 2000, 'Unusual statistics of interference effects in neutron scattering from compound nuclei', Physical Review C, pp. 024610-1 - 024610-8

Flambaum V; Gribakin GF; Harabati C, 1999, 'Analytical calculation of cold-atom scattering', Physical Review A, pp. 1998 - 2005

Flambaum V; Ponomarev IV; Sushkov OP, 1999, 'Calculation of the Exchange Constant in 2D Wigner Liquid', Australian Journal of Physics, pp. 845 - 858

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Gribakin GF; Harabati C, 1999, 'Calculation of the positron bound state with the copper atom', Physical Review A, pp. 3641 - 3647

Ponomarev IV; Flambaum V; Efros AL, 1999, 'Calculations of exchange interaction in the impurity band of two-dimensional semiconductors with out-of-plane impurities', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, pp. 15848 - 15857

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Webb JK, 1999, 'Calculations of the relativistic effects in many-electron atoms and space-time variation of fundamental constants', Physical Review A, pp. 230 - 237

Flambaum V; Murray DW, 1999, 'Dyons as a source of CP and time-reversal invariance violation: Electric dipole moments and K-meson decays', Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, pp. 2059 - 2069

Byrnes TM; Murray DW; Dzuba VA; Flambaum V, 1999, 'Enhancement factor for the electron electric dipole moment in francium and gold atoms', Physical Review A, pp. 1 - 2

Flambaum V, 1999, 'Enhancement of parity and time invariance violation in the radium atom', Physical Review A, pp. 60 - 63

Gribakin GF; Flambaum V; Ponomarev IV, 1999, 'Quantum chaos in many-body systems: What can we learn from the Ce atom?', Physica D - Nonlinear Phenomena, 131, pp. 205 - 220

Gribakin GF; Gribakina AA; Flambaum V, 1999, 'Quantum Chaos in Multicharged Ions and Statistical Approach to the Calculation of Electron-Ion Resonant Radiative Recombination', Australian Journal of Physics, pp. 443 - 457

Flambaum V; Zelevinsky VG, 1999, 'Radiation Corrections Increase Tunneling Probability', Physical Review Letters, pp. 3108 - 3111

Flambaum V; Sokolov VV, 1999, 'Realistic model of correlated disorder and Anderson localization', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, pp. 1 - 3

Webb JK; Flambaum V; Drinkwater MJ; Churchill CW; Barrow JD, 1999, 'Search for Time Variation of the Fine Structure Constant', Physical Review Letters, pp. 884 - 887

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Webb JK, 1999, 'Space-Time Variation of Physical Constants and Relativistic Corrections in Atoms', Physical Review Letters, pp. 888 - 891

Ponomarev IV; Flambaum V; Efros AL, 1999, 'Spin structure of impurity band in semiconductors in two- and three-dimensional cases', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, pp. 5485 - 5496

Ponomarev IV; Flambaum V; Sushkov OP, 1999, 'Spin-spin interaction and magnetic state of a two-dimensional Wigner crystal', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, pp. 4163 - 4169

Gribakin GF; Gribakina AA; Flambaum VV, 1998, 'Quantum chaos, statistical equilibrium and resonant radiative capture of electrons by multicharged ions: Au 24+', ArXiv,

Flambaum V; Gribakina AA; Gribakin GF; Ponomarev IV, 1998, 'Interaction-driven equilibrium and statistical laws in small systems: The cerium atom', Physical Review E, pp. 4933 - 4942

Drinkwater MJ; Webb JK; Barrow J; Flambaum V, 1998, 'New limits on the possible variation of physical constants', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, pp. 457 - 462

Flambaum V; Izrailev FM, 1998, 'Statistical approach to finite systems of interacting particles based on the structure of chaotic eigenstates', Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, pp. 830 - 837

Flambaum V; Gribakina AA; Gribakin GF, 1998, 'Statistics of electromagnetic transitions as a signature of chaos in many-electron atoms', Physical Review A, pp. 230 - 237

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Kozlov M; Porsev SG, 1998, 'Using effective operators in calculating the hyperfine structure of atoms', Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, pp. 885 - 895

Flambaum VV; Gribakin GF; Sushkov OP, 1997, 'Criteria for the onset of chaos in finite Fermi systems', ArXiv,

Flambaum V; Murray DW, 1997, 'Anapole Moment & Nucleon Weak Interactions', Physical Review C, pp. 1641 - 1644

Flambaum V; Murray DW, 1997, 'Discovery of an Electromagnetic Moment Violating Fundamental Symmetries: The Nuclear Anapole Moment', Australian and NZ Physicist, pp. 82 - 86

Flambaum V; Izrailev FM, 1997, 'Distribution of Occupation Nos in Finite Fermi Sys & Role of Interaction in Chaos & Thermalization', Physical Review E, pp. R13 - R16

Flambaum V; Spevak V; Auerbach N, 1997, 'Enhanced T-odd, P-odd Electromagnetic Moments in Reflection Asymetric Nuclei', Physical Review C, pp. 1357 - 1369

Flambaum V; Murray DW, 1997, 'Limits on Monopole Polarization Magnetic Field from Measurements of Electric Dipole Moments of Atoms, Molecules & Neutrons', Physical Review A, pp. 1736 - 1742

Flambaum V; Izrailev FM, 1997, 'Statistical Theory of Finite Fermi Sys Based on Struct of Chaotic Eigenstates', Physical Review E, pp. 5144 - 5159

Flambaum V; Murray DW; Orton SR, 1997, 'Time Invariance Violating Nuclear Electric Octupole Moments', Physical Review C, pp. 2820 - 2829

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Kozlov M, 1996, 'Calculation of energy levels for atoms with several valence electrons', JETP Letters, pp. 882 - 887

Auerbach N; Flambaum V; Spevak V, 1996, 'Collective T- and P-odd electromagnetic moments in nuclai with octupole deformations', Physical Review Letters, pp. 4316 - 4319

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Kozlov M, 1996, 'Combination of the many-body perturbation theory with the configuration-interaction method', Physical Review A, pp. 3948 - 3959

Dmitriev V; Telitsin VB; Flambaum V; Dzuba VA, 1996, 'Core contribution to the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment', Physical Review E, pp. 3305 - 3307

Flambaum V; Gribakin GF; Izrailev FM, 1996, 'Correlations within eigenvectors and transition amplitudes in the two-body random interaction model', Physical Review E, pp. 5729 - 5741

Kozlov M; Porsev SG; Flambaum V, 1996, 'Manifestation of the nuclear anapole moment in the M1 transition in bismuth', Journal of Physics B - Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, pp. 689 - 697

Dzuba VA; Flambaum V; Gribakin GF, 1996, 'Many-body calculations of positron scattering and annihilation from noble-gas atoms', Journal of Physics B - Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, pp. 3151 - 3175

Flambaum V; Gribakina AA; Gribakin GF, 1996, 'Narrow chaotic compound autionizing states in atomic spectra', Physical Review E, pp. 2066 - 2079

Vorov OK; Auerbach N; Flambaum V, 1996, 'Structure of low-energy collective O states in doubly manic nuclei and matrix elements of the P-odd and P-and T-odd weak interaction.', Physics Letters B, pp. 17 - 24

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