Associate Professor Frank den Hartog
Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Fields of Research (FoR): System and network security, Networking and communications, Cyberphysical systems and internet of things, Information security management, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Data communications, Network engineering, Wireless communication systems and technologies (incl. microwave and millimetrewave)
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Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Fields of Research (FoR): System and network security, Networking and communications, Cyberphysical systems and internet of things, Information security management, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Data communications, Network engineering, Wireless communication systems and technologies (incl. microwave and millimetrewave)
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Dr Deepak Mishra
Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Network engineering, Signal processing, Wireless communication systems and technologies (incl. microwave and millimetrewave), Circuits and systems, Engineering electromagnetics, Photovoltaic power systems, Electrical engineering not elsewhere classified, Power electronics, Machine learning not elsewhere classified, Optimisation, Electrical Engineering, Wireless Communications, Signal Processing, Computer Communications Networks, Circuits and Systems
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Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Network engineering, Signal processing, Wireless communication systems and technologies (incl. microwave and millimetrewave), Circuits and systems, Engineering electromagnetics, Photovoltaic power systems, Electrical engineering not elsewhere classified, Power electronics, Machine learning not elsewhere classified, Optimisation, Electrical Engineering, Wireless Communications, Signal Processing, Computer Communications Networks, Circuits and Systems
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Deepak Mishra received the B.Tech.

Associate Professor Chun Tung Chou
Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Molecular, biological, and multi-scale communications, Networking and communications, Pervasive computing, Network engineering
Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Molecular, biological, and multi-scale communications, Networking and communications, Pervasive computing, Network engineering
Associate Professor Chun Tung Chou is from the School of Computer Science and Engineering.