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Emeritus Professor Phil Waite

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Medical and Health Sciences
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Phil Waite is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW. She is now retired.
Dr Ze Yan Yu

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Fields of research: Foetal and adult Cardiac Physiology and heart disease models in both large and small animals.
Emeritus Scientia Professor Eugenie Ruth Lumbers

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Emeritus Scientia Professor Eugenie Lumbers (AM), is a conjoint professor in the School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW.
Emeritus Professor Rakesh Kumar

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Respiratory Diseases, Allergy, Pathology (excl. Oral Pathology)
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Qualifications: MB BS All-India IMS, PhD, MD UNSW, FRCPA (Hon), FFSc (FRCPA)
Dr Joanne Emily Joseph

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Research Interests:
Associate Professor Miriam Tania Levy

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Associate Professor Miriam Levy is a Gastroenterologist and Hepat
Associate Professor Nicholas Anthony Pocock

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Fields of Research: Osteoporosis, DXA, QCT
Professor Anne Margaret Keogh

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Fields of research:         
Professor Beng Hock Chong

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology
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High-impact research history spanning basic science research through to clinical research Prof Chong is a clinician sc