ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2022, 'Cracked and Broken: Eco-Sonic Vinyl Destruction', University of Montreal, presented at From Record to Art/The Record as Art, University of Montreal, 12 May 2022 - 13 May 2022
,2021, 'Material Sound', RMIT University, presented at More-than-sound, RMIT University, 20 September 2021 - 20 September 2021, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTRRaLv5Zht1D3t9HUoDZ9w
,2016, 'The Sound of (Dirty) Materials', University of Amsterdam, presented at Dirt, Punk, Trash, University of Amsterdam, 01 December 2016 - 01 December 2016
,2016, 'The Sound of Materials', Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, presented at XXIII Festival Internacional de Arte Sonoro y Musica Electroacustica, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, 17 November 2016 - 17 November 2016, http://www.upv.es/entidades/BBAA/infoweb/fba/info/979376normali.html
,2016, 'Walking and listening in the contemporary art gallery', University of Queensland, presented at Translational Research in Creative Practice, University of Queensland, 02 November 2016 - 02 November 2016
,2016, 'The Empty Sounding Gallery: Embodied Audiences in the Art Space', Melbourne, presented at Autotune Everything: Art and the Sonic, Melbourne, 18 August 2016 - 20 August 2016
,2016, 'Intervention and Isolation: Sound in Public Art Space', McGill University, Montreal, presented at Aisthesis and the Common: Reconfiguring the Public Sphere, McGill University, Montreal, 18 March 2016 - 19 March 2016
,2015, 'Noise in the Gallery', Universitat der Kunste Berlin, presented at die Reihe, Beitrage zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur, Universitat der Kunste Berlin, 16 July 2015 - 16 July 2016
,2015, 'The Empty Sounding Gallery: Embodied Audiences in the Art Space', University of Cambridge, presented at Sound Studies: Art, Experience, Politics, University of Cambridge, 08 July 2015 - 10 July 2015
,2015, 'Noise in the Gallery: Intervention and Isolation in the Gallery Arts', University of Amsterdam, presented at Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR), University of Amsterdam, 18 June 2015 - 18 June 2015
,2015, 'Dirt(y) Media in Australian Contemporary Art', UiT Tromsø, Norway., presented at ENCODE, Dept. of Culture and Literature and the Centre for Peace Studies, UiT Tromsø, Norway., 07 June 2015 - 07 June 2015
,2015, 'Dirt[y] Media', Goldsmiths, University of London, presented at Sonorities, Goldsmiths, University of London, 17 April 2015 - 17 April 2015, https://www.gold.ac.uk/calendar/?id=8528
,2014, 'Dirt[y] Media', Milan, Italy, presented at NECS 2014, Milan, Italy, 19 June 2014 - 21 June 2014
,2014, 'Listening: the practice of close listening within sound culture', UNSW, presented at Cultural Studies and the New Uses of Literacy Symposium, UNSW, 04 April 2014 - 05 April 2014
,2013, 'Dirty Media', Amsterdam, presented at Creative Imperfections, Amsterdam, 28 November 2013 - 28 November 2013
,2012, 'Glitching the Document', University of Wollongong, presented at Expanded Documentary Symposium, University of Wollongong, 06 September 2012 - 07 September 2012
,2011, 'Marginalia in the Sound Work of Joyce Hinterding and Christian Marclay [Keynote]', Whitechapel Gallery, London, presented at Marginalia: Towards an Invisible College, Whitechapel Gallery, London, 03 November 2011 - 03 November 2011